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2. Pharmacology
3. Microbiology-I(general micro + systemic bacteriology)
4. Behavioral sciences
5. Hematology-I (general hematology+ RBCs disorder)
6. Human genetics
Course contents

General Bacteriology:

● History and Scope

o Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Joseph Lister

● Bacterial Morphology
o Differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
o Distinguishing features of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites
o Function and structure of Flagella, Cell Wall, Plasma Membrane,
Mesosomes, Capsule, Slime Layer, Ribosomes, Cytoplasmic Granules,
Plasmids, nucleoid region
o Difference between cell wall of AFB, Gram Positive and Gram-Negative bacteria
o Protoplast and spheroplast & Spores

● Nutritional Requirements of Bacteria

o Growth requirements
o Gas requirements
o Accessory nutritional requirements
o Growth curve
o Factors influencing growth

● Media for Bacterial Growth

o Culture media – definition and function
o Common components of culture media for medical microbiology
o Types of media
o Difference between solid and liquid media
o Difference & usage of Basal media, Enriched media, Selective media, Enrichment
media, Indicator media, Selective + Indicator, Transport media, Storage media
o Preparation of Media
o Names, usage of different media

● Normal flora
o Concept of normal flora
o Normal flora of Skin
o Normal flora of respiratory tract
o Normal flora of intestinal tract
o Normal flora of genitourinary tract

● Classification and Identification of Bacteria

o on the basis of:
▪ Morphology
▪ Gram staining
▪ Requirement for oxygen
▪ Classification of medically important bacteria
o Scheme of identification for Gram Positive Bacteria
o Scheme of identification for Gram Positive
● Sterilization and Disinfection
o Definitions
▪ Sterilization
▪ Disinfection
▪ Antiseptics
o Physical methods
▪ Dry heat: Flaming, Incineration and Hot air oven
▪ Moist heat
▪ Filtration
▪ Radiation
o B. Chemical methods


o The dilution technique
o The diffusion technique
o Indications for routine susceptibility tests
o Susceptibility tests as a guide for treatment
o Choice of drugs for routine susceptibility tests in
the clinical laboratory
o The modified Kirby–Bauer method
o Interpretation of zone size: Sensitive, Intermediate, Resistant
o Preparation of turbidity standard
o Technical factors influencing the size of the zone in the disc-diffusion method
o minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
o minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC)

● Antimicrobial resistance
o Mechanisms of development of Antimicrobial resistance
o Examples of bacterial resistance mechanisms
o Causes of Antimicrobial resistance in developing countries

● Staining techniques
o Gram Staining
o ZN staining for AFB
o Hiss Stain for capsule
o India Ink for capsule
o Albert staining for cornybacterium

● Biochemical tests to identify bacteria

o Coagulase test
o Catalase test
o Oxidase test
o Urease test
o Motility-Indole-Urea (MIU)
o Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) production
o Indole test
o Bile solubility test

Systematic Bacteriology

o (Morphology, Important Species, Cultural Characteristics, Enzymes & Toxins

Produced, Pathogenicity, Specimens Required, Biochemical Reactions to Identify,
Antibiotic Sensitivity)
● Gram Positive Cocci
o Staphylococcus
o Streptococcus
▪ Streptococcus pyogenes
▪ Streptococcus agalactiae
▪ Streptococcus pneumoniae
▪ Viridans streptococci
▪ Enterococcus
● Gram Negative Cocci
● Neisseria
o Neisseria meningitides
o Neisseria gonorrhoeae
o Corynebacterium
o Bacillus anthracis
o Clostridia



1. The Short Textbook of Medical Microbiology (Including Parasitology),

10/E 10/E Edition by Gupta Satish.

2. Essentials of Medical Microbiology (Fourth Edition) By Rajesh Bhatia

3. District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries Part 2 Second Edition by Monica


4. Manual Of Laboratory Medicine, AFIP

5. Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology 14E by Warren E. Levinson

PMS--204 HEMATOLOGY-I Credit Hours: 3 (2+1)

Course Objectives

 To introduce the students about the basic concepts in Hematology and acquire skill
in practical work to produce students steeped in knowledge of Hematology.
 To equip students with latest advancements in the field of hematology.

