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Pump Head

Related terms:

Heat Exchanger, Viscosity, Centrifugal Pumps, Head Loss, Operating Point, Pump

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Minimising cardiopulmonary bypass

in children
M.H.D. Danton, I. Torrance, in Minimized Cardiopulmonary Bypass Techniques and
Technologies, 2012

13.5.6 Remote pump head position

The remote mast-mounted roller pump head used for arterial flow, haemofilter
suction and vent, allows all four blood lines to be bought into close proximity with
the venous reservoir and the oxygenator (Fig. 13.2). This orientation can result in a
substantial (29%) reduction in priming volume (Horisberger et al., 1999). Two-level
pump head positioning was part of the miniaturised CPB strategy employed by
Durandy (2007) with cardiotomy and vent suction pumps at patient height and
arterial and cardioplegia at console level, and also dispensing with ultrafiltration
circuit and arterial filters to achieve prime volumes of 140 ml (for patients < 6 kg)
and 170 ml (6–10 kg). This allowed a low homologous blood use, particularly in the
> 6 kg group in which 61% received no blood during the operative course. Mayaji
and coworkers (2007) utilised a distant roller pump head, a remote controlled unit
and a sterilised sheet between the operative field and the CPB unit. The tubes were
3/16 inch at the pump head and 5/32 inch elsewhere. Total tubing length was 280 cm
and total prime volume was 140 ml. This set up allowed transfusion-free CBP in 64%
of patients with weights 4–7 kg.
Fig 13.2. Neonatal mast-mounted pump console(Picture courtesy of Stoeckert, Mu-
nich, Germany, Merkle et al., 2004).

A more extended version of this concept was employed by Ando and coworkers
(2004) for patients weighing 5 kg or less. In this circuit, all remote pump heads
were positioned close to the operative field with arterial and venous pumps on the
surgeon’s left and to the right, cardiotomy and vent pumps (see Fig. 13.3). Tubing
calibre was downsized to 5/32 inch except at pump heads (1/4 inch). A total of 158
patients of mean weight 4.3 kg underwent CPB with this configuration. The prime
volume of the circuit was 181 ml and 116 patients (73%) underwent bypass without
blood prime and with a low HCT during CPB (minimum HCT during CPB was 15.2
± 2.4%). Good clinical outcomes were achieved with operative mortality in 1 patient
from pulmonary hypertensive crisis, and a mean time to extubation was 5.6 ± 2.8 h.
Interestingly, despite low CPB HCT no neurological events were encountered acutely
or on later gross assessment of psychomotor function by questionnaire.

Fig 13.3. The scheme of the SSSS cardiopulmonary bypass system: A, reservoir; B,

roller pumps for arterial perfusion and venous drainage; C, ultrafiltration circuit; D,
vent and cardiotomy suction pumps; E, drive unit(Ando et al., 2004, reproduced with
permission from Elsevier).
> Read full chapter

Pump Best Practices

W.E. Forsthoffer, in Forsthoffer's Best Practice Handbook for Rotating Machinery,

EROE (Equipment Reliability Operating Envelope) determina-

As noted in Figure 2.7.14, process changes will vary the flow of any centrifugal pump.
If the flow to a centrifugal pump is too high or too low, hydraulic disturbances will be
present that can change the pumped fluid pressure and/or temperature. Since the
majority of mechanical seal applications use the pumped fluid in the seal chamber,
the seal chamber pressure and/or temperature will be affected. These changes will
directly impact mechanical seal life and reliability.

Fig 2.7.14. Process effects on centrifugal pump flow

Figure 2.7.15 shows a typical centrifugal pump head vs. flow curve with the following
items noted:
Fig 2.7.15. Centrifugal pump head vs. flow curve

The ‘desirable region’ of operation – heart of the curve or EROE

Regions of hydraulic disturbances – on the upper portion of the curve
The pump components affected – on the lower portion of the curve

The ‘heart of the curve’ is the flow region for any centrifugal pump that will be free
of hydraulic disturbances, and where the seal fluid should be free of vapor if the seal
fluid conditions stated on the pump and seal data sheets are present during pump
field operation.

