ATS1423 Assessment Six: Major Essay Rubric (40%) Criteria N P C D HD

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ATS1423 Assessment Six: Major Essay Rubric (40%)

Criteria N P C D HD
Argument The essay provides little to no critical The essay provides limited The essay provides sound The essay provides good The essay provides excellent
discussion of the sentencing aims and critical discussion of the critical discussion of the critical discussion of the critical discussion of the
their adequacy in the case chosen. sentencing aims and their sentencing aims and their sentencing aims and their sentencing aims and their
Further, there is little discussion of adequacy in the case chosen. adequacy in the case chosen. adequacy in the case chosen. adequacy in the case chosen.
alternative sentencing or the benefits Further, there is limited Further, there is a sound Further, there is a good Further, there is an excellent
of harsher sentencing in the case. The discussion of alternative discussion of alternative discussion of alternative discussion of alternative
argument is not clear or coherent and sentencing or the benefits of sentencing or the benefits of sentencing or the benefits of sentencing or the benefits of
thus demonstrates poor harsher sentencing in the case. harsher sentencing in the case. harsher sentencing in the case. harsher sentencing in the case.
understanding of sentencing aims The argument is not entirely The argument is generally The argument is clear and The argument is clear, original
covered this semester. clear or coherent and thus clear and coherent and thus coherent and thus demonstrates and/or theoretically
demonstrates limited demonstrates fair good understanding of sophisticated, and thus
understanding of sentencing understanding of sentencing sentencing aims covered this demonstrates excellent
aims covered this semester. aims covered this semester. semester. understanding of sentencing
aims covered this semester.
Structure The structure of the essay is weak The structure of the essay is The structure of the essay is The structure of the essay is The structure of the essay is
and the essay does not discuss the not entirely logical or clear and sound and the essay provides a good and the essay provides a excellent and the essay
sentencing aims or their adequacy in the essay provides a limited good basic discussion of the good discussion of the provides an excellent
relation to the case chosen. Multiple discussion of the sentencing sentencing aims and their sentencing aims and their discussion of the sentencing
components are missing or aims and their adequacy in adequacy in relation to the case adequacy in relation to the case aims and their adequacy in
underdeveloped. relation to the case chosen. chosen. chosen. relation to the case chosen.
One component of the essay is
missing or underdeveloped
Evidence The essay references no or very little The essay references limited The essay references some Evidence and/or examples are Evidence and examples are
evidence and/or examples to support evidence and/or examples to relevant evidence and/or effectively utilised in support effectively utilised to support
the argument or, the evidence or support the argument. Where examples to support the of the argument. The evidence the argument. The evidence
examples cited are irrelevant or referenced, the evidence is not argument. The evidence is not cited is appropriate and utilised is appropriate, original,
inappropriate. The analysis is either entirely appropriate or the entirely appropriate or the analysed in an appropriate and critically analysed. The
missing or contains significant analysis of it is analysis of the evidence is not manner. The essay includes theoretical analysis/discussion
factual or interpretive errors. The underdeveloped. The essay fully developed. The essay some good theoretical analysis is sophisticated and appears
essay falls well short of the minimum includes limited evidence of includes an attempt at and discussion. The essay is throughout the essay. The
referencing requirements for the theoretical analysis and theoretical analysis and well-researched and meets the essay is exceptionally well-
assessment. discussion. The essay falls well discussion. The essay falls just minimum referencing researched and exceeds the
short of the minimum short of the minimum requirements for the minimum referencing
referencing requirements for referencing requirements for assessment. requirements for the
the assessment. the assessment. assessment.
Presentation Presentation is poor and the writing Presentation is acceptable Presentation is fair and the The essay is well presented, The essay is meticulously
is often unclear and/or inappropriate however the writing is often writing is generally clear and the writing is generally clear presented, the writing is very
for a scholarly assignment. The essay unclear or inappropriate for a appropriate for a scholarly and appropriate for a scholarly clear and appropriate for a
includes many noticeable stylistic scholarly assignment. The assignment with some stylistic assignment with few stylistic scholarly assignment with very
errors (i.e. spelling/grammar). essay includes some noticeable errors (i.e. spelling/grammar). errors (i.e. spelling/grammar). few stylistic errors (i.e.
stylistic errors (i.e. spelling/grammar).

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