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Digestive System (Sistem Pencernaan)

Exercise 1 : Overview of the Digestive System (Gambaran Umum Sistem Pencernaan)

1 Muscularis (otot) Muscular tunic Tunik otot

2 Ingestion (konsumsi) Intake of food Asupan makanan
3 Mesentery Vascular extension of visceral Ekstensi vaskular peritoneum
peritoneum visceral
4 Peristalsis Wavelike movement in Gerakan seperti gelombang di
digestive tract saluran pencernaan
5 Serosa Tunic secreting watery fluid Tunik mengeluarkan cairan
6 Mucosa (mukosa) Innermost mucus-secreting Tunik rahasia lendir terdalam
7 Lamina propria Small platelike connective Jaringan ikat seperti pelat kecil
(propia lamina) tissue in mucosa dalam mukosa
8 Absorption Process of extracting nutrients Proses mengekstraksi nutrisi
9 Alimentary Pertaining to nutrition Berkaitan dengan nutrisi
10 Digestion Breakdown of food Pemecahan makanan
11 Tunic/tunica Coat, covering Mantel, menutupi
12 Submucosa Tunic under tunica mucosa Tunik di bawah tunica mukosa
13 Slimination Excretion of waste products Ekskresi produk limbah

Exercise 2 : Oral Cavity, Throat, and Esophagus (Rongga Mulut, Tenggorokan, dan

1 Teeth Gigi dent/i, odont/o

2 Gums Gusi gingiv/o
3 Roof of mouth Atap mulut palat/o
4 Tongue Lidah gloss/o, lingu/o
5 Mouth Mulut or/o, stom/o, stomat/o
6 Lips Bibir labi/o, cheil/o
7 Cheek Pipi bucc/o
8 Salivary gland Kelenjar ludah sialoaden/o
9 Saliva Air liur sial/o, ptyal/o
1 Throat Tenggorokan pharyng/o
1 Esophagus Kerongkongan esophag/o
1 Lower jaw Rahang bawah mandibul/o
1 Molar Geraham mol/o
1 Upper jaw Rahang atas maxill/o
1 Voicebox Kotak suara laryng/o

Exercise 3 : Oral Cavity, Throat, and Esophagus (Rongga Mulut, Tenggorokan, dan

1 Deglutition Swallowing Menelan

Frenulum lingua Small fold of tissue under the Lipatan kecil jaringan di
2 (lingua frenulum) tongue bawah lidah
3 Uvula Tag of flesh hanging from soft Tag daging tergantung dari
palate langit-langit lunak
4 Mastication Chewing Mengunyah
5 Vermilion border Margin between lip and Margin antara bibir dan kulit
(perbatasan surrounding skin sekitarnya
6 Cementum Bonelike substance covering Zat seperti tulang yang
(semenum) part of tooth below gums menutupi sebagian gigi di
bawah gusi
7 Hypopharynx Part of throat below oral cavity, Part tenggorokan di bawah
also termed laryngopharynx rongga mulut, juga disebut
8 Gingivae Gums Gusi
9 Enamel Thin, hard outer covering of the Tipis, penutup luar keras gigi
10 Premolars Teeth in front of molars; Gigi di depan geraham;
bicuspids bikuspid
11 Cardiac sphincter Lower esophageal sphincter Sfingter kerongkongan
(sfinger jantung) bawah
12 Maxilla Upper jaw Rahang atas
13 Submandibular Salivary gland under lower jaw Kelenjar ludah di bawah
gland (kelenjar rahang bawah
14 Sublingual gland Salivary gland under tongue Kelenjar ludah di bawah
(kelenjar sublingual) lidah
15 Labial frenula Fold of skin on the middle inside Lipatan kulit di bagian
(frenula labial) of top and bottom lips that tengah dalam bibir atas dan
restricts their movement bawah yang membatasi
gerakan mereka
16 Cuspid Pointed tooth; canine or Gigi runcing; anjing atau
eyetooth eyetooth
17 Pulp Center of tooth with blood and Pusat gigi dengan darah dan
nerve supply pasokan saraf
18 Oropharynx Part of throat adjacent to oral Part tenggorokan yang
cavity berdekatan dengan rongga
19 Parotid gland Salivary gland near ear Kelenjar ludah di dekat
(kelenjar parotid) telinga
20 Esophagus Muscular, mucus-lined 12-inch Berotot, tabung lendir 12 inci
(kerongkongan) tube between throat and stomach antara tenggorokan dan
Exercise 4 : The Peritoneum, Stomach, Small Intestine, and Large Intestine (Peritoneum,
Perut, Usus Kecil, dan Usus Besar)

