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THE TRANSACTIONS OF The Royal Institution of Naval Architects Vol 149 Part B2 2007 International Journal of Small Craft Technology The Transactions of The Royal Institution of Architects — Part B International Journal of Small Craft Technology EDITOR The International Journal of Smell Craft Technology (LISCT) eovides a Professor R Binmingham, UX forum for the reporting and discussion on technical and scientific issu associated with research and development of recreational and commercist small hed as Part B of the Transactions of The Royal Conibations in EDITORIAL BOARD a The USCT is MER Allin, Cade ed Professor R Cripps, UK in Me Cuny, UK MER Downs-HHoney, NZ Profesior R Flay, NZ cepts, design analysis toc Professor A Francescut afey, computer ade MsM Gerritsen, US4 * Construction (including one-off const MrG Harvey. Ux facility design, materials, joining technolo Mr Hortineister, Germans of historic era) MeN tens, Fran # Operation (including port handed sailing, equipment, resul Dr JA Keuning, Ne ri of instrumentation, gar fa Profesor L Larsson, MFA Masoo, su , DrD Molyneux, Can MrD Novak, USA DrM Retilson, Ux PAPERS Dr. DRosyid, J Me.G Smart, UK Paper DeNU Japan pet wel practical report ‘including All papers are refereed TECHNICAL NOTES full paper. Technical notes are refereed as for papers, but dv allowance will be DISCUSSION The Rosal Institution of Naval Architects The Tra actions of The Royal Institution of Nayal Architects Vol 149 Part B2 2007 ISSN 1740 — 0694 International Journal of Small Craft Technology CONTENTS PAPERS Development of a New G 1 “raft for the British Waterwa THG Pany Practical Aspects of Canting Keel Design, Ci 1B Analysis L Tier, M Owen and T Sadler Wind Tunnel Tests of an America’s Cup Keel— A Test Case for 23 CFD Validation $ Werner, L Larsson and B Regnstrm TECHNICAL NOTES A Study on Inland Water Transport Accid Jadesh: 35 Experience of a Decade (1995 — 2005) Z1Awal DISCUSSION An Experimental Study of the Hydrodynamics of a Yacht with a 41 Canting Keel and Forward Rudder (Vol 149 Part BI 2007) The Royal Institution of Naval Architects This publication is copyright under the Beme Convention and the Int joral Copyright Convention, All om any fir dealing for the purpose of private sty, research or eitciam or review, p under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, no past of this publication may be rep system or iransmied in any form er by any means without the prior permission of The Reyal Insitution of Naval Architects. Muliiple copying of this publication for any purpose without permission i juce, stored ina retrieval The Institution as a body is not responsible for the statements made or the opinions expressed in the papers, motes or discussion contained in this publication. International Journal of Small Craft Technology TECHNICAL NOTE TUDY ON INLAND WATER TRANS RIENCE OF A DECADE (1995-2005) 7.1 Awal, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Bangla SUMMARY Inland Water and hi anspor (LWT) plays a very significant role in the tansporttion system of Bu h aceessiilly, as compared with other altematives, amplifies a great demand for carrying goods and passengers Within the country. Although water transportation sector in Bangladesh possess geographical advantage bat there are eficiencies inthe safety aspect, This study has been aimed a collecting and at occurred in the inland waterways of Bangladesh during 1995 10 2005. A to study which primarily inclided accidents of passenger and cangn vessels. It has heen observed thal PORT ACCIDENTS IN BANGLADESH: ules gladesh, 11 lw expenses nalysing data of water transport accidents 1 of 197 cases were considered forthe ‘numer of accidents increased significantly over the years and most predominant causes of accidents were found tobe overloading, ceyelone and collision, Se ‘ater transport system fr the county NOMENCLATURE IWT = Inland Water Transport BIWTA = Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority ERZ = Economic Resource Zone DOS = Deparment of Shipping 1. INTRODUCTION Bangladesh les atthe apex of the Bay of Bengal and hi rivers that come down from the surrounding countries and flow through it. Neatly the whole area of the coustry consist of low and plain lands. According to Banzlapedia [1] about 79s surface of the country is covered by a dense 24,000-km long network of inland waterways. Three major river systems and their confluence form the world! largest delta here. Bangladesh hat about 9,000 aq km of teritorial waters with a 720-km long coast line ad 20,000 sq km oF Economic Resources Zone (ERZ) in the sea. Abou two thirds of the land 1s vulnerable to Mooding, Most areas remain under wale for two to five months year, AS 2 res, costs of development and maintenance of roads and railways are high, On the other hand, inland wi transport has always been a natural and relatively cheap ‘means of transport in Bangladesh. In certain areas, it it the only mode of tramport. Including the out lunelassifid routes the total length ofits waterway (700 rivers) is about 13,000 km. OF this, 5433. hm