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Centennial College Corporate Communica0ons & Public Rela0ons

Field Placement Learning Plan


Field Placement Organiza?on : HOPE AIR


Iden?fy at least four specific objec?ves for your Field Placement. You will review these objec?ves with your Supervisor during the
first week of your placement. Discuss the learning opportuni?es available, projects you will be working on, and how you might meet
your objec?ves. You will then finalize and submit your Learning Plan to your Supervisor and Program Coordinator.

To complete your Learning Plan, take each objec?ve and ask:

• What can I do (objec?ves)

• How can I do this (steps to aWain goal/objec?ve)
• What do I need to do this? (resource requirements)
• How will I know when I have succeeded (measure of success)
Learning Objec0ve Steps to a=ain objec0ve Resource Requirements Measures of Success
(with dates if appropriate) (if applicable)
- Wri?ng news releases and - Research is mandatory. - Access the charity’s -The success rate can be
backgrounders for Hope Air. Before wri?ng the release, I documents that had an excel evaluate don the basis of the
- Make the first dra\ and run it did a lot of reading about sheet with the names of the coverages it gets in the
by the supervisor Give Hope wings. council members. different outlets and media
- Make the final changes. - Collected bios from the pla`orms.
advisory council and the
pilots. Did follow ups.
- social media posts related to - Conduct research and - Check the previous posts on -Likes, shares, and reposts on
media events and stories. develop the key messages, the handles and the content the digital pla`orm can show
- Video Edi?ng footages send it to the supervisor. posted. the engagement rate and
- Come up with catchy tagline - Assess the engagement rate par?cipa?on of users. Using
that would draw the and find tac?cs and Meltwater, Cision, Google
aWen?on of the reader on strategies to implement Analy?cs, etc.
social media more engagement. - Create 2 video samples.
- Key words put into short - Keep extra footage handy
- For edi?ng, Watch the clips
thoroughly and mark the in
and out points which will be
used. Use Audio that will suit
the event.
- Edit the footages
-Social media calendar - Develop the content for the - Check the posts that were - Execu?on of the plan and
handles. posted previously. mee?ng deadlines.
- Conduct a research - Language that was used - Engagement rate of the users
- Script the social media - Maintain consistency on the throughout the campaign.
messaging page
- Use the same format, colours
and same language.
Contac?ng media rela?ons. - Regular follow ups with - Create a media list How many media person
How to reach out to media journalists, pa?ents and - referring to a media list revert back. It is important to
with story ideas. Need to know pilots. - Confirmed persons should be write the story idea in a catchy
what’s her take and what she - Remain pro ac?ve highlighted on the list. way that would make the
was going to speak to media - Pick up the phone media person look at it.
Learning to keep logis?cs in - Conduct research and having - Go into the company’s Staying at the top of the
line and being organized. the knowledge to everything documents and find the interview or conversa?on.
important history, dig up on any Knowing what the call or
- By keep everything ready in informa?on on the person or interview is about and being
mul?ple tabs for reference company. able to answer any ques?ons
- Sending documents prior to will makes it a success.

Student Signature ___________________________ Supervisor Signature __________________________ Date: September 03, 2020

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