1 lip/o Fat Gemuk

2 plic/o Folds Lipatan
3 col/o Large intestines Usus besar
4 jejun/o Second part of small intestines Bagian kedua dari usus kecil
5 ile/o Distal part of small intestines Bagian distal dari usus kecil
6 rect/o Last straight part of colon Bagian lurus terakhir dari titik
7 an/o Final sphincter in GI tract Sfingter akhir di saluran GI
8 duoden/o First part of small intestines Bagian pertama dari usus kecil
9 gastr/o Stomach Perut
10 cec/o First part of large intestines Bagian pertama dari usus
11 sigmoid/o S-shaped part of large intestine Bagian berbentuk S dari usus
12 peritone/o Double-sided membrane that holds Membran dua sisi yang
organs inside the abdominopelvic memegang organ di dalam
cavity rongga abdominopelvic
13 enter/o Small intestines Usus kecil
14 pylor/o Section between stomach and first Bagian antara perut dan bagian
part of small intestines pertama dari usus kecil
15 proct/o Rectum and anus Rektum dan anus
16 appendic/o Structure hanging from cecum Struktur tergantung dari

1 Mixture of swallowed food, Campuran makanan yang chyme

gastric juices, and hydrochloric ditelan, jus lambung, dan asam
acid klorida
2 Area of the stomach that abuts Area perut yang membesar fundus
the diaphragm diafragma
3 Exit from the small intestine and Keluar dari usus kecil dan pintu ileocecal valve
entrance to the colon masuk ke usus besar
4 First part of the small intestine Bagian pertama dari usus kecil duodenum
5 Regulates release of food from Mengatur pelepasan makanan pyloric sphincter
the stomach to small intestines dari perut ke usus kecil
6 Where the rectum and the anus Di mana rektum dan anus datang anorectal
come together bersama-sama junction
7 First part of the large intestines Bagian pertama dari usus besar cecum
8 Central part of the stomach Bagian tengah perut corporis
9 Second part of the small Bagian kedua dari usus kecil jejunum
10 Stomach wrinkles Perut keriput rugae
11 Distal part of the small intestines Bagian distal dari usus kecil ileum

Exercise 5 : (Organ Aksesori)

1 Pancreas Pankreas pancreat/o

2 Gallbladder Kantong empedu cholecyst/o
3 Lobe Lobus lob/o
4 Liver Hati hepat/o
5 Bile Empedu chol/e, bil/i
6 Bile vessels Kapal empedu cholangi/o
7 Common bile duct Saluran empedu umum choledoch/o
8 Another word for accessory Kata lain untuk organ aksesori adnexa
9 Substance that breaks down Zat yang memecah lemak bile
10 Carries bile to and from the Membawa empedu ke dan dari cystic duct
gallbladder kantong empedu
11 Where bile is stored Di mana empedu disimpan gallbladder
12 Hormone that causes Hormon yang menyebabkan cholecystokinin
gallbladder contraction kontraksi kantong empedu
13 Gland that assists in Kelenjar yang membantu pancreas
digestion of carbohydrates, pencernaan karbohidrat, protein,
proteins, and lipids dan lipid

Exercise 6 : Operative Report (Laporan Operasi)

Using the operative report above, answer the following questions. Use a dictionary as needed
for this exercise Menggunakan laporan operasi di atas, jawab pertanyaan berikut. Gunakan
kamus seperlunya untuk latihan ini

