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Sahibul Sayf Sheykh Abdul Kerim QS Read Sohbets

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala ali Muhammadin wasallim.

Times people started
ASMAUL HUSNA recitation since April '14

"The most
most beautiful
beautiful names
names belong
belong to
to Allah:
Allah: so
so call
call on
on Him
Him byby them;
them; but
but shun
such men
men as
as use
use profanity
profanity in
in His
His names:
names: for
for what
what they
they do,
do, they
they will
will soon
soon be
requited" (Surah
(Surah Al-A'raf,
Al-A'raf, verse
verse 180)

Those who
who believe,
believe, and
and whose
whose hearts
hearts find
find satisfaction
satisfaction in
in the
the remembrance
remembrance of
Allah: for
for without
without doubt
doubt in
in the
the remembrance
remembrance of of Allah
Allah do
do hearts
hearts find
satisfaction. (Glorious
(Glorious Qur'an
Qur'an 13:28)



(The Greatest Name, The Name Of ALLAH)

അ ാഹു : അ ാഹുവിൻ നാമം

In the name of God The infinitely Compassionate and Merciful ● Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds. ● The Compassionate, The
Merciful. ● Ruler on the Day of Reckoning. ● You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help. ● Guide us on the straight
path ● The path of those who have received your grace; not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who
wander astray. Ameen Rabbal Alameen.

Allah is Al-ism Al-a'zam, the greatest name which contains all the divine attributes and is the sign of the essence and cause of all
existence. Allah does not resemble in any way any of His creation. Allah is Allah's name only.
Nothing else can assume this name or share it.

Benefits of Reading : Whoever reads this name of Allah 1,000 times daily, all doubts and uncertainties
will be removed from his heart, instead, determination and faith will become inborn in him. Insha-Allahu

(The All-Compassionate)
അർ-റ ാൻ : പരമ-കാരുണ വാൻ

The One who continually showers all of creation with blessings and prosperity without any disparity. The One who is most kind,
loving and merciful. The One whose endless, loving mercy is perfect and inclusive. The One who is overflowing with the quality of
loving mercy and is continually pouring it upon all of creation. The One whose perfect mercy and loving beneficence endlessly
embrace all of creation. The One who loves and cherishes all of creation.
The One who is most loving, gentle and merciful.

The Most Gracious has imparted this Qur’an unto man. He has created man: He has imparted unto him articulate thought and
speech. At His behest the sun and the moon run their appointed courses; before Him prostrate themselves the stars and the trees.
And the skies has He raised high, and has devised for all things a measure, so that you too, O men, might never transgress the
measure of what is right: weight, therefore, your deeds with equity, and cut not the measure short! and the earth has He spread
out for all living beings, with fruit thereon, and palm trees with sheathed clusters of dates, and grain growing tall on its stalks, and
sweet-smelling plants. Which, then, of your Sustainer’s powers can you disavow?

Ar-Rahman 55:1-13, tr. Asad

Benefits of Reading : If this ism is recited 100 times daily after every salaah,
if Allah wills, hard heartedness and negligence will be removed from the readers heart.


(The All-Merciful)
അർ-റഹീം : കരുണാനിധി

The One who grants even more grace and greater rewards in response to our good actions and high thoughts.
The One who greatly rewards those who use the Divine bounties and beneficence in a good way.
The One who has mercy on the merciful.

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

In the name of God, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful
Al-Fatihah 1:1

He is the source of infinite mercy and beneficence,

who rewards with eternal gifts the one who uses his bounties for the good.

Benefits of Reading : If recited daily after every salah 100 times, the reciter will be safeguarded against
all calamities, and maladies and the entire creation will become affectionate towards him - InshaAllah

(The Absolute Ruler, The Sovereign)

അൽ-മലിക് : മഹാരാജാവ്

He is the owner and ruler of the entire universe, visible and invisible, and of all creation, from before the beginning and after the
end. And thus have We bestowed from on high this divine writ as a discourse in the Arabic tongue, and have given therein many
facets to all manner of warnings, so that men might remain conscious of Us, or that it give rise to a new awareness in them. Know,
then that God is sublimely exalted, the Ultimate Sovereign, the Ultimate Truth: and knowing this, do not approach the Qur’an in
haste, ere it has been revealed unto thee in full, but always say:
"O my Sustainer, cause me to grow in knowledge!"
Ta Ha 20:113-114

Benefits of Reading : If read abundantly each day after zawaal,

the reader will be given abundant wealth, Insha-Allah.


(The Pure One)

അൽ-ഖു ൂസ് : പരിശു വാൻ

The One who is pure, spotless, without blemish or fault. The One who is far from, and untouched by, worldly imperfections or
faults. The One whose essence and attributes are of unimaginable purity and perfection. The One who is beyond all human
understanding of purity, perfection and holiness.

Benefits of Reading : Allah will cure from all spiritual sickness the one who recites
this name abundantly each day.


(The Source of Peace)

അ ലാം : ര യും സമാധാനവും നൽകു വൻ

The One who is perfect, whole, prosperous and content.

The One who is the source of all peace, wholeness and safety.
The One who has rendered all of creation to be perfect, whole, prosperous and content.
The One whose creation is free of imperfections, free of faults and free of error.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who recites this ism continually, Allah will protect him from all
calamities and maladies. If said 115 times and blown on sick person,
Insha-Allah, Allah will restore his health.


(The Inspirer of Faith)

അൽ-മു'മിൻ : അഭയം നൽകു വൻ

The One who faithfully bestows the gifts of peace, safety and security.
The One who grants freedom from fear. The One who illuminates the heart with faith.
The One who is most trustworthy.

Benefits of Reading : Whoever says this name 630 times in times of fear, Allah will protect
him from all calamities, mishaps and losses. If anyone writes it (on paper or by engraving it
on silver ring) and keeps it with him (as taweez), his physical and spiritual safety will remain the
responsibility of Allah.


(The Guardian, The Giver of Protection)

അൽ-മുൈഹമിൻ : സർ ര ാധികാരി

The One who ensures well-being.

The One who extends wings of Love to cover and protect creation.
The One who is ever watchful. The One who protects and guards.
The One who offers peace and security. The One who proclaims the Truth.
The one who sees the growth of His creation leading them where they are destined to go.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who offers 2 rakaat salaah after ghusl and reads with sincerity this Ism
100 times, Allah will purify him physically as well as spiritually. Also Allah will acquaint
one with the unseen if one reads it 115 times.

(The Mighty, The Victorious)

അൽ-അസീസ് : പതാപമു വൻ

The One who is the most Powerful and most Cherished.

The victorious One whose strength, glory and power are overwhelming and cannot be overcome or resisted.
The One whose dignity, majesty and power are unique, precious and unattainable by mankind.
The One whose respectability and nobility are above all others. The One who is the ultimate in honor and nobility.
The One who has complete mastery over all of creation. The One who overcomes everything.
The One who is incomparable and unparalleled.
The One who is the cherished source of all strength, power and potency.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who says this Ism 40 times each day for 40 days, Allah will grant him
honor and self sufficiency. If read 41 time daily with constancy, the reader will become self-sufficient
and will attain honor if he is treated with dishonour.


(The Compeller)
അൽ-ജ ാർ : പരമാധികാരമു വൻ

The One who irresistibly restores all of creation to soundness and sufficiency.
The One who repairs, reforms and completes.
The One who irresistibly compels things to be set aright.
The One who compels each and every thing according to divine will, yet is never compelled.
The One who is high, above all creation and utterly irresistible.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who says this Ism 226 times each morning and each evening will be
safeguarded against the oppression of tyrants and despots. If anyone engraves it on a silver ring and
wears it, his awe and magnificence will become inborn in the hearts of people - InshaAllah.


