Chromium Pollution - A Threat To Environment - A Review

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do i:10.5958/0976-0741.2014.00094.4


M.L. Dotaniya*, J.K. Thakur, V.D. Meena, D.K. Jajoria 1 and Gopal Rathor
Indian Institute of Soil Science, Nabi Bagh,
Berasia Road, Bhopal- 462 038, India
Received: 07-08-2013 Accepted: 10-05-2014
In recent years, contamination of the environment by chromium (Cr) has become a major concern.
It is unique among the heavy metals found in industrial waste water and sewage and sludge, as it
may exist as a trivalent cation and as anion in the hexavalent state in the pH range of agricultural
soils. It is used on a large scale in many different industries, including metallurgy, electroplating,
production of paints and pigments, tanning, wood preservation, chemical production, and pulp
and paper production. These industries are contributing larger amount of Cr, which can ultimately
have significant adverse effects on biological and ecological activities of ecosystem. Chromium enters
in the food chain through consumption of plant material. A high concentration of Cr has been found
to be harmful to vegetation. As the Cr concentration in plants increases, it adversely affects several
biological parameters and eventually renders the soil barren.

Key word: Chromium, Plant uptake, Remediation techniques

Soil and water pollution by chromium (Cr) on earth. It is the 21 st most abundant element in the
is a worldwide issue . All co untrie s have bee n earth’s crust (Eliopoulos et al., 2013). It occurs in
affected, though the area and severity of pollution nature in bound forms that constitute 0.1-0.3 mgkg-1
vary enormously. In Western Europe, 1400 000 sites of the earth’s crust. It has several oxidation states
were affected by heavy metals, of which over 300000 ranging fro m Cr (-II) to Cr (+ VI). Cr e xists
were contaminated, and the estimated total number predominantly in the Cr+ 3 and Cr+ 6 oxidation states.
in Europe could be much larger, as pollution problems The most stable oxidation state of Cr is Cr (III), and
incre asingly o ccurre d in Ce ntral and Easte rn under most prevailing environmental conditions Cr
European countries specially Cr pollution. In USA, (VI) is rapidly reduced to Cr (III). The intermediate
the re are 6 0 0 0 0 0 bro wn fie lds which a re states of + IV and + V are metastable and rarely
co ntaminate d with he a vy me tals and ne e d encountered (Lokhande et al., 2011).
reclamation (Bahafid et al., 2013). In India, Cr Exce ssive me ta l a ccumulatio n in
pollution also emerged as a challenge to remediate it. contaminated soils can result in de creased soil
It is mainly in tannery and paint industries locations. microbial activities, soil fertility, and overall soil
Heavy metals, broadly defined as a group of toxic quality which may lead to reduction in yield. The
metals and metalloids associated with pollution and entry of toxic materials into food chain can cause
toxicity, are elements with a density of more than 6 many diseases in human and animals. Very high
Mgm-3 and atomic weight that exceed that of iron. levels of Cr (VI) contamination (14,600 mgkg-1 in
Heavy metals are natural constituents of the Earth’s gro und water and 25,900 mgkg -1 in soil) were
crust. They are stable and cannot be degraded or reported at the United Chrome Products site in
destroyed and therefore they tend to accumulate in Corvallis, Oregon (Krishnamurthy and Wilkens,
soils and sediments (Dotaniya et al., 2014b). 1994). The critical concentration of chromium in
Chromium is one of the toxic heavy metal plant varies according to specie s but generally
for ecosystem as well as survival of human beings 1-2 mgkg-1 of plant biomass was found to be growth
*Corresponding author email:
Directorate of Research, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur – 313 001, India
limiting and maximum allowable limit in soil is 100 (CrO4 2-) and dichromate (Cr2 O7 2-) which precipitate
mgkg-1 (Purakastha and Chhonkar, 2010). readily in the presence of metal cations(especially
2+ 2+ +
Sympto ms o f Cr phyto to xicity include Ba , Pb and Ag ). Chromate and dichromate also
inhibition of seed germination, seedling development, adso rb o n so il surface s, e spe cially iro n and
re ductio n o f ro o t gro wth, le af chlo ro sis and aluminum oxides. Chromium (III) is the dominant
depressed biomass (Dotaniya et al., 2014a). Many form of Cr at low pH (< 4). Cr forms solution
- - - - 2-
studies were conducted to evaluate the Cr toxicity complexes with NH3 , OH , Cl , F , CN , SO4 , and
in crop plants shows chromium significantly affects soluble organic ligands. The Cr (VI) is the more toxic
the metabolism of plants such as barley, citrullus, form of chromium and is also more mobile. However,