Course Outline
1. Introduction to hematology
2. Hematopoiesis
3. Physiology and composition of blood
4. Structure and function of bone marrow,
5. Blood formation in the body (Intra-uterine and extra-uterine)
6. Factors governing hematopoiesis (growth factors and other factors)
7. Erythropoiesis, different stages and factor effecting on erythropoiesis
8. Granulopoiesis, different stages and factor effecting on Granulopoiesis
9. Megakariopoiesis, different stages and factor effecting on Megakariopoiesis
10. Hemoglobin structure, synthesis and function
11. Complete blood count and its importance
12. Morphology of red blood cells and white blood cells
13. Introduction to anemia, classification of anemia
14. Laboratory features and types of Hemolysis
15. Nonmalignant WBC disorders (leukocytosis, leukopenia, neutrophilia, neutropenia,
eosinophilia, monocytosis, lymphocytosis, and basophilia.
16. Introduction to leukemia, etiology, pathogenesis and classification
1. Collection of blood sample
2. Preparation and staining of peripheral blood smear
3. Total leucocyte count,
4. Platelet count
5. Interpretation of Blood CP
6. Differential leucocyte count
7. Reticulocytes count
8. ESR
9. Bleeding time, Clotting time
10. Prothrombin time, Activated partial thromboplastin time
11. CSF Examination
12. Fluid Examination

PMS--222 Red blood cells disorders Credit Hours: 3(2+1)

Course Objectives
● To introduce the students about the basic concepts in Hematology and acquire
skill in practical work to produce a team of Medical Technologists steeped in knowledge
of Pathology.
 To train Medical Technologists with latest advancements in the field of hematology.

Course Outline
1. Introduction to anemia, Etiological & Morphological classification of Anemias
2. Causes of Microcytic hypochromic Blood picture,
3. Iron metabolism, iron deficiency anemia, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of iron
deficiency anemia
4. Sideroblastic anemia, Anemia of Chronic disease
5. Macrocytic anemia, Folate and vitamin B12 metabolism, Clinical presentation and lab
diagnosis of Megaloblastic anemia
6. Introduction to aplastic anemia, etiology and diagnosis,
7. Thalassemia, classification, pathophysiology and diagnosis and differential diagnosis of
8. Hemoglobinopathies, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentations, complications and lab
diagnosis of sickle cell anemia
9. Immune hemolytic anemia, types, clinical presentation and diagnosis
1. Staining, preparation and procedure of staining
2. Automated cells counts
3. Hb Electrophoresis, procedure and importance
4. Coomb’s test

5. Ham s test, procedure and importance
6. Urine for Hemosiderinuria
7. Iron stain, procedure and importance
8. Osmotic Fragility y test, procedure and importance
9. G6PD assay, procedure and importance

Course contents
Human Genetics

● Introduction to Human genetics (Definition)

● Division of genetics
o Transmission genetics
o Molecular genetics
o Population genetics
● Basic concepts in genetics
o Cell types-Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
o Genes
o Alleles
o Genotype
o Phenotype / trait
o Locus
o Heterozygotes
o Homozygotes
o Primary, secondary and territory structure of DNA
o Chromosomes, histone proteins, chromatin
o Central dogma of biology
● Structure of chromosome
o Centromere
o Spindle microtubules
o Kinetochore
o Classification of chromosomes on the basis of position of centromere
▪ Metacentric
▪ Submetacentric
▪ Acrocentric
▪ Telocentric
o Telomers
● Cell cycle (Animals)
o Major features of mitosis
o Major features of meiosis
o Control of cell cycle
o Comparison between mitosis & meiosis
o Basic Principles of hereditary
● Penetrance and expressivity
● Sex determination in humans
● Turner syndromes
● Klinefelter syndromes
● Poly X females
● Role of sex chromosomes
● SRV gene
● Androgen-insensitivity syndrome
● X chromosome inactivation & Bar bodies formation
o Number of bar bodies in human cells with different
complement of chromosome
● Definitions
o Sex – linked characterstics
o Sex- influenced characteristics
o Sex-limited characteristics
o Genetic maternal effect
o Cytoplasmic inheritance
o Genomic imprinting
● Pedigree analysis
o Definition of pedigree analysis
o Symbols used in pedigree analysis
o Obstacles in the study of human genetic characteristics
o Pedigree characteristic / Features of following pedigrees
o autosomal recessive traits
▪ Consanguinity
o Autosomal dominant traits
o X linked recessive traits
o X linked dominant traits
o Y- linked traits
o Mitochondrial inheritance
● Heteroplasmy
● Genetic counseling
o Common reasons for seeking genetic counseling
● Genetic testing
o Newborn screening
o Heterozygote screening
o Presymptomatic testing
o Ultrasonography
o Amniocentesis
o Chorionic villua sampling
o Maternal Blood test
o Fetal cell sorting
o Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
o Examples of disease that can be detected using prenatally
And techniques used in their detection.
● Recurrence risks
● Mutation
● Difference between mutation and polymorphism
● Categories of mutations
o Somatic mutations
o Germline mutations
o Gene mutations
o Chromosomal mutations
● Types of gene mutations
o Based on causative agent
o Based on molecular nature of defect
▪ Base substitutions
● Transitions
● Transversions
▪ Insertion & deletions
● Karyotyping
● Types of chromosomal mutations
o Chromosomal rearrangement
o Aneuploidy
o Polyploids
▪ Chromosomal rearrangement
● Duplications
● Deletions
● Inversions
● Translocations
▪ Aneuploidy
● Nullisomy
● Monosomy
● Trisomy
● Tetrasomy
▪ Sex chromosome aneuploids
▪ Autosomal aneuploids
● Down syndrome
▪ Polyploidy
● Autopolyploidy
● Allopolyploidy