1 What was the route of the endoscope? pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pylorus,
Apa rute endoskopi? duodenum
faring, esofagus, perut, pilorus,
usus duabelas jari
2 The portion of the esophagus that appeared close to
normal was (close to/far from) the mouth. dekat dengan
Underline one
Porsi esofagus yang tampak normal berada
(dekat / jauh dari) mulut. Garis bawahi satu
3 The mucosa was normal in which part of the the fundus
stomach? fundus
Mukosa bagian perut mana yang normal?
4 What are synonyms for the “lower cardiac sphincter, gastroesophageal sphincter
esophageal sphincter”? sfingter jantung, sfingter gastroesofagus
Apa sinonim untuk "sfingter esofagus
bagian bawah"?

Exercise 7 : Symptoms and Signs Involving the Digestive System and Abdomen (Gejala
dan Tanda yang Melibatkan Sistem Pencernaan dan Perut)

Matching sesuai

1 flatulence Gas expelled through the anus Gas dikeluarkan melalui anus
perut kembung
2 Nausea Sensation accompanying the Sensasi yang menyertai keinginan untuk
Mual urge to vomit muntah
3 jaundice Yellowing of skin and sclerae Menguningnya kulit dan sklera
penyakit kuning
4 Diarrhea Abnormal discharge of watery, Keluarnya tinja encer dan setengah
Diare semisolid stools padat secara abnormal
5 Eructation Release of air from the stomach Pelepasan udara dari perut melalui
Erosi through the mouth mulut
6 Vomiting Forcible emptying of stomach Pengosongan paksa perut melalui mulut
Muntah through the mouth
7 Pyrosis Heartburn; painful burning Mulas; sensasi terbakar yang
Pirosis sensation in the esophagus menyakitkan di kerongkongan
8 Ascites Excessive intraperitoneal fluid Cairan intraperitoneal yang berlebihan

Build a term Bangun istilah

9 pain in the stomach pain (-algia) stomach sakit di perut

Term: gastralgia
1 condition of difficulty with difficult (dys-) swallowing kondisi kesulitan
0 swallowing condition (-phagia) menelan
Term: dysphagia
1 abnormal condition of the breath abnormal condition (-osis) kondisi nafas yang tidak
1 breath (halit/o) Term: normal

Exercise 8 : Congenital Conditions (Kondisi Bawaan)

1 Hirschsprung's Congenital megacolon; lack of Congenital megacolon atau

disease peristaltic movement in the colon Penyakit Hirschsprung :
kurangnya gerakan
peristaltik di usus besar.
2 Cleft palate (Celah Congenital opening in the roof of Adanya bukaan bawaan/dari
bibir) the mouth lahir di langit-langit mulut.
3 Esophageal atresia Esophagus ending in a blind Kerongkongannya tidak
pouch tersambung dengan benar ke
bagian pencernaan.
4 Pyloric stenosis Narrowing of the muscle between Penyempitan otot antara
the stomach and small intestine lambung dan usus kecil
5 Gastroschisis Gastr/o (stomach) + -schisis Gastr/o (perut) + -schisis
(split). (membuka)
Def: split stomach (opening in Definisi: membelah perut
abdomen) (membuka di perut)
6 Omphalocele Omphal/o (umbilicus) + -cele Omphal/o (umbilicus/ pusar)
(herniation, + -cele (menonjol keluar)
protrusion). Definisi: suatu kondisi ketika
Def: umbilical herniation. bagian usus menonjol keluar
dari pusar.

7 Ankyloglossia Ankyl/o (stiffening) + gloss/o Ankyl/o (kaku) + gloss/o

(tongue) + -ia (lidah) + -ia
(condition). (kondisi)
Def: condition of stiffened tongue Definisi: kondisi lidah kaku.