cauliflower, wheat and maize (Shanker et al., 2005). Cr(III) mobility is decreased by adsorption to clays
The sub-cellular localization of Cr as found by and oxide minerals below pH 5 and low solubility
electron e ne rgy lo ss spe ctro scopy (EELS) and above pH 5 due to the formatio n of Cr(OH) 3
electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) suggested that (Chroto wski et al., 1991). Chromium mo bility
Cr is accumulate d mainly in the cell wall and depends on sorption characteristics of the soil,
vacuoles (Zou et al., 2006). including clay content, iron oxide content and the
amo unt o f o rganic matte r pre se nt. It can be
Chro mium availability in so il: The to tal Cr transported by surface runoff to surface waters in its
concentration levels in igneous and sedimentary soluble or precipitated form. Soluble and unadsorbed
rocks are usually in the range of up to about 100 chromium co mple xe s can leach fro m so il into
µgg-1 . For most of soils the Cr concentration is in the groundwater. The leachability of Cr(VI) increases
range of 15 to 100 µgg-1 soil and increase with the as soil pH increases. Most of Cr released into natural
proportion in clay (Baize, 1997). However, soil wate rs is particle asso ciated and is ultimately
derived from serpentine may contain several percent deposited into the sediment (Andjelkovic et al.,
of Cr. Soil Cr is largely unavailable to plants because 2012).
it occurs in relatively insoluble compounds such as
chromite FeCr2 O4 in mixed oxides of Cr, Al and Fe, Plant uptake: In general, plants have a low capacity
or in silicate lattice. In addition Cr3+ binds tenaciously to absorb and translocate Cr. Different vegetable
to negatively charged sites on clays and organic crops vary in their ability to accumulate Cr in tissues
matter. For this reason the translocation of Cr from (Zayed et al., 1998). In plants grown on soils after
soils into plants is generally insignificant (Juste and long-term application of sewage sludge containing
Mench, 1992). Chromates (hexavalent Cr) in soils Cr, its level in leaves seldom exceeded a few µgg-1
are relatively rare and only stable in alkaline oxidizing dry weight (DW). Even in plants adapted to Cr-rich
conditions. It is supported that Cr3+ and CrO4 2- are serpentine soils, the mean Cr content does not
taken up by two different mechanisms. The uptake exceed 45 µgg-1 DW (Juste and Mench, 1992).
of CrO4 2- is depressed by SO4 2- (Shenbagavalli and Chromium hyperaccumulator like Leptospermum
Mahimairaja, 2012). scoparium reported to accumulate 20,000 mgkg-1
Chromium chemistry: Chromium is one of the less and B. juncea accumulated 1,400 mgkg but some
common elements and does not occur naturally in of agricultural crops also accumulated less amount
elemental form, but only in compounds. It is mined of Cr from soil .
as a primary ore product in the form of the mineral Adhikari and Singh (2007) reported that Cr
chro mite , FeCr2 O4 . The Cr(VI) is the form o f application at more than 75 mg Cr (VI) kg-1 soil for
chromium commonly found at contaminated sites. maize totally inhibited the growth after germination,
It can also o ccur in the + III o xidatio n state , whe re as 25 mg Cr (VI) kg -1 so il hinde re d the
depending on pH and redox conditions. Cr (VI) is germination of spinach crop. Initial symptoms of Cr
the dominant form of Cr in shallow aquifers where (VI) appeared as severe wilting of the tops of treated
aerobic conditions exist. Cr (VI) can be reduced to plants. Maize plants suffering from severe Cr (VI)
Cr(III) by soil organic matter, S2- and Fe 2+ ions under toxicity had smaller roots and narrow brownish red
anaerobic conditions often encountered in deeper leaves covered with small necrotic spots. In spinach,
groundwater. Major Cr (VI) species include chromate severe chlorosis was observed in leaves. Higher
Vol. 35, No. 2, 2014 155
levels of Cr (VI) inhibited the growth and dry matter as relatively unavailable, insoluble oxides of Cr
yield of the crops. However, application of city (Naidu and Kookana, 2000). However, Cr(VI) is the
compost alleviated the toxic effect of Cr (VI). The most mobile, reactive, and toxic Cr form, and it
concentration of Cr (VI) in plant part increased when would be the only existing form if all chromium were
Cr (VI) wa s applie d a lo ne but de cre ase d to be in the rmo dynamic e quilibrium with the
considerably when used in combination with city atmosphere. The hexavalent form of Cr (CrO4 -2 )
compost. There is evidence of an antagonistic effect being most active in soils is of particular concern
of Cr (VI) on other heavy metals (Mn, Cu, Zn and because this form has been demonstrated to be toxic
Fe) concentration in plant. At 25 mg Cr (VI) kg-1 soil, at low concentrations to both plant and animals.
