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Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC IELTS: hm Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: https://www. LY THUYET VA BAI TAP VE CAC CAP SO SANH CUA TINH TU VA TRANG TU A-LY THUYET 1. So sdinh bing * Céng thite: As + adj/adv + as Ex: Heiss tall as me = He is as tall as Iam. He works as hard as me = He works as hard as I do. + as + adj + noun + as Ex: Tear as much money as him. There are as many cats in my room as in his room, + Trong so sinh “khong bang” ta c6 thé ding $o...8 thay tho Ex: Tam not so/as tall as yous He doesn't works as/so hard as me. 2. So sinh hon * Céng thite véi tinh tir/trang tingdn: Adj/Ado + er + than Ex: Tam taller than him = He isn’t so tall as me. I work harder than him = He doesn’t work as hard as me. * Cong thite wéi tinh ti/trang tir dai: More + Adj/Ado + than EX.” Tam more beautiful than her. She dances more beautifully than me. * Tinh tir/Trang tir dai la nhéing tinh tix/trang tir cé tir 2 Am tiét tro 1én, Liu Tuy narrow, clever va quiet Ia tinh tir dai (2 Am tiét) nhung ta van thém -er cho so sinh hon: narrower, cleverer, quieter Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh On thi THPT Quéc Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: http://www + Nhiing tinh tir, trang tir ma géc cia tir két thiic 1a “y” thi d6i thanh “i” ri thém “er Ex: early => earlier; easy => easier; busy => busier; happy => happier + Nhing trang tir duge cfu tao tir tinh tir bing cach thém “ly” thi ta dimg more + adv: Ex: more slowly, more quietly, more easily, more carefully Nhiing trudng hop dite bigt: * good/well => better ill/bad/badly => worse little => less many/much => more * far => farther/further * old = older/elder + Older/Elder: - Khi mudn dién dat afth (chi) ln, anh (chi) ca trong gia dinh ta thudng dig elder brother, elder sister. - Nhung mudi dién dat lén hon bao tuéi thi ta ding older. Ex! Myselder brother is three years older than me. Nam is Linh’ elder brother. + Farther/Further: - Farther: Thudng duge ding dé néi vé khoang cach dia ly. Ex: London is farther north than Juneau. - Further: Thuong ding vi nghia béng “thém vao", “hon niva” Ex: I will give you further details later. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh On thi THT Quéc Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www., Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: https://www For further information, until further notice. + Cach ding “more” va “less”: more/less + adj/adv + than Ex: There are more people today. He did more carefully than me. He did less carefully than me. * Ta cé thé nhan manh su hon nhiéu bang cach ding “much/far/a lot, many, greatly, a great deal” hogc hon it bing cach thém "a bit/a little/slightly” truéc hinh thie so sanh.. Ex: Lam far taller than you. This house is slightly more expensive thafithat one. * So sanh sé Ian: ‘anh. Dimg so sanh bang va sé lan dé treée Ex: 1am twice as heavy as you. * So sanh sé luong: Dimg so sinh HON va sé lugng @@ trude'so sank Ex: Iam 2kg heavierthanyou. Tam 3 years élder than you. 3. So sénh hon nhat * Céng thite tinh tir/trang tir ngin: The Adj/Adv +est Ex! 1am the tallest student in the class. © Cénig thite tinh tir/trang tir dai: The most Adj/Adv Ex: 1am the most beautiful girl in my class + MOt sé tir cin bru ¥: | Adjladv——s]—~*s«CAadv=—s|S‘Superlatives | Good/well Better ‘The best Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh On thi THPT Que Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: https://www ill/bad/badly Worse The worst Little Less The least ‘Many/much More The most Far Farther/further The farthest/furthest Old Older/elder The oldest/eldest Lu + Nou chi cd 2 d6i tuong thi chi diing so sanh hon, so sénh nhat chi diing Khi c6 tir 3 di tong tré én. * Gi tuong trong so sinh nhat da xdc dinh nén lu6n phai c6,"the” ngoai trix trudng, hop c6 sé hitu cach. Ex: This is my best book. + N@u mudi néi nhat trong sé céc 46 tugng thi ding of phia sau. Ex: [like Jane the most ofall brothers and sisters. Of the three girls, Mary is'the fallest. * So sénh hon nhat hay di #i cd tre: S + have + ever + PI: Ex: This is the most beautiful girl Ihave ever met. This is the best film I've ever seen, Mét sé Idiom ding sosinh hon: + as soon as: cng 86m cing tot * as well as=and Ex: I need to learn English as well as Math. Low. *°Co thé luge bot ménh dé sau “than”: than expected/scheduled/anticipated Ex: I did the exam better than I had expected. =I did the exam better than expected. