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Hello everyone, Today we are at Thanh Nha Ho, in Thanh Hoa which is known as

the world heritage(heritidz).

So this World Heritage Site is a citadel(si-tơ-đồ) and old ruined(ru:in) capital, the
dates from around the 15th century.
The citadel here was constructed between around 1400(one thous four hund) and
1407(fourteen oh seven) , and it was the centrepiece of a new imperial capital.
Designed according to strict feng shui(phâng suây) principles(prin sơ bồ), the walls
(wo:l) and gates which you can see surrounded the palace(pa lợts) is Forbidden
1:18 - Each stone slab on the gate’s vault(vo:lt) was chiselled(trizld) in the
grapefruit(greip fru:t) segment shape and these stone slabs were skilfully stacked
closely against each other.
All of the citadel walls and the four main gates were built of sophisticatedly(sơ-fis-
ti-cơ-dly) carved(ka:v) rectangular(réc-tang-gơ-lơ) green limestone(laim-s tâu)
slabs being stacked closely against each other.
The Citadel has unique architecture, with a combination of stone in the outer layer
and earth in the inner layer.
The stone slabs are 1.5 metres long on average(a-vơ-rít); some are 6 metres in
length and weigh 24(twenty-four) tons.
They were taken An Tôn Mountain, which is not very far from the Citadel.
These special rectangular-shaped stone slabs are very suitable for the construction
of the Citadel.
The massive stone slabs are slacked against each other without adhesive(ơ-hi:-siv),
yet they are durable.
Despite the ups and downs of history and the effects of weather over the past
600(hund) years, the Citadel is relatively unspoiled.
That shows how talented the then architects were.
As a legend(le-giừn) goes, a wall kept collapsing(cơ-láp-sing) during the
construction of Tây Đô Citadel facing the West gate.
Hồ Quý Ly beheaded Trần Công Sỹ, for he suspected the foreman of betraying
Bình Khương claimed her husband’s innicence in vain.
She banged her head and punched her hands on the stones, thus leaving dents on
The locals built a temple for her and named it Bình Khương Temple.
The 2.5 meters stone Hoa Nhai Path connects the South gate and Nam Giao Altar,
built in August 1402, where the Kings of the Ho Dynasty often performed sacrifice
Nam Giao Altar was located in Đún Mountain, Vĩnh Thành Commune, Vĩnh Lộc
District, where the Kings of the Ho Dynasty performed sacrifice rituals to pray for
favorable weather, peace, prosperity and everlasting dynasty.
Built in and closely asociated with a turbulent period of the Vietnamese society
with the reforms of the Ho Dynasty and the idea of proactively protecting the
national independence, the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty is a world’s outstanding
construction work with special values and unique architecture.
It is a precious heritage indeed and a wonderful example of ancient citadels.
The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty is now a scenic spot and a beautiful tourists
destination that attracts lots of visitors.
That the citadel was recognized as a world culture heritage in 2011, is the most
precise evaluation of its architectural, culture and historical values that have been
standing against the test of time.

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