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Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, 14, 2289-2298 2289

Expression and Function of the Endocannabinoid System in Glial Cells

Paola Massi1, Marta Valenti2, Daniele Bolognini2 and Daniela Parolaro2,*

Department of Pharmacology, Chemotherapy and Toxicology, University of Milan, Via Vanvitelli 32, 20129 Milan,
Italy and 2Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Center of Neuroscience, University of Insubria, Via A. da
Giussano 10, 21052 Busto Arsizio (Varese), Italy

Abstract: In the last few years the role and significance of the glia in CNS function and pathology have been drastically
reassessed. Glial cells physiology appears very different in healthy versus pathological brain and the recent identification
of cannabinoid receptors and their endogenous ligands in glia has triggered a number of studies exploring the role of
(endo)cannabinoid system in glia functionality and disease. (Endo)cannabinoids exert their effects in these cells directly
affecting some important peculiar functions of the glia and actively promoting biochemical signals ending in a pro-
survival fate for these cells. By contrast, (endo)cannabinoids induce a selective death in glia-derived tumor cells. Of spe-
cial physiological and therapeutic relevance is the reported ability of glial cells during neuropathological conditions to re-
lease an increased amount of endocannabinoids and to overexpress cannabinoid receptors. This evidence has suggested
that the endocannabinoids production by glial cells may constitute an endogenous defense mechanism preventing the
propagation of neuroinflammation and cell damage. The present paper will review the evidence supporting the regulatory
role of (endo)cannabinoids in glia function, holding in consideration their therapeutic potential as neuroprotective and/or
anticancer agents.
Key Words: Glia, microglia, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, neuroprotection, cell survival, glioma.

INTRODUCTION There are two groups of glial cells in the CNS, the mi-
croglia and the macroglia, including astrocytes, oligodendro-
The endocannabinoid system (ECs) is made up of en-
cytes, and ependymal cells. The most important cells in the
dogenous ligands (endocannabinoids) derived from arachi-
maintenance of homeostasis and therefore in some brain dis-
donic acid, and their specific receptors that are expressed and eases are microglia, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Micro-
present in all mammalian tissues. The highly conserved na-
glia are considered the resident immune cells of the central
ture of the ECs and its wide distribution, particularly in the
nervous system, and have been called the “resident and pro-
central nervous system (CNS), suggest it is an important
fessional macrophages of the nervous system” on account of
biological regulatory system. So far, the ECs has been impli-
their phenotype and reactivity in response to injury and in-
cated in a variety of brain functions, such as the control of
flammation [1-3].
pain, memory, movement, thermoregulation, and addictive
behavior. It appears to have a fundamental role as a neuro- Under normal conditions in the adult microglia - some-
protective system through its action on synaptic plasticity times called “resting” microglia- are distributed throughout
and also through the control of glial cell responses. the nervous system. They have a small cell body with fine,
highly ramified morphology and minimal expression of sur-
In the last few years the role and significance of the glia
face antigens (Fig. 1).
in CNS function and pathology have been drastically reas-
sessed, so some published results about the relationship be- In pathological conditions, microglia can become pro-
tween the ECs and its effects on glial response add very im- gressively more activated, retracting cellular processes and
portant knowledge of the role of the ECs in CNS functional- expressing distinct profile markers, thus exhibiting the full
ity and disease. This is a growing, promising field of re- range of immunological surveillance. Microglial activation
search. involves increased cell recruitment, primarily through mito-
sis of resident microglia but also from bone-marrow-derived
THE CELLS OF THE GLIA precursors that infiltrate the CNS. Activation of these cells
Scientific inquiry into the biology of glia suffered an causes their transformation into phagocytic cells able to pre-
eclipse that lasted 50 years, but recognition towards the end sent antigen to circulating T cells, and to produce a variety of
of the 20th century has opened up fresh investigations into inflammatory cytokines, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
its place in the CNS, indicating a pivotal role in the physiol- nitric oxide (NO). Microglial cells can also process and pre-
ogy as well as in many, if not all, neuroinflammatory/ neu- sent epitopes in association with Major Histocompatibility
rodegenerative diseases of the brain. Complex (MHC) class II molecules to CD4 + T cells within
the CNS (Fig. 1). These responses represent important de-
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Structural and
fense functions against invading neurotropic pathogens and
Functional Biology, Center of Neuroscience, University of Insubria, Via A. have been implicated in brain damage in infectious and neu-
da Giussano 10, 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy; roinflammatory/ neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple

1381-6128/08 $55.00+.00 © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

2290 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 23 Massi et al.

