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fu g e

i rial ands
C e n t r
a n t e r Ind ust es
tz D e c ons in
licati emical Pr o cess

Andri eparation
for S

Andritz Decanter Centrifuges -
the optimum solution for any application
Andritz has a fully developed range Profit from
of centrifuges, allowing the right ➟ low space requirement
combination of machines to be
➟ low operating costs
selected to achieve optimum per-
formance at reasonable costs. ➟ simple installation
Decades of experience allow to ➟ personnel safety
select the correct size and con-
figuration depending on material
type and process objectives.


Main features: This machine is used when not only a

solid must be separated from the liquid
● Process flexibility but when the liquid contains two phases
of differing densities. By separating the
The decanter produces practically two liquids in the decanter, the application
constant separation results, even of a downstream disk centrifuge can be
with large fluctuations in the volume- optimized or eliminated.
tric flow, the process conditions,
and/or the product characteristics.
Solid-bowl decanter centrifuge
This ensures safe and stable opera- ● Process conditions
tion. The solid-bowl decanter is the basic,
Casing designs and sealing systems standard machine, to which features can
If a subsequent process stage re- can be supplied for gas-tight, vapor- be added for special applications.
quires relatively constant feed con- tight, or pressurized operation for ab- The solid bowl is ideal for clarification of
ditions, the steady performance of solute pressure from 0 bar to 8 bar. liquids, thickening of sludge's, and the
the decanter can obviate the need separation of solids.
for equipment to eliminate feed fluc- Extreme temperature conditions
tuations. from – 90°C to +200°C can be
Screen-bowl decanter centrifuge
accommodated using special
bearing designs and lubrication.
Screen-bowl decanters discharge
crystalline solids over the conical section
Systems designed for CIP cleaning These are transported along a cylindrical
using a special tumbling drive and screen section, where the solids are
engineered for all common flame further dewatered – combining the steps
proof or explosion-proof standards of sedimentation and filtration in one
are available, making the decanter machine. Where advantageous, the
ideal for application with solvents ● Chemical resistance solids can be washed on the screen.
and hazardous materials.
The extensive experience in the manu-
CENSORTM solids-sorting centrifuge
● Automation facture of decanters with exotic and
high-strength materials (e.g., titanium,
The CENSORTM centrifuge is used to sort
Decanter operation is often com- pure nickel, or Hastelloy) provides the primarily plastic solids of differing densities
pletely automated by using modern security essential for demanding pro- at very sharp cuts. During the process,
instrumentation and controls. Con- cess applications. State-of-the-art the product is washed using a minimal
trol from the plant’s central control manufacturing procedures allow the quantity of water. The resulting products
room enables the centrifuge to run decanter to be applied in the most are then available for high-quality reuse.
without personnel. extreme process conditions.
Types and performances
Nominal diameter Maximum speed Max. motor L/D ratio
Rotor number (mm) (mp) power (kW)

2 250 6000 22

3 350 5000 30

4 450 4000 55 from 1.5 to 5

5 530 3500 75 selected

6 600 3000 132 according

7 650 3000 160 to

8 760 2800 250 individual

9 900 2500 300 application

10 1000 2200 400 requirements

11 1100 2000 400

12 1200 1800 400

14 1400 1500 500

Organic chemicals Inorganic chemicals Ores and minerals Food and
● Bisphenol-A ● Barium carbonate ● Bentonite
● Caprolactam ● Bentonite ● Drilling mud ● Glutamic acid
● Carpoxymethylzellulose ● Decarbonisation sludge ● Calcite ● Potato peelings
● Melamine ● Gypsum ● Carnalite ● Potato starch
● Paraxylene ● Calcium Carbonate ● Feric Oxide ● Olive oil
● Polyethylene ● Sodium sulfate (FGD) ● Coal fines ● Palm oil
● Polypropylene ● Caustic soda ● Coal flotation concentrate ● Casein
● Polystyrol ● Phosphoric acid ● Gypsum ● Ethanol production
● Polyvinyl alcohol ● Titanium dioxide ● Kalisalts
● Polyvinylchloride ● Kaolin
● PVC-PVA Copolymer ● Pigments
● Terephtalic acid anhydride ● Soda
● Xanthan ● Clay

Always at your disposal

Germany USA
Andritz Separation GmbH Andritz Bird Inc. / Walpole
Tel: +49 221 9856 208, Fax: +49 221 9856 202 Tel: +1 508 404 1400, Fax: +1 508 668 6855
E-Mail: E-Mail:

Andritz AG
Business Area Environment and Process
Separation Technologies
Stattegger Strasse 18, A-8045 Graz, Austria
Tel +43 316 6902-2318, Fax +43 316 6902-463
Internet: http:// D.4.1.3/4.1.4.b.1.4000.e.4.05

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