Employee Engagement A Review Paper On Factors Affe

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Employee Engagement: A Review Paper on Factors Affecting Employee


Article  in  Indian Journal of Science and Technology · May 2016

DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i15/92145

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4 authors, including:

Arti Chandani Mita Mehta

Symbiosis International University Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management, Symbiosis International University


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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(15), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i15/92145, April 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Employee Engagement: A Review Paper on Factors

Afecting Employee Engagement
Arti Chandani*, Mita Mehta, Akanksha Mall and Vashwee Khokhar
Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies (SIMS), Symbiosis International University (SIU), Range Hills Road,
Khadki, Pune – 411020, Maharashtra, India; arti.chandani@sims.edu,mita.mehta@sims.edu,
akanksha.mall2014@sims.edu, vashwee.khokhar@gmail.com

Background/Objectives:The objective of this article is to clarify what is meant by employee engagement and why it is
important (particularly with respect to its effect on employee retention and performance), as well as to identify factors that
are critical to its effective implementation.Methods/Statistical Analysis: For this study, researchers have used review
method. Under the process of review around thirty academic and popular research papers/ literature in the area of employee
engagement, researchers have come up with different factors which are mostly commonly mentioned in these research
papers. The review process aims at strengthening existing literature. After studying all the factors in each research paper,
authors have taken the findings.Findings:In this research paper, various factors have been discussed of engagements which
are at macro i.e. at organisational level and micro level i.e. at individual level. These variations in factors may arise due to
differences in individual and job characteristics, gender diversity; ethnic diversity etc. Suggestions presented in this paper
include different employee engagement approaches for new employees like strong induction programs, rigorous training
and development programme, certification programme and giving them a realistic job preview. The findings of this study
will be useful to any organisation, irrespective of the type of business, to construct strong employee engagement policy
with mix of all these factors of employee engagement. Managers can redesign the work and policy on the basis of the factors
presented in this paper would lead to happy workforce. This article will be ofvalue to anyone seeking better understanding
in employee engagement to improve organisation performance.Applications/Improvements:Study results has scope
offuture reference where by implementing various engagement factors and there by reduction in employee turnover and
improved productivity

Keywords:Engagement, Human Resource Strategies, Organisation, Performance, Retention

1. Introduction a daunting task in these unstable economic times. Many

surveys and studies are being conducted all around the
In this review we study about the various factors that world by several HR professionals to derive at conclu-
impact employee engagement in an organization. hese sions about the factors responsible for inluencing the
are also popularly known as drivers of engagement. Today engagement.
employee engagement has become a leadership priority Employee engagement can be deined in diferent
as they constantly seek for diferent methods to keep ways. An engaged employee is one who produces results,
their work-force engaged. he management is inding does not change job frequently and more importantly is
itself being tested every day on its capabilities to keep its the ambassador of the company at all times. he perfor-
employee engaged while also implementing the policies mance of an engaged employee as deined by Hay group is
deined. Employee turnover has taken diferent sectors in as follows “a result achieved by stimulating an employees’
the industry by a storm, as employees are found to be con- enthusiasm for work and redirecting it towards organi-
stantly switching jobs thus causing high attrition rates. zation success. his result can be achieved only when an
Hence employee retention and engagement has become employer ofers an implicit contract to the employees