Fig. (1). Schematic representation of the role of ECs in glia under pathological conditions in the brain.
When an injury or inflammatory events occur, there is from neurons and especially from glial cells, a sustained production and release of
endocannabinoids (EC). The EC as well as exogenous cannabinoids can bind cannabinoid receptors (CBr) present on glia. This event lead to
a decreased release of NO, diminished production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), inhibition of the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines
from microglia and astrocytes, and increasing remyelination by oligodendrocytes. In addition, EC modulate the glial cells survival activating
some defined intracellular pathways (see text for more details). All together, these events mediate anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective

sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's dis- responses [7]. It has been proposed that neurons and astro-
ease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) (see the spe- cytes are an integral unit with distinct roles in different fun-
cific chapters in the present review). In this activated state, damental events in brain function [6]. Some data suggest that
microglia can contribute to or exacerbate neuronal damage soluble factors secreted by astrocytes are involved in main-
although, under certain conditions, they may also have a tenance of the blood/brain barrier, probably by inducing the
neuroprotective and neurotrophic function. formation of tight junctions between endothelial cells [8].
Astrocytes are the major glial cell within the CNS and Another important, recently discovered aspect of the biology
of astrocytes is their ability to behave as immunocompetent
have a number of important physiological properties related
cells within the brain. Although it is still debated, there is
to CNS homeostasis. They affect neuronal function by the
evidence of the astrocytes’ ability to express MHC class II
release of neurotransmitters and neurotrophic factors, guide
antigens (Fig. 1) and co-stimulatory molecules (B7 and
neuronal development, contribute to the metabolism of
CD40) that are essential for antigen presentation and T-cell
neurotransmitters, regulate extracellular pH and K+ levels [4-
6] and play a critical role in the regulation of brain metabolic activation and there is no doubt about their ability to produce
Expression and Function of the Endocannabinoid System in Glial Cells Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 23 2291

