Java Lab Task # 02: Instructions

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The University of Lahore, CS&IT Department

Java Lab
Task # 02
Start Date: 25/2/2021 Section: B Total Marks: 10

Due Date: 3/3/2021 (11:59 pm) Program: BSCS

1. Understanding the problems is part of the assignments. So, no query please.
2. You will be marked Zero if found any type of cheating.
3. Submit on
4. Only Group Leader will submit.
5. Submit all files in a .rar or .zip file.
6. Only 12 files (6 notepad files & 6 snippet of whole cmd screen) will be zipped.
7. Zipped folder name will be Group number i.e Group 0.
8. Notepad files name will be Task number i.e Task 0.
9. Snippet file name will be Task number (Screenshot) i.e Task 0 (Screenshot).
10. Subject of email will be Lab Task number (Group Number) i.e Lab Task 2 (Group 0).
11. No submission after deadline.

Simply write and execute Task 1, 2 &3. Implement Following code given in Task 4, 5 & 6. All
Questions must be solved on Notepad and cmd. Code on NetBeans will not be accepted. All
notepad with Screenshot of java and javac command on cmd will be included in a .zip or .rar

Task 1:
Task 2:

Task 3:

Task 4:

Implement linear search on this array = {1,9,7,0}. To count numbers greater

than 0.

Task 5:

Find all odd, even number from this array = {1,9,7,0}.and display them.

Task 6:

Apply do while loop on this array = {1,9,7,0} to count all elements.

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