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Gold Experience A2 Progress test 11

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1 Match the sentence beginnings (1–6) with the correct endings (A–F).
1 If I need help, E A I want to dance!
2 If it rains, C B I want to eat it.
3 If I have free time at the weekend, F C we stay indoors.
4 If I see chocolate, B D my mum is very happy!
5 If I hear music, A E I ask my teacher.
6 If my room is clean, D F I go to the beach.

2 Complete the sentences with the first conditional form of the verb in brackets.
1 If you do (do) that again, I ’ll be (be) very angry.
2 If he forgets (forget) his homework one more time, I will give (give) him extra work to do.
3 If you help (help) me with this, I will buy (buy) you an ice cream.
4 If he eats (eat) that old cheese, he will be (be) ill.
5 If you clean (clean) your bedroom, I will give (give) you some pocket money.
6 If I have (have) time, I will help (help) you.


3 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1 If you like horror films, you’ll love/you love the one I saw yesterday.
2 If you like chatting to people, you could be/would be a hairdresser.
3 If you like being part of a team, you love/you’ll love working with us.
4 If you love animals, you could be/could a vet.
5 If he finish/finishes the work quickly, he can go home early.
6 If you get the job in the hotel, you/you’ll meet lots of people.

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4 Complete the jobs.
1 cleaner

2 chef

3 r e c e pt i o n i s t

4 journalist

5 w a i tr e s s

6 doctor

5 Match the jobs (1–6) with the workplaces (A–F).

1 doctor B A garage
2 waiter F B hospital
3 police officer D C office
4 mechanic A D police station
5 businesswoman D E taxi
6 taxi driver E F restaurant

6 Read the definitions. What are these jobs?

1 This person brings you your drink in a café. waiter

2 This person makes you feel better when you are ill. doctor

3 A woman who works in a business. businesswoman

4 This person writes reports for newspapers and television. journalist

5 This person welcomes people when they arrive at a hotel. receptionist

6 This person cleans dirty things. cleaner

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7 Choose the correct options for the sentences.
My ideal job? Well I think I’d like to 1) get/be a good job where I could 2) earn/work a lot of money. I
don’t mind working 3) hard/difficult if the job is interesting. I like people, so I would like to work as 4)
part/bit of a team. And of course I would like good holidays – 5) time off/on is important, too! I love
cooking – I really want to be a 6) cleaner/chef!

8 Listen to Thomas’s conversation with Mrs Evans. Choose the correct answer.
1 What does Thomas want to be?
A a football player B a science teacher C a doctor
2 Is Thomas good at football?
A Yes, he’s great. B He’s okay. C He’s bad at football.
3 What does Thomas enjoy doing at school?
A science B art C English
4 Thomas doesn’t want to work in __________
A a school. B an office. C a hospital.
5 In his free time Thomas loves __________
A collecting stamps. B looking after his baby brother. C looking after his animals.
6 Mrs Evans thinks Thomas should be __________
A a waiter. B a doctor. C a vet.

9 Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences.

1 Are you very good at football?

2 My best friend, Ben is much better.

3 If you’re interested in science, you could be a science teacher.

4 If you’re good at science and you like working with people, you could be a doctor.

5 If you like animals, you’ll love this job!

6 Have you ever thought about being a vet?


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10 Read Patricia and Olga’s conversation about their plans for the summer. Put Olga’s
responses in the correct order.
Patricia: I don’t know what to do this summer! I need some money.
Olga: 1) D
Patricia: I’m not sure. I’m not very good with children. You know I like cooking, though.
Olga: 2) A
Patricia: That’s a great idea! I’m not sure where I can look for a job though.
Olga: 3) B
Patricia: What about you?
Olga: 4) F
Patricia: Wow! What a great idea. Can I come with you?
Olga: 5) C
Patricia: What do I need to do?
Olga: 6) E

A If you like cooking, you could work in a restaurant!

B That won’t be difficult. Lots of restaurants are looking for extra help at the moment.
C Of course you can!
D What about babysitting?
E Well, if you’re travelling to another country you’ll need a passport.
F I want to improve my English so I’m going to summer school in England.