a wide variety of cytokines and chemokines. The expression major phenotypic and genotypic transformation during their
of these molecules in Parkinson’s disease, MS, AD and brain activation in response to stress and injury. Although it is not
injury/trauma is well documented. Thus, as a potent source clear whether CB1 expression is constant throughout the
of immunologically important chemokines and cytokines, different states of activation, Maresz et al. [22] reported no
astrocytes are thought to play a major role in the type and change in the expression of CB1 receptor mRNA in micro-
extent of CNS diseases. glia during the progression of experimental autoimmune
encephalomyelitis (EAE). The functional significance of
Oligodendrocytes, or oligodendroglia, are a variety of
these receptors in microglia is still not certain, because they
macroglia. Besides the Schwann cells in the peripheral nerv-
are expressed at low levels and are located predominantly in
ous system, oligodendrocytes are the fundamental cells that
the intracellular compartments [23]. Some groups [24] have
coat CNS axons with their membrane, called myelin. This
myelin sheath provides insulation to the axon so electrical proposed a role of CB1 receptors in NO production, a char-
acteristic of the microglial response in neuroinflammation.
signals can propagate more efficiently (Fig. 1). As part of the
These receptors have also been detected in oligodendrocytes
nervous system they are closely related to nerve cells and,
in vivo and in culture [15].
like all other glial cells, the oligodendrocytes have a support-
ing role towards neurons. CB1 receptor immunoreactivity in white matter has been
Diseases that result in injury to the oligodendroglial cells associated mostly with postnatal and adult brain oligoden-
drocytes and, when cultured, these cells have lower CB1
include demyelinating diseases such as cerebral palsy, spinal
protein and mRNA levels than neurons but higher than as-
cord injury, stroke and possibly MS, where oligodendrocytes
trocytes and microglia [15]. These findings have suggested
are thought to be damaged by excessive release of the neuro-
the cannabinoids may play an important role in remyelinat-
transmitter glutamate.
ing processes after an inflammatory insult.
CB2 Receptors
Glia possess all the biochemical machinery required for
For over a decade, since the cloning of the CB2 receptor,
endocannabinoid synthesis, transport, and degradation.
several laboratories have still not detected CB2 cannabinoid
These findings, together with evidence that the ECs is in-
receptors in healthy brain, in notable contrast to the well-
volved in the pathophysiology of CNS inflammatory and
degenerative disorders, have cast fresh light on the place of known abundant distribution of CB1 receptors in the CNS
[25-28]. However, even if there are still some controversies
this system in brain diseases.
on the specificity of CB2 receptor antibodies staining, a large
CB1 Receptors number of recent reports have described the presence of CB2
receptors in the brain using CB2 receptor antibodies [29-31],
Although the presence of CB1 receptors in glial cells has CB2 gene expression/level detection [32] and pharmacologi-
been debated in the past, they have been recently described. cal approaches [16]. CB2 positive neurons have been re-
With an in situ approach Rodriguez et al. [9] proved that ported in the vagus nerve in the brainstem [33], in other
glial cells express CB1 receptors; perivascular astrocytes brain structures such as cerebellum, olfactory tubercle, cere-
express these receptors and rat astrocytes in the nucleus ac- bral cortex, striatum, thalamic nuclei, hippocampus, amyg-
cumbens express them too, along the plasmalemma of their dala, substantia nigra [34] and in primary cultured neurons
perivascular end-feet. CB1 receptors are also present in the [35]. In contrast, other reports describe CB2 receptor as es-
astrocytes of the amygdala, cingulate cortex, median fore- sentially localized in situ in cerebral microvasculature [36]
brain bundle, and lamina I and II of the spinal cord of Wistar and in cultured human cerebral microvessel endothelia [37].
rats [10,11], in the human astrocytoma cells [12], in C6 However, there is increasing and consistent evidence that
glioma cells [13], in mouse spinal neurons [14], in rat oli- CB2 in the brain is substantially restricted to cells of the
godendrocytes [15] and recently, Navarrete and Araque [16] immune lineage [38].
found them in hippocampal astrocytes derived from mice.
However, besides the above cited reports, other groups did Glial cells, which can be considered parenchymal and
immunocompetent brain tissue, can express CB2 receptors
not find them in cultured astrocytes [17,18]. These conflict-
[34]. Although almost absent in the healthy CNS, CB2 re-
ing results may reflect differences in cell culture conditions,
ceptors have been found in perivascular microglia in human
animal species, age and differentiation state, and also the
cerebellum [39]. Their presence in this district might be re-
CNS structures used to prepare the astrocyte cultures (rat
lated to their involvement in different immunomodulatory
hippocampus [12], rat cortex [13], mouse spinal cord [14],
rat forebrain [15], C57BL/6 cortex [17], cortex and striatum processes and a role in regulating the blood/brain barrier
function has been suggested. Carlisle et al. [28] reported that
of rat and mouse [18]). In any case, CB1 receptors are ex-
also rat neonatal microglial cells express CB2. These recep-
pressed in astrocytes at a lower level than in neurons. While
tors seem to play an important role in microglia migration
in neurons CB1 activation leads to inhibition of transmitter
[23] and proliferation [40].
release [19], in primary astrocytes derived from cortices of
rat these receptors are involved in the brain’s energy supply, Activated microglia express CB2 receptors in response to
increasing the rate of glucose oxidation and ketogenesis and different conditions associated with local inflammatory
regulating cell survival [20,21]. events and injury. Benito et al. [29] reported the expression
of CB2 receptors in specific subtypes of glial cells in AD
The CB1 receptor is also detected in microglial cells, the
tissue samples. In ß-amyloid (ßA) plaque-rich regions, acti-
immunocompetent CNS cells that are specifically subject to
vated microglia were highly immunopositive for CB2 recep-
2292 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 23 Massi et al.

