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The aim of linguoculturology is to study the methods which the language

embodies in its units, to keep and to transmit culture. The main task
of linguiculturology is to study and to describe language and culture in their

As the main purpose of linguoculturology V. N. Teliahighlights the

"identification "everyday" cultural and linguistic competence of the subjects of
the linguistic and cultural community on the basis of describing cultural
competencies, consistent with the conceptual content of language units of
different types and playable together with them in the processes of language and
thus carrying information about the total identity, cultural and linguistic identity
as part of a cultural mentality of society»

"The goal of linguoculturology is to explore and describe the Russian cultural

space through the prism of language and discourse and the cultural background
of the communicative space. The main goal of linguoculturology can be defined
as follows: linguoculturology is designed to identify, with the help and on the
basis of language data, the basic oppositions of culture, fixed in language and
manifested in discourse; reflected in the mirror of language and fixed in it the
ideas about the cultivated human spheres: spatial, temporal, activity, etc.;
ancient ideas that appear through the prism of language, correlated with cultural

The research goals and objectives of linguoculturology are largely correlated

with the scientific intentions already available in various fields of humanities,
including linguistics. Moreover, taken separately, these goals and objectives can
hardly be called purely linguistic and cultural studies, since this scientific
discipline has a complex multicomponent nature. Its components, borrowed
both from the classical sciences and from the modern ones, which in turn are in
the process of active development, are specific only in the system unity. The
researchers note that " in the end, the merging of the problems of linguistic
knowledge in one interdisciplinary field can lead to the fact
that linguoculturology can be spoken of not only as a synthesizing, but also as a
systematizing science."»
The goal of linguoculturology, in the opinion of V. A. Maslova, the study of the
ways in which the language embodies in its units, preserves and translates the
culture, the tasks to identify how culture participates in the formation of
linguistic concepts, or whether the cultural and linguistic competence of native
speakers exists in reality, as well as the conceptual apparatus are formulated
very widely. The author affirms the possibility of using a wide variety of
techniques and methods of research «from interpretative to psycholinguistic».
The most complete in modern domestic linguistics the theoretical and
methodological foundations of linguoculturology are set forth
in Vorobev's work Linguoculturology: Theory and Methods. The study was
carried out in the traditions of Humboldtianism: the study of a culture embodied
in the language is proposed to be carried out on the basis of the Sapir-Whorf
hypothesis, and the terminology introduced by
L. Weisgerber. Linguoculturology is considered as the theoretical basis of
linguistic culture; It is defined as «a complex scientific discipline of the
synthesizing type that studies the interrelation and interaction of culture and
language in its functioning and reflects this process as an integral structure of
units in the unity of their linguistic and extralinguistic cultural content through
systemic methods and with an orientation to modern priorities and cultural

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