This Flow Region is also called the:

EROE – The Equipment Reliability Operating Envelope

Figure 2.7.16 presents facts concerning the EROE.

Fig 2.7.16. EROE Facts

In many pump installations, a neither a flow meter nor a suction pressure gauge
is installed. A calibrated suction pressure gauge can be installed in the suction
pipe drain connection (always present). Be sure to obtain a MOC (management
of change) and work permit and any other plant required permission prior to
installing a suction pressure gauge as the pumped fluid could be sour (H2S),
flammable and/or carcinogenic.

If a flow meter is not installed, Figure 2.7.17 defines the options that are available
to determine the pump flow, so the EROE can be obtained.

Fig 2.7.17. Available pump flow determination options

The flow values in Figure 2.7.17 can be determined by hand calculations using the
equations available in any pump text (power equation and pump temperature rise

It can be seen that the EROE will provide a reasonable guide that usually will elimi-
nate hydraulic disturbances that can cause seal chamber pressures and temperatures
to change and lead to premature seal wear and/or failure. Note that the stated EROE
low flow range can be reduced if the pump or fluid have any of the characteristics
noted in Figure 2.7.18.

Fig 2.7.18. Factors that can reduce low flow EROE range

Therefore, we always recommend that the first step in seal condition monitoring
be determination of pump operation within its EROE. If the ‘bad actor’ pump is
operating outside its EROE, we recommend the action shown in Figure 2.7.19.

Fig 2.7.19. If a centrifugal pump is outside its EROE

If seal reliability does not improve when operating within the EROE, further inves-
tigation is required concerning the process conditions in the seal chamber and/or
flush system.
Best Practice 2.8

Monitor pump EROE in control room for critical centrifugal pumps and define EROE

Pump flow range can be monitored in the control room by inputting the pump
shop test curve and dumping the following transmitter signals into spreadsheets to
calculate the pump head and flow:•Inlet pressure•Discharge pressure•Flow•SG – A
constant value input from actual liquid sample

EROE targets should be established in flow or the following other methods if flow
meters are not installed for each pump:•Control valve position•Motor amps•Pump
inlet and discharge piping differential temperature

Lessons Learned
Critical centrifugal and ‘bad actor pumps’ require constant surveillance by opera-
tors to ensure optimum safety and reliability.

It has been my experience that majority of centrifugal pump mechanical seal and
bearing failures are the result of the pump being forced out of the EROE by changes
in process required head (inlet pressure, discharge pressure and/or specific gravity)
without the operators being aware of this.

This best practice has been followed since 2000 in heavy oil field pump applications,
where the operating conditions require the use of slurry pumps which are subject to
rapid wear. The use of control room operating point monitoring with EROE alarms
has extended pump MTBFs to over 36 months, from less than 12 months before
this best practice was implemented.

> Read full chapter

Michael S. Forsthoffer, in Forsthoffer's More Best Practices for Rotating Equipment,

Equipment Reliability Operating Envelope determination

As noted in Table 2.2.8, process changes will vary the flow of any centrifugal pump.

Table 2.2.8. Process Effects on Centrifugal Pump Flow

Decreased Pump Flow: Increased P2 Decreased P1 Decreased S.G.Increased Pump
Flow: Decreased P2 Increased P1 Increased S.G.

If the centrifugal pump flow is too high or too low hydraulic disturbances will be
present that can change the pumped fluid pressure and/or temperature. Since the
majority of Mechanical Seal applications use the pumped fluid in the seal chamber,
the seal chamber pressure and/or temperature will be affected. These changes will
directly impact Mechanical Seal Life and Reliability.

Fig. 2.2.7 shows a typical centrifugal pump head vs. flow curve with the following
items noted:

Figure 2.2.7. Centrifugal pump head versus flow curve.

the “Desirable Region” of Operation—Heart of the Curve or Equipment Reli-

ability Operating Envelope (EROE)
regions of Hydraulic Disturbances—on the upper portion of the curve

the Pump Components affected—on the lower portion of the curve

The “Heart of the Curve” is the flow region for any centrifugal pump that will be free
of Hydraulic Disturbances and where the seal fluid should be free of vapor if the seal
fluid conditions stated on the Pump and Seal Data Sheets are present during pump
field operation.