(The Greatest, The Self Glorious)

അൽ-മുതക ിർ : മഹത മു വൻ

The One who is supremely great. The One who is greater than all of creation.
The One who manifests greatness in all things and in all ways.
The One who has rights, privileges and attributes which others have not.

Benefits of Reading : The constant reciter of this Beautiful Name will be granted honour and greatness.
If read continually before any task, it will be accomplished - InshaAllah.


(The Creator, The Planner)

അൽ-ഖാലിഖ് : സ്ർഷ്ടാവ്

The One who determines and creates according to the proper measure and proportion of each thing.
The One who plans and determines how, when and where to create. The One whose works are perfectly suited, appropriate, fitting
and proper. The One who creates something from nothing. The One who creates both the inner and the outer in just proportions.
The One who brings things into existence from a state of non-existence. The One who has the power to change things back and
forth between the states of existing and non-existing.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who recites this Name of Allah 100 times for 7 days, will be safeguarded
against all adversities. InshaAllah. And one who forms the habit of its continuous recital, Allah will appoint
an angel who will worship Allah continuously on his behalf.


(The Maker from Nothing, The One Who Gives Life)

അൽ-ബാരിഉ : പട വൻ

The One who creates form out of nothing. The One who creates with no model or similarity. The One who evolves and re-creates
that which exists, both physically and spiritually. The One who sends new forms into existence. The One who manifests that which
is in perfect harmony and proportion, without blemish or fault.

Benefits of Reading : If a barren women fasts for 7 days, and each day after making iftar with water and
reads "Al bari'u Al musawwir 21 times, Allah will grant her male children - InshaAllah.

(The Fashioner, The Shaper of Beauty)

അൽ-മുസ ിർ : രൂപം നൽകു വൻ

The One who is the fashioner and former of each and every thing in all of creation.
The One who has given everything in creation a special inclination or desire.
The One who has given everything a special form and a special manner whereby it is distinguished.

Benefits of Reading : If a barren women fasts for 7 days, and each day after making iftar with water and
reads "Al bari'u Al musawwir" 21 times, Allah will grant her male children - InshaAllah.


(The Forgiving, The Absolver)

അൽ-ഗഫ്ഫാർ : ഏ വും െപാറു ു വൻ

The One who accepts repentance and veils or forgives our faults and sins, time and time again.
The One who sets us free from the guilt and shame of our own sins and faults, such that we may discover inner harmony and
peace. The One who protects us from the effects of our faults and sins, both in the present world and the future.
The One who accepts repentance and sets aright our faults and sins. The One who veils, forgives or transforms our faults and sins
in such a manner that we may go on without guilt or shame. The One who can set aright, or transform, wrong deeds and change
them into what become good deeds.

Benefits of Reading : Any person who recites this Ism 100 times after Jumua'h salah will soon begin to
perceive Allah's forgiveness. And anyone who says, "Ya Ghaffar Igfirli" daily after Asr salaah, Allah will
include him amongst those whom he has forgiven.


(The Conqueror, The Prevailer)

അൽ-കഹ്ഹാർ : അട ി ഭരി ു വൻ
The One who prevails over all of creation. The One who overcomes all obstacles. The One who is victorious over any opposition.
The One whose will is irresistible. The One who is dominant. The Ever-Dominating One. The One who is master of all. The One to
whom all submit.

Benefits of Reading : One who is fully inclined towards this world should say this Ism continually; if Allah
wills, he will be freed from the love of this world and, instead, Allah's love will become inborn in his heart.


(The Giver of All, The Great Giver)

അൽ-വഹ്ഹാബ് : അത ദാരൻ

The One who continually bestows gifts, favors and blessings upon all of creation. The One who is the most generous and liberal
giver. The One who gives freely and endlessly, without expectation of any return.

Benefits of Reading : If a poverty stricken person recites this Ism of Allah continuously or writes it and
keeps it on him (as Tweeze) or recites this name of Allah 40 times in the last Sajdah of Salat-ud-Dua
(Chast prayer), Allah will free him from poverty in an unexpected and amazing manner. insha-Allah.

For a particular need to be fulfilled, observe sajdah 3 times in the courtyard of the house or Masjid and
then lift your hands (as in Dua) and recite this Name of Allah 100 times, Allah will fulfill your need. Insha-


(The Sustainer, The Providence)

അൽ-റ ാഖ് : ആഹാരം നൽകു വൻ , നൽകു വൻ

The One who creates all means of nourishment and subsistence. The One who is the giver of all things beneficial, both physical and
spiritual. The One who provides everything that is needed. The One who causes the means of subsistence to come. The One who
bestows all means of support and growth, for the body, the mind and the spiritual life.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who blows in all four corners of his house after saying this Name 10 times
in each corner before Fajr, Allah will open him his door of rizq (Sustenance). Sickness and Poverty will
never enter in his home. (Note: Begin from the right hand corner while facing Qibla).

(The Opener, The Granter of Success)

അൽ-ഫ ാഹ് : വിജയം നൽകു വൻ

The One who is the judge and revealer. The One who opens what is closed. The One who is the judge of what shall be opened. The
One by whose guidance that which was closed is opened and the unclear is made clear. The One who lifts veils and who opens the
heart. The One who unties the knots, and softens that which was hardened. The One who continually offers goodness and mercy.
The One who gives victory. The One who opens the door to success. The One who holds the keys to victory and success. The One
who reveals the solution to all problems.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who places both hands on his bosom after Fajr salaah and says this Name
70 times, insha-Allah his heart will be illuminated with the "Noor" of Imaan.


(The Knower of All, The Omniscient)

അൽ-അലീമു : എ ാം അറിയു വൻ

The One who comprehends everything. The One who is intuitively aware of all things, even before they happen. The One who
knows with certainty. The One whose knowledge of past, present and future is deeply rooted and complete in all respects. One
from whom no knowledge is concealed. The One who is aware of the complete details of all matters. The Omniscient One.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who recites this name much, Allah will open the gates of knowledge and
wisdom for them. Moreover, their heart will be filled with the Ma'rifah (cognizance) of Allah.


(The Withholder, The Constrictor)

അൽ-ഖാബിള : പിടിെ ടു ു വൻ
The One whose wisdom causes withholding, either physically or spiritually. The One whose wisdom decides when to withhold
something, or make something scarce. The One whose wisdom may elect to withhold joy and expansion of the heart. The One in
whose hand all hearts are held. The One whose hand collects all souls at the time of death.

Benefits of Reading : Whoever writes (With saffron or by mere action of ones finger) this Ism of Allah on
four morsels of bread (roti) each day for 4 days and eats them, will be safeguarded against hunger, thirst,
injuries, pain etc.


(The Un folder, The Expander)

അൽ-ബാസ ിതു : വിശാലമാ ു വൻ

The One who makes ample and plentiful all that is needed. The One who expands and amplifies all abundance. The One who makes
the way wide and open. The One who stretches out a helping hand to mankind. The One whose open hand releases joy, comfort
and abundance. The One who infuses the soul into body. The One who has filled the heart with spiritual abundance. The One whose
glory and abundance fill and expand the heart.

Benefits of Reading : Lift the hands towards the heavens (as in Dua) after Salatu Dua (Chast) and say
this Name 10 times. Thereafter pass the hands across the face (as when finishing Dua) Insha-Allah, self
sufficiency and independence will be granted by Allah. This must be done daily.


