Physical Chemistry Practical: Dr. M.A Kazi Institute of Chemistry University of Sindh Jamshoro

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DR. M.




Name: Ahsan Amed

Roll #: 2K17/CHEE/11
Class: BS-IV (Final Year)
Supervisor: Dr. Ghulam Zuhra Mudasir Memon
Institute: Dr. M.A Kazi Institute of Chemistry


1. Determination of critical micelles concentration of given surfactant
by stalagmometer.

2. Isothermal studies for the adsorption of acetic acid on activated


3. Thermodynamic studies for the adsorption of acetic acid on the sur-

face of charcoal.

4. Kinetic studies for the adsorption of acetic acid on charcoal.

5. Determination of heat capacity of calorimeter.

6. Influence of elongation on surface activity by torsion balance.


Experiment No: 01
Object: To determine the micellar concentration of surfactant.

Surfactants are interfacial active compounds. They consist of a polar head

group and a non-polar hydrocarbon chain. The polar part of the molecule can
interact strongly with polar solvents, like water, and is therefore also called the
hydrophilic part. The non-polar part, on the other hand, can form strong inter-
actions with non-polar solvents, like oil, and is therefore also called lipophilic
or hydrophobic part.

Surfactants can be classified according to the charge of their polar head group:

 Anionic surfactants have a negatively charged head group


 Cationic surfactants have a positively charged head group

 Zwitter ionic surfactants have a zwitter ionic head group (positive and
negative charge).


H 2O 1. 84 84.33 371µS 1. 34.4g 34.1g
2. 84 2. 34g
3. 85 3. 33.9g
SURFACTANT(ARIEL) 1. 84 84.33 40.5µS 1. 34.1g 34.2g
1. 25ml sol: 2. 84 2. 34.2g
3. 85 3. 34.3g
2. 50ml sol: 1. 67 68.5 18.49µS 1. 34.2g 34.3g
2. 70 2. 34.4g

Mass of empty beaker: 31.3g


WATER 223micS
1. 8.92mS
2. 16.92mS
3. 23.8mS
4. 29.3mS
5. 34.7mS
6. 40.1mS


The Critical micelle concentration determines the concen-

tration at which the micelles start to form. Below that concentra-
tion, surfactant molecules are still soluble in water. Above that,
the micelles are found throughout the solution. The effectiveness
of surfactant is partly determined by its ability to lower the sur-
face tension. How much surfactant is needed can be determined
by critical micelle concentration measurements. Adding more sur-
factants than needed to reach the lowest possible surface tension
is neither economical nor environmentally friendly. In practice
though, the optimum surfactant concentration is typically slightly
higher as surfactants are depleted during the industrial process.
Micelle formation is often at least somewhat reversible, allowing
more surfactant molecules to be liberated in case the ones in a so-
lution are depleted due to adsorption.

Experiment No: 02
Object: To determine the isotherms of adsorption of acetic acid.


The influence of the modification process variables has been stud-

ied on the removal of copper ions where the agitation rate was
found to be the most effective parameter in this process. The co-
polymer chemical structure was investigated through Fourier-
transform infrared spectrum, indicating the evaluation of carbox-
ylate groups at 3497 cm−1 after sodium hydroxide treatment. The
copolymer thermal stability has been increased by the modifica-
tion process which was confirmed by thermal characterization.
The morphological structure and particle size of the copolymer
particles were investigated to be 53.6 nm. The removal process
parameters have been studied to show pH variation as a critical
parameter in this stage of application. The maximum removal per-
cent was achieved after 90 min to reach 89.6%. The adsorption
capacity of the modified (St–AN) copolymer to copper solution
was found to be 20 g/L. Thermodynamic, isothermal, and kinetic
studies were done where it showed the adsorption process to be
spontaneous, thermodynamically favourable, and endothermic in


Result and Conclusion:

We had applied fruendlich and Langmuir adsorption to determine the iso-
therm and we became able to know the adsorption capacity of charcoal by
observing its parameters like concentration percent adsorption.

Experiment No: 03
Object: To determination of heat capacity of calorimeter.

Heat is defined as the transfer of energy from or into a system because

of a temperature difference between the system and its surroundings. Heat
is often considered, inaccurately, as a form of energy existing as the result
of the random motion of molecules. Chemical reactions involving the trans-
fer of heat are carried out in devices called calorimeters.

