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Age of Z game guide by BigWaldo

Hello everyone! Im BigWaldo and i will try to bring you all some tips and tricks about AOZ.
I play in nation 59 and nation 97 at this moment, in AOZ for almost 7 months now.
I hope it can help you all!

Packs that worth spending.

*Supreme monthly pack – this one is the best thing any player can buy. It provides you 1k gold, 1 elite
recruitment ticket and some more item every day for 30 days. Also, and the best part, it makes any city
construction to be 1m food, 1m oil and 80k steel cheaper to build. So if it costs 2m oil, 2m food and 100k
steel, you will only pay 1m oil 1m food and 20k steel.
*Officers recruit pack – Sunday after reset there’s cheap officers recruitment packs. I love them
*Zombie coins for the slot machine – when the slot machine is available, I love to buy the coin packs,
because the prizes are awesome, such as accelerators, resources and officer items.
* Bronze and the higher alliance packs - Those helps all the alliance members and the alliance itself, as it
gives alliance points and honor.

General tips

*Always look at the black market for teleport or other good items.
*Always check the exchange store for officers fragments, you can refresh this with gold like the black
*Sell the fragments you won’t use for more coins so you can get the ones you want.
*Always dismantle the officer skills you don’t want, they provide 2x XP books
*Always keep VIP on, too many benefits to pass.
*The best officer skills, in my opinion are – Director – Load and processing. Strategy – Draft, first aid and
raid. Warfare – Long range attack and melee hp.
*Switch officers depending on what you are doing. Blue officer that is in line with what you are doing at
the moment is better than a purple officer that is not.
*Try to use twice per day the commander skill that provides you resources, HARVEST. This is a nice way
to get resources every day.
*Do all the mini games, the rewards are awesome!
*Kill the most amount of zombies you can per day, 20 to 30 zombies are a good goal, the amount of
resources, xp and other items is awesome!
*At elite zombie, the alliance one that refreshes every day, use this formation for better results – the
highest tier snipers you have, then if you can’t fill a fleet with this, other ranged units. Then you fill all
with ONE unit of every other kind of units you have.
*Snipers are the best unit against single targets, like zombies, worms, Tyrannosaurus, etc.
*Laser Cannon are better against multi targets, like enemies in elite wars, doom arena and attacking
other players.
*Front line must be shredders or tanks. No armored soldiers or axemen, those just suck.
*Middle line the best is gunners.
*Ranged line must be snipers or Cannons or laser cannon
*Use as many melee troops as necessary (depends on the situation), the rest long range troops. (And
usually +1 of each other troop type.)
*If you speed recruit troops, then use your speed-ups on laser cannons and shredders at even tiers.
Cannons and tanks at odd tiers.
*During zombie uprise, always stay active. Look what flags are with the HP low and under attack to send
the fleet there. After the battle against the monster, recall and send it to the next one. Your troops will
only come back alone if the fight is lost, if you win they will wait for you to recall it manually.
*During doom arena and elite wars, always hear the commander orders and try to move as one big
convoy, because when you are attacking a large amount of enemies and you all get in the point one by
one, you will be dead automatically, because in aoz, when the difference between armies is too big, the
battle ends automatically.
*Always participate in Elite Wars. This event provides you important points for your rank, and the rank
provides you permanent buffs. Even if you can't play actively, at least join the battle to guard the base.
That still helps your team. And you will be eligible for rewards.
*Always save speedups and fuel for the stronger commander event, worth it.
*During mother of doom event, theres 3x items in the bag shop that increases the damage you deal to
the boss. If you want to be on top rank you must buy one of these. Also use normal attack buffs.
*Doom iron grip can only be hit by the highest fleet size you have, so use your expansion commander
skill and normal attack buffs.
*During Kill Event, spend your ressources, send troops out to gather or to the alliance fort, or to a
member city that is bubbled. Do not confuse the alliance fort with the alliance hall. The hall can be
attacked. The fort can not be attacked until the hall is destroyed.
*Timed attacks are awesome, but timed defense are also. A city may hold a maximum amount of
soldiers, this is determined by the embassy level. So if a big rally or timed attack is coming, you will not
be able to sit your troops in other city above its maximum cap. To counter this, you must check the
attack time that will hit the city and send your troops to hit at same time. So unlimited amount of
defenders are allowed. Try to schedule with your alliance member for daily training.
*Never leave more than your hospital cap in your city while you sleep, send them to gather or send to
alliance fort. So if someone hits you during night, you only will have wounded soldiers
*Don’t waste your gold. Wait for every Friday after reset for the discount shop to spend it, worth every
*Try to reach commander level 37 as fast as you can, because at commander lvl 37 you have access to
the skill battle sos. This skill let you attack one time without losses, so it’s a good way to do a hard hit
without any losses.
*Don’t forget to meld the parts for equipment construction. Equipments are na awesome source of buffs
for all the things we have in the game.
*Sending soldiers to gather power ore doesn’t use your normal fleets, so you can have one on power ore
mine and all the other gathering resources.
*If you are geting tile hit problems, start sending full fleets, the one who hits you will loose soldiers, you
only get wounded.
*Always donate to your alliance when you can, it’s for your own benefit. More flags means more mines
for you too.
*Donate daily your tech chips, they are earned by ruins runs and embassy quests. The only use for them
is to donate lol.
*Try to reach the recon center level 19. The scouts will show the exactly amount of enemy troops.
*After every hall upgrade, give priority to garage as na upgrade. You can have 400k soldiers but Theo
maximum amount per fleet is determined by your garage level.
*Hospital and depot must be upgraded right after this.
*Small buildings configuration for a main city : 6 steel, 6 minerals, 6-7 oil, 1-2 food, 8 recruitment, 8
*Small buildings configuration for a farm : 6 steel, 6 minerals, 8 oil, 8 food, rest as you please
*Always try to keep the gold hammer on, its better to run 2x upgrades than spend speedups.

Tips by hall level

Troops to aim for

*At hall 16 you should make snipers, shredders and laser canons.
*At 19 tanks, Cannons and gunners
*At 22 shredders, snipers and laser Cannons.
*After 22,try to keep one camp and two factories leveling with your hall. No need to a second camp
when you reach hall 26. The reason is that you still will need to make t8 snipers, since gunners and
axemen are almost useless. Workshop stays at level 22 too since laser Cannons are best choice.
*At hall 26,make snipers on one lvl 22 camp, gunners on one lvl 26 camp and tanks and Cannons at
factories, laser Cannons at workshop.
*If you plan going higher than level 26 and don’t want to spend money, be prepared because you will
need atleast 2x lvl 20 farms for minerals and 2x lvl 15 for steel . The costs are absurd.
*Always remember to be kind and respectful to the other players, we are all human beings and have our
own flaws. An toxic community is what make most people to lose the interest for the game.
My special thanks to (BBB) Sayez (N59) and (ALD) Mboisson (N59) for the help!
Have fun my friends
BBW Alliance Leader
Nation 97

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