(The Humbler, The One who Softens, The Abaser)

അൽ-ഖാഫിള : താഴ് ു വൻ

The One who chooses the ones to be humbled, softened, made gentle. The One who decides which ones to weaken or diminish.
The One who humbles the proud, haughty or insolent, to awaken them from their sleep.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who say this Name 500 times, Allah will fulfill all his needs and remove all
his difficulties. InshaAllah. One who fasts for 3 days and on the fourth day says this Beautiful Name 70
times while sitting in seclusion, will gain victory over his enemy - Insha Allah.

(The Uplifter, The Exalter)

അർ-റാഫിഉ : ഉയർ ു വൻ

The One whose wisdom chooses the ones to be uplifted. The One who uplifts and elevates mankind above petty desires and
selfishness. The One who makes it possible to rise above the differences and distinctions that divide mankind.

Benefits of Reading : Any person who says this Ism 100 times in the middle of the 14th night of every
lunar month, Allah will grant him self sufficiency and independence of the entire creation. InshaAllah.


(The Bestower of Honors, The Glorifier)

അൽ-മുഇ : പതാപം നൽകു വൻ

The One who gives invincible strength and honor. The One who grants honor and power. The One who strengthens and glorifies.
The One who makes it possible for someone or something to be respected, cherished and mighty.

Benefits of Reading : If this beautiful name of Allah is said 40 times after Maghrib on every Monday and
Friday, Allah will grant the reader honour and reverence - InshaAllah.


(The Humiliator, The Degrader)

അൽ-മുദി : നി ി ു വൻ, താഴ് ു വൻ

The One whose wisdom creates situations that are low and despicable. The One who creates the appearance of dishonor or
degradation. The One whose wisdom produces circumstances of humiliation and disgrace.
Benefits of Reading : Whoever makes Dua for protection after saying this Ism 75 times, Allah will
protect him from the evils of envious persons, oppressors and enemies - InshaAllah. If there is a particular
enemy whom one fears then after saying the name in the manner mentioned above, one may observe
sajdah wherein one may invoke Allah's help against ones enemy by actually mentioning his name in
sajdah thus "O Allah, protect me from the evils of [Zaid] or [bakar]" If Allah wills he will be granted


(The Hearer of All, The Ever-Listening)

അൽ-സമീഉ : എ ാം േകൾ ു വൻ

The One whose hearing and attention comprehends everything. The One who pays attention to every supplication and invocation.
The One who listens to every voice. The One who hears and accepts every word, thought and secret. The One who listens to
everything, perfectly, eternally, without limitations.

Benefits of Reading : One who say this beautiful name 500 or 50 times on Thursday after offering Salat
Dua (Chast), all his duas will be assuredly granted - InshaAllah. It is necessary that no talking is done
during the course of reciting it. If anyone reads it 100 times on a Thursday between the Sunnah and
Fardh of Fajr, Allah will favour him with his special blessings - InshaAllah.


(The Seer of All, The All-Perceiving)

അൽ-ബസ ീറു : എ ാം കാണു വൻ

The One whose insight sees all things clearly, both the apparent and the hidden.
The One who sees and understands all that has been, and all that will be.
The One who has insight into all things. The One who perceives every detail.
The One who understands all things, both outer and inner.
The One who has given to mankind the outer eye of the body, and the inner eye of the heart.

Benefits of Reading : One who says this Name 100 times after Jumu'a prayers constantly, Allah will
grant strength to his eye-sight (noor) to his heart - InshaAllah.

(The Judge, The Arbitrator)

അൽ-ഹകമു : തീർ ് കൽ ി ു വൻ

The One who is the supreme arbitrating magistrate.

The One who is the only true judge. The One who always delivers justice in every situation.
The One whose judgments and decrees are never over-turned or thwarted. The One who makes the final
decision of the nature of all matters. The One who arbitrates all disputes.

Benefits of Reading : One who says this Beautiful Name 99 times while in the state in wudu during the
last portion of night, Allah will cause his heart to perceive all secrets and to be filled with noor. And anyone
who says this Ism on Friday night in such a manner and ecstatic, then Allah will cherish his heart with
manifestations and inspirations.


(The Just, The Impartial)

അൽ-അദ്ലു : നീതി െച വൻ

The One who rectifies and sets matters straight in a fair, impartial and equitable manner.
The One who always acts justly. The One who delivers absolute justice.
The One whose wisdom of justice is based upon complete knowledge of past, present and future.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who inscribes (with saffron or by the mere action of ones finger) this name
of Allah on 20 pieces of bread (roti) on the day or night of Jumua', and consumes it, Allah will cause the
entire creation to become subservient to him - InshaAllah.


(The Most Subtle, The Gracious)

അൽ-ലത ീഫു : സൂ ്മമായത് അറിയു വൻ

The One who is most subtle and gracious.

The One whose nature is gentle, affectionate, courteous and refined.
The One who is kind, gracious, and understanding, with regard for the subtle details of individual circumstances.
The One whose actions are so fine and subtle that they may be imperceptible, beyond our comprehension.
The One whose delicate perception reveals the subtleties of all things.

Benefits of Reading :Whoever reads this name 133 times daily, Allah will grant abundance in his rizq
(sustenance) and cause all his tasks to be accomplished without difficulties. Anyone involved in misery,
poverty, sickness, loneliness or any adversity at all should make wudhu in the proper manner and offer 2
rakaat salaah and then bearing in mind the objective (like deliverance from adversity) say this Ism 100
times, Allah will surely grant him deliverance - InshaAllah.


(The All-Aware, The Knower of Reality)

അൽ-ഖബീറു : സൂ ്മ േബാധവാൻ

The One who knows the internal qualities and meanings of all things. The One who has perfect knowledge and understanding of the
true reality of all things. The One who knows and understands the meaning of even the most hidden secrets. The One who know
the inner truth of every condition and situation. The One who knows and understands secret requests and unspoken prayers. The
One who knows and understands the real condition, the inner reality, of everything.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who reads this Name continually for 7 days, will begin to perceive hidden
secrets. Any person who han an insatiable desire for pleasure should read this Ism continuously.
InshaAllah - he will soon be freed from such base desires.


(The Forbearing, The Most Kind and Gentle)

അൽ-ഹലീമു : സഹനമു വൻ

The One who is kind, gracious and serene in all situations.

The One who is calm and deliberate, never hasty, even with the rebellious and wrongdoers.
The One whose manner is lenient and mild. The One who gives us the opportunity and
situations to learn to be kind, gracious and patient.

Benefits of Reading : If this Ism is written on paper, soaked in water and then the same water sprinkled
on anything or rubbed onto something, then the quality of 'Barakah' will be imparted to such a thing and
it'll be safeguarded against all calamities.

(The Supreme Glory, The Mighty Splendor)

അൽ-അളീമു : മഹത ം ഉടയവൻ

The One who is greatest, mightiest, grandest and above all.

The One who is of the greatest importance. The One who is magnificent,
vast and most revered. The One who is of perfect and absolute greatness.

Benefits of Reading : The reciter of this beautiful Name of Allah will be graced with great honour and
dignity - InshaAllah.


(The Forgiver and Hider of Faults)

അൽ-ഗഫൂറു : പാപ ൾ െപാറു ു വൻ

The One who completely forgives our sins and faults.

