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On the golden day of Friday, 18/02/2011 the very first National

Seminar of Matrix Business School was organised & we were lucky
to witness this golden event. The seminar was held on the topic: “Can
Indian Tiger Tame The Chinese Dragon”. Chinese consulate was the
chief guest for the event there were number of Nation & International
dignitaries present to witness the golden event in the history of Matrix
Business School.

The Flow Of The Event

The event started with the lightning of the candle followed by the
felicitation of the guests. Afterwards the guests were welcome by our
founder sectary Mrs. Shilpa Kulkerny. After this the chief guest the
Chinese consulate delivered his speech which started with ‘Nanaste’.
His words were very friendly, pleasant & motivating. His speech
included follows things:-
Chinese and Indians are great peoples. We are tolerant and
forgiving. Our ancestors have taught us to kind and considerate.
Confucius asked people “Do not do to others what you wouldn’t have
done to yourself.” While about a century earlier, a great Indian,
Yagnavalkya said: “ Let no one do to others that he would not have
done to himself .”Almost identical words. How great minds think
alike! I don’t think any piracy is involved here since Confucius
couldn’t possibly know the existence of Yagnavalkya. On today’s
world, there are too many hatred, too many wars and bloodshed. To
solve these problems, we need only to turn to ancient oriental
teachings. A great Chinese philosopher, Motsu in early 4th century
B.C. campaigned for “universal love and none violence. Buddha
Sakyamuni observed “Never in this world does hatred; hatred ceases
by love.” “Let a man overcome anger by kindness, evil by good . ”
King Ashoka of the Maurya Dynasty , himself a devout Buddhist but
tolerated and supported other beliefs , bravely denounced the use of
force and asked for love for each other including the enemy , slaves
and even animals. Mahatma Gandhi campaigned on non-violence all
his life and gave his life to satyagraha. He was the greatest man of his
time and remains a saint. Although he never got the Nobel Peace
Prize, he is definitely greater than all who did.
China and India are different. We have different history, different
language, different religion and culture and different domestic
political systems. But difference should not be a barrier that divide us.
In 6th century B.C. , Confucius pointed out that “The virtuous are
friendly to each though they hold different opinions; the mean are
hostile to each other when they blindly follow each other .” 25
centuries later, Rabindranath Tagore said in poetic words: “Let what
seems up barrier become a path, and let us unite, not in spite of our
differences, but through them for difference can never be wiped away,
and life would be so much the poorer without them. Let all human
races keep own their own personality and yet come together, not in a
uniformity that is deed, but in a unity that is living .”
China and India are partners. In recent years, China and India
have joined hands in combating the global financial crises. Inspite of
the global economic imbalance, both China and India have made
staggering economic growth and become the main engine of global
economic growth. India has been predicted by many to out pace
China in economic growth rate in the next few years. Some people try
to describe China-India relationship as a rivalry and worry that Asia ,
even they world , is too small to accommodate two giants. I don’t
agree. I am more impressed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s
oft-quoted remarks , “The world is big enough to accommodate the
growth ambitions of both India and China.” On top of that Premier
Wen Jiaboa said, “There is enough space in the world for India and
China to have cooperation”; “China and India are partners for
cooperation, not rivals in competition”. The following best illustrate
are partnership in economy:

 Our two economies are mutually complementary. China is

dubbed “The world factory”. Its manufacturing sector have a
strong advantage and is the largest producer of steel, cement,
fertilizer , electric appliance etc. India , on the other hand, is
called “World office”. It is very good at innovation and services.
India has a strong demand of industrial products from China ,
and IT , financial and pharmaceutical company is find a giant
and fast growing marketing China. Simply put , China is number
1 in hardware but needs India’s software expertise. India’s is
no.1 in software but needs China’s hardware products by joining
hands like one, we will be worlds no.1 this is a win-win
 Chinese and Indian exports are mutually complimentary.
Mechanical and electrical products are major exports from
China to India while India exports while India exports lot of iron
ore and other raw material to China. In the field like chemical,
plastic and rubber, textile, mechanical and electrical industry,
our two countries have comparative advantage and have great
potential to join hands and explore the world market. Some
friends may complain that India mainly exports raw material to
China while imports from China finished goods. But in
pharmacy industry which India is doing well globally , China
plays the role of raw material provider and 70-80% of India
pharmacy products have ingredients from China.
 China has a lot to share in the area of infrastructure. Chinese
companies are highly experienced at building infrastructure such
as high dash speed railways, expressways, bridges, ports, power
network, etc. They also relatively easier access to financing.
India is doing a huge wave of infrastructure construction, thus
breaking the bottle-neck of transportation and laying a more
solid foundation for sustained growth. It is impossible to find
another pair as suitable. China and India are simply meant for
each other.

Our bilateral relationship hasn’t always been easy. By cooperation

and dialogue has always been the mainstream. As long as both sides
have the overall interests of the people in mind, adopt approaches of
friendly consultation, equality and mutual benefits, China-India
relationship including China-India economic relationship will develop
smoothly and steadily. Partners don’t try to “tame” each other. They
tangle with each other. Let’s join hands and tangle towards a more
peaceful and prosperous future.

It was a great experience being a part of this event. It was an
incredible event, which has given us a great exposure and let us
know about the present international situation of India & China. It
was a great exposure & an incredible experience for all of us.

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