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Store 96 & 2321 Goals & Objectives 2015



Implementing On boarding by February 1st

Pre- Shift Mtgs. providing details of previous day goals & what the current goals

Continue to achieve 100% video training & PTS, as well as all policies signed &
up to date [an informed TM is a valuable asset towards achieving these goals].
Always making sure all upcoming promotions are posted and TM are informed,
[not just assuming they read the material], testing their knowledge.

Starting shortly, one on one performance reviews—TM need to know where they
stand, & what’s needed to help them in their jobs. A strongly trained TM is
better positioned to help carry out our objectives. [Improves confidence], also,
helps keep them focused.

Discuss sales transaction trends, & ways to increase them.

I.e.: Utilizing modifier screens when a customer orders specific items. [Large
soup bowl]--- shredded cheese

Mgr. / Supervisor spending time listening to TM who are weak in this area &
help them

Incentives & contests

I.E. ran a successful contest at 2321 during December for up selling

Receipts had to be printed off & signed [managed by Paula] specific items

November sales x bacon [41]

December sales x bacon [93] just 1 example [lunch went up .64%]

Top 2 winners received $50:00 [As 1 TM put it, that was like a: 30 cent raise for
the month] a f/t TM, it went a long way and they were excited

[Who says they don’t think things through?]

Note: overall sales in November was $7500:00 more

Continue to cross train & re-train where necessary [cannot have complacency]
TM need to switch positions regularly—can become too comfortable in one

Every day at 10 am at one store, we switch around positions, to keep TM fresh

and positive.

Ensuring adequate product at all times, coordinating with baker and prep
person, must maintain afternoon baker till a certain time.


Continue to strive for the ultimate guest experience, & improving the
friendliness of TM

Completing 2 [in house] guest reports daily, & communicating with the TM, the
points lost, discussing ways to improve.

Consistent acknowledgement of progress & random acts of appreciation [Mgrs.

Discretion] ie: free lunch


More frequent calibrations, apart from CT. We must ensure the customer is
receiving the taste profile they expect.

A continual dialogue with TM about the importance of listening intently to the

customer’s order, and the difference it makes. Communicate GPS results.
Ongoing training on calibrations with random checks

Training TM on being able to notice the change in what is being dispensed, &
informing Mgmt. Asap.

They need to become more aware, instead of just pressing a button and
assuming everything is always ok.

Consistent, daily reminders, about marking pots, grinds, times. Etc.

Enforce CONSISTENTLY, the importance of verifying customer orders, as they

are being handed out at D/T, or placing on the pass through.

Mgrs need to wear a headset when not at storefront as often as they can, to
listen, so they are in a position to help where needed, suggest where needed, and
praise where needed.

96 [2015 Goal ]

Coffee—------even 1.2% minus-------


Breakfast----plus 1.1% 1% plus


Lunch---------minus .2% 1% plus----


Goal to increase 3.2%

Finally, wkly mtgs. with Supervisors & Managers and ensuring GPS is checked
daily, communicating concerns and following up, as well as keeping Managers
empowered, & to think aggressively to help grow this Buisness.

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