The One who accepts repentance and pardons sins and faults.
The One who veils or forgives our faults and sins such that they are not seen
by anyone else, not even the angels. The One who is the perfection of forgiveness.
The One whose forgiving demonstrates excellence, completeness and perfection of forgiveness.

Benefits of Reading : One who repeats this Name frequently all his maladies, sorrow, and grief will be
removed - InshaAllah. Moreover Allah will give Barakah in his wealth and offsprings. It is related in a
hadith that anyone who says thrice "Ya Rabbi igfirlee" while in sajdah, Allah will forgive all his past sins
and any sins that he may commit in future.


(The Most Grateful, The Most Appreciative)

അൽ-ശകൂറു : പവർ ന ൾ ് പതിഫലം െകാടു ു വൻ

The One who is most thankful for righteousness and bestows great rewards for good deeds.
The One who gratefully gives large rewards, even for a small amount of good work.
The One who acknowledges and bountifully rewards all acts of goodness, thankfulness and praise.
The One who frequently and greatly approves, rewards and forgives.

Benefits of Reading : Read this name 41 times, daily for any difficulties - financial, physical, spiritual,
mental etc. InshaAllah - deliverance will be granted soon.


(The Exalted, The Most High)

അൽ-അലി : സമു തനായവൻ

The One Who is above and exceeds all others. The Most High, above whom there is nothing higher.
The One whose rank and station are the Most High. The One who is above and surpasses all that has
ever been, all that there now is, and all that shall ever be.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who reads this name daily and constantly, and keeps with him a written
copy of it, will be exalted, granted affluence, and all his desires will be fulfilled - InshaAllah


(The Most Great, The Greatest)

അൽ-കബീറു : ഏ വും വലിയവൻ

The One whose essence is the perfection of greatness.

The One who is incomparably great. The One whose greatness is beyond measure.
The One whose nature is Greatness. The One whose own essence is unimaginably great perfection.

Benefits of Reading : If anyone who is dismissed from his post, pasts for seven days and each day
repeats this Ism 1,000 times, he will be re-instated to his post and moreover graced with honour and
dignity - InshaAllah

(The Preserver, The Protector)

അൽ-ഹഫീദു : കാ ുര ി ു വൻ

The One whose power preserves the heavens and the earth.
The One who is the guardian and preserver of all the worlds. The One who protects and
preserves all of creation from perishing. The One who is vigilantly guarding every detail of all that has been created.
The One who remembers and preserves all that has ever been and all that is, while keeping under
Divine protection the knowledge of all that shall be.

Benefits of Reading : The one who recites this Name of Allah constantly and keeps with him a written
copy of this Ism, will be protected from all hazards, losses and harmful things - InshaAllah


(The Sustainer, The Nourisher)

അൽ-മുഖീതു : ആഹാരം നൽകു വൻ

The One who has the ability to nourish all of creation.

The One who maintains all that exists. The One who oversees all things.
The One who guards and preserves. The One who is the sustainer of all, the seen and the
unseen, the outer and the inner.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who blows in a bowl of water after repeating this Ism 7 times, and drinks
water from it or to take a deep breath from such a bowl then all their desires will soon be fulfilled -


(The Reckoner, The Accountant)

അൽ-ഹസീബു : വിചാരണ െച വൻ

The One who takes account of all actions and reckons them.
The One who is the measurer and accountant of every deed. The One who is sufficient to
meet all needs. The One who gives what is sufficient and necessary in every situation.

Benefits of Reading : When in fear of any human being or anything repeat "Hasbiya Allahu Al Haseeb"
70 times in the morning and 70 times at night for eight days starting from Thursday. InshaAllah -
protection will be granted against the such a person or thing.


(The Glorious, The Majestic)

അൽ-ജലീലു : പതാപമു വൻ

The One who is majestic, glorious, sublime.

The One who is great and above all in rank and dignity.
The One who is above all, superior, independent. The One who is the owner and the
source of all attributes of greatness and majesty. The One whose greatness and majesty are immeasurable
and cannot be comprehended by the senses. The One whose glorious nature is indicated by the great things that are created.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who keeps with him anything (paper, cloth etc.) on which this Ism "Ya
Jaleelu" is inscribed with saffron or musk Allah will give him honour, greatness, rank and dignity -


(The Most Generous, The Most Bountiful)

അൽ-കരീമു : ഔദാര വാൻ

The One who is the most generous, both physically and spiritually.
The One who is continually giving forth the grandest and most precious bounty.
The One whose kind, noble and generous essence is most esteemed, valued and honored.
The One who endlessly gives all manner of precious gifts, including support and refuge.
The One who is eternally giving, even unto those who may not seem (to us) to be deserving.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone wishing to be revered and honoured by the Ulama and Pious people should
continue saying this Name until they fall asleep.

(The Watchful One, The All Observing)

അൽ-റഖീബു : എ ാം വീ ി ു വൻ

The One who watches all things.

The One who is the ever vigilant witness.
The One from whose observation nothing is hidden.
The One who observes all thoughts, deeds and feelings.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who desires that his family and wealth be protected from destruction and
calamities should repeat this Ism each day 7 times and blow on them. He should also continue reading this
Ism at all times so as to remain safeguarded at all times.


(The Responder to Prayer, The Fullfiller of Prayers)

അൽ-മുജീബു : പാർ ന ്ഉ രം നൽകു വൻ

The One who answers prayers. The One who responds to needs.
The One who penetrates through every obstacle in order to respond.
The One who responds to an invitation. The One who responds to requests, prayers and
praise by means of gifts and acceptance.

Benefits of Reading : The constant reciter of this Ism will soon perceive that all his duaas are being


(The All-Embracing, The All-Sufficient)

അൽ-വാസിഉ : അറിവും ഔദാര വും വിശാലമായവൻ
The One whose expansive essence holds and embraces all of creation.
The One who is vast without limit. The One of limitless capacity and abundance.
The One who is ample-giving, all-embracing and all-pervading.
The One whose power, knowledge, mercy and generosity are boundless.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone desiring spiritual and material self sufficiency and independence should
repeat this Ism over and over.


(The Most Wise, The Most Judicious)

അൽ-ഹകീമു : യു ിപൂർ ം പവർ ി ു വൻ

The One who is Most Knowing. The One who possesses the quality of discrimination between right and wrong and who is free from
error or misunderstanding. The One who has perfect wisdom. The One whose wisdom turns mankind back from wrongdoing. The
One who is qualified to judge the worth of all things.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who repeats this Ism constantly, Allah will open him the doors of
knowledge and wisdom. Anyone whose particular task does not seem to be accomplished should repeat
this Ism frequently and constantly.


(The Beloved, The Loving Kindness)

അൽ-വദൂദു : സ്േനഹനിധി

The One who loves. The One who is the source of all love and loving-kindness.
The One Love. The One who is most affectionate. The Beloved. The One who is deserving of all love and affection.
The One who is the goal of the highest love.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who repeats this Ism 1,000 times and blows on food, and such food is
consumed by him and his wife together, their difference and dispute will soon be settled and a strong bond
of love and affection will result between the spouses - InshaAllah

(The All-Glorious, The Majestic One)

അൽ-മജീദു : മഹത മു വൻ

The One who is glorious, dignified, majestic, bountiful and exceedingly generous.
The One whose essence is the perfection of majesty and glory, abounding in goodness.
The One whose majesty, glory and generosity deserve all praise and honor.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who has contracted a fatal disease such as pox, leprosy etc. Should fast on
the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the lunar month and after breaking fast repeat this Ism profusely and blow in
water and drink such water. He will soon be cured -InshaAllah.


