Feee 606 Ems

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FEE 606


E​lectro​M​echanical ​E​nergy ​C​onversion
• ​Electrical energy can be transmitted to long distances with ease and it
is highly efficient.
• ​It acts as a transmitting link for transporting other forms of
energy. ​• ​Devices for EMEC are,
▪ ​Transducers which are used for low energy conversion. ​▪ ​Relays,
solenoids and actuators which produce mechanical force or torque.
▪ ​Motors and generators which are used for continuous energy
• ​EMEC takes place via magnetic field because of its higher energy

storing capacity.

• ​The fields involved with such electromechanical devices must be

slowly varying due to inertia in the mechanical parts.

• ​Such fields are called quasi static fields.

Energy Balance
• ​Principle of conservation of energy – Energy can neither be created
nor destroyed. But it can be transformed from one form to other. ​• ​Not
the entire energy be transformed to other form. ​• ​There are some
energy loss.
• ​Some part of the energy is stored in the form of magnetic
field. ​• ​Thus the input energy has three parts.
✓ ​Transformed energy
✓ ​Energy loss
✓ ​Stored energy
Energy Balance In Motor and Generator
=​Mech Energy
Output​ Change in
Energy input ​from source
Energy losses
stored energy +​ ​

Mech Energy
Input​ Electrical
Energy Output​ Change in
Energy losses
stored energy +​ ​

Types of Magnetic Systems

• ​Singly Excited System
✓ ​A single exciting coil is used to produce the
magnetic field.
✓ ​Ex: Electromagnetic relay, solenoid coil etc…

• ​Multiply Excited System

✓ ​More than one coils are used to produce
magnetic field.
✓ ​Ex: Motors, alternators etc…
Singly Excited Magnetic System
• ​Derivations of expressions of electrical input, stored energy and the
mechanical force.
• ​Consider an attracted armature relay.
• ​Exciting coil is lossless.
• ​No leakage flux. All the flux
links with all N turns.
Electrical Energy Input
• ​Energy can be stored or retrieved from a magnetic system by means
of an exciting coil connected to an electric source.
• ​When a voltage ​V ​is applied to the coil having ​N ​turns, a current of ​i
will flow to produce a flux of ​φ ​webers.
• ​This flux will link with all N turns and create the flux linkages
of, ​�� = ����
• ​The EMF induced in the coil is given by,

�� = ��​����
����=​ ����
Electrical Energy Input
• ​Applying KVL to the coil circuit,
�� − ��. �� − �� = 0
�� = ��. �� + ��
�� = ��. �� +​ ����
• ​The energy input to the coil due to the flow of current i in time dt
is, ​����​�� =
​ ��. �� ����

����​�� ​=​ ���� .​ �� ���� = ��. ���� = ��. ��
��.�� = ��. ��. ���� = ℱ. ���� −−− −1
Magnetic Field Energy Stored
• ​Consider that the armature is fixed at position x. Hence mechanical
work done is zero.
• ​Hence the entire electrical energy input gets stored in the magnetic
����​�� ​= ����​�� = ​ ��. ���� = ℱ. ����
• ​The energy stored when there is a change in flux or flux linkages can
be written as,
�� �� ℱ ��
���� = න ����
​ න ��
��​�� =
−−− −2
0 0

Magnetic Field Energy Stored

i – λ Relationship
• ​It is similar to the magnetization curve which varies with ​x.​ ​• ​The
air-gap between armature and core varies with ​x​. ​• ​Total reluctance
of the magnetic path decreases with increase in ​x.​
�� = �� ��, ��

�� = �� ��, ��
Magnetic Field Energy Stored
• ​Depending upon the independent variable, the stored field energy is
also a function of i, x or λ, x.

∴ ��​�� ​= ��​�� ​��, �� ���� ��​�� ​= ��​�� ��,

​ ��
• ​If x is changed, then energy interchange takes place between the
magnetic field and mechanical system.
• ​If x is constant, then energy interchange takes place between electric
system and magnetic field.

Concept of Co – Energy
• ​As per equation 2, the field energy is the area between λ axis and
i-λ curve.
• ​The area between ​i ​axis and i-λ curve is called co-energy and it is
given as,
∴ ��​��​′​��, �� = ��. �� − ��​�� ��,
​ �� −− −3
∴ ��​��​′​= න0

Concept of Co – Energy
• ​If i-λ relationship is assumed linear, then the field energy and co-energy
will be equal. Hence,
��​�� =
​ ��​��​ =​ 2​���� −−− −4
• ​We know that the coil inductance is,
����​ ��​
�� =​ ��​=​ ��​; ∴ �� = ��. �� ������ ��
=​ ��
1​ 1​
∴ ��​�� ​= ��​��​ =​ 2​��​ ��=​ 2​��. ��​2 −−−
′​ 2​ ​
• ​Where L is a function of x.
Concept of Co – Energy
• ​It is clear that the field energy W​f​is a function of two independent
variables λ and x.