tors. CB2 but not CB1 receptors are overexpressed in the the AEA signal though it also appears to be involved in ces-
brains of A–treated rats and of AD patients [29, 30]. This sation of the 2-AG signal [55,56]. This enzyme was reported
pattern of cell type expression is seen in other conditions by Romero et al. [57] in human brain neurons and in cortical
involving marked neuroinflammation too. In simian immu- and basal ganglia astrocytes, overlapping significantly with
nodeficiency virus-induced encephalitis (SIVE), microglial CB1 receptors, mainly in areas related to motor control and
expression of the CB2 receptor is increased [41] as in pa- memory. Surprisingly, Tsou et al. [58] and Egertova et al.
tients with MS [42]. CB2 receptors are also induced in ßA [59] did not find any expression of FAAH in glial cells in rat
plaque–associated microglia in Down’s syndrome (DS), a brain, probably because of species differences in its expres-
pathology sometimes considered as a human model of Alz- sion pattern.
heimer-like ß-amyloid deposition, while the signal is almost
Benito et al. [29] obtained very interesting data in post-
undetectable in control samples and young DS patients [31]. mortem brain tissues from Alzheimer patients. FAAH pro-
These results further confirm that CB2 receptors are ex-
tein and activity and CB2 receptors were selectively overex-
pressed at very low levels in healthy brain and are up-
pressed in astrocytes and microglia, respectively, associated
regulated in inflamed and injured brain only in glial cells, as
with the A-rich neuritic plaques seen in this disease,
previously suggested [43,44].
whereas they seemed to be present only at a very low level,
There is only limited data on the presence of cannabinoid or were absent, in glial cells of healthy subjects. Since AEA
receptors in oligodendrocytes which undergo degeneration in is a substrate for FAAH and is converted into arachidonic
MS and EAE. Previous reports [45] indicate low expression acid, the massive presence and activity of FAAH associated
of the cannabinoid receptors, at least in healthy conditions. with the Alzheimer plaques might be a significant source of
However, Molina-Holgado’s group [15] reported that oli- arachidonic acid and related pro-inflammatory substances in
godendrocyte progenitors and differentiated oligodendro- the vicinity of these plaques, with deleterious effects. Thus,
cytes express CB2 receptors in culture. This suggests that inhibition of FAAH activity has been proposed as a means of
CB2 receptors might be involved in the neuroinflammatory preventing the inflammatory process associated with ßA
process that develops in some forms of neurodegeneration. deposition in AD.
Collectively, CB1 is expressed at low levels in glial cells The pattern of FAAH selective overexpression may be
and CB2 can be considered the inducible receptor, thus ex- identical in other neuroinflammatory processes. In macaques
plaining their different discriminative, functional importance with SIVE strong FAAH immunoreactivity was found in
in glia. astrocytes near the inflammatory infiltrates [41]. Changes
similar to those in SIVE were also described in samples from
Endocannabinoids patients with MS [42]. Nunez et al. [31] described increases