is navigable by larger vessels in ihe rainy season (5,968 km ff which is clissified for navigation) while in the dry season about 4.800 km is navigable (classified 3.865 km), Figure 1 illustrates the river neswork of Bangladesh, The IWT sy well-conneet port system, In terms of traffic intensity, the inland waterway network in Banghdesh is both extensive and ‘with the reat of the ta generates about 1.57 million passe lomettes per (©2007: Royal Institution of Noval Architects 1 recommendations have been put forward with a vision to develop a safer and sustainable route-hilemetre of waterway (2). The density of Ports and terminals is much higher on the Waterways with approximately 37 becthing facilities per 100 route-kilometres. The density of passenger facilities 1¢ inland waterways is also high at around 40 pee 100, RIVERS OF BANGLATIH Figure 1: Waterway Network of Bangladesh 35 6 With the inerease in population in the country: the waterways are petting very congested, Consequently, the number of accidents in the water ways are also uprising and causing serio: socio-economic problems, Some recent investigations show that over seven thousand people have died, injured and been reported missing due fo these accidents in the past few years. This caused a great concern in both local as well as international Community and has become a national issu 2 BACKGROUND STUDY WATER TRANSPORT SAFE STUDIES -Y RELATED. A number of studies related to water transportation sysiem of Bangladesh have been carried out in the past few years. Accoaling to the Report of the Task Forces on Bangladesh Development Strategies for the 1990's [3] the inland water transportation system in Bangladesh is the oldest mode of transport that carsies neatly one thd of the country’s total passenger and freight. The repect vealed that the private ope pervent of the water transports plying in the county Unlike to public sector, the operators do n01 follow the rules and regulations. This is why their vessels lead 10 Aisastious and futal accidents in the water ways of the ‘country. Preponderance of private sector in ialand water also makes the assessment of operational efficiency sifficult. Also, the private operators. do not maintain regular and authentic statistics. A similar study by Islam, [2] on passenger safety concluded that the problem of passenger vessel safer is not purely a technical one but rather socio-economic in nature 5 own more than 50 An investigation of accidents, damages and cargo loses in inland shipping has been made by Zahanyer and Hague 5] who examined the causes of walerway ‘ceidents and made recommendations for the prevention of accidents. Bangladesh Transport Sector Study (6) have classified the waterway accidents Focusing on identification of broad types of waterway accidents and suggested soveral remedial measures commensurate with the cls BIWTA [7] having constraints of waterway accident investigation system bighlighted the safety and stability parameters of the passenger vessels plying within the inland waierways of Bangladesh, In this study technical characteristics of various types of vessels like year of built, different dimensions, passenger capacity, number of engine, engine type of each registered passenger vessel were analysed by the consultant of BIWTA named Maritime Cente. Detailed dlseussion and evaluation of the data are yet to be shed, In a recent study, Chowdhury (8} developed a GIS based accident information system for water transport accidents and studied the characteristics of the incidents, The study was, however, limited to the analysis of the accidents related tof vessels only al and informal motor propelled passenger 2.2 FACTORS BEHIND WATER TRANSPORT ACCIDENTS. Accidenis can not be caused by a single facto. Rather, it 'S a complex interaction of mechanical failure, human errors and natural eauses, The factors that tigger the Waterway secidents are described by Islam [4], BIWTA. [7)and Chowdhury [8]. Table 1 summarises these factors and some causes behind the water transport accidents Table |: Factors behind Water Transport Accidt Factors | Some Causes ~ Faulky design and conatroction Vessel © Mechanical failure of the vessels design fuetor | © Inguffisient and flawed navigational Operating | « Foxy weather condition avd whirlpool factor Cyclone and stormy weathe ‘© Overerowding and everleading Human [* Rush of passengers during ae embarking and disembarking = Invompetence of the Captain, Master and other professionals © Negigiie amount of apotcaon tntorcermenn | ®4, rractice af vessel safety Ee regia educational) itding programs “ '* Deficiency im weather warning and 4 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS 31 DATA COLLECTION An authentic and comprehensive databese is the comerstene of all research and development activities ‘and for accident research the need in absolutely crucial ‘One ofthe primary goals ofthis study is to compile and maintain a complete database which will work as a key for in depth aceient analysis and research and that will help to come up with pragmatic recommendations and solutions in order to prevent