��​�� ​��, �� =​1​2​��​2

�� ��​−−− −6
• ​The co-energy W​f​’​is a function of two independent variables i and x.
��​��​ ��, �� =​ 2​�� �� ��​2 −−−
′​ ​

Mechanical Force
• ​Consider an attracted armature relay where the magnetic field produces a
mechanical force F​f which
​ moves
the armature to a distance of dx.

• ​The mechanical work done is given

����​�� =
​ ��​��​����

• ​Mechanical energy output = Electrical energy input – Stored field

energy ​��​��​���� = ������ − ����​�� −−−
​ −8
• ​In such electromechanical systems, the independent variables can be (i,x) or (λ,x)
Mechanical Force
Case 1: Independent variables are (i,x). i.e current
constant​ ​• ​Thus λ changes as i and x changes. Hence,
�� = �� ��, ��

���� =​����​�������� +​����

����​���� −−− −9
��​�� =
​ ��​�� ��,
​ ��

​ ​����​��
����​�� =

���� ���� +​����​��

���� ����
​ −−− −10
Substituting eqn 9 and eqn 10 in eqn 8, we get,
���� ����
​ −​ ��

��​��​���� = ����​
−​ �� ����

��​ ���� ����
���� + ��​

���� ​����
Mechanical Force




��​��​���� = ��​ ����
��​���� −​����​��
���� ���� +
���� ​����
���� −​����​��
�= ����


���� ​ ����​��
��​�� ��

= ����
��​ ��
��​�� = ����
​ ​
���� − ��​��
��​�� ��
Mechanical Force ����​�� =
​ ​����​��

Case 2: Independent variables are �������� +​����​��

(λ,x). i.e voltage constant​ ​• ​Thus i
���� ����
​ −−− −11
changes as λ and x changes. Hence, Substituting eqn 10 in eqn 8, we get,
�� = �� ��, ��
��​��​���� = ������
��​�� ​= ��​�� ��,
​ ��

���� ���� −​����​��

���� ​����

��​��​���� = −​����​��

���� ���� + �� −​����​��

���� ​����

��​�� ​= −​ �� ��,
​ ��
Torque in Rotational System

• ​In rotational system, force is replaced by torque and linear

displacement dx is replaced by angular displacement dθ.

��​�� = ����​
​ ​ ��​ ��, ��

����​��​�� ​= −​����​�� ��,

​ ��
Multiply Excited Magnetic System
• ​These systems are used where continuous energy conversion
occurs. ​• ​Example: motors, alternators etc…

• ​The doubly excited system has two

independent sources of excitations.
• ​Due to the 2 sources, there are two sets
3 independent variables.
• ​They are (λ​1​, λ​2​, θ) and (i​1​, i​2​, θ)
Multiply Excited Magnetic System
Case 1: Independent variables are (λ​1​,
λ​2​, θ)​ ​• ​We know that,

​ −​����​�� ��​
��​�� = ​ 1​, ��​2​, ��

���� −−−−
​ −1
• ​The field energy is,
��​2​, �� = න ��​2​��​ ����
��​�� ​��​1​, ��​ ��​1​����2 −−−−
​ −2
1 ​+ න
0 0

��​1 =
​ ��​11​��​1 +

��​12​��​2 ​−−− −3 ��​2 =

��​12​��​1 ​+ ��​22​��​2
−−− −4
Multiply Excited Magnetic System
• ​Solve eqn 3 and eqn 4 to express i​1​and i​2​in terms of λ​1​and
λ​2​. ​• ​Multiply eqn 3 by L​12 and
​ eqn 4 by L​11​,
��​2 −−−
​ −5
��​12​��​1 =
​ ��​12​��​11​��​1 ​+ ��​12

��​11​��​2 ​= ��​11​��​12​��​1 +
​ ��​11​��​22​��​2 −−
​ −6
• ​Subtracting eqn 6 from eqn 5,
��​2 −​ ��​11​��​12​��​1 −
​ ��​11​��​22​��​2
��​12​��​1 −
​ ��​11​��​2 =
​ ��​12​��​11​��​1 +
​ ��​12
− ��​11​��​22 ​��​2
��​12​��​1 ​− ��​11​��​2 ​= ��​12

​ ��​
��​2 = ​ 12
− ��​11​��​22​��​1 ​−​��​11
��​12 �​12


Multiply Excited Magnetic System

��​2 =
​ ��​21​��​1 +
​ ��​22​��​2

• ​Similarly i​1​can be expressed in terms of λ​1​and

λ​2​as, ​��​1 =

��​11​��​1 +


��​11 2

��​11​��​22 ​− ��​12

��​22 2

��​11​��​22 ​− ��​12

��​12 ​= ��​21 ​= −​ 12 ​2

��​11​��​22 ​− ��​12
Multiply Excited Magnetic
System ​• ​From eqn 2,
1​ 2​
��​ ��​11​��​1 +
​ ��​ ��​21​��​1 +

