Level Plan 2021

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Learn the alphabet and the basic sounds of English.

Phonics Begin to read sentences and understand basic vocabulary

Learn to write basic letters and words.

Learn to speak and read basic sentences.

Starter Start to build an English vocabulary
Continued handwriting practice

Learn to answer basic questions and form basic sentences

both written and spoken.
Beginner Start learning to converse in English with other students.
Expand vocabulary further.
English only in the class will begin to be enforced at this
Students will be introduced to basic grammar both as a
topic and in context.
Pre- They will quickly improve their reading skills and build
fluency by reading short passages about various topics.
Intermediate They will gain further practice and knowledge in all the
major English skills.
They will begin to develop their writing skills in the form of
basic short essays.
Students will continue to focus on grammar with the Korean

Intermediate With the native teacher they will expand on all their skills.
They will read short novels, developing their reading and
speaking skills through discussion and debate.
Reading has also been proven to improve sentence structure,
grammar, written and spoken English.
Students will continue to develop their grammar with the
Korean teacher.
With the native teacher they will continue learning
Upper grammar in context.
They will again read and learn about various interesting
Intermediate topics.
Skills focused on will include writing summaries and short
essays, reading fluency, listening skills and more.
Classes will have a lot of discussion and practice of all
major English skills.
This level will be taken only by native teachers. It involves
Advanced practice and sharpening of skills ready for either middle or
high school.
Students can improve their spoken language and
expression in debate and speaking classes.
Prepare for written tests and learn the writing process in
essay writing class.
They can further develop all four skills with speak out
books. Which will encourage students to speak, write, read
and listen confidently.
This book will also build an interest in real events,
something that they can take outside of the class and
further develop.

Upper Prepare for high school with Ted talks sharpen all your
English skills with interesting thought-provoking topics.

Adult Classes
Beginner Learn basic conversation and how to discuss
basic topics. Start to build your confidence

speaking with a native speaker.
 Should be able to understand
basic everyday expressions
You will only communicate in English.

Pre-Intermediate Learn to expand from basic conversation to be

able to express yourself and keep a
B1 conversation going.
 Should be able to have a basic
conversation in English
You will be expected to discuss basic topics in
English with your teacher and classmates.

Intermediate Learn to discuss topics in more detail. Learn

more advanced vocabulary and expressions.
 Should be able to read short
B2 articles and understand the
main story or meaning
 Should be able to have a
detailed conversation in
You will be expected to discuss topics in detail
with your teacher and classmates.

Advanced Improve your English fluency and grow your

vocabulary by discussing and learning advanced

topics. This level will involve reading a novel in
class and discussing the themes. It will also
include discussion of topics from newspapers.
 Should be able to read a news article
and understand its meaning.
 Should be able to express yourself and
give your views on advanced topics.
 Should be able to read an English novel
and understand enough to discuss
major points.
You will be expected to be able to share and
discuss advanced topics in English with your
teacher and classmates.
영어의 알파벳과 기본 소리 배우기
Phonics 문장 읽기 시작과 기본 어휘 이해
기본 글자들과 단어들 쓰기

기본 문장 말하고 읽기
Starter 영어 어휘 쌓기
쓰기 연습하기

기본 질문에 대답하고 문어와 회화체 기본 문장 익히기

다른 학생들과 영어로 대화하기 익히기
Beginner 어휘의 확장
교실에서는 영어로만 하는 것이 실력 강화에 도움됨

학생들에게 주제와 문맥에 맞는 기본적인 문법 소개하기

다양한 주제에 대해서 간단한 지문을 읽음으로써 리딩
Pre- 기술을 향상시키고 유창성도 형성할 수 있다
모든 중요 영어 스킬에서 더 많은 연습과 지식을 얻을 수
Intermediate 있다
기본적인 짧은 에세이 형식에서 쓰기 능력을 발전시킬
수 있다.