(The Resurrector, The Awakener)

അൽ-ബാഇസു : പുനരു ീവി ി ു വൻ

The One who chooses who shall awaken and who shall be sent forth. The One who decides who to raise up. The One who awakens
the dead. The One who resurrects. The One who rouses up mankind. The One who sends Light into the worlds. The One who
dispatches messengers into the world.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone, who at bedtime, places his hand on his bosom and says this Ism 101
time, his heart will become alive with knowledge and wisdom - InshaAllah


(The Witness, The Certifier)

അൽ-ശഹീദു : എ ാ ിനും സാ ിയായവൻ
The One who directly and ever-presently observes everything in creation.
The One from whose knowledge nothing is hidden. The One who witnesses both that
which is seen and that which is unseen. The One who has knowledge of all that happens
everywhere at all times. The One who is the ultimate witness on judgment day.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone wishing that his disobedient wife or children become obedient, should,
while placing his hand on their foreheads, repeat this Ism 21 times and blow on them. Soon they will
become obedient - InshaAllah.


(The Truth, The Reality, The Truly Existing)

അൽ-ഹഖ്ഖു : സത മായവൻ

The One who is the truth, the real, and the truly-existing.
The One whose essence is the only substance and the only reality.
The One whose essence is wisdom, justice, right, rightness. The One who is just, right, proper, correct.
The One whose essence is unavoidable. The One who acts in accord with the needs of every situation.
The One through whom all righteousness, justice, and truth are revealed.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone whose family member is missing or has absconded or anyone whose
belongings are stolen should inscribe "AL HAQQ" on all 4 squares of a paper and at the time of sehri, place
such paper on his palms and lift it toward the heavens and make dua. Soon, will the missing person return
or the stolen goods be recovered - free from any harm or damage - InshaAllah


(The Trustee, The Guardian)

അൽ-വകീലു : ഭരേമൽ ി െ ടു വൻ

The One and only One who can be entrusted with the management and resolution of all affairs.
The One who is the supreme trustee, guardian and administrator of all things.
The One who may be trusted to do better for us that we can do for ourselves.
The One who can be entrusted to provide the perfect resolution for all matters.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone fearing any calamity caused by an act of God should say this Ism
repeatedly. He will be protected from all calamities - InshaAllah

(The Possessor of All Strength, The Supremely Strong)

അൽ-ഖവി : സർ ശ ൻ

The One whose strength is supreme.

The One who possesses unlimited strength and endurance.
The One whose vigor and strength prevail over all of creation. The One who is beyond all weakness.
The One whose strength is inexhaustible.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone genuinely oppressed or victimized should read this Ism profusely with view
to counteracting the oppressor. Allah will render him protection - InshaAllah.
(This should never be done if circumstances do not warrant it).


(The Firm, The steadfast)

അൽ-മതീനു : പബലമായവൻ

The One who is most steadfast and solid.

The One whose strength produces certitude. The One who is loyal, firm and constant.
The One whose nature is the utmost firmness and steadfastness.
The One who can easily overcome anything through supreme firmness and strength of determination.

Benefits of Reading : Any lady whose breasts do not yield milk, should be made to drink water wherein
the inscription "AL MATEEN" was soaked. Her breasts will abound in milk - InshaAllah.


(The Protecting Friend, The Loving Defender)

അൽ-വലി : സർ ര ാധികാരി
The One who is lover, protector and lord.
The One who is lovingly supportive. The One who is the protecting friend.
The One who guards and rules all of creation. The One who lovingly guides mankind to
turn toward the path of righteousness.

Benefits of Reading : If anyone's wife is of ill character, this Ism should be recited constantly while in
her presence. She will soon become of good character - InshaAllah.


(The Praised One, The Praiseworthy)

അൽ-ഹമീദു : സ്തുതി െ വൻ

The One who is praised and is praiseworthy.

The One who is worthy of all thankful praise. The One and only One who truly deserves
all praise, honor and adoration. The One who is exalted, praised and glorified by the very
existence of creation. The One who deserves every manner of praise, exaltation and
glorification, both public and private.

Benefits of Reading : Should anyone recite in seclusion this Ism 93 times for 45 days, all his evil habits
and bad qualities will change into good habits - InshaAllah.


(The Reckoner, The Appraiser)

അൽ-മുഹ്സ ീ : എ ാം ക്ളിപ്തെ ടു ു വൻ

The One who knows the details of each and every thing.
The One who possesses all quantitative knowledge. The One who comprehends everything,
small or great, inner or outer. The One who registers and records every thought and deed.

Benefits of Reading : The reciter of this Ism 20 times daily and blowing on twenty pieces of bread and
consuming it, will cause allah to make the entire creation subservient to the reciter - InshaAllah

(The Originator, The Starter)

അൽ-മുബ്ദിഉ : തുട ു വൻ

The One who is the originator of all creation.

The One who is the founder of creation. The One who begins all things. The One who initiates all creation.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone, who, while placing his hand on the stomach of his pregnant wife, repeats
this Ism 99 times at the time of sehri, neither will she have a miscarriage will she give a birth prematurely
- InshaAllah


(The Restorer, The Reviver)

അൽ-മുഈദു : മട ു വൻ

The One who restores and repeats all that has been created.
The One who constantly renews, revives and repeats creation. The One who restores and
revives the spiritual essence of every person. The One who repeatedly renews mankind's proper relationship with goodness. The
One who repeatedly restores and revives creation, both physically and spiritually.

Benefits of Reading : When any person is lost, then this name should be repeated 70 times in each
corner of the house during the night when everyone asleep. He will either return within 7 days or his
whereabouts will be known within that period - InshaAllah


(The Giver of Life, The Bestower of Life)

അൽ-മുഹ്യീ : ജീവി ി ു വൻ
The One who created life. The One who makes all things live.
The One who decides what will be vitalized and brought to life.
The One, and only One, who can bring something to life. The One who brings the heart to life.
The One who revives and grants wholeness, even to the spiritually dead.

Benefits of Reading : The sick should constantly say "AL MUHYEE" or alternatively it could be said over
and over and blow on a person who is ill. His health will be restored - InshaAllah. Anyone who says 89
time "AL MUHYEE" and blows on himself, will be safeguarded against all obstacles and bondages -


(The Taker of Life, The Salyer)

അൽ-മുമീതു : മരി ി ു വൻ

The One who created the inanimate world, to which all living forms return.
The One who ordains what shall become lifeless. The One who creates the appearance of death, physically or spiritually.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who has no control over his Nafs should place his hand on his bosom and
continue saying this Ism before he falls asleep. If Allah wills, he will be given the strength to control his


(The Ever Living One, The Alive)

അൽ-ഹ :എ ും ജീവി ു വൻ

The One who is undying, everlasting.

The One who is eternally whole and sound. The One Life from whom all life arises.
The One who calls all life into being. The One who animates all life and who makes each living thing different and distinct.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone desiring sound health should say this Ism 3,000 times daily. If a sick
person writes this Ism in a bowl with a musk and rose water and washes such inscription with water and
drinks the water, he will soon be cured from his illness - InshaAllah. Alternatively, if such water is given to
a person who is ill, he will be cured - InshaAllah

(The Self-Existing One)

അൽ-ഖ മു : എെ ും നില നിൽ ു വൻ

The One whose nature it is to exist.

