XaOny3KkEemYoA6JRCzeXg ParticiplesPractice

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Participles  Practice    
Practice  A:    Look  at  the  underlined  word  in  each  sentence.    Is  it  being  used  as  a  
participle  adjective  or  a  verb?  
1. When  I  was  a  child,  history  bored  me.      
2. That’s  an  interesting  idea.      
3. This  soup  is  disgusting.      
4. The  disgusted  customer  asked  the  server  to  take  the  terrible  food  away.      
5. Please  stop  complimenting  me.    You’re  embarrassing  me!      
6. Blushing,  the  embarrassed  man  apologized.      
7. After  a  long  day  of  work,  I’m  exhausted.      
8. I  was  frightened,  so  I  ran.      
9. The  snack  satisfied  my  hunger.      
10. I  became  a  zoologist  because  animals  have  always  fascinated  me.      
Practice  B:   Select  the  correct  word  for  each  sentence.  
1. We’re  [boring/bored].    There’s  nothing  to  do.  
2. Sometimes  when  I  watch  the  news,  I  am  [disgusting/disgusted]  by  the  terrible    
things  that  people  do.  
3. Can  you  tell  me  more?    I  am  [interesting/interested]  in  your  ideas.  
4. I  couldn’t  pay  for  my  groceries  because  I  had  forgotten  my  wallet.    How    
5. I  need  a  break.    Carrying  this  furniture  is  [exhausting/exhausted].  
6. Some  people  find  spiders  [frightening/frightened].  
7. This  is  [tiring/tired]  work.  
8. It  was  so  [terrifying/terrified]  that  I  couldn’t  move.  
9. Oh!    I  didn’t  see  you  there.    You  [startling/startled]  me.  
10. It  was  such  a  [fascinating/fascinated]  movie  that  I  watched  it  several  times.  

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