��​�� ​��​1​, ��​2​,
�� = න ��​12​��​2 ​����​1 +
​ ��​22​��​2 ​����​2

0 0

��​�� ​��​1​, ��​2​, �� =​ 2​��​11​��​1​2 +

+​ 2​��​22​��​2​2
• ​The self and mutual inductances of the coils depend on the angular position θ of
the rotor.
Multiply Excited Magnetic System
Case 2: Independent variables are (i​1​, i​2​,
θ)​ ​• ​We know that,

��​�� =
​ ​ ����​ ��​ ��​1​, ��​2​, ��

���� −−−−
​ −7
• ​The co – energy is given by,
1​ 2​
��​ ��​1​��� ��​ ��​2​���
��​��​′​��​1​, �​1 ​+ න 0 �​2 −−−−
​ −8
��​2​, �� = න0

��​1 =
​ ��​11​��​1 +

��​12​��​2 ​−−− −3 ��​2 =

��​12​��​1 ​+ ��​22​��​2
−−− −4
Multiply Excited Magnetic System

��​��​ ��​1​, ��​2​, �� =​ 2​��​11​��​1​2 ​+ ��​12​��​1​��​2

+​ 2​��​22​��​2​2
• ​Force in a doubly excited system,
�� =​ ����​ ��​ ��​1​, ��​2​, ��
�� =​ ��​ 1​
����​ 2​ ��​ ��​
11​ 1​ + ��​12​��​1​��​2

Two coupled coils have self and mutual inductance of ​��​11 =
​ 2 +​ 2��​;

1​ 1​
��​22 =
​ 1 +​ 2��​; ��​12 =
​ ��​21 =
​ ​ 2��

over a certain range of linear displacement of x. The first coil is excited by

a constant current of 20 A and the second by a ​constant current of –10 A.
Find mechanical work done if x changes from ​0.5 to 1 m and also the
energy supplied by each electrical source
MMF of Distributed AC Windings
• ​The armature of any machine has distributed winding wound for the
same number of poles as the field winding.
MMF of a Single Coil
• ​Assume a cylindrical rotor machine with a small air-gap.
• ​The stator is wound for 2 poles with a single N turn coil carrying a current of ​i

• ​The MMF produced by the single coil is

• ​This MMF creates a flux and each flux
crosses the air-gap radially twice.
• ​Half of the MMF is used to create flux
stator to rotor and other half is used to
create flux from rotor to stator.
MMF of a Single Coil

• ​In the developed diagram shown, the

stator is laid down with the rotor on
the top of it.
• ​The shape of the MMF is seen to be
• ​+Ni/2 is consumed in setting up flux
from rotor to stator and –Ni/2 is
consumed in setting up flux stator to
MMF of a Single Coil
• ​MMF produced by the coil changes between +Ni/2 and –Ni/2 abruptly. ​•
Using fourier analysis, the fundamental component of MMF can be found as,
4​ ����​
ℱ​��1 =
​ ​ ��​ 2​cos �� = ��​1�� ​cos ��
4​ ����​
��​1�� =
​ ​ ��​ 2
MMF of a Distributed Winding
• ​Consider a 2 pole, cylindrical rotor with,
m = slots/pole/phase = 5
n = slots/pole = 5x3 = 15
• ​The distributed winding for phase A, occupying 5 slots per pole is shown below.
• ​Let N​C =​ turns in a coil
• ​i​C =​ conductor current
• ​M.M.F in 1 slot = 2. N​C​.i​C
• ​As the No. of slots are odd, half of the
conductors produce south pole and
half produce north pole on stator.
MMF of a Distributed Winding
• ​At each slot, the MMF wave has a
step jump of 2 N​C​i​C​.
• ​Total MMF produced in 5 slots is
• ​Half of this total MMF is used to set
up flux from rotor to stator and
remaining half is used to create flux
from stator to rotor.
• ​Now F​1P​, the peak of fundamental
waveform has to be determined.
MMF of a Distributed Winding
• ​T​ph =​ series turns per parallel path of a phase.
• ​A = Number of parallel paths.
������������ �������� ������
���������������� ������ℎ = ��​��ℎ ​× ��​��
������������ �������� ������ ��ℎ������
= �� ​��​��ℎ ×
​ ��​��
���������� �������������� ���� ������
��ℎ������, ��​�� = ​ �� × ��​��
������������ ��������Τ��ℎ������ =
��​��ℎ ​× ��​��
��������Τ��������Τ​��ℎ������ =​��​��ℎ ×

• ​Using fourier analysis, the equation for mmf wave is given

by, ​ℱ​��1 =​
​ ��​��​��ℎ ​× ��​��
��​cos ��
• ​Because of short pitched and distributed winding, the mmf gets reduced by

a factor K​p​and K​d​. Hence the equation for mmf wave is given by, ​ℱ​��1

=​ ��​��​��​��​��​��​��ℎ ​× ��​��

��​cos �� = ��​1�� cos

​ ��

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