ICT Project For Social Change

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• ICT Project for Social Change

• Planning a Social Campaign

• Before starting your project or campaign, your group should be able to do the necessary
paperwork better known as the Concept Paper. This allows experts to see if your project is
doable over the time frame that was given and if it is significant enough to be made into reality.

• Concept Paper

• It is a document used to convince a panel of potential funders to help a product, program, or

service to become a reality.

• 5 Elements of a Concept Paper

• Introduction

• Purpose

• Description

• Support

• Contact Information

• Introduction

• This section is meant to provide an overall picture of your project that can be seen at a glance as
well as convey important project details.

• Introduction

• This may include the following:

a) Project Title

b) Vision/Mission/Goal

c) Type of Project (education-training, health-medical mission/ art exhibit, etc)

d) Project Proponent/s: (Name of your organization/ name of the people involves)

e) Project Beneficiaries: (Urban poor, women, youth, etc);

• Introduction

• This may include the following:

f) Date of Implementation/Duration: (Start date/number of implementation days)

g) Budget Requirement: (overall amount of budget requirements)

h) Project Contacts: (List of individuals involved with the project)

• Purpose

• Includes the reasons why your project is worth your group and your sponsor’s time, effort, and

• Explains what needs/ problems you want to solve or address, and why these needs/problems
needs are worth solving. The project’s brief history, references, and other supporting
documentation may also be provided here.

• Description

• Includes all the necessary information about the project. In ICT, it involves the website/s or
pages that you are going to produce and the purpose of each and how they work in unison.

• Support

• This contains the budget needed for the project, though some concept papers do not specify
any amount requested from the sponsor.

• Contact Information

• This describes the people involved and their responsibilities in the project. This also includes the
information on how the group can be contacted.

• Planning a Social Campaign

• Your project/campaign must met the SMART criteria:

• S – Specific

• M – Measurable

• A – Attainable

• R – Realistic

• T – Time - bounded

• Concept Paper Samples

Example 1:

For years, many students depend on the school’s drinking fountain. Aside from saving them
money, the school’s drinking fountain contains filters that make the water safe enough to drink. But
according to our research, the last time the water was tested was about three years ago by using the
drinking fountains around school, it is highly questionable that the water is still safe for drinking. Our
group has theorized that the natural wear and tear of the drinking fountain has led to the water’s
unpleasant taste. Our group, the Mosaic Alliance, aims to create several online sources that will help
promote the awareness of people involved about this problem and create an online petition with the
goal of improving our drinking fountains here in school.

Our group aims to create Change.org petition, a Facebook group and a blog to help achieve our
goals. We will be creating infographics and other related information connected to the dangers of
drinking unsafe water especially at a young age. The scope of our project is to be able to reach the
school’s administration, parents, teachers, and students to sign our petition.

We will be requiring a week to develop this project and we will start our promotion right after
we have uploaded the website. We will also be using our own resources so the funding for this project
will be close to none. Our expenses may only include the printing of campaign materials and the internet
and computer shop rentals in case we need more time outside school hours. We will also be using free
services already offered by Facebook, Blogger, and Change.org.

Should you have any questions about our project feel free to contact us at

• Example 2:
Project Title: Education on Wheels


Education on Wheels is a project with motto to literate out of school children also children
attending the government schools but dwelling in slums. We bring teachers to the door steps of these
educationally deprived children.

• Our main aim is to literate the children who are deprived of education living below poverty line
in slum areas.

• To confer the education at doorstep of deprived children.

• To raise the literacy ratio of an area.

• To introduce modern & informal education to deprived children

• To introduce modern study aids, materials to the children going corporation schools

• To confer values and morals among slum children.

• Project Title: Education on Wheels

The main motive of this project is to literate the children who are deprived of education,
dwelling in slum areas.

The project is worth sponsoring for it will enable out of school youth develop their skills and
intellect. This will also help less fortunate families to have children participate in the free lectures,
seminars, and trainings, to be conducted by the proponents and invited speakers.

• Project Title: Education on Wheels


The project will gather children (out of school youth) & conduct the class inside the bus. The
project will be happening in 5 different barangays in Candelaria every Saturdays of November 2020 from
8:00 am to 12:00 noon.

Attendees will be given free snacks. Leaflets/books will also be available during the discussion

The topics to be included on the seminar will be:

- English, Math, Science

- Media and Information Literacy

- Computer Literacy

- Cyberspace and Digital Security

- Others

• Project Title: Education on Wheels


The project will also launch a website (educationonwheels.org) and a Facebook page at


The estimated budget needed for the project is ranging from 75,000 to 100,000. This includes
the fare, snacks, papers, and other related fees.

Contact Information:

The proponents can be contacted on the following:

- Phone : 0909-123-4987

- Email : edonwheels@gmail.com
- FB : @educationonwheels

• Simplified ICT Project Process Overview

• Planning

Involves the following tasks (but not limited to):

a) Conceptualizing your Project

b) Researching on available data about your topic

c) Setting deadlines and meetings

d) Assigning people to various tasks

e) Finding a web or blog host

f) Creating a site map for your website

g) Listing down all applications that you need including web apps

h) Funding (if applicable)

• Development

• Involves the actual creation of the website(s); involves the production of images, infographics,

• Release and Promotion

• Involves the actual creation of the website for public view and promoting it. Promotion typically
starts before the actual release.

• Maintenance

• Involves responding to feedback of your site visitors and continuing to improve the website.

• Questions:

1. What is the importance of a concept paper in a corporate setting?

2. Why is it important to follow the steps in the ICT Project Process?

• Activity:

• Form a group with at least 5 members

• Your group must create a concept paper

• The topics will be provided by each groups and the advocacy campaign must be anchored by
SMART objectives.

• Your teacher will act as the sponsor and you have to convince him/her to support your

• On a document, your group will write the five elements of your concept paper

• The concept paper will be submitted until December 4, 2020 and will be submitted in the Google

• The teacher will select certain groups to present their concept paper on the next Video
Conference. (to be announced)

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