Meeting Minutes - Feb 2021

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Village of Altona Board Meeting

Thursday, February 4th, 2021

The board meeting was called to order on Thursday, February 4th, by President Derrick Appell. Board members
present: President : Derrick Appell. Clerk: Kelly Scott. Trustees: Dale Grawe, Keith Holland, Nick Morris and
Ryan West. Absent: Treasurer: Mark Compton and Trustees: Shirley Kistler and Brian DeVito. Public Present: 1
Minutes approved from January 7th, 2021 meeting , was motioned to approve with the exception of the spelling
error of Lillie Ave by Dale and 2nd by Keith. All Ayes
Payment of bills approved for February was motioned by Ryan and 2nd by Nick. Ayes: Dale, Nick, Ryan and
Derrick . Abstain: Keith Passes : 4-0-2-1
Financial report was received and if any questions, see Mark, since he was absent from the meeting. There was
an interfund transfer of $150.00 from Corp. Checking to Refuse Checking .
Public Comment: Rich Wegner was asking if the cost of the water that the Village donates reimbursed by any
outside of Altona source to cover the cost of it? Derrick was unaware of any.

Old Business
Code Book Revisions & Passage of Ordinances : No Changes
Village Weather Warning System: Keith motioned to pursue grant with WRC and Dale 2nd the motion. Ayes:
Dale, Keith, Nick, and Derrick. Nays: Ryan. Passes: 4-1-2
New Business:
Announcements were read by Derrick:
2021 Oil & Chip Program – BCZ – Kevan Cooper: Due to the weather, Kevan was unable to attend. Derrick did
talk to him and he said with using chip and oil he would recommend to appropriate $35,000 in MFT. Also
discussed that the North side of town (north of Cty 4) would be the area that would be oil and chipped this
summer. Will need to contact Kevan to start the process.
Acquiring Old Grade School Property: Due to the weather Scott Erickson was unable to attend. Therefore, it will
be tabled until next meeting.
2021 – 2022 Appropriations: Discussed 2021-2022 Appropriations. Derrick will get figures to Chad so he can get
type up.

Committee Reports
Discussed again about delinquent water bills and changing the Due date to the 10th of the month instead
of the 20th. Residents will be notified of this change.
Parks/Sidewalk s:
Park projects updates (mulch, shingling, painting etc.…): no changes
Employee Report:
Adjournment: Keith motioned to adjourn at 8:11 p.m. and Ryan 2nd the motion. All Ayes. The next scheduled
meeting will be Thursday, March 4th, 2021.

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