in CB2 and FAAH enzyme in ßA plaque–related microglia
Different types of glial cells can produce and release en-
and astroglia, respectively, in DS, sometimes referred to as a
docannabinoids (EC) [40,46] and during traumatic brain in-
jury and neuroinflammatory diseases, an increased produc- human model of Alzheimer-like ßA deposition. Thus, as
suggested by the findings in AD, MS, SIVE and DS, the
tion can be observed [47,48]. The cellular source of EC pro-
overexpression of FAAH in several neuroinflammatory con-
duced during neuroinflammation is uncertain, although cul-
ditions may have a specific pathogenic role.
tured mouse microglial cells have been proved to produce
about 20-fold more EC than neurons and astrocytes [23]. Massi et al. [60] reported that in glioma tissues and in
As in neurons, in glia too EC do not accumulate but are U87 human glioma cells there was a striking increase of
FAAH activity, not paralleled by any increase in FAAH con-
actively secreted “on demand” immediately after they are
tent, after in vivo and in vitro exposure to the non-psycho-
synthesized from their membrane precursors by lipase en-
active, antitumoral cannabinoid compound cannabidiol
zymes. They activate cannabinoid receptors and are taken up
(CBD). One of the products of FAAH activity is arachidonic
with a mechanism still under discussion, and subjected to
acid, which can behave as an pro-inflammatory/apoptotic
enzymatic hydrolysis. Anandamide (AEA), one of the most
important EC [49-51], behaves as a partial agonist in stimu- agent. Thus, the upregulation of FAAH by CBD in gliomas
might conceivably be one mechanism through which can-
lating cannabinoid receptors and, like the majority of EC, it
nabinoids influence tumor growth.
is hydrolyzed mainly by the fatty acid amide hydrolase
(FAAH). In contrast, 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), the EC Although there is ample information on FAAH, much
found in the largest amounts in the CNS, which behaves as a less is known about MAGL and 2-AG hydrolysis. Muccioli
full agonist at cannabinoid receptors, seems to be mainly et al. [61] provided the first evidence of an unspecified
inactivated in vivo by an enzyme called monoacylglyceride MAGL activity expressed by microglial cells. They found
lipase (MAGL) [52,53], whereas FAAH seems to have a that the mouse microglial cell line BV-2 did not express
secondary role in its degradation, as indicated by the un- MAGL mRNA but there was efficient 2-AG hydrolysis.
changed brain levels of 2-AG in wild-type and FAAH -/- URB597, a synthetic FAAH inhibitor, halved this hydrolysis
mice [54]. and the remaining activity was blocked by classic MAGL
inhibitors such as URB602. These findings, confirmed in
Degrading Enzymes mouse primary microglia in culture, suggested there was
some previously unknown MAGL activity that controls 2-
FAAH is an integral membrane protein responsible for
AG levels in microglia. Although MAGL expressed in neu-
the breakdown of several lipophilic compounds including the
rons is equally distributed between the cytosolic, mitochon-
endocannabinoid AEA. Mainly it mediates the termination of
Expression and Function of the Endocannabinoid System in Glial Cells Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 23 2293

