Invoker: Invoker Is One of The Hardest (If Not The Hardest) and Strongest Heroes in Dota 2. He

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Invoker is one of the hardest (if not the hardest) and strongest heroes in Dota 2. He
has the biggest amount of spells that let him play different roles. If you are beginner or you
think that the fewer spells the better – don’t pick this hero. If you want to be master of Dota
and control all the buttons on keyboard and mouse like a pianist – virtuoso, you need to
practice playing Invoker. It will take a lot of time.



Guide for Invoker in Dota 2 v 6.84c

 1

 2

 3

 4

 5

 6

 7
 8

 9

 10

 11

 12

 13

 14

 15
 16

 17

 18

 19

 20

 21

 22

 23
 24

 25


This is interesting

 We should use it to increase HP regeneration

 We can have only three spheres at a time.
 It will add 2 Strength with every level of this spell.


This is interesting

 We need to use it if we need to move somewhere quickly.

 You can have not more than 3 spheres.
 It will give you 2 agility with each level of this spell.


This is interesting

 Makes last hitting easier

 3 spheres max at a time.
 Every level of spell gives you 2 intelligence.


Our ultimate lets us create spells from sphere combinations. We need to learn all of them by heart if
we want to be great Invoker. You can find all the possible combinations on icon near Ultimate in
game. After we will learn all those combinations we need to learn spell combinations and be able to
create them really fast.

This is interesting

 It can be learned on 2/7/12/17 level.

 Sphere’s order does not matter.
 If you will reach max number of spells, every new spell will replace old one.
 This spell can be upgraded with  Aghanim's Scepter.
Cold Snap

We should use it to prevent enemies from farm, or get frag. We should not underestimate the radius
of the spell, it’s quite large and you can save your allies in some situations.

This is interesting

 Enemy has to take damage to make this spell work.

Ghost Walk

This spell has a lot of use. We can use it to gank or escape, walk near Observer Ward with no
notice, scout the territory, slow down the enemy, or just evade spells.

This is interesting

 Enemies will notice us on ice trails

 If you will use it very often, enemies will buy  Dust of Appearance or  Sentry Ward.
 Slowdown works on units immune to magic.
 Ghost Walk slow no longer affects magic immune enemies.

We can use this spell to initiate team fights, because it has huge radius. Or it can be used to scout
the area, stack wood creeps or farm.

This is interesting

 With EMP works great to initiate.

 Tornado will cancel invisibility/ double damage from the target. Also if you will use it in time
it may stack wood creeps.


You should use it in team fights to burn enemy’s mana. If we are chased by enemy, we can use it
near us, and then enemy will have to run through the area and get damage, or stop the chase.

This is interesting

 Don’t use it if you have your Wex

 sphere of low level.
 It won’t deal damage to the enemies if they are in the air on tornado.
 Restore 50% of Invoker's mana burned from enemies.

We should use it on our hero, if there is no one who can use this bonus better, or on carry who is
farmed up and gives a lot of damage.

This is interesting

 The best target for this spell – carry.

Chaos Meteor

We should use it in team fights to hit as many heroes as possible to deal more damage. This is very
powerful spell that needs practice.

This is interesting

 We should use it with Deafening Blast if we fight against multiple enemies.

 We should use it with Cold Snap if we fight against single enemy.
 Meteor needs 1.3 seconds to fall down and deal damage.
 Move speed is 300.
Sun Strike

We need to guess where the enemy will be and slow him down with Cold Snap. In any case we
need to train to guess the path of enemy, who will try to trick us.

This is interesting

 It has global radius.

 We can use  Eul's Scepter of Divinity, and then Sun Strike, to guarantee the hit on
 The damage will be separated between the targets.
 It will give you small vision
 If we will kill the enemy in radius more than 1200, we will still get the experience.

Forge Spirit

Can be used with Cold Snap, to close our enemy in stun. We can also use it to scout the area.

This is interesting

 This spell is great for push.

 If we have Quas and Exort of 4th level we will summon 2 spirits.
Ice Wall

We will use it in team fights, to slow down the enemies and won’t let them run away. Besides, Ice
Wall can save our team mates. Very effective in defense.

This is interesting

 We need to use it after Chaos Meteor + Deafening Blast, so our enemies won’t run away.

Deafening Blast

We can use it to protect towers, or to get the vision of area. Great spell that will push away the
enemy, will make them vulnerable to Chaos Meteor, and disarms them for long time, that makes
enemy’s carry useless for some time.

This is interesting

 Works great with Chaos Meteor and Ice Wall.

 Cancels channeling spells.

Early game for Invoker(up to 15 minute)

What I should do?

First items:  Iron Branch,  Tango,  Blades of Attack.

Mid – is the best place for us. We need to get as much experience, and that is only possible on
mid lane. If we will play against hard enemy and we will have low health we will use Quas –
spheres to increase regeneration.

Don’t die but out farm the enemy is better than play aggressively and loose the lane. We have
no chance for escape if we got caught, because on early levels we won’t be able to make
escape spells, while all the other heroes already have at least one such spell. We need to be
careful because of that. Don’t forget to take runes and always have sun strike ready, because
no one knows when we will need it.

We need to buy  Phase Boots, they will increase our mobility and damage.

Middle game for Invoker(from 15 till 35 minute)

What I should do?

On this game stage we need to start ganks. One of our lanes, or even both will need our help.
Now most of the heroes start to have problems because there are so much spells and so little
time. The scheme below will help you to memorize the combination of spheres.

When we came to lane that needs help, we should use Cold Snap on the enemy that we want
to focus. This spell won’t let him run away. After that we should use Alacrity on our carry to
give him the ability to deal the most possible damage. If enemy still got away, you can always
use Sun Strike.
After couple of successful ganks we will go back to mid and continue getting gold and
experience. Our spells are useful even in late game, without even saying about mid game. And
if we will out level our enemy we will become machine for kills, with unbelievable damage, that
will make enemy’s cloaks rip apart.

The mobility from  Phase Boots won’t be enough, and getting a  Force Staff will solve
that problem. This item will give us intelligence and some regeneration. But we have no
chance to show our true potential without  Aghanim's Scepter. Apart from usual bonuses
like HP and stats increase he will give us the chance to create spells even faster, that will make
us deadly.

Late game for Invoker(from 35 minute)

What I should do?

Now combination Meteor + Deafening Blast will be incredibly strong, especially in team fights.
First spell will deal a lot of damage; second will stun the enemy that will make them great target
for our allies. We should always use Forge Spirit in fights, because every attack of spirit takes
away 1 armor that will be very useful.
We need to end the game until enemy’s carry became uncontrollable killer. In any case we will
need  Scythe of Vysethat will help to control any carry, and maybe even make a kill. If we
think that even with  Aghanim's Scepter we do not enough spells in fight we can buy 
Refresher Orb that will show everybody who is the pro here. @ Phase Boots(item:611)
should be changed for  Boots of Travel. We will be in time for any fight. If we get a lot of
stuns or disables we need to buy  Black King Bar.

Full inventory view

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