This Flow Region is also called the:

EROE—The Equipment Reliability Operating Envelope

Table 2.2.9 presents facts concerning the EROE.

Table 2.2.9. EROE Facts

1.The EROE flow range is +10% and −50% of the pump best efficiency point (BEP)
flow2.All “bad actor pumps”—(more than one component failure per year) should
be checked for EROE3.To determine that the pump is operating in EROE: Calculate
the pump head required Measure the flow Plot the intersection of head and flow
on the pump shop test curve

In many pump installations, a flow meter is not installed and a suction pressure
gauge is not installed. A calibrated suction pressure gauge can be installed in the
suction pipe drain connection (always present). Be sure to obtain a Management
of Change (MOC) and Work Permit and any other plant required permission prior
to installing a suction pressure gauge as the pumped fluid could be sour (H2S),
flammable and/or carcinogenic.

If a flow meter is not installed, Table 2.2.10 defines the options available to determine
the pump flow so the EROE can be obtained.

Table 2.2.10. Available Pump Flow Determination Options

1.Record control valve position, valve differential pressure, fluid S.G., and calcu-
late valve flow (pump flow)2.Measure motor amps and calculate power3.Measure
pump pipe differential temperature and calculate efficiency4.Obtain an ultrasonic
flowmeter to measure flow5.For items 2 and 3, locate the calculated value (power or
efficiency) on the pump test curve to determine pump flow

The flow values in Table 2.2.10 can be determined by hand calculations using the
equations available in any pump text (Power Equation and Pump Temperature Rise

It can be seen that the EROE will provide a reasonable guide that usually will
eliminate Hydraulic disturbances that can cause seal chamber pressures and tem-
peratures to change and lead to premature seal wear and/or failure. Note that the
stated EROE low flow range can be reduced if the pump or fluid have any of the
following characteristics noted in Table 2.2.11.

Table 2.2.11. Factors That can Reduce Low Flow EROE Range

Pumps with suction specific speeds &gt; 8000 (customary units) Double suction

pumps Water pumps with low NPSH margin Fluids with S.G. &lt; 0.7 Pumps with
Therefore, we always recommend that the first step in seal condition monitoring
be determination of pump operation within its EROE. If the “Bad Actor” Pump is
operating outside its EROE, we recommend the action shown in Table 2.2.12.

Table 2.2.12. If a Centrifugal Pump is Outside its EROE

Consult operations to determine if process changes can be made to operate in

EROE Define target EROE parameters for operations (flow, amps, control valve
position, delta T)

If seal reliability does not improve when operating within the EROE, further inves-
tigation is required concerning the process conditions in the seal chamber and/or
flush system.

Pump parallel operation

One of the most common mistakes made in the field when checking pump per-
formance of pumps operating in parallel, is that the total flow measured in the
discharge header is split in half by each of the two pumps in operation (assuming
two pumps are running). This is only true if the pumps are both in the exact same
conditions (Fig. 2.2.8).

Figure 2.2.8. Two identical pumps in parallel operation.

As you can see in Fig. 2.2.8, there can be assumed to be one performance curve
because both pumps are in the same condition. Therefore, for given process require-
ments (Head) the flow produced by both could potentially be double, if the System
curve allows (very flat curve).

However, more times than not pumps will not wear at the same rate, even if they
operate for the same time in the same service (Fig. 2.2.9). This figure shows the fact
that one pump may be operating and putting out all of the flow while the worn pump
is running in shutoff! This is why it is very important to have a measurement or at
least a way to know if a pump is in better condition than the other.

Figure 2.2.9. Non-identical pumps operating in parallel.

B.P. Use Pipe Differential Temperature to determine whether or not a pump is

2.3: operating in its “EROE”

We know by now that every Centrifugal Pump has a preferred operating range for
flow that we call EROE. This is great if we have an accurate way of measuring flow
(i.e., Flow meter or a control valve). However if we can’t accurately measure flow,
then we can at least estimate where the pump is operating on its curve.