The One who is free of any dependence on anything else for existence.
The One through whom all things arise. The One by whom all things are eternally managed aright.
The Ever-Living, Self-Existing One who is the foundation upon which all things exist.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who says this Ism continually will attain honour and dignity amongst
people - InshaAllah. Anyone saying it constantly in seclusion will become affluent and wealthy -
InshaAllah. Anyone who continues to say "Ya Haayu Ya Qayyum" from after fajr until after sunrise, his
lethargy and laziness will vanish - InshaAllah


(The Finder, The Wealthy)

അൽ-വാജിദു : എ ാം കെ ി ു വൻ

The One who has discovered and obtained everything.

The One who perceives and possesses everything. The One who has no wants and who lacks nothing.

Benefits of Reading : If anyone continues to say this Name while having meals, the food eaten will
become a source of strength, illumination and Noor for his heart - InshaAllah


(The Glorious, The Glorious and Majestic)

അൽ-മാജിദു : മഹത മു വൻ
The One who is glorious, dignified, majestic, bountiful and exceedingly generous.
The One whose essence is the perfection of majesty and glory, abounding in goodness.
The One whose majesty, glory and generosity deserve all praise and honor.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who says this Name of Allah in seclusion to such an extent and in such a
manner that he becomes euphoric, then the Light and Noor of Allah will soon become evident in his heart -


(The One, The Manifestation of Unity)

അൽ-വാഹിദു : ഏകനായവൻ

The One unique starting point from which all else has arisen.
The One source from which all of creation springs forth.
The One whose unity includes all that appears as diverse, separate or individual.

Benefits of Reading : Those who constantly alone recite "Ya Wahidu" in a quiet place will become
immune to fear and delusion.


(The One, The Unity)

അൽ അഹദ് : ഏകനായവൻ

The One who has ever been and ever remains alone.
The incomparable, unequalled, indivisible One. The One who is the essence of Unity.
The Sole One. The One and Only One. The One who has no second [that shares] in the lordship, nor in the essence, nor in the
attributes. The One who was not begotten and has never begotten. The One who depends upon no other, and to Whom there is no
likeness. The One in whom all names, attributes and relationships are united.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who desires that the fear and love for the creation be driven out of his
heart should recite this Ism 1,000 times daily. Anyone desiring good and pious children should inscribe
this Ism (on paper, cloth etc) and keep it with him all the time.

(The Eternal, The Satisfier of All Needs)

അൽ-സ മദു : ആെരയും ആ ശയി ാ വനും എ ാവരും ആ ശയി ു വനുമായ
അ ാഹു

The One who is eternal and above whom there is none.

The One who is unaffected, unchanged, and without any needs.
The One who is besought by all, and who is above all. The One who can satisfy every need and without whom no affair could be
accomplished. The One who satisfies every need as it should be satisfied, and not necessarily as mankind might imagine. The One
who is the sole recourse, the only one to turn to. The One upon whom all depend, yet who does not depend on any.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who places his head in Sajdah at the time of Sehri and repeats this Ism
115 times or 125 times will be granted spiritual and physical truthfulness - InshaAllah. Anyone saying this
Ism constantly while i state of Wudu will soon become independent of the entire creations - InshaAllah


(The All Powerful, The All Capable)

അൽ-ഖാദിറു : എ ാ ിനും കഴിവു വൻ

The One who possesses the power and the ability to measure-out anything and everything.
The One who has the capability to make any decree and to determine what will be. The One whose decree determines the measure
and distribution of all things. The One who does as He wills, acting or not acting in accord with whatever He decides.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who, after offering 2 rakaat Salaah, says this Ism 100 times, Allah will
humble and disgrace his (provided he is justified). And if it said 41 times before undertaking a difficult
task, the difficulty will be removed. InshaAllah.

(The Creator of All Power, The All-Determining)
അൽ-മുഖ്തദിറു : അതിശ നായവൻ

The One whose supreme power determines and delivers the suitable measure of all things.
The One whose decisions always prevail. The One who has power and ability to ordain all things. The One who is empowered to do
whatever wisdom decides. The One who has the power and ability to decide the outcome of all matters. The One whose power
enforces all decrees and ordains the course of all affairs. The One whose decree prevails in every situation..

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who continues to recite this Name after awakening or says it 20 times,
Allah will have all his tasks fulfilled efficiently - InshaAllah.


(The Expediter, He Who Brings Forward)

അൽ-മുഖ ിമു : മു ി ു വൻ

The One who moves things forward.

The One who grants advancement.
The One who expedites things.
The One who advances or promotes..

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who says this Ism abundantly at the time of war, battle of jihaad, Allah will
give courage (to make advances) and he will be safeguarded from the enemy - InshaAllah. And one who
says this Ism at all times will become obedient and subservient to Allah - InshaAllah.


(The Delayer, He Who Puts Far Away)

അൽ-മുഅഖ്ഖിറു : പി ി ു വൻ

The One who delays or postpones.

The One who puts off advancement. The One who holds back or keeps something
back to put it in its proper place. The One who causes something to lag behind.

Benefits of Reading : The frequent reciter of this Ism will soon resort to genuine repentance. One who
recites it 100 times daily with constancy, will soon become dear and favorite to Allah - InshaAllah

(The First, The Beginning-less)

അൽ-അ ലു : അനാദ നായവൻ

The One who is the first, the beginning, the foremost.

The Prior-Existing One who existed before all of creation.
The One who was before any thing or any being. The One who is the cause of all the worlds.
The One who is the beginning of every action, command or thought.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who desirous of male children should say this Ism 40 times daily for 40
days. His need will soon be fulfilled - InshaAllah. And if any wayfarer (musafir) says it 10,000 times on a
friday, he will soon return to his people safe and sound - InshaAllah.


(The Last, The Endless)

അൽ-ആഖിറു : അ മി ാ വൻ

The One who remains after all of creation has passed away.
The One who is the last, the conclusion, the ultimate. The One who is behind all of creation.
The One beyond whom there is nothing.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone wishing that (i) the love for Allah becomes firmly established in his heart,
(ii) the love for anything or anyone besides Allah be driven out of his heart (iii) compensation should be
made for all his sins (iv) he dies in the state of Iman, then he should say this Ism 1,000 times daily.


(The Manifest, The Evident, The Outer)

അൽ-ളാഹിറു : പത നായവൻ
The One who has manifest all of creation and who is manifest in all of creation.
The One whose nature and existence is demonstrated in all of creation. The One whose essence and attributes are shown
throughout all of creation. The One who is above creation, yet who is made visible through creation.

Benefits of Reading : The one who repeats this Ism 500 times daily after Ishraaq, Allah will cause his
sight and heart to be filled with Light and Noor.


(The Hidden, The Unmanifest, The Inner)

അൽ-ബാത ിനു : പേരാ നായവൻ

The One who is veiled from our sensory perception.

The One who is unseen, yet whose existence and essence are made known through signs.
The One who knows the inner states, inner circumstances and inner thoughts of all of creation. The One who enters unseen into all
of creation. The One who is concealed within all of creation. The One who is the secret inner companion.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who says this Ism 33 times daily, will soon begin to perceive the deeper
secrets of Allah. Moreover a strong bond of love and affection will result between him and Allah -


(The Protecting Friend, The Friendly Lord)

അൽ-വാലീ : സർ ാധിപൻ

The One who is the sole planner, implementer, governor and ruler of all things.
The One who is the supportive, helpful master of all things. The One who is the friendly and
protective ruler and governor of all of creation.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who recites this Ism repeatedly will be safeguarded from all unexpected
calamities. If it is inscribed in a new earthen tumbler or jug, and then the same tumbler filled with water,
and then the water is then sprinkled in the house then such a house will be safeguarded against all
calamities - InshaAllah. If one wishes to subdue another, one should say it 11 times.

