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Short story:

by R.J. Palacio.

After reading:

Let´s work with the dictionary: Look up the following word. Give

Get on: if people get on, they have a friendly relationship/to continue or
to make progress with a job, work, etc.

Surgery: medical treatment in which a doctor cutes open your body to

repair or remove something.

Chapter 3. HALLOWEEN

1) When did mum start asking August how he felt between 1 to 10?

Because of a surgery on his mouth two years before. Her mother

wanted to know how it hurts. Ten means that it hurts a lot.

2) Was five a good or a bad answer?

It was a good answer.

3) What does Mum think about Summer?

She think she is nice.

4) Why does August say “We´re like Beauty and the Beast”? Explain.

Because when Summer and August are together looks like she is the

Beauty and he is the Beast.

5) Why does August complain about school?

Because September was difficult for him because he had to get up

early and now he hasn’t got any free time because of the homework.

6) How is August getting on?

7) What was the new precept?

Mr. Browne’s new precept for October was “People remember you

because of what you do”.

8) When is August´s birthday?

It’s on the tenth of October.

9) What does he usually do on his birthday?

He usually has a little party at home.

10) Is this year the same or different? Why?

This year is different because August wants a bigger party.

11) Does his mum agree about the party?

Yes, she does.

12) Who´s Daisy?

Daisy is August’s dog.

13) Why was his party small after all?

Because August and his mother asked late about his birthday party
and a lot of people had other things to do.

14) Why does August enjoy Halloween?

He enjoys Halloween because he can wear a costume and a mask.

15) What was his costume?

He wore a Boba Fett costume.

16) What can you say about this character? Find a picture of the

character or the costume.

Boba Fett is a Star Wars character. He is a clone of the

Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett.


August is with his mum in his home. She ask him how his mouth ache

hurts. Later, he is in an English class with Jack. They talk about August’s

face. Then, August is in his birthday party with not a lot of classmates.

In Halloween, August goes to school with his Boba Feet costume. When

he pass near a room with four people, someone says (talking about him)
“He doesn’t need a mask. He looks horrible without one”. He decides to go

back home. After leaving school, he thinks that he must leave school.

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