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1. Outline (2) things that are wrong with the objectives being used by JK

A. Not Specific – The objective is not precise and quantifiable. For example the
objective could have been geared towards being the best in the country, then
the region and then to expand globally. No long term or short term goals
were outlined.

B. Not Measurable – The objective is lacking in terms of the ability of

management to plot progress towards the objective. There is no well-defined
reference point from the start and a scale for measuring progress. For
example the business could say: “To be the best in the world within five year
and track the progression of the company at different intervals.

2. State (3) reasons why having a proper mission statement is important to JK


A. Identifying Purpose - The importance of a strong mission statement to JK

Foods is that it gives employees purpose and improves engagement in their
work. Mission statements help employees see the meaning and purpose of
their work by giving them clear reasons their job benefits a larger goal.

B. Allocation Of Resources – By any means a good mission statement should

provide a basis, or a standard for how the company plans to acquire
resources to ensure that the business can stay in operation and to prevent
heavy losses in the long term.

C. Work Structure – The mission statement will also facilitate smooth

transition from the planning phase onto the organizational structure phases
as employees would know their roles and where they stand.
3. Tom Greaves suggested that objectives should be ‘SMART.’ Explain the
acronym as it relates to writing objectives.
S - Specific: Objectives must be precise therefore meaning any goal the
business wishes to achieve it must zoned in on exactly and outlined .
M – Measurable: Secondly management should be able to assess the progress of
the business in line with the objectives from the point of operation which will
require a scale for measuring progress.
A – Attainable: Objectives should not be impossible to the point where they cannot
be attained. When the objectives are being established time frame must be taken
into consideration. The objectives should pose some challenge to motivate
employees to work hard.
R – Relevant (Realistic): Objectives should be realistic particularly in the
beginning. This will alleviate unnecessary spending which could have been used
towards investment. Relevancy of the objective in terms of resources, market share
and employee capabilities must be considered.
T – Timely: The objectives of the business should not only specify what needs to
be done but also track the achievement of the objectives over a period of time.

4. List the (4) levels of objectives that JK Foods may want to develop and give
(1) example of each that it could use.

A. Corporate Objectives – These are realistic and measurable aims which a

company may plan to achieve usually in a time frame of five years or more.
Eg: JK Foods may hope to achieve a goal of being able to export its
products by the next five years.

B. Strategic Objectives – Usually medium term and refers to outcomes that

strengthen a company overall position and competiveness.
Eg: JK Foods may plan to revamp the quality of their products every three
years to remain competitive in the food production industry as well as to
remain up to date with new technologies.
C. Tactical Objectives – Performance targets established by department heads
usually short-to-medium term which is geared towards achieving specific
organizational outcomes within or close to a year.
Eg: The human resource department of the company may implement
employee training seminars every six months.

D. Operational Objectives - Usually short-term objectives needed in order to

attain long-term tactical objectives. They are normally managed by lower
level management such as supervisors who are concerned with immediate
Eg: The supervisors within the company of JK Foods may ensure that staff
within their department arrive at work on time, dress appropriately and
follow codes of conduct. This is short term as this will be a daily activity
however this will benefit the efficiency and productivity of the business in
the long term.

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