(The Supremely Exalted, The Most High)

അൽ-മു ആലീ : ഔ ത മു വൻ

The One who is exalted above all of creation.

The One who is beyond the highest.... beyond the beyond.
The One who far beyond any imagination, thought, limitation or ideal of mankind.

Benefits of Reading : The reciter of this name will soon find all his problems solved. The women who
recites it much during her menstruations will soon find relief from all ailments - InshaAllah.


(The Righteous, The Beneficent)

അൽ-ബർറു : ഗുണം െച വൻ

The One who is kind, gentle and ample in goodness.

The One who is the doer of good, both materially and spiritually.
The One who is kindly and gracious. The One from whom every good deed comes.
The One who is the source of all kindness and goodness. The One who bountifully bestows the gifts of tolerance, gentleness,
goodness and kindness. The One who is ever-merciful and compassionate.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone in the habit of taking intoxicants, committing adultery or indulging in any
other evils should recite this Ism 7 times daily. He will soon receive guidance - InshaAllah. Excessive
recitation is very effective in expelling from the heart the love for this world. Anyone who reads it 7 times
and blows on his or her child soon after birth, Allah will grant the child protection from calamities until


(The Ever-Returning, Ever-Relenting)

അൽ-ത ാബു : പ ാ ാപം സ ീകരി ു വൻ

The One who beckons for our return.

The One who repeatedly turns mankind toward repentance.
The One who forgives those who return to goodness. The One who restores to grace those who repent.
The One who rewards good deeds. The One who forgives those who forgive others.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who is desirous that Allah guides him to seek sincere repentance should
read this beautiful name 360 times daily after Salaat-Dua (Chast). Anyone who desires all his tasks be
accomplished without any difficulty, should read this Ism abundantly. If this Name said 10 times in the
presence of a tyrant, the reader will be freed from his oppression - InshaAllah.


(The Avenger, The Disapprover)

അൽ-മുൻതഖിമു : ശി ി ു വൻ

The One who disapproves of wrongdoers.

The One who reminds us when our behavior is not right.
The One who is the avenger (such that we need not seek any personal revenge).
The One and Only One who has the right to exact vengeance.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who is justified and desires to take revenge against his enemy, but hasn't
the power to do so, should read this Ism continually for 3 Fridays, Allah Himself will take revenge on his
behalf - InshaAllah.


(The Pardoner, The Effacer, The Forgiver)

അൽ-അഫു : മാേ കു വൻ

The One who blots out and leaves no trace of any sin or fault.
The One who passes over and absolves any fault. The One who can remove and obliterate all traces of
wrong actions. The One who can make any sin, error or fault disappear.

Benefits of Reading : Allah will forgive the one who recites this Ism abundantly - InshaAllah.

(The Most Kind, The Tenderly Merciful)

അൽ-റഉൂഫു : അനുക യു വൻ

The One who bestows boundless clemency, tenderness and affection.

The One who shows the utmost compassion, pity and tender mercy.
The One whose gentleness, kindness and mercy are beyond understanding.

Benefits of Reading : One who desires that the entire creation becomes affectionate towards him and
vice versa should recite this Ism repeatedly. Anyone who desires that his anger be subdued, should recite
first salawaat (durood) 10 times, then this name of Allah 10 times. Alternatively, if someone recites it as
shown above, and blows on an angry man, his anger will soon be subdued - InshaAllah.

‫ﻣﺎﻟﻚ اﻟﻤﻠﻚ‬

(Owner of all Sovereignty, The Master of Kingdom)

മാലികുൽ-മുൽകി : രാജാധിരാജൻ

The One who is sole owner, possessor and ruler of all kingdoms.
The One whose ruling power and authority have no limit. The One who possesses all authority to act in any manner, at any time, in
any way. The One who is lord and master over all worlds, whether manifest or un-manifest. The One who has all mastery and
authority to decide what shall be created, what shall be sustained and what shall be cease to be.

Benefits of Reading : The constant reader of this Ism will be granted wealth, self-sufficiency and
independence - InshaAllah.

‫ذو اﻟﺠﻼل واﻹﻛﺮام‬


(Lord of Majesty and Generosity, Lord of Glory and Honor)

ദൽജലാലി-വൽഇക്റാം : െ പൗഡിയും മഹത വു വൻ
The One who is most precious, revered and honored.
The One who is the glorious and majestic lord of all generosity and bounty. The One who is the possessor of all glory and honor.
The One who is the owner of every manner of blessing, perfection, honor and majesty. The One whose presence bestows majesty
and generosity. The One who is the source of awesome splendor and abundance.

This beautiful Arabic phrase begins with a pronoun, followed by two attributes of Allâh. Dhû (pronounced "thoo") = Lord of,
Possessor of l = al = the Jalâl = Majesty, Glory wa = and l = al = the Ikrâm = Generosity, Bounty.

Benefits of Reading : The constant reciter of this Ism will be granted honour, dignity and self sufficiency
- InshaAllah.


(The Most Equitable, The Just)

അൽ-മുഖ്സ ിതു : നീതി െച വൻ

The One who is most equitable and just.

The One whose ways are balanced and just. The One who establishes justice.
The One who creates harmony and balance. The One who does away with injustice.
The One who leads mankind to justice and harmony.

Benefits of Reading : One who recites this Ism daily with constancy, Allah will protect him from evil
doubts created by the Shaytaan. If it is read 700 times for a purpose, it will be acquired - InshaAllah.


(The Gatherer, The Uniter)

അൽ-ജാമിഉ : മഹത ൾ ഒരുമി ് കൂടിയവൻ , ഒരുമി ് കൂ വൻ

The One who reconciles and unites.

The One who gathers together that which had been dispersed.
The One who assembles and arranges. The One who composes, arranges and connects together.

Benefits of Reading : If anyone's family or relatives are scattered (due to war, earthquake, floods etc.)
He should bath at the time of Doha (Chast), and lifting the gaze towards heavens say this Ism 10 times.
But this should be enumerated with the fingers in such a way that with each reading, one finger should be
closed. Thereafter the hand should be passed across the face (as when completing dua). By doing so, the
dispersed members of his family will soon come together - InshaAllah.

(The Rich, The Independent)

അൽ-ഗനി : ഐശ ര വാൻ

The One who is self-sufficient.

The One without need of anything. The One who transcends all needs.
The One who is completely satisfied. The One who is free from any wants. The One who is free from any dependence.
The One who flourishes without help or aid of any sort, yet who is needed by all.
The One upon whose wealth and riches all others depend.

Benefits of Reading : If anyone recites this Ism 70 times daily, Allah will grant him Barakah in wealth
and self sufficiency - InshaAllah. Anyone involved in any physical or spiritual sickness or other difficulty
should say this Name much and blow on the entire body - to be soon relieved of the difficulty - InshaAllah.


(The Enricher, The Bestower of Wealth)

അൽ മുഗ്നീ : ഐശ ര ം നൽകു വൻ

The One who gives wealth abundantly.

The One who provides all that is needed. The One whose wealth fulfills all needs.
The One who enriches all of creation. The One who creates all appearances of independence or self-sufficiency.
The One who bestows satisfaction and contentment. The One who bestows spiritual wealth.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who reads the Salawaat (durood) 11 times before or after saying this Ism
1,111 times, he will be granted both material as well as spiritual wealth - InshaAllah. This should be done
after Fajr or Isha Salaah. But Surah Muzammil should also be recited with it.