drial, and nuclear fractions, the activity expressed by BV-2 ing microglial cells, which in turn abolishes NO release, fi-
cells was richer in mitochondrial and nuclear fractions. nally resulting in neuroprotection. The authors concluded
that release of EC in injured brain tissue might constitute a
Effect of (Endo)Cannabinoids on Glial Cell Reactivity signal to glial cells to limit neuronal degeneration, thus re-
and Function ducing the extent of the inflammatory response.
EC act on glial cells modulating their important immu- Glial Cells Migration
nological function and promoting biochemical signals ending
in a pro-survival fate for these cells. It is well known that An apparent contradictory result was reported concerning
neuroinflammatory, cytotoxic and ischemic events induce the ability of EC to trigger rather than limit glial cells migra-
complex and dynamic changes in glial cell phenotype, with tion . As a matter of fact, Walter [46] showed that astrocytes
morphological changes and release of compounds such as in vitro produce AEA and many other acylethanolamines
ROS, NO and proinflammatory cytokines. under Ca++-dependent stimuli. Microglia were also reported
to produce EC at higher levels than neurons [23]. Thus, it is
Here, we try to summarize the few data present in the conceivable that during neuroinflammation activated micro-
literature on the ability of EC to modulate glial cells reactiv- glia produce the majority of EC that accumulate at the lesion
ity and/or their specific production of cytokines. site. It has been reported that 2-AG triggers microglial mi-
Astrocytes gration, with high potency and efficacy, probably as a signal
to recruit microglia to lesioned sites [23]. The same group
Primary cultures of neonatal mouse cortical astrocytes also showed that palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), an endoge-
stimulated with lipopolysaccharide or Theiler's murine en- nous structural analog of anandamide that acts as an “entou-
cephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) (which elicits a mouse model rage” compound for AEA [71], which increases after focal
of MS) released significant amounts of nitrites and TNF- cerebral ischemia in mice, can stimulate microglial cell mi-
alpha into the culture medium [62]. AEA inhibited the re- gration and potentiate AEA-induced microglial cell motility
lease of these proinflammatory molecules in a dose- [72]. Since this increase in cell motility is essential for the
dependent manner, suggesting ECs play a clear part in im- propagation of neuroinflammation but also to control at the
mune reactivity in the brain [62]. AEA also enhanced IL-6 onset the correct response to stop an inflammatory insult, the
release from astrocytes infected with TMEV; this pleiotropic authors concluded by suggesting pharmacological control of
cytokine is involved in the regulation of immunological re- PEA and AEA signaling to influence cell migration.
sponses, with some neuroprotective effects [63].
In summary, these studies suggest that at least some of
Ortega-Gutierrez et al. [64] reported that AEA in astro- the cannabinoids’ protective effects may be due to a complex
cytes reduced NO release, iNOS expression and the produc- relationship between inhibition/stimulation of the release of
tion of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL- some proinflammatory/anti-inflammatory mediators from
1beta, and these effects were mimicked by the synthetic can- glia and the modulation of microglial migration/activation.
nabinoid compound HU210. The ability of EC to modulate specific cytokines might sug-
gest that like in periphery [73] EC could alter the equilibrium
between Th1 and Th2 immune response, but the scarce and
Puffenbarger et al. [65] found that exposure of neonatal partial data available at present do not permit to translate this
rat cortical microglial cells to THC, methandamide or AEA modulation to CNS.
reduced the amounts of LPS-induced mRNAs for the proin-
flammatory or immunoregulatory cytokines independently Cannabinoids Influence Glial Cell Survival
by either CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptors stimulation. It Another mechanism through which cannabinoids can re-
was also shown that UCM707, a selective inhibitor of the
gulate glial cells is their ability to affect the cells’ fate, influ-
cellular reuptake of AEA, improved motor function in
encing their survival.
TMEV-infected mice and diminished neuroinflammation.
These effects run in parallel to the decrease in the microglial Astrocytes
reactivity and the strong reduction in MHC class II antigen
Cannabinoids protect glial cells from apoptosis in vivo
expression on these cells [66]. Primary cultures of rat micro-
glia activated by LPS release TNF-alpha cytokine, like as- and in vitro (Fig. 1). THC, WIN55,212-2 and HU210 protect
primary astrocytes in culture from ceramide-induced apopto-
trocytes, and this was inhibited by AEA, 2-AG, CP-55940
sis through activation of the PI3K/PKB pathway and ERK
and WIN-55,212-2 [67]. Moreover, cannabinoids can oppose
signal; in vivo WIN55,212-2 prevented the loss of astrocytes
microglial CD40 expression, an important marker of micro-
induced by focal injection of ceramide into the hippocampus
glial activation, contributing to the start and/or progression
[74]. These results are important, because exposure to proin-
of microglial production of proinflammatory mediators [68].
Interestingly, in glial cells EC can also enhance the release of flammatory cytokines [75] or saturated fatty acid [76] can
increase ceramide generation in astrocytes in conditions of
the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-1ra [69]. Taken together,
brain disease or injury.
these results suggest that EC reduce neurotoxicity and have
significant immunoregulatory role in glial cells. Further studies have indicated that THC and WIN55,212-
2 protect astrocytes from oxidative stress damage since pro-
Eljaschewitsch et al. [70] reported that AEA induced
histone H3 phosphorylation, expression of the mitogen- longed incubation with these two compounds prevented
H2O2-induced loss of viability through a mechanism mainly
activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 (MKP-1), and subse-
involving CB1 cannabinoid receptor stimulation [77]. It has
quent ERK-1/2 dephosphorylation in activated but not rest-
2294 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 23 Massi et al.