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh On thi THPT Quéc Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: https://www * at the latest: Ja mun nhat Ex: You should submit by Friday at the latest. + at least: it nhat Ex: You should study at least 4 courses to get mark 10. 4. So sinh kép * Dang 1: Mot cha ngiz - Voi tinh tix/trang tir ngan: S + V + adj-er + and + adj-er Ex: It is hotter and hotter ~ V6i tinh tit/trang tir dai: S+ V + more and more + adj/adW Ex: The lessons are more and more difficult! * Dang 2: 2 chu ngir The + so sinh hon +$ + V, the + so sinh hon + $+ V Ex: The hotter it is, the more xinpleasant I feel. ‘The younger you arg, the easier itis to learn. The more you stidy, the higherYour results are. 1. BAL TAP CAP SO SANH Question 1: John doesn’t speak English Peter. A. as well B. asbetter as well as D. so good as Question 2: The garden looks since you tidy it up. A. better B. well C. gooder D. as good as, Question 3:This one is prettier, but it costs as that one. ‘Alas much as B. twice asmuch —C. as many D. twice as many Question 4: The house overthere is__ building in the city. A. the oldest B. the eldest Colder than D. as old as Question 5: Mr David doesn’t work here He left about six months ago A. anymore B. any longer no longer D.A&B Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh On thi THPT Que Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: https://www Question 6: I'm sorry I’m late. I got here as I could. A. as fastly B. as fast faster D. 50 fast Question 7: Your English is improving, It is getting A. good B. well C. Better D. good and well Question 8: Ann works than most of her friends. A. harder B. alot more hardly C.more hardly D. many harder Question 9: You must explain your problems Aas clear as you can B. as clear as you are clearly as you can D. as clearly'as you are Question 10: Nam is___student in his class. A. the best B. better C. the good D. best Question 11: John is of the boys A. taller than B. so tall as C the tallest D. the most tall Question 12: Jane is not her brother A. more intelligent as Beso intelligent as C. intelligent as D. so intelligent that Question 13: It is alongjourey by train. Itis much ___ by road. A. quickly B. more quickly C. quick D. quicker Question 14: Commercial centres are they were many years ago. rapidly as), B. so rapidly that C. as rapid as D. as rapid that Question 15; The sooner, the A better B. best C. good D. more good Question 16: It’s___ film Ihave ever watched. A. best boring B.most boring _C. the best boring _D., the most boring Question 17: These days, people are learning English. A.much and more B, many and many C.moreand more __D. many and much Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh On thi THPT Quéc Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: https://www Question 18: I've never had a meal than that. A. more delicious B. the more deliciousC. deliciouser D. most delicious Question 19: This shirt is too small. Ineed a__size. A. large B. larger C. more large D. largest Question 20: Don’t walk so___. Can’t you walk_? A. fast/slower B. fast‘more slowly C. fastly/slower _D. fastly/more slowly Question 21: You're always tired in the morning. You should go to bed A. earlier B. more earlier C. more early D. theearliest Question 22: It’s to go by car than to go by train. A. more cheap B. cheaper more ch@aper \\ D. as cheap as Question 23: Of the four dresses, which is expensive? A. the best B. the most G the more D. the greater Question 24: It’s decision I’ve ever made im years. A. the most difficult B, the more difficult C. the best difficult Demost difficult Question 25: This book is ofthe two I have A. the better B. the best C. better D. best Question 26:___ we walk, __ we will get there. A. The fastest/the soonest B. The faster/the sooner C. Themore fastly/the more soon D. The more fastly/the sooner Question 27:Heis____ boy T have ever met. A.the most clever B.the more clever C. the cleverest. _D. the cleverer Question 28: -“Why did you buy these oranges?” -“ They were I could find” A. cheapest B. cheapest ones _C. the cheapest ones. the most cheapest Question 29: It’s becoming difficult to find a job in the city. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh On thi THPT Quéc Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: https://www A. more B.muchand more C.more and more D. much Question 30: Bill is A. lazier and lazier B. lazier and more lazy C. more and more lazy D. more lazy and lazier Question 31: Computers are considered as_tools today. A. much modern than B. modern as C. the most modern D. the modernest, Question 32: Vietnam is now rice-exporting country in the world: A. the second biggest B. the more bigger C. the second bigger D. biggest Question 33: The more popular television programs become, they seem to get. A. the more B. the worse Gthemore Badly D. the badlier Question 34: Jean has__ opportunities toyplay:tennis than me. A. fewer B.less the fewest D. the least Question 35: It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere 2 A. noisier B. more quiet C. more noisy D. quieter Question 36: For it is certain that in the future some things will be very different. A. the better or the worse B. good or bad C. the good or the bad D. better or worse Question 37; Her grandfather's illness was_ we thought at first. Avmore’seriously —B. more serious than C. as seriously as__D. as serious than Question 38: you study for these exams,___you will do, A. The harder/the better B. The hardest/the best, C. The more/the much D. The more hardly/the more well Question 39: This book is_the one I read last night. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh On thi THPT Que Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: http://www A. less much interesting, B. much less than interesting C. the less interesting, D. much less interesting than Question 40: The rooms in Graduate Towers are__ Patterson Hall A. larger than B. larger than those in CC. larger than that of D. larger than in Question 41: June is___ than May, but July is the A.ashot/hotter __B. hotter/hottest_ CC. hotter/hotter__—_‘Dhotter/most hottest Question 42: He finished the test_of all. A. rapidly B. most rapidly _C. the most rapidly WD. more rapidly Question 43: My new glasses cost me__ the last paif that Pbought. A. times three B. three times asimuch as C. more than three times 1D, asmiuch three times as. Question 44: She is the __ daughter inthe family. A.older B. more old Creldest D. oldest Question 45: Of all the ball-point'pens, which oné do you like A. (the) best B. bétter C. (the) most D.A&C Question 46: It is_. old to govin the sea. A. too B. enough C.s0 D. such Question 47: Néookedithis meal__ for you. So Thope, you like it. A. special B. specially C. specialize D. specialist Question 48: They dance the Tango ‘A. beautiful B. beauty C. beautifully D. beautifulness Question 49: Frankly, itis very___ done. A. clever B. clever C.deverly D. cleverness Question 50: It was packaged and wrapped in pretty, recycled paper. A.nice B. nicely C.nicely D. niceness Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh On thi THPT Quéc Gia: Website chia sé ta iéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hm Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: https://www. facebook. com/aroups/nhomThichTiengAnh AP AN 1c) [2A [3B [4A [5D 6B 8A [9B [10.4 wc jize |13D |1.c [15.4 |16.D [17.C |18.A |19.B | 20.8 2A | 22.B |23.B [24.A |25.A | 26B |27.C | 28.C |29.C | 30.A 31.B /32A |33.8 [34.A |35.D [36D |37.C |38.A [39D | 40.C auc [42.8 |43.c | 44.C |[45.D [460A [47.B | 48.C |49.C (50.8 Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh On thi THPT Quéc Gia:

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