Exercise 9 : Diseases of the Oral Cavity and Salivary Gland (Penyakit Rongga Mulut dan
Kelenjar Ludah)

1 Ptyalism excessive salivation air liur berlebihan

2 Aphthous canker sore sariawan
3 Sialolithiasis stones in a salivary gland batu di kelenjar ludah
4 Periodontal disease disease of tissue surrounding teeth penyakit jaringan di sekitar
5 Amelogenesis abnormal formation of enamel pembentukan email yang
imperfecta abnormal
6 Mucositis inflammation of mucous membrane radang selaput lendir
7 Dental caries plaque disease leading to tooth penyakit plak yang
decay menyebabkan kerusakan
8 Leukoplakia white patches on lips and buccal bercak putih di bibir dan
mucosa mukosa bukal
Decode the terms. Dekode istilah.
9 Gingivitis gingiv/o (gums) + -itis gingiv/o (gusi) + -itis
(inflammation) (peradangan)
Def: inflammation of the gums Definisi: radang gusi
10 Glossitis gloss/o (tongue) + -itis gloss/o (lidah) + -itis
(inflammation) (peradangan)
Def: inflammation of the tongue Definisi: radang lidah
11 Anodontia an- (without) + odont/o (teeth) + -ia an- (tanpa) + odont/o (gigi)
(condition) + -ia
Def: condition of being without (kondisi)
teeth Definisi: kondisi tanpa gigi
12 Sialoadenitis sialoaden/o (salivary gland) + -itis sialoaden/o (kelenjar ludah)
(inflammation) + -itis
Def: inflammation of a salivary (peradangan)
gland Definisi: radang kelenjar
13 Cheilitis cheil/o (lips) + -itis (inflammation) cheil/o (bibir) + -itis
Def: inflammation of the lips (peradangan)
Definisi: radang bibir

Exercise 10 : Diseases of the Esophagus, Stomach, and Duodenum (Penyakit

Kerongkongan, Perut, dan Duodenum)

1 dyspepsia indigestion Gangguan pencernaan

2 GERD return of contents of stomach to Kembalinya isi lambung ke
esophagus kerongkongan
3 achalasia esophageal aperistalsis Kesulitan makan dan kesulitan
cairan masuk ke dalam perut
4 PUD erosion of the mucosal lining of the Erosi pada lapisan mukosa
stomach or duodenum lambung atau duodenum

5 gastritis inflammation of the Radang lambung gastr/o (stomach) +

stomach –itis (inflammation)
6 achalasia condition of not relaxing Kondisi tidak rileks a- (without) + –
(of the LES) chalasia (condition
of relaxation)
7 dyspepsia condition of bad or Kondisi abnormal pada dys- (bad, abnormal,
painful digestion pencernaan painful) + –
8 esophagitis inflammation of the Radang esophagus esophag/o
esophagus (esophagus) + –itis

Exercise 11 : Hernias (Hernia)

1 hiatal hernia diaphragmatocele Diafragmatokel

2 umbilical hernia protrusion of part of the intestines Penonjolan sebagian usus dan
and omentum through the omentum melalui dinding perut
abdominal wall at the navel di pusar
3 strangulation constriction of a tubular structure Penyempitan struktur tubular
4 gangrene necrotic tissue Jaringan nekrotik
5 incarcerated irreducible hernia Hernia ireduksi
6 inguinal hernia protrusion of intestine in the Penonjolan usus di kanalis
inguinal canal inguinalis
7 femoral hernia protrusion of intestine through the Penonjolan usus melalui kanal
femoral canal femoralis
8 reducible hernia protrusion can be manually or Tonjolan dapat dikoreksi secara
spontaneously corrected manual atau spontan

Exercise 12 : Noninfective Enteritis and Colitis; Other Diseases of the Intestines

(Enteritis dan Kolitis Noninfektif; Penyakit Lain dari Usus)

