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 What is Communication?

Communication is the sharing of ideas, opinions or information between at

least two people by verbal or non-verbal means. Managers spend
approximately 80% of their time communicating with others through memos,
reports, face-to-face meetings, and telephone conversations.

 What aspects of communication can I work on improving?

Effective communication is achievable with practice. Focus on the following
nine aspects to improve your communication skills:
1. Eye Contact
2. Posture
3. Movement
4. Gestures
5. Expressions
6. Voice
7. Appearance
8. Vocabulary

1. Eye Contact: You need to make eye contact with your audience,
but do not intimidate an individual listener by staring at them
continuously. Break the eye contact periodically to prevent them from
feeling uncomfortable. Not looking at an individual when you are speaking
to them implies uncertainty and discomfort. If you are addressing a small
group, try to look at each person individually as you speak. Look at all
sections of a large group in turn.
2. Posture: The way you sit or stand while addressing others
conveys strong non-verbal messages. Leaning back in a chair is a sign of
strength and dominance, while sitting forward implies interest. Be aware
of your proximity to the listener and do not violate their personal spaces.
3. Movement: Movement attracts attention and reduces anxiety in
the speaker, but constant movement is as distracting to the listeners as
no movement. Try to time your moves for natural pauses in your
4. Gestures: Gestures can be very effective in emphasizing points,
but make sure they are appropriate to the content and emotion of your
message. Avoid pointing, since this can be intimidating to listeners.
Generally the smaller your audience, the smaller your gestures need to
5. Expressions: Facial expressions can be an outward sign of your
internal emotions, but these responses may be misinterpreted. Remember
that the expressions you see on an individual’s face is not necessary an
accurate reflection of their emotions.
Practice using a variety of expressions while speaking, so that your face
reflects the emotions you want to evoke in your listeners.
6. Voice: The speed, pitch and volume of your voice greatly affect
the impact your message has on your listeners. Unduly rapid speech can
give the impression that you are uncertain, and speak too slowly often
bores or frustrate listeners, so you want to be sure that you speak at a
rate that can be easily understood.
You should speak at a pitch that feels natural and keep in mind that a
varied pitch is effective in holding your audience’s attention. Speak at a
volume that is loud enough to be heard clearly by your listeners, but not
so loud that you come across as rude or unrefined. Adjust the volume of
your voice according to the situation, and if necessary, ask your listeners
if they can hear you clearly, such as when speaking to a large group.
7. Appearance: Your physical appearance is important when
delivering a message. The clothes you wear should be appropriate for the
setting and your personal grooming should enhance the impact of your
message. A listener’s first impression of a speaker is usually a visible one,
so you want to be sure your appearance supports your verbal message.
8. Vocabulary: Your vocabulary should be appropriate for the subject
of the message and reflect the comprehension level of your listeners. You
should strive to use simple language that will make your message clear
without “talking down” to your audience.

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