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3/5/2021 Nick Vujicic | MY HERO

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Nick Vujicic
by Kaitlyn from San Diego

Nick Vujicic smiling from the cover of his book. ( ())

Nick Vujicic smiling from the cover of his book. ( ())

Nick Vujicic once said "No arms, no legs, no worries". Nick Vujicic is a hero who inspires others to overcome obstacles no matter who they are. He was born on December 4, 1982
without any limbs but a bright and heroic future ahead. He has no arms or legs but at the end of his thigh he has a small foot-like limb, he calls his 'chicken leg'. Little did
he know his foot would give him the abilities to do anything he sets his mind to. At the age of ten, Vujicic tried to commit suicide because his classmates bullied him about his
disability. After many failed attempts, he realized what he was doing mindless. Now Vujicic speaks to help young adults across the world realize the endless possibilities. To be a
hero one must be never give up on their goals and have the mindset to achieve whatever they desire in life. A hero should be comfortable with accomplishments so far, and
successes they will continue to achieve in the future and comfortable with the person they are. Finally, a hero should be able to motivate others to beat life's obstacles
and help them realize anything can be possible. Nick Vujicic resembles a hero for those reasons; not only for surviving with his disabilities but because he never gives up on life
goals, he grew comfortable with his own skin, and he motivates other to overcome challenges life brings them.

Vujicic never gives up and that makes him a hero. Despite others opinions, Vujicic pushes his limits in order to achieve his goals. He was born with a rare disease and no medical
explanation. "Vujicic, 29, who suffers from the rare condition tetra-amelia syndrome, turned his life around after suffering depression related to his disability as a child when
he realized he had the ability to inspire others"("Life is a beach for Newlywed"). As he realized his ability to inspire others; he never looked back and never gave up, his
perseverance kept him going and now he has become extremely successful and lives life to the fullest.  Vujicic never gave up on his dream of becoming a motivational speaker
and this determination drove him to achieve that dream. Vujicic hit a turning point in his life at age ten; "As a child, he was bullied extensively and attempted suicide. His faith and
determination ultimately helped him to overcome the bullying"(Burns). Vujicic tried to end his life because he wanted to end the bullying at school. When
he became unsuccessful, he realized he learned a lesson. Vujicic learned why he was put on Earth and he believed he was born to show others you can live with a disability or any
challenge. Vujicic became a stronger person after his downfall and ultimately rose even higher than anyone would imagine.

Nick Vujicic is appreciative for what he was given and is comfortable with

Nick Vujicic speaking. ( ())
everyone seeing the real him. He never wanted fake limbs because
he embraced himself and it gives him pride to say he can live without
them. Even with no limbs, Vujicic has no fear or embarrassment of going on
Nick Vujicic speaking. ( ()) stage and speaking in front of tons of people. Some even say he makes fun of
himself during his speeches. Vujicic inspires millions of people to not be afraid
or embarrassed of themselves. He gets up on stage every day to let the world embrace his story. "His previous books have been translated into
32 different languages, and he has spoken in 54 countries, sharing his message with an estimated 400 million people during his 2013 world tour
outreach" (Burns). Every day Vujicic's goal becomes to touch someone emotionally in the audience. Vujicic speaks in front of millions of people
and explain his life to strangers around the world to achieve this goal. For some people, speeches give us great fear but we have to imagine the
life of Nick Vujicic. He has to speak in front of thousands of people without any limbs and everyone wondering why. Vujicic has no shame of
who has become or what he looks like. He embraced the stares and weird glances and instead he wants everyone to know his story. "I have no
arms and no legs, yet I am complete and lacking nothing"(Jothen). Some might say he is not capable of doing anything, or that he is
missing what everyone needs. To Vujicic, this is not something he is missing but a attribute that has made him stronger. He doesn't want anyone
to feel bad for him because he knows life is not going to stop for him. His comfort allows him to manage everything on his own and showing the
world that his capability to fulfill anything. Vujicic wants others to see that he is normal inside and can do anything he sets his mind
to. Vujicic is not afraid to be in front of thousands upon thousands of people and tell the story of his life; this makes him an inspiring hero.

Another trait the Vujicic possesses is he can motivate and touch almost everyone he meets. He used everything God gave him to his advantage
he has and done great things that would be impossible for others. "While Nick has no limbs, he has two toes on his left foot that assist him in
certain activities: He can get a glass of water, comb his hair, type, hit a golf ball and shave. `But that's all boring compared to skydiving, scuba
diving, horse riding, swimming [and] surfing'"(Jothen).Without limbs he is still able to accomplish many things doctors told him were going to be
impossible.  His father put him into a normal school and he excelled since then. He motivates others to overcome obstacles the same way he did
and inspires children across the world that you can overcome challenges with the right mindset. Vujicic accomplished many successful things in
his life even with a disability against him; "Vujicic was born with no arms and no legs and is president and founder of the nonprofit organization
Life Without Limbs"(Burns). Vujicic motivates others and teaches people that anyone can do anything they set their mind to. Even with no limbs,
Vujicic found a way to start his own organization to help others with their own disabilities. Vujicic knows the struggle of living without limbs and 1/3
3/5/2021 Nick Vujicic | MY HERO

he wants to help those around him see the light at the end of the tunnel. He shows us no matter where you come from anyone can make an
impact on the world. Vujicic continues to motivate everyone surrounding him and shows them the endless possibilities in life. The passion and
success in his job to motivate others makes him an amazing hero.

Overall Vujicic is an amazing
hero for never giving up on Nick Vijicic speaking in Vietnam. (http://davidknapp
his goals, showing the
world he is comfortable with
himself, and being Nick Vijicic speaking in Vietnam. (http://davidknapp
motivating to others around
the world to overcome challenges like him. Vujicic continues to do great things for those in his community and even more. His ability to
not be afraid or care what he looks like helps him in spreading his message of hope. Finally, he motivates others to see a new perspective on life
and life it to the fullest. Nick Vujicic inspires me to become a greater help to others with disabilities. He shows me with the help of friends and
family anyone can become something great in the world. He is living proof to me anything is possible if you set your mind to it. He
also showed me the little things we take for granted are some of the biggest life changers for others. Now I know how fast and sudden things are
taken away and how grateful I should be for everything I have. You never know what life will give you, but if we make the best of it life
can be wonderful.


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Page created on 5/22/2014 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/22/2014 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily re ect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The
MY HERO Project and its staff.


Related Links

Life Without Limbs (


Jeremy, Burns. "Evangelist Nick Vujicic Offers Hugs in Times Square to Support Anti-Bullying Campaign..

Jothen, Tiffany. "Nick Vujicic: Running the Race With No Legs.". 2/3
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