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Animal Testing

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Keyla and today I am

here with the purpose of convincing you to oppose cruel and unnecessary
animal testing.
Did you know that the cosmetics we use have poisoned thousands of
Did you know that hair products have blinded hundreds of innocent
Did you know that even our hygiene products have killed thousands of
animals? If you answer was "no" it is time for us to realize the animal
cruelty that we cause without even realizing it.
I am against animal testing because they, like us, must be treated with
respect and when there are already alternatives to stop this type of abuse,
they have no excuse to continue experimenting with animals. In most
cases, animals die or suffer some type of strong injury that is permanent,
and when they suffer they do not give them any pain relievers.
Today I would like to discuss why animal testing should be banned and for
that I have three main points. The first point would be that it is unreliable,
using animals as a test gives us inaccurate information about various
treatments due to biological differences.
One of the clearest tests for this would be the HIV vaccine, which proved
that the animal models were very difficult since they were not infected with
The second point is cruelty, because many of the experiments produce
intense physical and psychological pain. An example of this is in 2007 that
over seventy thousand animals were used for painful tests and received no
pain relief. and these figures do not contain rats, birds or mice, since these
species are not protected by the animal welfare law.
The last point is that there are already alternatives to stop using animals for
experimentation. In high schools and universities, plastic models can
replace the dissection of live animals. Corrositex, is a synthetic skin that
tests the toxic level of chemicals and there are already several alternatives
to stop experimenting on animals.
Again, animal testing is wrong and should be banned because we harm
animals and may even put them in danger of extinction just to "ensure" our
health. You should also put a law so that this does not happen or stop
consuming the brands that do this, because it is animal cruelty.

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