1 Ileus Obstruction Penghalang

2 Constipation Infrequent bowel movements Buang air besar yang jarang
3 Crohn’s disease Inflammation of the ileum or Radang ileum atau usus besar
(penyakit chorn) colon that is of idiopathic yang berasal dari idiopatik
4 Volvulus Twisting of the intestines Memutar dari usus
5 Ulcerative colitis Chronic inflammation of the Peradangan kronis pada usus
col/o/itis colon and rectum besar dan rektum
6 Intussusception Inward telescoping of the Teleskop ke dalam usus
7 Anal fissure Cracklike lesion around anus Retak seperti luka di sekitar anus
8 IBS Syndrome of diarrhea, gas, Sindrom diare, gas, dan / atau
(Irritable Bowel and/or constipation sembelit
(Sindrom iritasi
9 Anorectal fistula Abnormal channel between the Saluran abnormal antara rektum
an/o/rect/o/al rectum and anus dan anus
10 Anorectal abscess Circumscribed area (in rectum Daerah terbatas (di rektum atau
an/o/rect/o/al or anus) of inflammation anus) peradangan yang
containing pus mengandung nanah
11 Polyp of colon Growth on mucous membrane Pertumbuhan pada selaput lendir
of large intestine usus besar

12 Drooping of the rectum Terkulai dari rectum dan Droping (-ptosis ) rectum
and anus anus
and anus (proct/o)
Term : Proctoptosis
13 Inflammation of a Radang diverticulum Inflammation (-it is)
diverticulum diverticulum (diverticul/o)

Term : Diverticulitis

14 Inflammation of the Radang rektum dan anus Inflamation (-it is) rectum
rectum and anus and anus (proct/o)
Term : Proctoitis
15 Abnormal condition of a Kondisi abnormal Abnormal condition (-osis)
diverticulum divertikulum diverticulum (diverticul)
Term : Diverticulosis

Exercise 13 : Diseases of Gallbladder, Biliary Tract, Pancreas, Peritoneum,

Retroperitoneum, Liver, Digestive System; and Viral Infections (Penyakit Kantong
Empedu, Saluran Empedu, Pankreas, Peritoneum, Retroperitoneum, Hati, Sistem Pencernaan;
dan Infeksi Virus)

1 cirrhosis Chronic degenerative liver Penyakit hati degeneratif kronis,

disease, commonly associated umumnya berhubungan dengan
with alcohol penyalahgunaan alkohol,
penyakit hati kronis, dan
gangguan saluran empedu
2 hepatitis A Hepatitis caused by direct Hepatitis yang disebabkan oleh
contact with fecally kontak langsung dengan makanan
contaminated food or atau air yang terkontaminasi tinja
3 hepatitis B Hepatitis caused by Hepatitis yang disebabkan oleh
contaminated blood or sexual darah yang terkontaminasi atau
contact kontak seksual
4 hepatitis C Hepatitis caused by blood Hepatitis yang disebabkan oleh
transfusions or infected needles transfusi darah atau jarum suntik
yang terinfeksi
5 cholelithiasis Stones in the gallbladder Batu di kantong empedu
6 herpetic Inflammation of the mouth Radang mulut yang disebabkan
stomatitis caused by HSV oleh HSV
7 celiac disease Inability of intestines to absorb Ketidakmampuan usus untuk
wheat proteins menyerap protein gandum
8 melena Black, tarry stools caused by Hitam, kotoran tinggal yang
presence of partially digested disebabkan oleh darah yang
blood tercerna sebagian

9 Inflammation of the Radang kandung empedu inflammation (-itis)

gallbladder gallbladder (cholecyst/o)

Term: cholecystitis
10 Inflammation of the Radang hati inflammation (-itis) liver
liver (hepat/o)

Term: hepatitis

11 Presence of stones in Rdanya batu di saluran presence of (-iasis) stones

the common bile duct empedu umum (lith/o) common bile duct

Term: choledocholithiasis
12 Inflammation of the Radang pembuluh empedu inflammation (-itis) bile
bile vessels vessels (cholangi/o)

Term: cholangitis
13 Inflammation of the Radang peritoneum inflammation (-itis)
peritoneum peritoneum (peritone/o)

Term: peritonitis

14 Inflammation of the Radang pankreas inflammation (-itis) pancreas

pancreas (pancreat/o)

Term: pancreatitis

15 Vomiting of blood Muntah darah vomiting (-emesis) blood

Term: hematemesis

Exercise 14 : Neoplasms (Neoplasma)

1 What type of benign growth is Jenis pertumbuhan jinak apa yang polyps
described as either sessile or digambarkan sebagai sessile atau
pedunculated? pedunculated?
2 What is the most common type Apa jenis kanker hati yang paling hepatocellular
of liver cancer? umum? carcinoma/hepa
3 Which type of cancer occurs Jenis kanker mana yang terjadi di adenocarcinoma
throughout the GI tract, but seluruh saluran GI, tetapi terutama
especially in the esophagus, di kerongkongan, perut, pankreas,
stomach, pancreas, and colon? dan usus besar?