been demonstrated that the stress state in the cells induced by gated. Like primary glial cells, gliomas have all the compo-
serum deprivation leads to marked changes in the astrocytes’ nents of the ECs, such as CB1 and/or CB2 receptors, the
gene expression profile, in particular in the genes involved in ability to synthesize one or more EC, AEA membrane trans-
protection against oxidative stress and in the control of cell porter, the enzyme FAAH which inactivates EC [83,84].
survival as the stress-regulated protein p8 [78]. This has suggested that ECs may be involved in controlling
abnormal cell proliferation [85].
(Endo)Cannabinoids and Glioma Cell Proliferation
Stimulated rat RTMGL1 microglial cells mainly produce
the endocannabinoid 2-AG, expressing the CB2 receptor at The effect of natural and synthetic cannabinoids such as
an easily detectable level and the CB1 receptor in smaller THC, CBD, or JWH-133 have been investigated in glioma,
amounts [40]. When added exogenously to the microglial and they appear to have potent antiproliferative action
cell culture, 2-AG but not AEA increases cell proliferation, [83,84]. In contrast, the effects of EC in this type of tumor
probably by boosting ERK activity, suggesting that micro- have not been extensively investigated, although this might
glia produce and release 2-AG as an autacoid co-stimulatory offer a potential alternative approach for the development of
molecule in stimulated cells. Since microglial proliferation harmless anti-cancer drugs. It has been demonstrated that
has been sometimes linked to many chronic neurodegenera- gliomas, like normal glia, can release EC. Petersen et al. [86]
tive pathologies, pharmacological manipulation of the ECs reported that human glioblastoma had significantly higher
might well have important therapeutic implications. levels of N-acylethanolamines, including AEA and 2-AG,
than normal brain tissue. Maccarrone et al. [87] described a
Oligodendrocytes pro-apoptotic effect of AEA in C6 rat glioma cells due to
Oligodendrocytes are highly susceptible to hypoxia [79], activation of vanilloid receptors. Jacobsson et al. [88]
oxidative stress [80], and humoral and cellular immune- showed that in rat C6 glioma cells AEA had an antiprolifera-
mediated attack [81]. Molina-Holgado et al. [15] showed tive effect associated with combined activation of cannabi-
that cannabinoids (HU-210, WIN55,212-2) protected oli- noid and vanilloid receptors, with potency similar to that
godendrocyte progenitors expressing CB1 and CB2 receptors reported for 2-AG. Another endocannabinoid, stearoyletha-
from apoptosis induced by deprivation of trophic support, nolamide (SEA), found in human brain in amounts compara-
through a mechanism dependent on the PI3K/Akt signaling ble to AEA, showed pro-apoptotic activity in a glioma cell
pathway. This is an important finding considering that mye- line [89]. Contassot et al. [90] found that human glioma cell
lin disorders affecting oligodendrocytes are among the major lines, either established for a very long time (U87 and U251)
CNS pathologies. Since oligodendrocyte progenitors proba- or derived from a tumor biopsy (Ge227 and Ge258), were
bly exist for some sort of repair strategies, a prosurvival sig- efficiently killed by AEA. Thus, the meaning and the func-
nal for these cells, provided by ECs – together with others of tion of the EC synthesis and release in glioma and in normal
apoptotic significance such as trophic deprivation and unfa- glia still represents matter of debate, since it appears that
vorable conditions – might be very important in the ECs’ while EC have proliferative/prosurvival effects in normal
protective role in demyelinating diseases [15]. glial cells, in glioma cells they induce death as opposite ef-
fect [83].
Neural Progenitors
EC inhibit glioma cell proliferation through multiple
Aguado et al. [82] provided evidence that in neural pro- mechanisms [83,84]. Apoptosis of the cells can be mediated
genitor (NP) cells the ECs can act as an instructive proglio- by an acute increase of sphingomyelin breakdown and long-
genic signal. Exposure of NP cells to cannabinoids regulates term activation of JNK and p38 MAPK or raising intracellu-
the cell differentiation toward the astroglial lineage. Astro- lar calcium (Fig. 2). Moreover, CBD, a non-psychotropic
glial differentiation was lower in CB1-deficient mice and cannabinoid, is capable of killing glioma cells by triggering
higher in FAAH-deficient mice. Thus, the ECs’s effects on prompt production of ROS and marked depletion of GSH
NP cell proliferation and differentiation may be important content [91,92]. Thus, the oxidation pathway is presumably
for brain development and plasticity and for the development very important and might be one of the main mechanisms of
of the fundamental glia-neurons network. These findings cannabinoid action in cancer cells (Fig. 2).
merit further investigation in view of the importance of the
relationship between correct CNS development and neu- In addition, substantial evidence has been collected sup-
rodegenerative disorders. porting a fundamental role for lipoxygenase (LOX)- and
cyclooxygenase (COX)-catalyzed arachidonic acid metabo-
In summary, EC can stimulate glial cell proliferation and lism in cancer. The isoenzymes most involved in the control
survival, through a mechanism to control the correct expan- of cell growth and death within the central nervous system
sion and preservation of this population, fundamental in sus- are 5-LOX [93] and COX-2 [94]. The endocannabinoid SEA
taining proper neuronal function (Fig. 1). induces apoptosis in C6 glioma cells through activation of
COX and LOX, without involving MAPK cascades [89].
The Endocannabinoid System in Glia-Derived Brain Moreover, when nude mice bearing subcutaneous gliomas
Tumors were treated in vivo with CBD the activity and content of 5-
The term glioma broadly classifies primary neoplastic LOX were significantly reduced in tumor tissues [60]. These
tissue of glial origin. Glioma cancer can be considered as a data provide a further demonstration of alternative intracellu-
particular and extreme form of neuroinflammatory/neurode- lar targets that could be largely influenced by cannabinoids,
generative state, and the presence and expression of cannabi- contributing to their antitumoral effect.
noid receptors in tumors from glial cells has been investi-
Expression and Function of the Endocannabinoid System in Glial Cells Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 23 2295