yield of maize was reduced to 41% of control plants, The Cr(VI) is a strong oxidizer and as a result exists
whereas in spinach, 10 mg Cr (VI) kg-1 soil caused only in oxygenated species that are soluble and pH
33% yield reduction. The maize top (cereal) is less dependent and occurs as an anion in aqueous
effective in accumulating Cr (VI) than spinach (leafy solution
vegetables). Chromium is involved in numerous Effe c ts o f c h ro mium o n hu ma n he a lth :
physiological functions as a component of several plant Chromium is used in metal alloys and pigments for
enzymes, with minimum requirements generally in the paints, cement, paper, rubber, and other materials.
range of 1–5 µgg-1 in plant tissue depending on the Low level exposure can irritate the skin and cause
species (Shanker et al., 2005). Various interactions ulceration. Long term exposure can cause kidney
can occur when plants are exposed to unfavorable and liver damage and damage too circulatory and
concentrations of Cr. Chromium promotes the uptake nerve tissue. It often accumulates in aquatic life,
o f Zn in Am aranthus viridis L. Barce ló and adding to the danger of eating fish that may have
Poschenrieder (1997) observed that when bean plant been exposed to high levels of chromium. However,
grown in Cr(VI) nutrient solution, translocation of Cu, human activitie s have drastically alte re d the
Zn and Fe in plant was inhibited. Chromium biochemical and geochemical cycles and balance
accumulation levels in A. viridis were as follows: leaf > of some heavy metals. The principal manmade
ro o t > ste m. Whe re as co ntaminate d so il sources of Cr are industrial point sources, i.e. mines,
approximately11 times more accumulation of Cr was foundries and smelters, and diffuse sources such as
reported than those growing at the uncontaminated site. combustion by-products and traffic etc.
Factors affecting bio-mobilization of chromium: Remediation techniques: The Cr contamination
A number of soil processes and factors may affect is steeply increasing in the environment. It can be
the form and bio-mobilization potential of Cr. It is remediated by chemical, physical and biological
present in soils mostly as insoluble Cr(OH)3 or as appro ache s. In bio lo gical appro ach it can be
Cr(III) adsorbed to soil components, which prevents separated into phytoremediation as well as bio-
Cr leaching into groundwater or its uptake by plants. re me diatio n (micro o rganism). Amo ng the all
The Cr (VI) is readily transformed to Cr (III) as a re me diation te chnologies, phyto remediatio n is
result of reduction by Fe (II) in solution and at mineral cheaper and eco-friendly in nature (Dotaniya and
surfaces by sulfur compounds, or by soil organic Lata, 2012).
matter under most soil conditions. Chromium(III)
has be e n fo und to be re adily abso rbe d by Phytore me diatio n: It also referred as botanical
macromolecular clay compounds; also, humic acids bioremediation which involves the use of green plants
co ntain do no r gro ups fo rming stable Cr(III) to decontaminate soils, water and air. It is an
complexes, especially when they produce chelate emerging technology that can be applied to both
rings, and adsorption of Cr(III) to humic acids organic and inorganic pollutants present in the soil,
re nders it insoluble, immobile and unre active. water or air. It employs plants and their associated
Although Cr (III) can oxidize to Cr (VI), especially in root bound microbial community to remove, degrade
the presence of manganese oxides, oxidation usually or render environmental contaminants harmless. At
occurs only in moist conditions, and not appreciably present, there are about 400 species of known
in dry soils. Cr (III) can thus expect to be the terre strial plants that hype raccumulate o ne o r
predominant form. The Cr (III) largely exists in soil more metal(loid)s. It helps in reducing heavy metal
pollution. It has the advantage of relatively low cost becoming incorporated into the plant tissues. Plant
and wide public acceptance. It can be less than a enzymes have be en identified that breakdo wn
quarter of the cost of excavation or insitu fixation. ammunition wastes, chlorinated solvents such as
Phyto re me diatio n has the disadvantage o f TCE (Trichloroethane).