4 What is the term for a benign Apa istilah untuk tumor jinak yang odontogenic
tumor that arises from around muncul dari sekitar gigi dan tumor
the teeth and jaw? rahang?

Exercise 15 : Laboratory Tests (Tes Laboratorium)

1 LFTs collection of tests to determine pengumpulan tes untuk menentukan

liver health kesehatan hati
2 albumin low levels of this protein may rendahnya kadar protein ini dapat
indicate liver disease mengindikasikan penyakit hati
3 HAA blood test to detect the hepatitis B tes darah untuk mendeteksi virus
virus. hepatitis B.
4 ALP increased levels of this enzyme peningkatan kadar enzim ini dapat
may indicate liver or gallbladder menunjukkan hati atau kantong
disease; decreased levels may empedu penyakit; penurunan tingkat
indicate malnutrition dapat menunjukkan malnutrisi
5 GGT increased enzymes in this blood peningkatan enzim dalam tes darah
test may indicate cirrhosis, ini dapat menunjukkan sirosis,
hepatitis, acute pancreatitis, acute hepatitis, pankreatitis akut,
cholecystitis, or nephrosis. May kolecystitis akut, atau nefrosis.
also be used to test for H. pylori Mungkin juga digunakan untuk
antibodies. menguji antibodi H. pylori.
6 AST formerly called SGOT; increased sebelumnya disebut SGOT;
measures may indicate liver peningkatan langkah-langkah dapat
disease menunjukkan penyakit hati
atau pankreatitis
7 total blood test to detect possible tes darah untuk mendeteksi
bilirubin jaundice, cirrhosis, or hepatitis kemungkinan penyakit kuning,
sirosis, atau hepatitis
8 rapid urease test to detect the presence of H. menguji untuk mendeteksi
test pylori, also termed CLO test keberadaan H. pylori, juga diilah tes
or pancreatitis CLO
9 stool culture fecal exam for microorganisms ujian tinja untuk mikroorganisme
10 ALT formerly called SGPT; increased sebelumnya disebut SGPT;
levels may indicate cirrhosis or peningkatan kadar dapat
pancreatitis menunjukkan sirosis atau

Exercise 16 : Upper GI Procedures (Prosedur GI Atas)

1 barium swallow radiographic imaging done pencitraan radiografi

after oral ingestion of a barium dilakukan setelah menelan
sulfate suspension barium oral suspensi sulfat
2 esophagoesophagostom rejoining of two ends of a cut bergabung kembali dengan
y esophagus dua ujung kerongkongan
yang dipotong
3 frenotomy B. cutting a frenulum of the memotong frenulum lidah
4 fundoplication folding the fundus of the melipat fundus lambung di
stomach around the distal end sekitar ujung distal
of the esophagus kerongkongan
5 gingivectomy cutting out part or all of the memotong sebagian atau
gums semua gusi
6 astroduodenostomy making a new opening membuat pembukaan baru
between the stomach and the antara perut dan Duodenum
7 odontectomy extraction of a tooth ekstraksi gigi
8 glossorrhaphy suturing the tongue menusuk lidah
9 pyloromyotomy incision of the pyloric sayatan sfingter pyloric
sphincter to correct an untuk memperbaiki
obstruction penghalang
10 sialoadenectomy cutting out a salivary gland memotong kelenjar ludah

11 palatoplasty surgically forming pembedahan membentuk palat/o (palate) +

the palate langit-langit mulut -plasty (surgically
12 esophagogastro viewing the melihat kerongkongan, esophag/o
duodenoscopy esophagus, stomach, perut, dan duodenum (esophagus) +
and duodenum gastr/o (stomach)
+ duoden/o
(duodenum) +
-scopy (viewing)
13 gastroplasty surgically forming pembedahan membentuk gastr/o (stomach)
the stomach perut + -plasty
14 stomatoplasty surgically forming pembedahan membentuk stomat/o (mouth)
the mouth mulut + -plasty