Fig. (2) . (Endo)cannabinoids and inhibition of glioma cell proliferation.

Natural, synthetic and endogenous cannabinoids exert their anti-tumoral effects affecting various cellular pathways by binding the specific
CB1 and CB2 Gi/o–protein coupled receptors (or unknown CBn receptor). CB receptor signal triggers the inhibition of the activity of adeny-
late cyclase (AC). The decrease in the cAMP levels causes a consequent inhibition of protein kinase (PKA) pathway determining an inhibi-
tion of tumor cell cycle. Cannabinoid receptors can also promote Ca++ release from intracellular stores, thus controlling cell fate. The stimu-
lation of cannabinoid receptors may lead to an increase in ceramide levels mainly through a synthesis de novo. Ceramide accumulation can
cause an upregulation of p8 and in turn of the Endoplasmic Reticulum stress-related genes ATF-4, CHOP and TRB3. Ceramide also activates
JNK and p38. The activation of these pathways determines an inhibition of cell proliferation. In addition, cannabinoids can trigger reactive
oxygen species (ROS), elevation of intracellular calcium, modulation of the arachidonate cascade, dissipation of mitochondrial potential
(), reduction of GSH, inhibition of LOX activity and content, ultimately leading to cell death. The crosstalk between the different path-
ways and many molecular details have been omitted for simplification.

Selectivity of Cannabinoid Action on Tumor Cells ated sensitivity to apoptosis in tumor cells differ from nor-
mal cells [97,98].
The ability of EC to induce either cell survival or death,
depending on the cells concerned - in this case respectively This selective property is shared by the non-psychotropic
primary glial cells or glioma cells - is very interesting. It CBD, that reduced glioma cell growth with no apparent tox-
appears that cannabinoids can selectively kill tumor cells icity on non-transformed cell counterparts, as reported by
without affecting their non-transformed counterparts. This Massi et al. [92]. Also Duntsch et al. [99] showed the selec-
apparent selective effect would be of enormous clinical im- tive efficacy of the CB2 cannabinoid agonist KM-233 in
portance. U87 glioma cells.
The THC-induced cell death observed in rat C6 glioma To summarize, it can be proposed that this dual property
cells did not occur in non-transformed primary astrocytes might reflect the differences in the features of normal and
[95]. In vivo cannabinoids inhibit, and to some extent eradi- transformed cells. The opposite regulation of CB1 and CB2
cate, C6 glioma tumors, with no discernable damage to sur- expression in glioma and normal glial cells might explain
rounding healthy tissue [96]. their different sensitivity to cannabinoids but this does not
seem to be an univocal explanation because, besides the re-
The difference in sensitivity might be due to differences ceptor-independent effect of cannabinoids in glioma cell
in signal transduction events downstream of the cell surface death [91,92,95], glioma cells and glial cells possess both
and/or different redox state-cellular features of the tumoral cannabinoid receptors [22,43].
cells compared to normal cells. The first hypothesis is sup-
ported by Carracedo’s papers [77,78] which report that can- CONCLUSION
nabinoid treatment did not trigger ceramide accumulation,
upregulation of p8 or other ER stress-related genes in non- Data reported in the present review clearly support the
transformed astrocytes. The oxidative hypothesis is consis- hypothesis that ECs could play a crucial role in regulating
tent with the finding that oxidative metabolism and associ- glia activity during physiological and pathological conditions
2296 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 23 Massi et al.

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