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People v.

Base, 2000
Rules on Evidence

The crux of accused-appellant's appeal hinges on the admissibility
of the Sworn Statement dated February 8, 1990. In challenging its
probative value, he insists in sum that the document is inadmissible in
evidence because it was executed in violation of his constitutional rights,
firstly his right to counsel of his own choice. To support his claim that his
sworn statement was irregularly taken, accused-appellant further insists
that the same was obtained through force and paints a graphic picture of
torture in the hands of fifteen persons who repeatedly beat him up with
gun barrels and butts 43 as a result of which he allegedly lost a tooth and
sustained contusions, a busted mouth and broken bones at his back

Whether or not the court erred in convicting accused-appellant
Elberto Base of the crime of murder on the basis of his alleged extra-
judicial confession despite its inadmissibility.

For all accused-appellant's protestations to the contrary, his tale of
coercion and torture in the hands of his interrogators taxes credulity vis-à-
vis his testimonial declarations that despite supposedly being severely
mauled and sustaining injuries as a result thereof he did not:

1.] complain to the senior officer of his interrogators about how he

was treated during his custodial investigation;

2.] tell his wife of his injuries when she arrived the next day nor did
he ask her to take him to a hospital for treatment;

3.] inform his lawyer of the alleged injuries he sustained at the

hands of his interrogators although he had several opportunities to do so;

4.] inform his lawyer that he was forced to sign the sworn

5.] present any medical certificate to prove the existence of his

alleged injuries. Topping accused-appellant's incredible tale of torture is
his almost two-year silence on the incident which only came to light when
he testified in court.

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