When a pump operates at a flow below the low flow area of its EROE, you will
see that the efficiency rapidly drops off due to the recirculation occurring. From
this recirculation of the fluid, you will definitely see heat being transferred to the
pumped fluid.

A single stage centrifugal pump operating within its EROE will see a differential
temperature definitely less than 5°C. Therefore, anything greater than that value
would indicate the pump is operating at a lower efficiency and most likely outside
of its EROE.

A multistage pump will have a higher normal temperature than a single stage pump,
so make sure to get a baseline pipe differential temperature when the pump is known
to be in good condition.

It is very important to check the temperatures just upstream of the suction flange and
downstream of the discharge flange. If you measure the temperatures closer to the
pump, you may see erroneous values. Also, make sure to mark the spots you take the
temperatures as the pipe temperature will vary at different spots circumferentially
L.L. The inability to know if a pump is operating at low flow can result in wear
2.3: and/or component failure

Have you ever seen a pump in the shop where the impeller wear rings are essentially
welded to the casing wear rings?

This is absolute evidence that the pump operated at low flow for an extended period
of time and was not noticed in the field.

The pump head required by the process is a function of Inlet Pressure, Discharge
Pressure, and Specific Gravity. If any of these values change to increase the head
required, the flow will decrease. This will result in lower efficiency and higher
temperatures internally if the pump is operating outside of its low flow EROE
(typically less than 50% of BEP Flow).

> Read full chapter

Steam–Water Circulation Design

Esa Kari Vakkilainen, in Steam Generation from Biomass, 2017

4.6.4 Feedwater Pump Head

The feedwater pump must produce enough overpressure (pump head) to be able to
maintain the drum level in the boiler in all conditions.



Δp is the total required pump head, MPa

pp is the maximum operating pressure at the drum, MPa
Δpf is the loss in the feedwater piping and economizer, MPa
Δpv is the loss in the feedwater flow control valve, MPa
gh is the pressure required to overcome the height difference between feed-
water tank lower level and drum level, MPa



It should be remembered that the feedwater pump must be placed well below the
feedwater tank (Fig. 4.20). This ensures additional pressure at pump inlet called
nominal suction pressure head (NSPH). In the feedwater tank the water is at sat-
urated pressure. When water flows to the feedwater pump there will be pressure
losses. At the pump impeller the change in velocity produces static pressure decline.
If suction pressure is not over corresponding saturated pressure, then cavitation will
occur and the pump impeller will be destroyed in a relatively short timespan.

Figure 4.20. Determination of the feedwater pump head; pp pressure in the drum; pi
pressure in the feedwater tank; Hs height difference between pump inlet and water
level in feedwater tank; Hgeod height difference between water levels in feedwater
tank and drum.

> Read full chapter

Turbo pumps and compressors

Philip Thomas, in Simulation of Industrial Processes for Control Engineers, 1999

Pump head
Applying Rayleigh's method of dimensional analysis to the pump head, we write our
test equation as:


Substituting dimensions yields:


Equating powers of M,L and T gives three equations in the four unknown indices,
a,b,c and d:


The index, d, emerges unequivocally as zero, while the indices, b and c, are express-
ible in terms of a, which may take any value:

Substituting back into equation (17.1) gives


which implies that the following general relationship holds between head and flow:


It should be noted that the specific volume does not enter into this equation,
implying that the head produced for a given flow will be the same whatever the
liquid being pumped–hence the preference of working in terms of head rather than
pressure rise. It is possible to estimate the form of the function, 1, from a detailed
analysis of the velocities of the impeller and liquid, making due allowance for losses,
but an accurate determination requires experiment.

The function, 1, applies to pumps of different sizes, provided they are geometrically
similar. Hence the form of the function could be determined from a model with
impeller diameter, D0, or one with diameter, D1, or one with a diameter, D2, etc.
Equally, all the experimental points could be taken at a constant speed, N0, or at a
different constant speed, N1, or at a third constant speed, N2, etc. Theoretically, it
should not matter what liquid is being pumped, although in reality the liquid should
have a viscosity reasonably close to that of the ultimate process liquid.

