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MATRIEMATICS MATH 302 IONE THEL (1-1) Some Fundamental Concepts (1-2) Limit at Point (1 ~3) Properties of Limits (1-4) The left-hand limit and right-hand limit (1-5) Indeterminate form of type zero over zero (1-6) L'Hopital’s Rule (1-7) Limit at Infinity (1-8) Indeterminate form of type <- <0 (1-9) Indeterminate form of type infinity over infinity (1-10) Limits at Infinity for Exponential Function Technical College in Dammam Jaffer AL- Omran Introduction: The notion of a limit is a fundamental concept of calculus. In this unit, we will learn how to evaluate limits. Sometimes we will use a table to estimate the limit numerically. Both sequences and series depend on limits. (1-1) Some fundamental concepts Suppose that zis a moving point on the real numbers line and a is a fixed point on the real numbers line = rr a we have some fundamental concepts Definition of approaching from the left : We say x approaches a from the left and we write x a” ifthe valuesof x arelessthan a and get closeto a 0 <_—______» "5 44 4, > +0 x a Example: Let xis a moving point on the real numbers line giving by X=x, = “ar .where n=1,2,3, we can calculate the values of x in the following table 29 2.98 | 2.997 | 2.9996 | wm ie we will draw the moving of x on the real numbers line x1 I Ow 2.9000 2.9800 2.9970 20986 3 Now note that x gets close to 3 from the left that means x3” Definition of approaching from the right : We say x approaches a from the right and we write x > a” ifthe values of x aregreaterthan a and get closeto a VE NE ™ gr eo tt a x Example: Let xis a moving point on the real numbers line giving by x=x,=3+— ,where n=1,2,3 10" we can calculate the values of xin the following table jx | 3a 3.02 | 3.003 | 3.0004 | ---- >? we will draw the moving of x on the real numbers line L£\NL NS: 3 3.0004 3.0030 3.0200 3.1000 Now note that x gets close to 3 from the right that means x3" Definition of approaching : We say x approaches a and we write xa if x>a* or xa. (1-2) Limit at Point The limit ofa function f(x) is L as x approaches a and we write lim F(x) =L, means that as x get closer and closer to a then the values of f(x) get closer and closer to L. That is, we can make f(x) arbitrarily close to L by choosing x very close to a. Ifno such Lexist, we say that the limit does not exist. (1-3) Properties of Limits 1. If fG) isa polynomial function then: lim £02) = fla) lim c=c Where c is a constant . limk- f()=k-lim (x) Where k is a constant . lim[/(a)£ (x)= Lim f(2)t lim g(x) tim £0): 96) =Liga £6) 9(2) Se) _Im se) & te g(x) limg(x) where lim g(x) #0 7. tim YFG) = where x is restricted to a void even roots of negative numbers. Exercise : Evaluate the following limits © tin) 2) lim (4) @) lim @x+3) (4) lim(2? ~3x+8) (5) lim Gx? -8x+5) (6) tim cos(x) (7) lim sings) =| ots 9) i OI es Eas 3 (10) tim Vx? +2045 ime (1) lim e (12) lim In@x+1) (1 —4) The left-hand limit and right-hand limit The let The left-hand limit of function f(x) as x approaches a from the left is equal to L denoted by : hes means that as x get closer and closer to a from the left then the values of f(x) get closer and closer to L. That is, we can make f(x) arbitrarily close to L by choosing x very close to a from the left. Ifno such L exist, we say that the limit does not exist. On other words the values of f(x)can get as close to L as we like by taking values of x sufficiently close to @ such that xa. Theorem : lim S(x)=L if and only if tim, f(@) = lim fab Result : If lim f(2)# lim f(@) then the limit lim f(x) does not exist . ‘We will use the left-hand limit and right-hand limit to calculate the limits for a compound function. Exercise: Consider f(x) isa function given by 2x43 x21 f(x) = 3x+7 x mt 3x+6 3 3 a 2 x +2x-3 I +20)-3_0 