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Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
INSTRUCTIONS *Please read carefulし BEFOR巨 ∪SE!
*丁 his device is designed to measure the human blood pressure Do not use for Other purpose

<Know Your Unit>

The position of the individual when being

measured may be eitherlying down or
sitting in the sitting position however make
sure that the location On the upper arm to
be measured is about at the same height
<Specittcations> as the heart and that the foream is
Measurement Range : 20 ∼ 300 mmHg extended natura‖ y on the table and does
Accuracy : +3mmHg not move
Pressurization System : Manua! pressure fed through rubber bulb
Delation System : Manual air release valve

<〔 Accessorles>
l Cuff with Bladder(Adequate upper arm circumferencelindicate to the cuff)
2 1nfiation Bulb with Vaives

*NOTE : DO NOT uso oxcopt genuine accossorieS and parts for this dovice
: When disinfecting of cuff, pieaso ipO up the stain by alcohol swab

<How to ttake Blood Pressure> *NOT巨 : Please try to rneasure caimly!

l Connect one tubo from the bladder to air release valve and bulb Connect the other biadder tube to the
2 Wrap cuff around upper left arm and adhere velcro together Be sure to position arrow on cuff over the
brachial artery
3 Placo chestpieco of stethoscopo(not including) under thO odgo of the cuff where arrow is pointing
4 VVh‖ e holding bulb,turn knOb on air release valve ciockwise and pump bulb until point rises to approximately
40 points above the subieCtS average systo‖ c pressure Deflate cuff slowly(about 2 to 4 points per second)
by turning the knob counter― c!ockwise
5 At the pOint vvhere the first beat is heard, record the reading frOm the scale This is the SystoHc Pressure
6 Continue dof!ating the cuff wh‖ o ‖stenig tO the pulse beat When the pulso beat is no !Onger heard,record
the reading from the scalo This is the Diasto‖ c Pressure

1 丁o avoid the risk for ch‖ dren,pleaso koop this device at the safety place after using
2 丁his
dovice has components that contain natura! rubber latex and forma‖ n which may cause a‖ ergic reaction
in sOme individuals
3 丁he cuff has dyed with dyestuffi but keep it is the safety placo for ch‖ dren's hands off
4 丁he measuring value should be judged by your doctor to give yOu advico in rogard to health management
5 We suggest that you have your device checked every 2 years
6 ヽИanOmeter requires carofu‖ handling procodures
7 When tho Bladder cracked,check(or adiust)this device at specialty store

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