Let us suppose we take the machine with impeller diameter, D0, and run it at a fixed
speed, N0; by varying the downstream flow conductance, we may take a number of
different readings of flow and corresponding head. These readings will be pairs of
measurements of Q0 and H0, the flow and head at conditions (D0, N0). (It should
be emphasized that Q0 and H0 are variables, not constants.) Now we move on to
the next machine, with diameter, D1. We run this at constant speed, N1, and take a
new set of readings, this time of Q1 and H1, where Q1 and H1 are again variables,
not constant values. Moving to the third machine, we take measurements of the
variables, Q2 and H2, at fixed conditions (D2,N2). We may, indeed, repeat the process
with any available machine of similar geometry. We may then plot:

and equation (17.6) tells us that all the points should fall on the same curve. This
theoretical result is found to be largely true in practice, although small discrepancies
can occur as a result of the change in Reynolds number and hence friction when the
scale-factor is large. The function, 1, for a centrifugal pump will have the general
shape shown in Figure 17.1.
Figure 17.1. Generalized curve showing relationship between head and volume flow.

If we select a test point, P = (x,y), on the curve of Figure 17.1, then, from the
discussion above, the x-coordinate could be any of the following:


while the y-coordinate may be written as any of the following


Since the test point could be any point on the curve describing the behaviour of
similar pumps, we may conclude that the following relations hold across all pumps
in the set, at whatever speeds, flows and heads they are operating:




Pump power
The test equation for the power demanded by the pump is:


Substituting dimensions yields:

Equating powers of M,L and T gives three equations in the four unknown indices,
a,b,c and d:


The index, d, emerges unequivocally as –1, while the indices, b and c, are expressible
in terms of a, which may take any value:


Substituting back into equation (17.11) gives


which implies that the following general relationship holds between demanded
power and flow:


Note that in this case specific volume of the fluid has an effect: working at the same
speed, a pump can raise a flow of mercury to the same head as the same volume
flow of water, but it will consume more power in doing so. The form of the function,
2, is found from experiment, usually on one machine, but theoretically on several

machines, as described above for the determination of the general function, 1.

Since a single function characterizes all the pumps in the set, the arguments set
down above for the relationship between pump head and flow apply equally to the
relationship between demanded power and flow. Hence we may write the following
equation for pumps of different size, running at different speeds and pumping
liquids of different specific volumes:


Equations (17.9), (17.10) and (17.17) are known as the ‘affinity laws’.

The useful pumping power, PP, will be less than the power demanded, PD, because
of frictional losses. The pumping power is the power expended in lifting the mass
flow, W (kg/s), to a height H (m):


Using equation (17.6), we may rewrite equation (17.18) as:


The pump efficiency, p, may be found by dividing the pumping power from
equation (17.19) by the power demanded, given by equation (17.16):

which may be re-expressed as simply


From equation (17.21), efficiency is simply a function of the dimensionless variable,


When simulating a particular pump on a process plant, the diameter of the pump
impeller will, of course, be fixed, and so we may simplify the affinity laws to:




where Q,H,N,PD and are general values and Q0,H0,N0,PD0 and are reference or
design values.

> Read full chapter

Pump Stations
E. Shashi Menon, in Transmission Pipeline Calculations and Simulations Manual,

2.16 Multiple Pumps versus System Head Curve

Figure 9.19 shows the pipeline system head curve superimposed on the pump head
curves to show the operating point with one pump, two pumps in series, and the
same two pumps in parallel configurations. The operating points are shown as A, C,
and B with flow rates of QA, QC, and QB, respectively.

In certain pipeline systems, depending upon the flow requirements, we may be able
to obtain higher throughput by switching from a series pump configuration to a
parallel pump configuration. From Figure 9.19, it can be seen that a steep system
curve would be better with series pumps. If the system curve is relatively flat, parallel
pumps operation will result in increased flow.
Figure 9.19. Multiple pumps and system head curve.

