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22/2/2021 Online Quiz

World War I and the Russian Revolution, 1914�1919 Self-Check Quiz

Lesson 2: World War I


Out of 10 questions, you answered 10 correctly with a final grade of 100%.

10 Correct 100%
0 Incorrect 0%
0 Unanswered 0%

1.Trench warfare consisted of

1. A.soldiers running from one ditch to the next.

B.troops digging ditches in which to kill their enemies.

C.generals ordering their soldiers to create trenches.

D.soldiers fighting the enemy from ditches.

2.What happened to the war on the Western Front as a result of trench warfare?

1. A.The Western Front became a stalemate.

B.The Schlieffen Plan succeeded on the Western Front.

C.The German side dug in, but not the Russian side.

D.The French defeated Germany.

3.Why was "no-man's-land" so dangerous?

1. A.The soldiers did not know where they were going when they tried to cross it.

B.Many soldiers were killed while crossing it.

C.Both sides claimed it as their own territory and fought over it constantly.

D.The French were determined not to let it fall to the enemy.

4.Which type of warfare is based on wearing down the other side with constant attacks and heavy losses?

1. war war

C.trench warfare

D.war of attrition

5.Why did both the Allies and the Central Powers welcome new allies to their side?

1. share the captured lands get more help in the battles

22/2/2021 Online Quiz slow down the fighting and have fewer casualties make more friends in the world community of nations

6.The United States entered the war largely over the issue of

1. A.Serbian independence.

B.trench warfare.

C.German use of zeppelins.

D.unrestricted submarine warfare.

7.The war became a total war in which wartime governments

1. A.maintained free-market prices.

B.set up planned economies.

C.reduced their powers.

D.deregulated prices, wages, and rents.

8.Governments controlled dissent and censored the news in order to

1. A.maintain high morale and support for the war.

B.punish war criminals.

C.defend their lands.

D.tell their citizens the truth.

9.What effect did the war have on women's jobs?

1. A.More jobs were created just for women.

B.Fewer women worked outside the home.

C.Women filled many jobs that men had held.

D.Women joined the military and lost their jobs.

10.The war aided the women's movement because

1. A.fewer men were at home to vote against it.

B.women had gained new independence during the war.

C.women's salaries were reduced when the men returned from the war.

D.more jobs were available after the war.


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