Individual OB Analysis Form ORGS 5100 Winter 2021

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Individual OB Analysis Form

ORGS 5100
Winter 2021
Use this form to organize your analysis of the film or TV clip you've chosen for this assignment.
Answers from questions 1, 2 & 4 are limited to 350 words each; answers for questions 3 and 5
are limited to 550 words each. Include your name, location of your clip, and insert your answers
after each question. Please submit your document as a pdf file, and name the document you
submit as YOUR LAST NAME_Analysis.pdf.

Last Name: Erdenebaatar First Name: Nomingerel

Film/Show Name: Finding Nemo

Film Clip URL (if applicable):

1. Describe the clip and the current situation. Describe the situation in the clip you’ve
chosen. What is the context? How can you show the reader what is happening in this

Generally, this scene shows where Marlin (Nemo’s dad) reunited with Nemo and
Dory amidst a school of fish.  Suddenly, a fishing boat casted a net and trapped a
large number of fish including Dory. However, Nemo voluntarily swam into the net to
save Dory despite Marlin’s plea. Marlin started to tell everyone to “swim down”. More
and more fish swam down and pulled against the fishing boat, the combined pulling
force of the fish eventually broke the boat’s beam that was supporting the fishing
net. The net loosely sank onto the ocean floor and all the fish escaped. Based on the
situation and the result, this scene was most likely described the leadership and
team work concept of organizational behavior.

2. Concepts explored. Team work and leadership What concepts from the text/course do
you see illustrated in the clip. Describe at least 2 of these concepts generally, in your own

Leadership and team work

3. Describe in detail how each of these concepts are illustrated in the clip you have
chosen. Be sure to refer to specific evidence from the clip – behaviors.

Provide clear direction and goal

“swim down”, “come on! Let’s get to the bottom.”  “Almost there!”
Nemo immediately jumps into action, and tells everyone to “swim down”, and later cries “let’s
get to the bottom”. He doesn’t say “We need to combine our strength to pull against the fishing
net until we break the net”, instead he is able to distill his plans into a clear actionable direction,
“down”, and as they progress and are able to see the ocean bottom, he provides a further
actionable goal of “get to the bottom”.
 Keep it simple throughout the process

: “Keep Swimming”
Once the direction is set and people (fish) are moving in sync, he continues to deploy a simple
message that is understandable and actionable. “keep swimming (keep doing what you are
doing)”.  As the simple message propagates throughout the group, you can hear all the other fish
chanting “keep swimming” which ensures that the message is understood by everyone in the net
 Keep pushing

: At first it seems hopeless but they don’t give up.

Early on, the boat lifts the net and Dory and Nemo both end up out of water. Nemo’s idea don’t
seem like it is working. But the collective persisted through the encouragement of Marlin who is
still in the water. Other fish still in the water eventually are able to contribute enough to the
collective force and the net slowly starts to pull back into the ocean.
 Get people around you to enforce the vision and goal
: “tell all the fish to swim down”. “you have to tell everyone to swim down together”
Nemo doesn’t jump into it alone. He tells Marlin to “tell all the fish to swim down” and says to
Dory “you have to tell everyone to swim down together”, who both help get the message across
the collective. He essentially recruited people (fish) who he knows will buy into this vision and
employed their help. This also ensured that when Nemo and Dory were unavailable (due to being
out of water and suffocating), Marlin was able to ensure the group persisted.
 Encourage each other

: “Come on Dad” “you’re doing great son!”

As the net is slowly pulled down, Nemo and Marlin exchange words of encouragement “Come
on Dad” and “You’re doing great son!”.  The journey is long and hard. Its OK, no its essential, to
rely on others for emotional support.
Nemo has taught me that when a leader can align all the resources within an organization toward
a common goal amazing things happen. Including saving people’s (or fish’s) lives against the
seemingly inevitable.

4. Describe at least one challenge, evident in the clip, which an OB concept from the
course would be able to address. Describe the way(s) in which this is a challenge or
problem for the characters in clip with reference to course material.

5. Describe in detail how the OB concept might be able to address the challenge or
issue. What could be done? Examples from the text? Literature? (use Google Scholar)

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