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28/02/2021 Laureate International Universities


Workplace Communication and



If there were any areas that employees feel their organisations could be
better at, it would be communication and change.  In many of the sta
surveys that the writer has administered communication, change and
training are continually highlighted as needing improvement.

Given that these activities have a signi cant impact on employee

motivation, engagement and performance, it is appropriate that we
discuss these topics now before considering future modules. 1/4
28/02/2021 Laureate International Universities

In part one of module 2 we focus on communication and how it is used

e ectively by managers and leaders.  This requires an understanding of
the process of communication as well as the skills and strategies

Change is one of the major challenges faced by managers and is also

dependant on e ective communication, so the second part of this
module will consider how managers can successfully lead change and
build their own and others’ resilient.

This Module will help you achieve the

following outcomes:

a. Critically assess the key principles and theories underlying strategic

people management and explain how their application enhances
organisational and individual performance.

b. Critically evaluate the e ectiveness of di erent approaches and

the relationships between e ective people management and
organisational performance.

c. Demonstrate e ective communication and practical problem-

solving skills to e ectively manage people in a range of
organisational contexts

d. Critically re ect on the roles and functions that managers perform

in the context of the challenges and risks they have to address in
the changing environment.

e. Develop and justify a model of management cognisant of the

organisational minutiae to guide future practice.

This Module will cover:

Topic 1

Advanced Communication

Con ict


Topic 2 2/4
28/02/2021 Laureate International Universities

Managing and Coping with Change

Building Resilience

Time Management:

Student workload expectation is 20 hours for Module 2

3 hours Per weekly topic Facilitated study: Attending class, responding to

facilitator feedback

7 hours Personal Study: Assessment progression, reading and viewing

resources, self-directed and collaborative online learning activities

Assessment Progression:

In commencing this module, you should be familiar with Assessment

Brief 1 and understand the requirements.  As you read or watch the
suggested resources and conduct your own research, be mindful of the
importance and relevance of what you are reading as well as your
personal experience and learnings.

It is suggested that you take notes as you read particularly for those
areas relevant to the assessment requirements.

Your rst assessment is due half way through this module

Class Expectation:

Participate in all scheduled Collaborate or face-to-face classes. 

This time is intended to be used by students and their lecturer to

work through activities and engage in discussion about the weekly

These sessions provide a space for students to raise questions and

seek guidance on writing their assessments 3/4
28/02/2021 Laureate International Universities

Students will review and explore more deeply the information

presented in the learning material

Students are also expected to have worked through the learning

material for this module before attending the class – this enables
informed discussion and full participation in learning activities 4/4

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