indeterminate form xn Pt ) lim By using L'Hopital's rule we get 2x42 _ 242 _4_ ox a0) 2 indeterminate form (1-7) Limit at Infinity Definition : We say x approaches infinity and we write x > +0 if the values of x become larger and larger without bound. Example: Let xis a moving point on the real numbers line giving by x=x,=10" ,where n=1,2,3,... we can calculate the values of x in the following table x| 10 | 100 | 1000 | 10000 | >? we will draw the moving of x on the real numbers line WOON. 10 100 1000 10000 that means x—> +00 Definition : We say x approaches negative infinity and we write x > -«© if the values of x become larger and negative and more larger and negative without bound. Example: Let xis a moving point on the real numbers line giving by x=x,=-10" ,where 1=1,2,3,..00 we can calculate the values of x in the following table x] -10 | -100 | -1000 | -10000 >| we will draw the moving of xon the real numbers line ces reacts -10000 1000-100 -10 that means x>-« Definition : dim, f(@)=L means that (2) is as close to L as we want provided x is large enough. Definition : Jim, f(x)=L means that f(z) is as close to L as we want provided x is small enough. Example: By using the tables estimate the following limits @ lim L rote y @ Jim 1 sey Solution: @ lim i she We need a table with two rows 10 100 i 1000 | 10000 0.1 0.01 | 0.001 | 9.0001 | ee ee KO oe 0 00001 0.0010 0.0100 0.1000 Now note the values of the funetion 1 get x a close to zero that means lim wore x (2) lim, A xen y We need a table with two rows | 10 | 100 | -1000 | -10000 =0.1 | -0.01 | -0.001 | — 9.0001 HEE eters cts ect Ps ter -0.1 -0.01 —0.001 -0,0001 0 Now note the values of the function 1 get ¥ 1 | close to zero that means lim —=0 xe Theorem: If n is a positive number , then Provided that x" names a real number for negative values of x. Exercise: Evaluate the following limits: © tim + ae @) lim @x+5) (4) Jim (4x+100) (S) lim Gx? +4x—8) (© lim Gx+8)- (2x47) a3x45 (7) lim (8) li Oe? © aes ° tim ==? ao tim 4. ore x43 Solution: () tim + ste y (4) lim (4x +100) = -4(-20) +100= 20 +100= 20 6) lim Gx? +4x-8) = 3 +4(2)-8=0 © Jim, Gx +8)-(2x+7)= [3-29 +8 }[ -2-99 +7 ]=-c0-00= —3(o)+5 _ Se 6 3e)+5 2 (8) fio x0 3x45 2x-7_Ao)-7_ = = 5 © lim ~0 4 4.04 10) lim 4. =—4_ 0) fn -ei3 (1-8) Indeterminate form of type «-2 ‘The limit lil f(x)—g(2) ] isan indeterminate form of type 20-00 if lim f(@)=@ and lim g(@) = 0. Exercise: Evaluate the following limits @ lim (4x? -5x+3) (2) jim (3x? 2x44) Solution: o lim (2? 5x +3) =4(o0)? -5{0)+3=00-20 indeterminate form oo, : 5x 3 lim(4x2 ~5x+3)=limdx’| 1-5 45 me me 4x6 4? = limax (1-243. aad 4x aes Z| Hoo) Ao)" =4(«o}' - (1-0+0) =4 (co) + ()=4 (eo) == 00 @) fim Gx? +2e+4) =3C)' +2(-«)}+4=c0-« indeterminate form Bx? +2x+4) = i w(e2s4) ae 3x 3x? 2 2 4 anes (15's) =3(-o) - 1+0+0) =3(-cof- ()=3(-30) 20 Theorem: If f(x) =a, x" $y XH ee HX My » 4, #0 Is a polynomial function then dim, f) = lim a x" im.4, proof: lim f(x) xot@ The limit of polynomial function as x approaches infinity is equal to the limit of the leader term. Exercise: Evaluate the following li @ Tim (4x? -5x+3) Q) lim Gx? +2x+4) @) lim (-2x° +6x* —Tx+1) Solution: © limes? ~5x+3)=4(0)* = 3(cc) +3=c0-co indeterminate form i _ | Byapplying the last theorem Jim (4x? ~5x-+3) = lim4x? (oo)? = 0 (2) lim Gx? +2x+4)=3(-«9) + 2-2) +4=c0-o0 indeterminate form lim Gx? +2x+4)= lim 3x? py applying the last theorem =3(-o0)? - =0 @) lim(-2x° + 6x" -2x+1) =-2(00)? + 6(00)* —7(00) +1 =%-9 Indeterminate form é nee cs 3 lim (22° + 6x7 —Tx+1)=lim— 22 5y applying the last theorem =e) (1-9) Indeterminate form of type ~ over 2 Thetimit lim ie isan indeterminate formof type @ if lim /()=0 and Tim g(x) =< Exercise: Evaluate the following limits eo 2x? +3244 1) lim ——— © SS e8e41 Solution: 2x? 43x44 