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What is analytical chemistry?

Analytical chemistry is a discipline in which knowledge about the nature and structure of matter
is collected, analysed and transmitted. It is a calculation science that consists of a collection of influential
ideas and techniques that are useful in science and medicine in all fields. Analytical chemistry
encompasses almost all aspects of chemistry, but involves the development of instruments and methods
for determining substances' physical properties and applying these techniques in a broad range of
environments to classify their qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of organisms.

What are the 2 major parts of analytical chemistry? Discuss each

The major parts of analytical chemistry are (1) Qualitative and (2) Quantitative Analysis. The assessment
of non-numerical knowledge concerning a species in the sample is a Qualitative Analysis. It relies
exclusively on the chemical identity of the material that will be used in the study. On the other hand,
Quantitative Analysis measures, in numerical terms, the approximate quantity of samples or analyses.
This is a common technique that is used to understand the kind of sample using a mathematical and
statistical method.

What are the steps of a typical quantitative analysis? Discuss each step

There are 5 steps of a typical quantitative analysis. These are picking a method, acquiring the sample,
processing the sample, eliminating interferences and calibration and measurement.

There are 5 steps of a typical quantitative analysis. These are picking a method, acquiring the sample,
processing the sample, eliminating interferences and calibration and measurement.

1. Picking a method is the first stage of the operation. In quantitative analysis, it is an important
step since a number of variables can be considered first-hand. Factors such as the level of
precision needed for the analysis, which will also speak about financial expenditure. The second
aspect is related to the number of samples, as it takes time in the process to collect, install and
calibrate the instrument. The last element is the sample complexity and the number of
components in the sample that often impact the sample.
2. Acquiring the sample means to produce a significant information. When getting a sample for an
analysis, it must be taken or performed on a sample whose composition represents the bulk of
material from which it was taken. These also includes analysing and determining it storage
process and substances.
3. Processing the sample. This phase requires various types of methods for processing the sample.
As this step is also the first step in preparation for further laboratory examination and analysis,
the sample will be subjected to a number of ways to collect data.

4. Eliminating Interferences. When you’re samples are to be under inspection together its other
component such as chemicals and temperature to determine the result you want to have. Interferences
that cause damage to the research should be removed. Before it is made, the samples or final sample
for observation should be separated in a protected environment away from any intrusion.

5.Calibration and Measurement. The final calculation of a physical or chemical property of the analysis
relies on all analytical findings. The property calculation is strictly proportional to the concentration.
Determine K, which is an essential step for calibration to be efficient.

6. Calculating Results. These calculations performed on the data gathered relatively important to any
analysis and studies performed. Although, calculating results may cause a lot of error but with the help
of technologies available computing the data may be easier and faster than doing the manual work.

7. Evaluating Results by Estimating their reliability. Any analytical studies are incomplete without
verifying the reliability of your results. Determining its reliability provides you certainty and support to
your motivation of the study you choose.

What are the roles of analytical chemistry to medical courses especially in your field?

Medical Technology works in a clinical laboratory with chemicals, machinery and medical
samples. Analytical chemistry on the other hand is a science that deals with chemical substances. In the
field of medicine, analytical chemistry helps medical technologies perform out procedure to determined
and analyse blood, phlegm , urine, bacteria, viruses and other sample. Through working on the clinical
laboratory, analytical chemistry helps us understand the origin of diseases and its component. Also, it
helps us determine on how to contaminate diseases .

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