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11 Match the sentences (1–6) with the correct responses (A–F).
1 I love working with children. C
2 Why don’t you find a job in a restaurant? A
3 What about working in a museum? F
4 I love selling things. D
5 You could be a DJ. B
6 I like cleaning my room! E

A That’s a great idea. I love cooking!

B I’m not sure. I don’t like loud music.
C What about a job as a babysitter?
D You could be a shop assistant!
E You could be a cleaner!
F Good idea. I love old things!

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Looking for a summer job?

1 It is summer time and maybe you are excited about a long holiday from school. If you aren’t
travelling, you shouldn’t feel bored. Why don’t you look for a job? There are lots of jobs you
can do in the summer time. You can earn money and meet people from different countries.
2 If you like being part of a team, you could work in a hotel. The summer is a very busy time,
and it is very easy to find work in July and August when many hotels look for cleaners, waiters
and chefs. You have to work hard, but it is fun and the money isn’t bad.
3 If you love music, you’ll be a great DJ! Summer is party time and lots of cafés and campsites
look for people who can play good music. This work is exciting, and you get a lot of time off in
the daytime.
4 If you like children, you could work at a children’s summer camp. This is fun and you will
make lots of new friends. If you work at a summer camp, you will play sport, do painting and
go to the beach. You won’t earn much money, but you will have a great time!
5 You can look for summer jobs on the Internet or you can buy a newspaper and read the job
adverts. Good luck!

12 Match the headings (a–e) with the correct paragraph (1–5).

a Work with children! 4
b Play music and earn money! 3
c Why don’t you get a summer job? 1
d Where you can look for work 5
e Work in a hotel! 2

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13 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Which months are busy for hotels? July and August
2 Who looks for people who can play good music? Cafés and campsites
3 Which job gives you a lot of time off? DJ
4 What will you do if you work at a summer camp? Make lots of new friends
5 Where can you look for summer jobs? On the Internet or in a newspaper
6 Which job is hard work? Hotel jobs

14 Match the bold words in the text with their meanings.

1 a man or woman who plays music at a party DJ
2 a place where children go in summer time Summer camp
3 time when you aren’t working Time off
4 people who prepare food Chef
5 a group of people who work together Team
6 where you read information about jobs you can do Adverts

15 Read the text again. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1 There aren’t many jobs you can do in the summer time.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
2 The summer is a busy time for hotels.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
3 You don’t earn any money if you work in a hotel.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
4 Being a DJ is a boring job.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
5 DJs earn lots of money.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
6 If you work at a summer camp, you don’t get any time off.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
7 You can look for summer jobs online.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

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16 Read Stacey’s email. Put the sentences (a–f) in the order of the questions (1–6) in the
Hi Ben,
How are you? I’m okay, but I never have enough money to buy the things I want! I think I’m going to
look for a Saturday job. 1) What sort of job do you think I could do?
You know I like working outside and that I love meeting new people. 2) Do you know where I can look
for a job? 3) When is the best time to look for work? 4) Are Saturday jobs well paid? 5) Will I get much
time off? 6) Do you think I will make new friends?
I know you have a Saturday job so I hope you can help me!
Hope to hear from you soon!

a It’s best to look for work in summer. 3

b You could look for work online. 2
c You could work on a fruit farm. 1
d Lots of teenagers do Saturday jobs, so I’m sure you will make new friends! 6
e You can earn good money if you work hard. 4
f If you work on a fruit farm, you won’t get much time off. 5

17 Match the sentence beginnings (1–6) with the correct endings (A–F).
1 If you like working outside, F
2 You can earn a lot of money, C
3 You could look for a job E
4 If you like meeting people, A
5 If you like working with children, B
6 If you like playing music, D

A you could work in an outdoor café.

B you could work at a summer camp.
C if you work long hours.
D you could be a DJ.
E in the newspaper.
F you could cut people’s grass.

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18 You are Ben. Write an email to Stacey in reply to her email in Exercise 16. Write 25–35

Hi Stacey,
You can work on a fruit farm. I recommend looking for work online. You should work in summer. If
you work hard, you’ll earn more money. I’m sure you can make new friends!


Total: 100

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