auch disasters, The data collesed in this study information sources as because the study deal with incidents that occured over a longer period of time, It hhas to be accepted, as seen from the analysis, that some accidents were underreported. This is because some accident reporting sources were descriptive in nature rntber than technical and precise, The primary inforration sources for this study were national daily news papers and accident reports of BIWTA. ecident (C2007: Royal Institution of Naval Architect ACCIDENT TYPE Five major types of accidents were ieatified in this study, auch as overloading & cyclone, excessive current, physical failure & others, Table 2 shows the distribution of accidents and Figure 2 shows their respective percentages. It quite evident from the analysis tht overloading & cyclone (43%) is the major tease behind the accidents, On the other hand, 29% of collision suggesis the careless navigation and Sice failure of vessels in the waterways. The rise in number of accidents over the years was the most alseming finding of this study. During 1995-1999 period there were 62 reported cases bul unfortunately the number has jumped to 137 forthe period 2000-2005. callison Table 2: Various Types of Aeczidents Accident pe — |] Tat 1935-1999 ] 2000-2005 Overloadis 30 | ss 5 Callison & Fare aim | gow | © ones 3 | 20 | as 2: Distribution of Accients on Type Basis Figure ©2007: Royal institution of Naval Architects 33. MONTHLY AND HOURLY DISTRIBUTION OF ACCIDENTS Monthly distribution of secidents (Figure 3) suggests that soit of the accidents have occu cd during the monsoon season (Marei-July) and particularly in the month of October, The figure also Suggests that the numbers of aceident have increased significantly from 1993-1999 period 10 2000-2005 period and the increase is more than ‘oice in comparison tothe previous period. However, for rest of the months the frequencies of accident were mreceatecion =) J PL?ynad Figur Noniy Diba of Asien oo.00-0559 | ot 2 | 2 | ost |» 06:00 - 11:59 | 3 army _| om, wi0-29 | ati | ado | [ae Tea as, [om 7 8 The hourly distribution of accidents as shown in Table 3 suggests that most of the accidents have taken place ia between 12:00 hrs to 23:59 hrs (S5-+ $6= 111 accidents ‘oat of 197). IL is learnt from the practical experience that most of the cyclones occur at of around 17:00 to 20:00 hs. Therefore, it is evident from the findings that clone, storms and lack of sufficient navigational ‘equipmcts are the reasoas behind these acsident, 34 WEATHER CONDITION Figure illustrates accidents cccuring on different types ‘of weather conditions. It is reasonable to accept that a large percentage of accidents. are supposed to occur during stormy weather. But a significant number of accidents occurring in fair weather suggest the involvement of human error, mechanical eiror and ‘overall deficiency in safety regulation aspects daring the voyages. re 4: Accidents on the Basis of Weather Consition 35 ACCIDENT TYPE - HOUR CROSS. TABULATIC The analysis of sekident ype-hour eross-tabulation Table 4) suggests that most of the ovettoading & cyclone type accidents have occurred 12,00 t0 23:59 hrs. It was stated previously that most ofthe storms occur the evening. Therefore. it is quite understandable 1 ‘accept the fact. It also became apparent from the investigation that collisions have more occured dusing the nighttime. This is probably due toil functioning of search light, navigation light, caplain's fatigue et late hight sad¥or captain's incompetence in manoeuvring 36 ACCIDENT TYPE-WEATHER CONDITION CROSS-TABULATION ‘The accident type-weather condition eross-tsbulation clearly depicts that 100% of eyclone & overloading type faceidents occurred in the stormy weather, However, 2 high percestage of collisions have occured in far weather condition. This is eestialy a gieat eoncem and suggesis that there isa great deal of human & mechanical femror involved in these accidenis, The other types of Table 4: Accident Type-Hour Cross-Tabulation Frequency of Accident type 06:00-11:59 Unrepored Overloading Cyclone Collision Excessive Current Physical Failure Others Total Table 5: Tabilaticn Accident Conition Cross- Frequency of ‘Accident type Unreported Overloading & Cyclone Collision Excessive Current Physical Failure Others Total cidents are more or less evenly distributed over fair ‘weather coniition as shown in Table S 37 ACCIDENT TYPE-MONTH CROSS. TABULATION Table 6 shows the month wise distibution of various types of accidents. As faras total numbers are concerned, iis quite clear from the table that overlonding & cyclone type accidents have cecurred more in the month May than any other months of the year, But in general, most ff the accidents due to overloading ard cyclone have ‘ecurred in the monsoon season (Mareh- July). 