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Y10 MYP Film Core

Criterion A Task 2
Presenting A Music Video

Name _______________________ Date Due ________________________

Task Description
You are to individually select and present one music video of your choice. Your presentation must
critically analyze the key concepts of film language studied, illustrating how they contribute to creating
meaning in the music video. This task requires you to research your topic and present it in a
professional and articulate manner. The presentation must be no shorter than 5 minutes and no longer
than 8 minutes.

Criterion A : Knowledge and Understanding (Maximum 8)

Students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the concepts studied in class. Assessment will be based
on how well their presentation demonstrates:
- Thoughtful and well-prepared presentation
- Understanding of how colour and lighting help to create dramatic meaning;
- Understanding of how camera techniques can be used in visual storytelling ;
- Understanding of how editing can contribute to a music video;
- Understanding of the characteristics of music videos;
- Use subject specific terminology
LOA Task Specific Descriptor
0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below
- A poorly prepared presentation
- Shows limited understanding of how colour and lighting help to create dramatic meaning;
- Shows limited understanding of how camera techniques can be used in visual storytelling
- Shows limited understanding of how editing can contribute to a music video;
- Shows limited understanding of the characteristics of a music video;
- Shows limited use subject specific terminology
- A rushed presentation
- Shows some understanding of how colour and lighting help to create dramatic meaning;
- Shows some understanding of how camera techniques can be used in visual storytelling
- Shows some understanding of how editing can contribute to a music video;
- Shows some understanding of the characteristics of a music video;
- Shows some use subject specific terminology
- A well-prepared presentation
- Shows good understanding of how colour and lighting help to create dramatic meaning;
- Shows good understanding of how camera techniques can be used in visual storytelling
- Shows good understanding of how editing can contribute to a music video;
- Shows good understanding of the characteristics of a music video;
- Shows good use subject specific terminology
- A thorough and outstanding presentation
- Shows excellent understanding of how colour and lighting help to create dramatic meaning;
- Shows excellent understanding of how camera techniques can be used in visual storytelling
- Shows excellent understanding of how editing can contribute to a music video;
- Shows excellent understanding of the characteristics of a music video;
- Shows excellent use subject specific terminology

Student Grade & Comments: Teacher Grade & Comments:

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