학생들은 한국인 선생님과 문법에 집중해서

원어민 선생님과 함께 학생들의 스킬을 확장시킬 수
Intermediate 학생들은 짧은 소설도 읽고 그들의 리딩 스킬을
발전시킬수 있고 토론이나 토의를 통해 말하기 스킬을
향상시킬수 있다.
리딩은 또한 문장 구조나 문법 문어나 구어 영어를
향상시킬수 있다고 증명되어 왔다

Upper 학생들은 한국인 선생님과 함께 문법을 계속해서

향상시킬 수 있다.
Intermediate 원어민 선생님과 함께 문맥에서 문법도 계속해서 배울
수 있다.
학생들은 다양하고 재미있는 주제들에 관해서 다시 읽고
쓰기 요약과 짧은 에세이, 유창한 읽기, 듣기 스킬에 많은
집중이 필요하다
수업은 많은 토론과 주요 영어 스킬의 연습으로

이 단계는 오로지 원어민 선생님들과만 할 수 있다. 이번
단계에서는 중학교나 고등학교 학생들에게 필요한
연습과 정교한 스킬을 배울 수 있다
학생들은 영어 말하기를 향상시킬 수 있고 토론이나
스피킹 수업에서 영어 의사표현을 할 수 있다
학생들은 쓰기 시험에도 준비를 해야 하고 에세이 쓰기
수업에서 쓰기 과정을 배울 수 있다
Advanced 학생들은 책 내용을 말함으로써 네가지 스킬들을 더
발전 시킬 수 있다. 이 과정이 자신감 있게 말하고 읽고
쓰고 듣게 용기를 줄것이다.
이 책은 또한 실제 사건이나 교실밖에서나 일어나는
일들에 대한 흥미를 형성하면서 더 발전시킬수 있다

Upper Prepare for high school with Ted talks sharpen all your
English skills with interesting thought-provoking topics.
Advanced 고등학생들이 Ted talks 로 그들의 영어 스킬을 관심을
불러 일으키는 화제들을 가지고 공부 준비를 할 수 있다
Korean Teacher Native Teacher
Books Price Books Price
Spotlight Phonics 1 Oxford Phonics 1
Spotlight Phonics 2 Oxford Phonics 2
Spotlight Phonics 3 Oxford Phonics 3
Spotlight Phonics 4 Oxford Phonics 4
Spotlight Phonics 5 Oxford Phonics 5

Reading Speaking
Korean Teacher Native Teacher
Books Price Books Price
Super Easy Reading 1 Everyone Speak Beginner Kids 1
Super Easy Reading 2 Everyone Speak Beginner Kids 2
Super Easy Reading 3 Everyone Speak Beginner Kids 3

Reading Speaking
Korean Teacher Native Teacher
Books Price Books Price
1 Everyone Speak Beginner 1
2 Everyone Speak Beginner 2
3 Everyone Speak Beginner 3

Beginner Grammar Oxford
Korean Teacher Native Teacher
Books Price Books Price
1 Oxford Discover 1 + WB
2 Oxford Discover 2 + WB
3 Oxford Discover 3 + WB

Intermediate Grammar Storytime
Korean Teacher Native Teacher
Books Price Books Price
1 Mr. Poppers Penguins
2 Zootopia
3 Inside Out

Upper Intermediate
Advanced Grammar Oxford
Korean Teacher Native Teacher
Books Price Books Price
1 Oxford Discover 4 + WB
2 Oxford Discover 5 + WB
3 Oxford Discover 6 + WB

Native Teacher
Books Price
Discuss Book 1
Discuss Book 2
Speakout Green
Speakout Blue
Speakout Purple
Essay Writing (No Book) X

Upper Advanced
Native Teacher
Books Price
TED 1 (Names will be added)

Adult Class
Native Teacher
Books Price
Speak Now 1 +WB
Pre- Intermediate
Book Price
Speak Now 2
Speak out Green
Book Price
Speak Now 3 +WB
Speak Now 4 +WB
Speakout Blue
Novel (Teacher’s Choice)
Breaking News English (No
Speak out Purple

Speakout – American version if possible.

Pictures of books

Estimation for completion dates.

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