12007: Royal insttation of Nawal Architects The analysis of collision type accidents, on the other hand, sugges that most of the accidents have occurred inthe month of October than sther months of the year However, the rest of the accidents seem to be more of less evenly distsibuted all over the year. The affect of excessive current on water transport tecidenis are comparably less than other type of secidens, Nevertheless, the ble suggest thit this fctor comes into act particularly in the months of June and halve? "= Vaccdrts out 2) Table 6: Accident Type Month Crss-Tbulton Eoeginany Stoneware scronling lo eceeem pe Moun [sy i : é4 . hay |e | 6). pa|u Finay | 0 | 3 | o]3 |] Mach || 7 | o [0] a amt | 2] 6 | o | 2 | » May wl+]2fi |e Tine 713 |7]|9 [3 Tay w]3]7>1}a “August afsfl2f2/.s spent} a | 4) 2 | 0 [0 cewbe | | un | a | 3 | a Noenbr | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3 | wo veenter | 113 pols ls ee ee = | 7 CONCLUDING RE! IARKS 41 RESEARCH FINDINGS The research findings of this study may be summarised in the following manner 4+ The predominant causes of secidents in water ways of Bangladesh are eyelone, overloading and collision of vessels ‘+ Accents are more frequen! ia the monsoon season, Pporticuarly in the months March to July and in October. Most of the eyclone & overloading ‘accidents have occurred in these months. ©2007: Royal Institution of Noval Architects # During the study period most of the collsio eyelone type aseidents took phhee in the event before midnight. © Apart from accidents in. stormy weather, a high percentage of accidents have occurred in far weather. 42 RECOMMENDATIONS Considering. the importance of water transportation system in the context of Bangladesh, necessary actions should be taken immediately in order to reduce the number of these tragic events. This will save a lot of lives and relieve the nation off + huge quantity of sconomie losses. Recommendations for improvement of \walenway safety situation on the basis ofthis study can be summarized as: # Weather forecasting system has to be improved to reduce eyelone type of necidents, In addition, cenforcements muy be entanced to guard against plying in bad weather condition + Collision type of accidents can be reduced by avoiding foggy weather condition and ensuring Searchlight im functioning condition, Also. the Working environment for masters and drivers has to be improved in terms of ergonomics so that they don’t et fitigue and/or get reluctant about their responsibility ‘+ Loading condition of the all passenger vessel may be checked before any voyage. Legislation regarding overloading can be revised if necessary. Inspection land enforcements may also be enhanced. Loxd certificate may be issued, + The stability ofa vessel is very important criterion {o operate it in different operating and loading conditions. From the beginning of the coasistion DOSBIWTA may employ naval architects to supervise the dimensions ofthe yesiel and quality of the materials wed. + DOSIBIWTA may enhance their enforcement facilities which will eventually ensure that each vessel is plying with properly trained and exactly required aumbers of erew. Their competence and efficiency could be examined at regular schedule. It has to be strictly ensured that no one except the master navigates & vessel + Availability of adequate amount of Tife. saving equipments should be ensured, Crews should be trained in this regard and public awareness should ‘+ More in depth analysis ofthese accidents are required inorder to come up with pragmatic solutions. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author deeply expresses his gmtitude to Professor Dr ASM. Abdal Awal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh for his valuable comments in preparing the manuscript of this paper. The author also ‘hanks the distinguished researchers of the Accidest » 40 Research Ceatre, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology for their support in carrying out this research work 6. REFERENCES 1 Water, Transport, National Encyclopaedia of Bangladesh, Web Page Address ‘ip: /owves: banglopedia.nevHT/AV-0034.HTM, 2003 2. Transport & Communicators, Bangladesh Economie Review (2004), Chopter 11, Page 127-158, 2004 3. Report of the Tsk Forces on Bangladesh Development Strategies for the 1990"s, Volume ~ 1V University Press Limited. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 199 4. Islam, MR, Teehno-economic Analysis Applicd to Safety of Inland Passenger Vessels, MSc, Enge Thesis, Deparment of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, 1997 5. Zahunyas, S.1M. and Hague ME., Investigation of Accidents, Dam Shipping, BSc E ges and Cargo Losses in Inland Project Thesis Architecture and Marine & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1989 Bangladesh Transport Sector Staly (BTSS), Volume 1, Planning Commission of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1994 safe, Efficient and Improved Water Transport System: Problems and. Prospects, Seminet Repo Bangladesh Inland Water’ Transport Authority (BINTA), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2003 % Chowdhury, AS, Waterway Accident Characteristics Assessment aid Information System Development, Master of Enghieering (Civil Transportation) Thesis, Deparment of Civ Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2005 Ro cal Inston

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