Calorimeters are insulated to prevent loss or gain of heat between the

calorimeter and its surroundings so that heat flow in the system can be
measured. The total amount of heat that is produced or absorbed by a
chemical reaction, at constant pressure, is called the enthalpy of reaction

If the chemical reaction is exothermic, heat is released and the temperature

of the system increases.

If the chemical reaction is endothermic, heat is absorbed and the tempera-

ture of the system decreases.

Exothermic: reactants → products + heat

(ΔH has a negative sign)

Endothermic: reactants + heat → products

(ΔH has a positive sign)

The quantity of heat is given the symbol q.

q = m×sp_heat×Δt


q = amount of heat, measured in joules (J).


sp_heat = the specific heat. The specific heat is the amount of heat required
to raise the temperature of one gram of substance by one degree. The units
of specific heat are:

J/g×°C or J/g×K since 1

OC = 1 degree K.

m = mass, measured in grams

Δt = temperature change, °C or K.

NOTE: All temperatures in this lab will be recorded in degrees Celsius, OC

Result and conclusion:

The heat capacity of calorimeter is usually and more often determine
through equipment known as calorimeter having two holes 1 for thermom-
eter and second for stirrer.

By plotting graph between change in temperature and time we can easily

come to know its heat capacity.

Experiment No: 04
Object: To determine the influence of surface elongation on the surface
activity of surfactant.


The elongation of a surface region is also a distinguishing character-

istic. This has been a traditional pattern recognition measurement applied
to two dimensional regions, but a three dimensional version can also be ob-
tained for a planar surface, elongation is the ratio of the longest to the
shortest dimension of a planar rectangular box circumscribing the surface,
which is similar to the two dimensional definition.

The definition can be adapted to curved surfaces by using the maxi-

mum and minimum arc lengths of the intersection of the surface and a
plane normal to the surface. The arc length should be calculated for all in-
tersections of the surface, but this is time-consuming. Instead, only the
cross-section widths about a central point are used.

The four factors involved in the estimation of the surface's dimen-

sions are: the image region's dimensions, the surface slant relative to the
viewer, the curvature of the surface, and the distance from the viewer. It is
possible to approximate the elongation after separating the effects of these

Result and Conclusion:

The torsion balance is used to determine the theta here which is
proportional to the surface tension by applying the formula of adsorption
we can easily determine the effect of elongation of surface on its activity

Experiment No: 05
Object: Kinetic study of adsorption of acetic acid


A surface kinetics model for the ternary compound semiconductor

GaxIn1−xP growth from trimethylindium (TMI), triethylgallium (TEG), and ter-
tiary-butylphosphine TBP ((C4H9)PH2) must describe the surface defragmenta-
tion processes of employed precursors, the chemical reactions between the
precursor fragments, and the incorporation of the surface constituents in the
underlying growing film. The relevant regions are depicted in Fig. 4. For growth
under low-pressure CVD conditions, the precursor decomposition process can
be described in first order by surface reactions and no gas phase reac-
tions have to be considered.


Result and conclusion:

By using Lagargren formula of pseudo first order we cane to know
the adsorption capacity at each time interval and at equilibrium. Further-
more through graph we also became able to know the maximum adsorp-
tion capacity.

Experiment No: 06


Thermodynamic equations are developed for adsorption of multicom-

ponent gas mixtures in microporous adsorbents based on the principles of
solution thermodynamics. The conventional spreading pressure and surface
area variables, which describe 2-D films, must be abandoned for adsorption
in microspores, in which spreading pressure cannot be measured experi-
mentally or calculated from intermolecular forces. Adsorption is divided in-
to two steps: (1) isothermal compression of the gas, (2) isothermal immer-
sion of clean adsorbent in the compressed gas. Thermodynamic functions
(Gibbs free energy, enthalpy, and entropy) from solution thermodynamics
provide a complete thermodynamic description of the system. Applications
are described for characterization of adsorbents, gas storage at high pres-
sure, mixture adsorption, enthalpy balances, molecular simulation, adsorp-
tion calorimetry, and shape selectivity in catalysis.


Result and conclusion:

The thermodynamic parameter was to be known by above calcu-
lation as the freundlich isotherm is highlighting that adsorption is exother-
mic process so the change in heat energy determines the entropy enthalpy
by examining the percentage of adsorption.


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