*Author for correspondence

Employee Engagement: A Review Paper on Factors Afecting Employee Engagement

that demonstrate speciic positive behaviours which are efective management amongst other factors. However,
aligned with organization’s goals”. the indings also reveal that there is no one ixed model
An employee could also be found to be experiencing that shows the relevance and signiicance of the inluence
three diferent levels of engagement. He could be engaged, of all variables because diferent employees lay difer-
not engaged or disengaged. Engaged employees are those ent emphasis on variables impacting engagement. hese
who work with passion towards the organization’s goals. variations may arise due to variations in individual and
An employee who is not engaged is one who is seen to be job characteristics, gender diversity, and ethnic diversity
participating but not with passion and energy towards the etc6.It was also found that the variance between engage-
organization’s common goal. Disengaged employees are ment and leadership factors i.e., task orientation and
those who are unhappy at their work an act out of their relationship orientation showed considerable overlap7.
unhappiness. Engagement is also found to have three difer-
ent facets, Intellectual engagement that refers to dedication 2.3 Leadership
towards performing better at one’s job, afective engage- Employees show more engagement towards the
ment or feeling positive ater performing one’s job and organisation when they see themselves getting praised by
lastly social engagement which is involved in discussions their immediate managers, they have the leadership’s atten-
with others about enhancing work related improvements. tion (for example, one-on-one conversations)8. Leadership
dimensions that are found to be most inluential are
2. Review of Literature making up a good mentor or manager and articulation
of the vision. In case of entrepreneurial irms the lead-
During the course of research conducted all over the ership needs to be visionary, future oriented and should
world several factors have been found to afect the levels involve the employees in their vision in order to increase
of engagement of an employee in an organisation. A few employee engagement9. It was also found that a key driver
of them are discussed in the following work. to employee engagement is the employees thinking that
their leadership is committed.he quality of leader mem-
2.1 Career Development ber exchanges between supervisors and employees afect
Organisations with highly engaged employees provide the engagement levels of the employees10.
their employees with ample opportunities to learn skills,
develop abilities, acquire knowledge and reach their 2.4 Clarity of Company Values, Policies and
potential. Career development practises help organisa- Practises
tions retain talented employees and also provide personal HR practises and policies play an important role in
development opportunities. Employees tend to invest in deining the relationship between the employees and
companies that invest in them by planning for their career employers. It was found that there is no direct connection
development1. Career development is a global factor in between HR practices and policies and employee engage-
employee engagement2. Also adequate level of employee ment. In fact, it was revealed that the relationship among
development via training, skills and learning can result in HR practices and engagement is rather indirect. Two key
making employees more engaged with respect to the job factors are impacted by HR practises, the line manager
and the organisation3. behaviour and the person–job it. he actual relationship
exists between these two and employee engagement11.
2.2 Efective Management of talent Employees should be made to feel that their companies’
Employee engagement-friendly culture appreciates the values are clear and unambiguous in order to generate
diversity related to talents and skills that come in with higher engagement. Value it amongst other was also
the employees and prompts the employees to aspire for found to be an antecedent to employee engagement12.
and achieve the vision of future4. A talent management
strategy comprising of career planning, organisational 2.5 Respectful Treatment of Employees
support and incentives can result in high engagement and Research shows that successful organizations tend to be
reduced attrition levels in the organisation5. he Employee respectful also to their employee’s contribution to the
engagement is seen to be highly inluenced by one factor, organisation and qualities, regardless of the employees’

2 Vol 9 (15) | April 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Arti Chandani, Mita Mehta, Akanksha Mall and Vashwee Khokhar

job level. A culture wherein respect is valued results in pay structures also impact employee’s engagement level in
better engaged employees. A managers’ attitude of respect the organisation17. Also research done in the public sector
towards the employee and fair treatment of the employ- indicates that fair and equal treatment of the employ-
ees comprehends if a manager would listen to the ideas ees’ impact engagement levels. he employees having
or suggestions of the employee, or whether makes the greater sense of procedural justice have greater probabil-
employees feel valued or whether they can communicate ity of reciprocating it with higher levels of organization
efectively with the employees. Involvements that come in engagement18.
contact with normal practice play the role of motivators It was found that if the employees witnessed
and make the employees feel valued and thereby enhance informational and distributive justice as part of their
engagement13. performance appraisals they exhibited a sense of better
wellbeing and greater employee engagement. Greater
2.6 Company’s Standards of Ethical amounts of informational justice lead to more behavioural
Behaviours and cognitive engagement towards work with symptoms
of greater commitment and motivation, taking pride in
An organisation’s ethical standards contribute to
work and feeling of excitement for it19.
engagement of an employee. he way employees are pre-
pared to support the services and products of the company
depends on their perception of quality of the services 2.9 Performance Appraisal
and goods. Higher employee engagement is also linked Another important criterion for evaluating the
with higher levels of customer engagement. he image of engagement level of an employee is the fair rating of
the company as perceived by the employees also depicts the performance of the employee. An organisation fol-
the engagement levels of the employees. Organisational lowing an appropriate appraisal technique, known to be
citizenship behaviour also positively impacts employee unbiased and transparent, tends to show higher level of
engagement. employee engagement. Communication between man-
ager and employee regarding performance expectations
2.7 Empowerment and role clarity with respect to the employee’s role also
Employees feel that they should be able to express their increase engagement levels. Goal setting has a positive
views for decisions that might afect their functions. he inluence on employee engagement which in turn posi-
leadership of highly engaged workplaces makes a chal- tively impacts workplace optimism and lastly these results
lenging and trusting environment, wherein employees in positive impact on individual performance20.
are urged to disagree with prevailing orthodox practises,
to innovate and help the organization grow. he ability 2.10 Pay and Beneits
of employees to give their views to the senior manage- An organisation should have proper salary systems in place
ment also impacts engagement. It was also found that so as to motivate the employees to work in the irm. So as
control along with rewards and recognition and value to enhance the engagement level the employee has to be
it predicts employee engagement. It was also found that provided with speciic compensation &beneits. he three
higher commitment to supervisor enhances an employ- high-rated monetary incentives namely increased base
ees’ engagement levels which leads to higher learning and pay, cash bonuses, stocks or stock options. In order to use
inally to innovation at the workplace14. salary as an efective engager, the employer should attach
he employees feel empowered when they sense that it to jobs, performance, special or personal allowances,
their manager has an empowering style15 which in turn pensions, fringe beneits etc. Egalitarian pay structures
provides motivation and belongingness to the company impact employee’s engagement level. Incentives, intan-
thereby making him more engaged16. gible rewards and quality of leadership have stronger
relationship with the organization’s ability to produce
2.8 Fair Treatment highly engaged employees as compared to components
he employee’s engagement tends to be higher when the like base pay and beneits. An employee understands of
boss or superior provides them with equal opportunity for the strategies, programs and systems in place for compen-
advancement and growth for all employees. Egalitarian sation lead to greater level of engagement amongst them.

