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Creating Digital Media User Experiences


Optimise Digital Media Impact

Customer Experience
Understanding customer experience

Customer experience refers to the quality of their

interaction with the business. This needs to be
thought through strategically to ensure the
customer has the best experience. The business
needs to understand the customer's needs and
expectations to do this well.
 Touchpoints: any point where the user or consumer,
interacts with a business.
 Not just digital: all forms of interaction and communication
 Decisionand opinions about the product, brand or org are
formed at these points

Examine the Digital Touchpoints Infographic.

Customer Journey Map

Watch video
User Stories
A sentence to describe the user, their goals/needs
and the reason they have these needs.

As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that
< some reason >.

As a business traveler, the little things make a big
difference because John travels a lot.
Journey Map Examples

Go to:

How to create a journey map:


Think of your own journey as a customer that

your recently experienced.
Write up all the steps you took, from problem
recognition to post product evaluation.
Outline all the touchpoints between yourself and
the business/product. Include channel details.
Sales funnel

Consumer decision making process

Information Search *Post Purchase Post Purchase

Problem Recognition Purchase
& Evaluation Interaction Evaluation

Examine the Digital Touchpoints Infographic.


 Consider all the interventions the business can

take to improve customer experience as well as
business success
Activity: continued

 Nowoutline 3 extra interventions that could

have been added during your customer journey.
Assessment: Journey Map
Using the City Hopper Sue Customer Journey as a guide, create
a customer journey that includes social media touchpoints.
You must include:
 Persona name and their user story.
 Allthe steps in the customer’s journey between problem
recognition and post product evaluation
 Details of the touchpoints between customer and business,
including the channels used
 Opportunities for intervention to improve customer journey
(at least 3)
Organisational Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures are used for managing

communication with digital users. Policies guide

Victorian Dept of Justice: social media policy for

Compliance with Legislation, Regulation
& Policy
 IP laws
 Competition laws
 Australian Consumer Law
 Product liability regulation, warranties and
 Privacy regulation
 Codes of Practice
 The Spam Act
Online fraud

Any attempt to conduct fraudulent activities online, including

deceiving consumers into releasing personal information
It includes, among other things:
 setting up fraudulent profiles on social networking sites
 creating typo squatting sites based on common
misspellings of search engines or social networks
 using social networking sites to pose as charitable

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