(The Preventer, The Protector, The Defender)

അൽ-മാനിഉ : തടയു വൻ, പതിേരാധി ു വൻ

The One who averts harm, physical or spiritual.

The One who guards from harmful situations. The One who prevents undesirable actions.
The One who impedes or hinders wrongful action. The One who stops one thing from harming another.

Benefits of Reading : If one has any dispute with ones spouse one should recite this Ism 29 times while
lying down on the bed - InshaAllah, the dispute will be settled and, instead love and affection will result.
The constant reciter of this Ism will be safeguarded against all calamities - InshaAllah. If recited for any
legitimate purpose, it will materialize - InshaAllah.


(The Distressor, The Afflictor)

അൽ-ദാർറു : പയാസം നൽകു വൻ

The One whose wisdom may choose to use forceful corrections.

The One who creates adversity or distress in order to discourage or correct wrongful behavior.
The One whose wisdom may use situations that have an outward appearance of being harmful.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who says this Ism 100 times on the eve of Jumua'h, will be safeguarded
against all physical and spiritual calamities. This will also draw him near to Allah - InshaAllah. If recited
any legitimate purpose, 1it will materialize - InshaAllah.


(The Propitious, The Benefiter, The Source of Good)

അൽ-നാഫിഉ : ഉപകാരം െച വൻ

The One who helps and who grants all advantages.

The One who creates all that produces benefit and usefulness.
The One who grants all favorable circumstances. The One who confers all benefits.
The One who is continually blessing all of creation with goodness and all that is useful.
The One through whom all needs are fulfilled.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone embarking a ship, or boarding any conveyance should read this Ism
abundantly. He will be safeguarded against all hazards - if Allah wills. If read 41 times before a task, it will
be accomplished efficiently - InshaAllah. If said prior to intercourse, Allah will grant them good and pious
children - InshaAllah.

(The Light, The Illuminator)

അൽ-നൂറു : പകാശി ു വൻ, പകാശി ി ു വൻ

The One who is the divine light of all the worlds.

The One whose light who illuminates the heart.
The One who is the light of wisdom and guidance. The One whose light clarifies, manifests and reveals.
The One light by which the obscure is made clear. The One who clears away all darkness and directs aright.

Benefits of Reading : Any person who says this Ism 1001 times after reciting Surah Nur, his heart will
become illuminated with the Nur and light of Allah - InshaAllah.


(The Guide, The Leader)

അൽ-ഹാദീ : സൻമാർഗ ിലാ ു വൻ

The One who continually shows the right way.

The One who kindly guides aright. The One who sends prophets and messengers to guide mankind.
The One who guides hearts to a knowledge of the Divine essence. The One who is the source of all guidance.
The One who faithfully continues to guide aright until the goal is finally attained.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who lifts both hands (as in dua), whilst lifting the gaze towards the
heavens and recites this Ism several times and passes both hands on his face (as when completing dua),
Allah will grant him complete guidance and associate him with the devout and pious - InshaAllah.


(The Incomparable, The Absolute Cause)

അൽ-ബദീഉ : മാത്ർക സ്ർഷ്ടി ു വൻ
The marvelous One who originates, commences, invents and creates all that exists, without any model or material.
The One whose incomparable will-power first brings into existence all of the unique and amazing creation without any similarity to
anything else that has ever existed. The One who creates in wonderful, awesome, amazingly original ways that have no precedent

Benefits of Reading : If a person in grief should recite 1,001 times "Ya Badi'u ssamawaa ti wal ardh",
Allah will soon grant him relief from his misery. Likewise, if someone is involved in difficulties or in
perturbed. If a particular venture is to be undertaken, but one is not certain as to its feasibility then one
should say this Ism before falling asleep. One will receive guidance in ones sleep by way of dream -
InshaAllah. Anyone wishing for a particular task to be accomplished should say "Ya Badi'ul-Ajaa'ibi-bil-
Khayri-yaBadee'u" 1,200 times; before the passing of 12 days his task will be accomplished - InshaAllah.


(The Everlasting, The Eternal, The Everlasting)

അൽ-ബാഖീ : എെ ും േശഷി ു വൻ, അന മായവൻ

The One who has always existed and who will never cease to be.
The One whose existence has neither beginning nor end. The One whose existence is beyond the realm of time.
The One who existed before all of creation, and who will remain after all of this creation has come and gone. The One who is
everlasting, perpetual, beginning-less, endless. The One whose existence is eternal.
The One who remains forever, unaffected by time.

Benefits of Reading : Allah will grant protection and accept all the virtuous deeds of one who says this
Ism 1,000 times on the night of Jumua'h.


(The Supreme Heir, The Inheritor of All)

അൽ-വാരിസു : അവകാശിയായവൻ

The One who remains after all of creation has perished. The One to whom all returns.
The One who has everlasting ownership of all that has ever been and that will ever be.
The One to whom all possessions return when the possessor is gone.
The One who inherits all that we have done.

Benefits of Reading : If this name is repeated 100 times at sunrise, protection will be given against all
sorrows, grief, hardships and calamities. Moreover the reader will die as a Mu'min - InshaAllah. Anyone
who desires to be safeguarded against perplexities, perturbations and disturbances should repeat this
name 1,000 times between Maghrib and Isha.

(The Guide to the Right Path)

അൽ-റശീദു : േനർമാർ ിൽ നട ു വൻ

The One who unerringly decrees, appoints or ordains the right way.
The One who is the supreme director to the right path and right belief.
The One who perfectly and righteously directs all matters toward their proper conclusion.
The One who needs no aid to direct all affairs rightly.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who does not have the know how about a particular task or is unable to
work out plans for a certain task should say this Name 1,000 times between Maghrib and Isha. The plan
and scheme will soon become evident for him either by way of a dream or by instinct. For financial
progress and safety against all mishaps, one should read it daily.


(The Timeless, The Patient)

അൽ-സബൂറു : അത ധികം മി ു വൻ

The One who is most patient, steadfast, and enduring.

The One who is not moved by haste to carry out any action before it's proper time.
The One who patiently endures and does everything in its proper time and proper manner,
no matter how long that may take. The One who patiently accomplishes each thing in its proper time,
in the way it needs to be and according to what it requires.

Benefits of Reading : Anyone who repeats this Name 100 times before sunrise will be safeguarded
against all calamities for the remainder of the day. Moreover, Allah will cause his enemies not to utter a
single word against him. Any person in difficulty should repeat this Ism 1,020 times; he will soon find
relief and be granted peace and contentment of heart - InshaAllah.

ِ ‫ﻟﺤ ْﻤﺪ‬
َ ‫ا‬َ
Yo've Finished Reading The glorious names of Allâh, subhâna wa ta'âlâ,
These are the greatest and most beautiful names of all the names.
The name Allâh encompasses all of the divine names and attributes of perfection.

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You Know? Allah’s Apostle (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam) said:

“Allah has ninety-nine Names, one-hundred less one; and he who memorized them
all by heart will enter Paradise.” Bukhari Vol. 9 : No. 489 ‫َا ُ َاﻛْ َﺒﺮ‬

അ ാഹുവിണ്െ റസൂൽ (സ) പറ ു: "അ ാഹു (സു) വിന് െതാ ി ഒൻപത് േപരു ്.
ആരാേണാ ആ േപരുകൾ ഹ്ർദി മാ ു ത് അവർ സ ർ ിൽ പേവശി ും. " - ബുഖാരി



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