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Name: Date:

#IWASFAKE Pre-test Survey

Directions: This is a diagnostic assessment that aims to determine your perceptions and attitudes towards disin-
formation and your news consumption practices prior to taking the #IWASFAKE course. Kindly respond to each of
the following statements by checking the box that best expresses your own opinion regarding that statement.

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A. MEDIA Choice Awareness Not Not Som Like Ver

1. I search for different versions of the news in different

media outlets.
2. I spend time looking for news media that fit my preference.
3. I leave or log out from my social media accounts when
posts do not interest me.
4. I avoid online content that shows typical signs and clues
of “fake news.”
5. I check how my personal views and biases affect how
I take in the news.
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B. Perceived responsibility over exposure
6. I am to blame if I share “fake news.”
7. I am considered a smart viewer.
8. The society will improve if I expose myself to useful
media content.
9. Social media filters the news and information
that I see based on my preferences.
10. Powerful political actors are behind online
disinformation that try to influence the masses.

all ly es ly
at like etim l y y like
C. Perceived practice of media literacy skills Not Not Som Like Ver
11. I spend time thinking about the media messages
I am exposed to.
12. I am able to check whether an online content
is authentic or not.
13. I know how to report false information on Facebook.
14. If I see a person sharing false information, I know
how to correct them respectfully.
15. I do NOT rush into action when I encounter content
that triggers my emotion negatively.
© 2020 Out of The Box Media Literacy Initiative

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