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College Classes

Pre-Listening Exercise
What other information would you expect to hear during the first day of a class besides
the ones listed below?

• the name of the course

• the teacher’s name
• the class grading system

Listening Exercise
A. Listen to the recording and answer the questions.
The name of the class is ______.
Intercultural Communication

International Cooperation

Intercultural Commerce

The class meets from ______.

3:15 p.m. to 4:50 p.m.

3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

3:05 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

On average, how often will the class meet in the research lab during the
last part of the course?
three times a month

once a month

twice a month

If today is Tuesday, when should the textbook be available in the

on Wednesday
today after class

on Thursday

A student's grade is determined by a students' participate, quizzes, and

lab assignments

a research project


Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

• intercultural (adjective): occurring between two or more cultures
– In this class, we will discuss intercultural relationships and marriages.
• syllabus (noun): an outline of a course or class
– Please review the syllabus tonight, and we will review it tomorrow.
• be determined (verb): be the reason for a decision
– Your grades will be determined by your performance on quizzes and tests.
• midterm (test) (noun): an exam given at the middle of a school year
– The midterm will be next Monday, so please prepare.
• periodic (adjective): happening regularly over a period of time
– The teachers give periodic quizzes to check your understanding.
• objective (noun): a goal or purpose
– What are the main objectives of this class?

Post-Listening Exercise
Imagine that you are planning your university class schedule for the coming year. What
are at least three things you consider when choosing a particular class? What qualities
do you look for in the ideal teacher? Do you think attendance and participation should
be part of the classroom grade? Discuss these issues with a partner.

Online Investigation
Many students want to get online degrees or take classes online instead of attending
face-to-face courses at schools. Use the Internet to find a school where you can take
English classes. Then, answer these questions:

1. What is the name of the Web site where you can take classes?
2. What are the key features of that school?
3. Who are the teachers and what are their qualifications?
4. How much do classes cost?

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