Vol 9 (15) | April 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Employee Engagement: A Review Paper on Factors Afecting Employee Engagement

2.11 Health and Safety 2.15 Communication

It has been found that the levels of engagement were A multinational organization in the ield of energy, had
correlated with the feeling of security while working. undertaken a leadership excellence project to build a tal-
herefore, all organizations must adopt suitable systems ent pipeline and manage capabilities that lead to highly
and methods for the safety and health of the employees. engaged employees. Also in a study of how reward pro-
Working hours and health and safety amongst other fac- grams impact employee engagement it was found that
tors were found to be precursors to employee engagement employee’s understanding of the strategies , programs
in case of the public sector as well. and systems in place for compensation lead to greater
level of engagement among them.Long-term engagement
2.12 Satisfaction starts with good communication between employer and
employees as well as among co-workers23.
Satisfaction is the stepping stone to engagement; therefore
it is important for an organisation to match the goals of
the job to the individual goals of the employee so that he 2.16 Nature of Job
can feel satisied about his job Employees with higher In a study conducted to discover the Antecedents and
levels of self-eicacy are more likely to be engaged when Consequences of engagement of employees in the pri-
it comes to work as it leads to a higher temperament vate sector companies using selected it is shown that job
to spend extra eforts and energy completing tasks and engagement and characteristics of a job are correlated
therefore greater absorption and involvement. Employees positively to engagement. Perceived organizational and
who are more eicacious are likely to govern their moti- supervisor support, recognition and rewards are corre-
vation by the means of setting ambitious goals and in turn lated positively to engagement measures in a signiicant
likely to being more engaged 21. It was also indicated that manner. Employee –customer identiication is a forecaster
the greater is the perceived similarity between the co- of job engagement24to link job engagement to employee
worker and employees age greater was the engagement customer identiication and organizational, orientation
when the satisfaction level were higher and the lesser was to customers acts as a necessary intervening efect.Jobs
the engagement when satisfaction was less22. can be made more satisfying by creating small wins for
the employee so as toincreases the levels of engagement25.
2.13 Family Friendliness Between work engagement and job demands there is an
existence of an inverted u-shaped relationship.26
It refers to an individual’s families’ inluence on his or
her work. Engagement comes into the picture when the
employee develops an emotional attachment with the 2.17 Organisation Politics
organisation as a result of the beneits provided for his he indings of the study on “Perceptions of organizational
family by the organisation. politics and hotel employee outcomes”27showed that the
perception of politics in the organisation impacts the
2.14 Talent Recognition employee’s engagement in a negative manner. Employees
who worked in a political environment displayed strong
Factors afecting job satisfaction and employee
negative emotions which in turn could be responsible
engagement were analyzed and in that it was found, in
for hindering their growth along with learning & devel-
most sectors, few non-inancial motivators are usually
opment. his could directly impact work engagement,
efective in building employee engagement in a long term.
which might result in negative job outcomes, lower orga-
he antecedent rewards and recognition is correlated
nizational commitment and greater turnover intentions.
positively with organizational engagement. hese ind-
ings imply that senior managers must design jobs in order
to let their employees to take pride in working and thus 2.18 Emotional Factors
giving them identity, autonomy constructive feedback Emotional aspects like rationality also come into the
and task signiicance, and to match the qualiications and picture in the discussion about drivers of employee
the current skills of these employees who are trained and engagement as they are linked to personal satisfaction
developed. and sense of inspiration. Family stress, work related stress