taking lo nge r time to acco mplish than o the r (3) Rhizo filtration: It is a similar in concept to
tre atme nt. The re are diffe re nt cate go rie s phyto e xtractio n but is co nce rne d with the
o f phyto re me dia tio n i.e . phyto e xtra ctio n, remediation of contaminated groundwater rather
phytodegradation, rhizofiltration, rhizodegradation than the re me diatio n o f po llute d so ils. The
and phyto stabiliza tio n, de pe nding o n the contaminants are either adsorbed onto the root
mechanisms of remediation. surface or are absorbed by the plant roots. Plants
(1)Phyto extraction: It is the name given to the used for rhizofiltration are not planted directly in situ
pro ce ss whe re plant ro o ts take up the me tal but are acclimated to the pollutant first. Plants are
contaminant from the soil and translocate them to hydroponically grown in clean water rather than soil,
their above ground plant tissues. Once the plants until a large root system has developed. Once a large
have grown and absorbed the metal pollutants, they root system is in place the water supply is substituted
are harvested and disposed off safely. This process for a polluted water supply to acclimatize the plant.
is repeated several times to reduce Cr contamination After the plants become acclimatized they are planted
to acceptable levels. Hyper accumulator plant in the polluted area where the roots uptake the
species are used on many sites due to their tolerance polluted water and the contaminants along with it.
o f re la tive ly e xtre me le ve ls o f po llutio n. As the roots become saturated they are harvested
Phytoextraction offers an efficient, cost-effective, and and disposed of safely.
environmentally friendly way to clean up heavy metal (4) Rhizo de gradatio n: It also called enhanced
co ntaminatio n. The re are two type s o f rhizosphere biodegradation, phytostimulation, and
phyto e xtractio n. The y a re (1 ) Natural plant assisted bioremediation, in which breakdown
phytoextraction and (2) Induced phytoextraction. of organic contaminants in the soil by soil dwelling
(a) Natural phytoextraction: It is usually conducted microbes which is enhanced by the rhizosphere’s
by planting se le cte d plant spe cie s in the presence . Plant ro ot exudates such as sugars,
contaminated soil. These plants are grown under alcohols, and organic acids act as carbon sources
normal farming conditions until they reach their for the soil microflora and enhance microbial growth
maximum size. The aboveground parts of the plants and activity. The plant roots also loosen the soil and
containing the contaminants are then harvested and transport water to the rhizosphere thus additionally
disposed off appropriately. enhancing microbial activity.
(b) Ind uc e d p h y t o e xt ra c tio n : In no n (5) Phyto stabilisatio n: Phytostabilisation is the
hyperaccumulato rs plants, factors limiting their process in which plants are used to immobilize soil
potential for phytoextraction include small root and water contaminants. This technique can also
uptake and little root-shoot translocation of metals. be used to re-establish a plant community on sites
Throughout the growth period, amendments are that have been denuded due to the high levels of
added to the soil to increase availability of metals to metal contamination. Once a community of tolerant
the plants. The most commonly used agents for species has been established the potential for wind
induced phytoextraction are: EDTA, DTPA, CDTA e ro sio n is re duce d and le aching o f the so il
and citric acid etc. contaminants is also reduced. It involves three
(2) Phytodegradatio n: Phytodegradation is the processes which include: humification, lignification
degradation or breakdown of organic contaminants and irreversible binding.
by internal and external metabolic processes driven CONCLUSION
by the plant. Some contaminants can be absorbed Chromium pollution attracting the mind of
by the plant and are then broken down by plant research to control its contamination in water bodies
enzymes. These smaller pollutant molecules may then as well as in ecosystem across the globe. So many
be used as metabolites by the plant as it grows, thus chemical, physical and biological technologies are
Vol. 35, No. 2, 2014 157
in practice no w a day; cheaper and e ffective use. As countries around the world are struggling to
technologies are needed to protect the precious natural arrive at an effective regulatory regime to control the
resources and biological lives. Use of Cr containing discharge of industrial effluents into their ecosystems,
farm inputs should contain less amount of Cr. Effluent use of modern and traditional approaches can diverse
for cultivation of vegetables should be treated prior to our land use system in new horizon.
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