> Read full chapter

Pulsatile vs. continuous flow

Eric L. Wu, ... Akif Ündar, in Mechanical Circulatory and Respiratory Support, 2018

i-cor ECMO system

The second pulsatile ECMO system called the i-cor diagonal pump has a separated
pump head, a magnetic coupling of forces between the impeller and the driver,
a high-tech ceramic bearing to improve durability and reduce blood trauma, low
priming volume (16 mL) to minimize hemodilution and reduce the blood–artificial
surface interface, a large application spectrum ranging from neonates to adults,
zero-flow mode to prevent backflow, a flow-measuring sensor with integrated bub-
ble detector for safety, and an optional pulsatile flow mode to mimic physiological
flow conditions [89]. The i-cor system offers the option to generate a pulsatile flow
that is synchronized to the patient's intrinsic electrocardiogram (ECG). To the best of
our knowledge, the i-cor system is the only pulsatile ECMO system with a diagonal
pump that has the capacity to trigger pulsatile flow based upon the patient's intrinsic
rhythm. The ability of the i-cor pump to synchronize is key to perfecting the timing of
the pump's execution during the diastole phase of the patient, like the IABP. Pulsatile
flow can be synchronized to every detected R wave, every other R wave, or even every
third R wave of the intrinsic QRS complex, thus resulting in 1:1, 1:2, or 1:3 assist
ratios [23]. The user can determine the magnitude of pulsatility produced within the
circuit, ranging from diminished pulsatile flow to physiological levels of pulsatility
[89]. Pulsatility settings have a direct impact on the generation of hemodynamic
energy and SHE (Figs. 12.8 and 12.9). Investigators in support of pulsatile flow
hypothesize that pulsatile flow maintains better organ perfusion because of this extra
hemodynamic energy, or SHE [23,89]. It has been also documented that pulsatile
flow maintains better microcirculation [90].

Fig. 12.8. Flow (A) and pressure (B) waveforms under pulsatile mode with variable
differential RPMs (500–4500) with the i-cor system.Reproduced with permission
from Wang S, Kunselman AR, Clark JB, Ündar A. in vitro hemodynamic eval-
uation of a novel pulsatile extracorporeal life support system: impact of perfu-
sion modes and circuit components on energy loss. Artif Organs 2015;39: 59–66.
Fig. 12.9. Surplus hemodynamic energy (SHE) levels at preoxygenator and preclamp
sites using the i-cor system. NP, nonpulsatile; P, pulsatile.Reproduced with per-
mission from Wang S, Kunselman AR, Clark JB, Ündar A. in vitro hemodynamic
evaluation of a novel pulsatile extracorporeal life support system: impact of perfu-
sion modes and circuit components on energy loss. Artif Organs 2015;39:59–66.

Each component of the ECMO circuit is equally important to generate physiologic

quality of pulsatility [89]. There is no question about the importance of the pump's
ability to generate a physiologic quality of pulsatile flow, but delivering the hemo-
dynamic energy generated from the pump to the patient is best accomplished by
using a hollow-fiber oxygenator with polymethyl pentene (PMP) diffusion instead of
a silicone membrane oxygenator and a suitable arterial cannula, as well as the proper
length of arterial tubing [89,91].

Perhaps pulsatile ECMO pumps were not implemented earlier because conventional
silicone membrane oxygenators were used. These first-generation high-complaint
silicone membrane oxygenators absorb the pulsatile energy so that the pulsatile
energy cannot be transferred to the patient. The PMP oxygenators overcome this
important limitation and have several major advantages over silicone membrane
oxygenators [92–96] including: (1) less than 10 min of set-up time (vs. far longer
times for silicone membrane oxygenators); (2) significantly lower pressure drops
across the membrane (up to 5–10 fold); (3) less priming volume of the entire circuit
(< 200 mL for pediatric patients and < 400 mL for adult patients); (4) no plasma
leakage for up to several weeks; and, most importantly, (5) improved safety of ECMO
circuits with centrifugal pumps along with PMP oxygenators. Around-the-clock
monitoring of the circuit by a dedicated perfusionist or respiratory therapist is not
required [97].
> Read full chapter