Exercise 17 : Lower GI Procedures (Prosedur GI Yang Lebih Rendah)

1 cecopexy suspending the cecum menangguhkan cecum

2 barium enema introduction of a barium sulfate pengenalan suspensi barium
suspension through the rectum for sulfat melalui rektum untuk
imaging of the lower digestive pencitraan saluran pencernaan
tract bawah
3 colonoscopy viewing the large intestine melihat usus besar
4 ileoureterostom making a new opening between membuat pembukaan baru
y the ileum and the ureters antara ileum dan ureter
5 enteral nutrition nutrition introduced through a nutrisi yang diperkenalkan
digestive structure melalui struktur pencernaan
6 TPN nutrition introduced through a nutrisi yang diperkenalkan
structure outside of the alimentary melalui struktur di luar kanal
canal alimenter
7 jejunostomy making a new opening of the membuat pembukaan baru
jejunum to the surface of the jejunum ke permukaan Perut

8 appendectomy cutting out the memotong usus append/o (appendix)

appendix buntu + -ectomy (cutting
9 colonoscopy viewing the large melihat usus besar colon/o (large
intestine intestine) + -scopy
10 colostomy making a new membuat col/o (large intestine)
opening in the pembukaan baru di + -stomy (making a
largeintestine largeintestine new opening)
11 peritoneocentesis surgical puncture of tusukan bedah peritone/o
the peritoneum peritoneum (peritoneum) +
-centesis (surgical
12 proctoclysis cleansing the rectum membersihkan proct/o (rectum and
and anus rektum dan anus anus) + -clysis
13 herniorrhaph suturing a hernia menusuk hernia herni/o (hernia) +
-rrhaphy (suturing)

Exercise 18 : Adnexa Procedures (Prosedur Adnexa)

1 recording of a bile perekaman kapal recording (-graphy) bile vessel

vessel empedu (cholangi/o)
Term: cholangiography
2 cutting out the memotong saluran cutting out (-ectomy) common bile duct
common bile duct empedu umum (choledoch/o)
Term: choledochectomy
3 cutting out the memotong hati cutting out (-ectomy) liver (hepat/o)
liver Term: hepatectomy
4 cutting out a stone memotong batu dari cutting out a stone (-lithotomy) common
from the common saluran empedu umum bile duct (choledoch/o)
bile duct Term: choledocholithotomy
5 cutting out the memotong kantong cutting out (-ectomy) gallbladder
gallbladder empedu (cholecyst/o)
Term: cholecystectomy

Exercise 19 : Operative Report (Laporan Operasi)

1 What diagnostic procedure Prosedur diagnostik apa colonoscopy

was performed? yang dilakukan?
2 What instrument was Instrumen apa yang olonoscope
used? digunakan?
3 What diagnosis was Diagnosis apa yang diverticula
determined from the ditentukan dari prosedur?
4 What is the “perirectal” Apa itu area "perirectal"? pertaining to surrounding the
area? rectum (berkaitan dengan
sekitar rektum)

Exercise 20 : Operative Report (Laporan Operasi)

1 How do you know that Ms. Bagaimana kau tahu bahwa Nn. cholelithiasis means
Hopkins has gallstones? Hopkins punya batu empedu? the condition of
stones in the
2 Which term tells you that her Istilah mana yang memberitahu cholecystitis
gallbladder was inflamed? Anda bahwa kantong
empedunya meradang?
3 Her gallbladder was removed Kantong empedunya dihapus laparoscopic
through an endoscopic melalui prosedur endoskopi cholecystectomy
procedure called a/an yang disebut a/an
4 To say that the patient was in Untuk mengatakan bahwa back
a supine position means that pasien berada dalam posisi
she was lying on her supine berarti bahwa dia
berbaring pada dirinya

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