4 Vol 9 (15) | April 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Arti Chandani, Mita Mehta, Akanksha Mall and Vashwee Khokhar

and personal relationships also impact how engaged employees were reward schemes, communication activities,
employees are. Positive emotions have an afective impact team building and leadership activities.
on work engagementwas found from a study conducted It is important for irms to invest in good leadership
using psychology interventions positively to promote and management development programs, well designed
self-eicacy, positive emotions and engagement at work. communication based programs, sharing of vision and
mission and lastly creating opportunities for interaction.
2.19 Productivity he study implied those individuals who were more in
need or the ones who were exhausted at the baseline bene-
A positive relationship is found to exist between
ited more from a career management intervention. Hence
engagement of employees and organizational citizenship
the suggestions from the study derived were that positive
behaviour and a relationship of negative nature exists
psychology interventions can be used to target employees
between engagement of employees and counterpro-
that are disengaged or facing low engagement levels.
ductive work behaviour28.Engaged employees connect
Understanding the workforce proile is the foremost.
immensely with their tasks at work. hey constantly work
Secondly organizations need to help create meaning
hard towards goals that are required of their roles and
for employees in their work. his can be achieved by
tasks. hey also perform extra work out of their roles as
making the employee understand the link between his
they free-up resources as they accomplish their goals and
contribution of his work and the overall business goals.
eiciently perform tasks. However, when the employee
Working environment conditions like teamwork
possesses negative perceptions about his work he will more
and support also create an engaged workforce. Ensuring
likely be engaged in counterproductive work behaviour.
a good job it also leads to higher engagement levels.
Adequate level of employee development via training,
2.20 Personality Factors skills and learning can result in making employees more
High extroversion and low neuroticism leads to highly engaged with respect to the job and the organization. In
engaged employees. his was found by studying the other words, the more highly engaged the employee, the
relationship of perception of the support provided in more likely he or she will be to say positive things about
organizations with employee’s afective organizational the organization.29Management needs to pay attention
performance and commitment at his job. Factors like to creating right jobs; managerial interventions can be
supervisor’s support and feedback can afect the subor- conducted to create in individuals a sense of obligation
dinate’s determination and morale. he research sums further causing them to reciprocate with high level of
up the features of engaging jobs, followed by reviewing engagement. Jobs should be redesigned by management
individual personality traits that are exhibited by engaged to allow their subordinates to ind pride in their work.
employees which includes hardiness, high extraver- As per the study’s indings, employees who worked in a
sion, internal locus of control, low neuroticism, high political environment displayed strong negative emotions
self-esteem and active coping style. which in turn could be responsible for hindering their
growth along with learning & development. his could
directly impact work engagement, which might result
3. Discussion
in negative job outcomes, lower organizational commit-
here is no one ixed model that shows the relevance and ment and greater turnover intentions.Leadership also has
signiicance of the inluence of all these variables because strong inluence on employee engagement30.
diferent employees lay diferent emphasis on these vari-
ables impacting engagement. hese variations may arise due
4. Conclusion
to variations in individual and job characteristics, gender
diversity, ethnic diversity etc. Some of the suggestions in this he research also shows that that employee engagement
paper include diferent employee engagement approaches in turn results in decline in employees’ turnover inten-
for new employees like strong induction programs, rigor- tions and increase in innovative work related behaviour
ous training and development programme, certiication .Engaging employees is a long term task and cannot be
programme and giving them a realistic job preview. Some accomplished by one training program, no matter how
employee engagement activities proposed for the existing good its quality is. Organisations can improve engagement

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Employee Engagement: A Review Paper on Factors Afecting Employee Engagement

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