Pump Applications and Economics

E. Shashi Menon P.E., Pramila S. Menon MBA, in Working Guide to Pumps and
Pumping Stations, 2010

8.1 Three identical pumps each with H-Q data as shown are installed in series.
Determine the combined pump head curve.Q L/s018364554H m10297817060
8.2 Two unequal pumps with the following H-Q characteristics are installed in par-
allel configuration.Pump AQ gpm1200216025202880H ft1900155013901180E%6282-
8177Pump BQ gpm1200216025202880H ft2300220019001400E%61798076Determine
the combined pump head and efficiency curves.
8.3 The system head curve for a pipeline using the three pumps in series in
Problem 8.1 is defined by the equationwhere Q is the capacity in L/s.What is
the operating point (Q, H) for this system? If one pump shuts down, what flow
rate can be obtained with the remaining two pumps?
8.4 Using the two unequal parallel pumps in Problem 8.2, determine the operating
point for the system head curve defined by the equationwhere Q is the capacity
in gpm.If one pump shuts down, what flow rate can be obtained with the
remaining pump?
8.5 A water pipeline is 120 km long. It is constructed of 1200 mm inside diameter
cement pipe, with a Hazen-Williams C factor = 130. The present flow rate
is 7400 m3/hr. To increase the flow rate to 10,500 m3/hr, two options are
considered. One option is to install a second pump in parallel with the existing
unit. The second option is to locate and install an intermediate booster pump.
Determine the economics associated with these options and calculate the ROR
for a 10-year project life. Assume a new pump station will cost $2000 per kW
8.6 An existing pump station on a crude oil pipeline uses a turbine-driven centrifu-
gal pump. Due to stricter environmental regulations and increased mainte-
nance and operating costs, the company proposes to replace the turbine drive
with an electric motor. Two options are to be investigated. The first option
is to install a constant speed electric motor drive. The second option is to
install a VFD pump. Discuss the approach to be followed in evaluating the two

> Read full chapter

The Concept of the Energy Efficiency
Index (EEI) for Circulators and Pump
Bernd Stoffel, in Assessing the Energy Efficiency of Pumps and Pump Units, 2015 Experimental Determination of EEI

All provisions for the test concerning the pump shall be in accordance with the test
Standard ISO 9906 [17], grade 2. The exception for input power of 10 kW and below
(as allowed for the application of Ref. [17] on acceptance tests) shall not be valid.

All provisions for the test concerning an electric motor if it is part of the pump unit
and is fed directly from an electric grid shall be in accordance with the test Standard
IEC 60034-2-1 [12].

All provisions for the test concerning a PDS if is part of the pump unit shall be in
accordance with the Standard EN 50598-2 [15].

The values Q100% and H100% shall be determined by the following steps:

• measuring the flow rate Q, the pump head H, and the electric power input P1 at
constant motor stator frequency fM=fgrid for a sufficient number of operating
points around the expected value of Q100%
• calculation of the unit efficiency unit by Eq. (1.16) for each test point

• approximation of the Q–H curve and of the Q– unit curve by best-fit polynomial

functions of third degree

• calculation of the flow rate Q100% that corresponds to the maximum of the
best-fit Q– unit curve
• calculation of the value H100% that corresponds to the value Q100% using the
best-fit Q–H function.

Based on the values Q100% and H100% the set points are calculated according to the re-
spective reference flow-time profile and—in the case of variable speed operation—to
the reference control curve.

Besides some further provisions for the tests, maximum deviations of the adjusted
and measured flow rate at the set points shall be within a limit, which has still to be
finally defined.

In the case of fixed-speed operation, the measured electric input power P1,meas at the
set points is directly taken for the calculation of P1,avg.
In the case of variable speed operation, deviations of the measured head Hmeas from
the head Href specified by the reference control curve shall be taken into account by
correcting the measured electric power input P1,meas in the following way:

• P1,corr=(Href/Hmeas)x·P1,meas, if Hmeas≤Href

• P1,corr=P1,meas, if Hmeas>Href.

For the exponent x the following approximate equation was developed and proposed
based on simulations with the aid of the SAM described in Section 8.4:


Finally, EEI is calculated from the test results by Eqs (8.1) and (8.2).

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