20)" +3()+4_© Indeterminate form lim, = oo = X9® 5x7 48xt1 Slo) +Blo)+1 © o by dividing the numerator and denominator by highest power of x of denominator we get : (ox? st i 2x? +3x44 L x xe 5x = ah x +8r+ 1 (® ee!) 23,4 ww o)_0+0+0_0 8 ‘) 5+0+0 5 indeterminate form ~ by dividing the numerator and denominator by highest power of x of denominator we get : (3) fi SEA MOT +4 |= indeterminate fortn x2 axed 4(o) +1 2 by dividing the numerator and denominator by highest power of x of denominator we get : nl f(x) = ay x" 0,4 % and we FAX+A, 5 a,#0 g(x)=b x +b, xml. +b xt+b, , b #0 0 if nm to The limit of rational function as x approaches infinity is equal to the limit of leader term of numerator over the leader term of denominator Exercise: Evaluate the following limits z 2 () Jim 28 +3844 Q) lim 24 59 Sx? +8x+1 xa Tx? 1 «6x? - 7x44 «4x? +5x—2 @ Jin —__ @ lim >——— xe 4+] 290 3x? 9047 3 (5) lim ———— © 8 31049 Solution: 2x 43x44 2w)P+3O)+4 im, AE indeterminate form BO® 5x° + 8x41 (0) + B(o+1 wo @ 2xt 43x44 2x? lim 2 = tim = = by using the last theorem 398 Sx) 48rt1 OP Sx° Oe ere Catte So = lim xe Sy oan 5.0 Bx +4 3(-w) +4 39% 7x? 1 7(-00)* =1 (2) indeterminate form by using the last theorem @) lim 6x°-Tx+4_6(«)' -7@)+4_ 2-0 aaa indeterminate form haga 4(0) +1 % jn OX LTE*4 _ jj, OF by using the last theorem ree et]. 27 Ax Ax? +5x— 4) tim, ore fates 7 ee indeterminate form 2 2 4x_45=2_ jig 4 by using the last theorem 29 3x? Ov 47 9" 3x7 . 4 4 = jim ==> x03 3 x 2 @ foo eee indeterminate form a 3 lim — = lim; 7% Bx’ —10x+9 miehy (1-10) Limits at Infinity for Exponential Function Example: By using the tables estimate the following limits © im?" @ jim)" Solution: © Jim 2° We need a table with two rows x | 10 100 | 1000 | 10000 |= 2+ | +0 pal 1024 Now note the values of the function 2* become larger and larger without bound that means Jim, 2* = +00 2) lim We need a table with two rows x | 10 | 100 | 1000 | 10000 | | >+0 Gy Now note the values of the function (4}* get 30 close to zero that means lim (+ ‘Theorem: (If a>1 then: pam (2)If 01 then: Hee =o (2)If O , mmm , 1, 0° 5 Oxc0 and x® 0 oO Another form of L'Hopital's Rule if limZ2—2 then fim £2) tim £9 598 g(x) © 298 g(x) 77° B(x) where lim g(x) #0 Exercise: Evaluate the following limits (lim 3 © lim mr eX 4] @) tim 8 @ tims we x92 2e*— Solution: . 2x43 _ 0 @) lim -——~=— Indeterminate form eo By using L'Hopital's rule we get 2 =— Indeterminate form By using L’Hopital's rule we get lim ——= lim £-= lim 1=1 fin sy ine @) lim 724° == Indeterminate form By using L'Hopital's rule we get 45x43 _ 3° 2245 _% Indeterminate form 3*xIn@) % lim. lim By using L'Hopital’s rule we get 2x45 im See Lene eo #7? 3x In) “°° 3* xIn@)xInG) © Technical and Vocational Training Corporation KINDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Technical College in Dammam gi Homework 2019-2020 Second semester First Question ) ) ( ) (1) If xa" then x>a (Q)If xa then x=a (3) @ is real number . Put (“)for the true statement or (*)for the false statement Second Question Choose A,B,C, D (2) Which isfaise: A. lim 5=3 eee ©. limcos(x)=1 Lim sin) = 0 (1) if xgiven by T 2.004 | 2.003 * 2.002 2.001 Then: A. xo? B. xt CC. x3r Third Question Evaluate the following limits 2) lim (+) (3) lim (2x? -4x+5) 4) lim [ # ~c0s(34) ] (6) Lim 2x? sin(x) (6) lim > x? 2x45 2x+h Evaluate the following limits olin Fourth Question: Consider g(x) is a function given by f@)= x2-2x-1 0 x<2 Find the limit of f(x)as xapproaches 2 ? Fifth Question Evaluate the following limits (© Jim x5) (2) tim, (+1) (-3x+2) coe @ fin @ jin (5) lim, (4x3 -5x? +6) © Jim (»° ~5x+2) () tim 3x?+2x+9 woe 47x +4 2 (8) lim 2558-2 IE 3xF 9047 (9) tim x0 3x? +5x—12 xe (10) Jim e* 0 wn (3) (2) im, (13) Jim 22+1 x98 x? 43x-1

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