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Passage 4:

Saving money for retirement has been a matter of concern of many

people especially after retiring is an essential habit in our lives. As a
result, some people say that it’s completely their responsibility to save
money when they reach retirement age. Personally, I agree with this
view point because being financially independent is good for both the
society and the individuals.

Firstly, when individuals have to take care of their own life after
retirement, they are likely to manage their finance more prudently.
Particularly, they will learn to put aside some savings in case of rainy
days from a young age. Another thing people do is cutting down on
extravagant spending. Take my grandparents as a telling example. Both
my grandmother and grandfather worked hard from the age of
twenties. As a result, both of my parents don’t have to worry or provide
them any financial support. They are living a peaceful life and are able
to spend money without hesitation. Once senior people are financially
sufficient, they might have more peace of mind.

Secondly, the financial independence of seniors is also good for the

society. The first point is their children have more time to take care of
themselves and don’t have to look after them on a daily basis. Another
benefit is the government saves a lot of the state budget on the social
welfare for the elderly.

In conclusion, being financially independent is beneficial for both

themselves and the society.

Passage 6:
Many sports stars have huge incomes. However, some people think
that sport starts are paid way too much than they truly deserve.
Personally, I disagree with this view for the following reasons.

Firstly, the income awarded to high-profile sportsmen is justified for

their exceptional efforts to become the champion. Particularly,
professional athletes spend up to 10 hours a day for training, which is
much greater than average work hours of a worker. For instance, when
we find it quite alluring summing up the yearly earning of Lionel Messi,
the football sensation from Argentina, we forget to think about
thousands of tiring training hours to made it to the national team.

Secondly, the high income is to compensate for the short career span
and the extreme risks encountered by professional sport players. For
example, normal people work until they’re 60 years old. For sports
stars, the number only stops at 30, due to their body ruined by injuries.

And last but not least, leading sportsmen can bring fame and name to
their country. Take Usain Bolt, an Ethiopian runner as an example. With
his flag being waved in the Olympic Games, his country has become a
lot more well-known.

In conclusion, all the above points fortify my opinion that people in

entertainment business receive a payment that they deserve.
Nonetheless, other professions which involve high risk, responsibilities
and skills, should also be paid well so as to attract and keep the
required talent motivated enough to choose these fields as their
possible career.

1. People aged 18-24 were the most likely to watch TV on

smartphone, at 80%.
2. Substantially more people aged 35-44 watched TV on smartphone
than people aged 55-64, at 60% compared to 28%.
3. Watching TV on smartphones was the most unpopular with
people aged 65+, at 15%.
4. People aged 18-24 watching TV on smartphone outnumbered
people aged 25-34 by a small margin, at 80% against 70%.
5. Watching TV on smartphones was over twice as popular with

people aged 25-34 as those aged 55-64, at 70% compared to 30%.

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