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Minutes Of Meeting

Review of Delhi Company’s

Main Meeting Hall, Delhi Company

February 4, 2019

Chairman: CEO


Chief Executive Officer (CEO) : Ms. Gita

Chief Operating Officer (COO) : Mr. Reyhand

Chief Technology Officer (CTO) : Ms. Rizma

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) : Ms. Vanessa

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) : Ms. Maysridani

1. Review of Previous Meeting’s Minutes

Motion: Approval of minutes of the previous meeting dated December 3, 2018.

Decision: Approved after minor revision.

2. Agendas Approval

Motion: Approval of the agendas for “Review of Delhi Company’s Newest Product: Nehi
Chocolate Bar” dated February 4, 2019.
Decision: Approved without revision

3. Opening Remarks

Mr. Kamehi began the meeting at 5 pm with estimated finish time at 8 pm. Affirmed that the
meeting would revolve around Nehi Chocolate Bar’s (NCB) reviews from each department.

4. Report from Sales and Marketing Department

Mr. Baachan stated that NCB’s introduction phase had gone well, proven by how positive the
consumer’s acceptance had been. Sales had been increasing for the last 6 months. NCB had been
able to compete with famous brands in 4 areas out of 5 target areas.

Motion to approve report: approved.

Mr. Syakur motioned to continue expanding new sales areas starting next month.

Decision: rejected

Note: Manufacture Department and PPIC Department would like to assess their capability first.

5. Report from Finance Department

Mr. Kaleshi announced that NCB’s revenue had still been negative, due to the big expenses on
promotion. However, he believed that if the sales keep increasing for the next 6 months, it will
start to show positive results.
Motion to approve report: approved.

6. Report from Quality Control Department

Ms. Nakshatra explained that consumer’s complaints towards NCB had been minimum.
However, the amount of defective products found during final inspection of each batch of NCB
had been high.

Ms. Nakshatra motioned to have the QC department conduct a tight inspection during production
of NCB for the next 2 weeks.

Decision: approved

Note: Research and Development Department is wished to send a representative to provide

analysis and solution.

Motion to approve report: approved.

7. Postponement of Meeting

Mr. Kamehi demanded the meeting to be postponed since the clock had reached 8 pm.

8. Next Meeting

Meeting will resume on February 5, 2019 at 2 pm

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