Evaluation 1: 441146322 Mohsen Mubarak Albqomi

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Evaluation 1

Student ID: 441146322 Student Name: Mohsen Mubarak Albqomi

Exercise 1
The load number of a hydrodynamic bearing is given by

πe √ π 2 ( 1−e2 ) +16 e2
(1−e 2)2
Where e is the eccentricity ratio. Determine the value of N when e=0.8 .
>> e=0.8



>> N=(pi*e*sqrt(pi^2*(1-e^2)+16*e^2))/(1-e^2)^2



Exercise 2
Create a 3 x 1 vector B with all elements equal to 10

>> B=[10;10;10]

Exercise 3
Create a 1 x 5 vector C with elements equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively.
>> C=[1 2 3 4 5]
Exercise 4
Create 1-row vector D with element’s from 5 to 52 with step 2 by using the
appropriate operator

>> D=[5:2:52]

Exercise 5
1. Create the following matrix
1 2 3

[ ]
F= 1

>> F=[1 2 3;1 1 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]

2. find the transpose of F

>> F'
3. print on display the element F(1,4) of  F
>> F(1,4)
Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must
not exceed 3).
4. print on display the second row of F
>> F(2,:)
5. print on display the third column F
>> F(:,3)

Exercise 6
1. Create the following Matrices

1 2 3

[ ]
H= 1 1 3
7 8 9

10 20 30

J= 10 10 30
70 80 90 ]
>> H=[1 2 3;1 1 3;7 8 9]
>> J=[10 20 30;10 10 30;70 80 90]
2. Find the Matrix H+J
>> H+J
3. Find the Matrix H * J
>> H*J
4. Multiply H by J, element-by-element
>> H.*J

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