1. DNA extraction using phenol chloroform method

2. RNA extraction

3. Identification and construction of pedigrees.

4. Introduction to PCR.

5. Methods for the preparation of agarose / polyacrylamide gel

6. Gel visualization / Gel documentation


The course content of pharmacology & therapeutics has been designed to facilitate the learning
of basic concepts regarding Pharmacology. It includes basic introduction of major
terminologies, definitions and mechanisms related to the subject. It will provide teaching about
the drugs, their action on different body systems, clinical uses& adverse effects.
A good understanding of the basic concepts about the drugs and their pharmacological effects
will help students in understanding of the whole subject as it follows.

Teaching and learning sessions will be in the form of:
1. Lectures / large group interactive sessions (LGIS)
2. Tests/tutorials
3. Practicals
4. Self-directed learning (SDL)


1. pharmacology in rehabilitation.5th edition Charles D.ciccone
2. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology by Katzung, 10th Ed., Mc Graw-Hill.
3. Pharmacology by Champe and Harvey, 2nd Ed., Lippincott Williams &Wilkins.

● Introduction to pharmacology
● Route of drug administration
● Pharmacokinetics
● Transport of drugs across the cell membranes
● Absorption of drugs
● Bioavailability
● Drug distribution
● Biotransformation
● Plasma half-life & kinetics
● Drug excretion & clearance
● Pharmacodynamics
● Introduction to pharmacodynamics& drug receptor interactions
● Dose response curve
● Drug agonism & antagonism
● Receptor transduction mechanisms
● Tolerance, tachyphylaxis & receptor regulation
● Pharmacogenetics
● Drug interactions
● Adverse drug reactions
● Drug development
(course includes definitions and brief discussion of the topics)
(Classification, mechanism of action, therapeutic & adverse effects of the drugs)
● Introduction to ANS
● Para sympathomimetic & Para sympatholytic drugs
● Organophosphate poisoning
● Sympathomimetic & Sympatholytic drugs
● Introduction to chemotherapy and principles of chemotherapy
● Mechanism of resistance
● Cell wall synthesis inhibitors
o Penicillins
o Cephlosporins
o Other Cell wall inhibitors
● Protein synthesis inhibitors
o Tetracycline
o Macrolides
o Chloramphenicol
o Aminoglycosides
● Folate synthesis inhibitors
o Sulfonamides,
o Trimethoprim
o pyrimethamine
● DNA synthesis & function inhibitors
o Quinolones
o metronidazole
● Anti-Mycobacterial Drugs
(classification, mechanism of action, therapeutic effects& adverse effects of the groups of drugs)
● Antihypertensive drugs
● Ischemic heart disease
(classification, mechanism of action, therapeutic & adverse effects of the groups)
● Anti-Diabetic Drugs
● corticosteroids
● Drugs acting on thyroid gland
● Introduction to CNS
● Antidepressants
● General anesthetics
● Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).


● Important terms in pharmacology
● Introduction of instruments used in pharmacology lab
● Sources of Drugs and identification of some raw materials that are source of Drugs
● Dosage forms of drugs
● Routes of drug administration
● Weight conversions and measurements
● Preparation of ORS
● Prescription writing (parts of a prescription)
● Abbreviations for Doses & Dosage forms

Course contents:

1) Cell injury & adaptation

● Cell injury
● Cellular adaptation
2) Inflammation
● Acute inflammation
● Chronic inflammation
3) Cell repair & wound healing
● Regeneration & repair
● Healing
● Factors affecting healing
4) Hemodynamic disorders
● Define & classify term Edema, Hemorrhage, Thrombosis
● Embolism, infarction & hyperemia with two examples
● Define & classify Shock
● Describe compensatory mechanism of shock
● Describe the possible consequences of thrombosis & difference b/w arterial &
5) Neoplasia
● Define the terms dysplasia &neoplasia
● Difference b/w benign & malignant neoplasia
● Enlist the common etiological factors for neoplasia,Define& discuss different
modes of metastasis.

1. Components and setting of the Compound microscope.

2. Focusing of object.
3. Use of low and high power objectives of microscope.
4. Use of oil immersion lens.
5. Care and maintenance of the microscope.
6. Different types of microscope.
7. Dark filed microscopy
8. Fluorescence microscopy.
9. Electronic Microscope in brief

Course contents:
1) Understanding Behaviour
● Sensation and sense organs
● Perception
● Attention and concentration
● Memory
● Thinking
● Communication
2) Individual Differences
● Personality
● Intelligence
● Emotions
● Motivation

3) Learning
4) Stress & Stressors
5) Life Events
6) Stress Management
7) Interviewing
8) Allied Health ethics-hippocrate oath
9) Culture & Allied health
10) Psychological Reactions
11) Breaking Bad news
12) Pain, Sleep, Consciousness

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