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Introduction to Chemical Engineering

Rinaldi M Rachman S.T., M.S.

Sesi kuliah hari ini sudah dibuat pada SIUP, silakan melakukan perekaman presensi
Rencana Perkuliahan
Minggu# Topik Perkuliahan
1 Kontrak Perkuliahan, Rencana Pembelajaran, Pengantar Keteknikkimiaan

2 Komponen Dasar Proses Kimia + Diagram Alir

3 Unit dan Dimensi

4 Variabel Proses dan Process rate

5 Pengantar Neraca Massa dan Energi 1

6 Pengantar Neraca Massa dan Energi 2

7 Review & Kuis#1


CE101 Intro to ChE 2


Unit & Dimension

Learning Objectives
▪ Able to do dimensional analysis and perform unit conversion

▪ Able to identify the number of significant figures in a given value

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Why do we need to learn Unit & Dimension?

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▪ The “unit” indicates what the measured ▪ The “dimension” is the measurable quantity
quantity represents. that the unit represents.
▪ A measured or counted quantity has a ▪ E.g., length, mass, time, and temperature
numerical value and a unit
▪ It also be calculated by multiplying or
▪ Measurable units are specific values of
dividing other dimension
dimensions that have been defined by
convention. ▪ E.g., length/time = velocity, length3 =
volume, mass/length3 = density
▪ E.g., grams for mass, seconds for time, and
cm for length

CE1201 Intro to ChE 7

A physical quantity: e.g.

1201 km
numerical value unit
numerical value is not enough, unit is important to describe how much/many and for comparison

Chemical engineers, like many other engineers, use values, units and dimensions:
- Measurement
- Calculation

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System of Units
▪ The International System of Units (SI)
▪ The American Engineering System of Units (AES)
▪ Centimeter – gram – second (CGS)
▪ Foot – Pounds – Second (FPS)
▪ The British System of Units (British)

SI [=] utilizing power of ten prefix to relate the smaller division and larger combination

AES [=] based on cultural definitions of various measurements from British history (yard being the length
from the King's nose to the tip of his middle finger on his fully-extended arm), and the relations between
smaller and larger units vary widely

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▪ BASIC (or FUNDAMENTAL) Dimensions/Units
▪ Can be measured independently and are sufficient to describe most physical
▪ Building blocks of the derived dimension
▪ E.g., Length (L): m, ff, inch ; mass (M): kg, mg, lb ; Temperature (Θ) = 0C, 0F, K, R

▪ DERIVED Dimensions/Units
▪ Obtained from combination of basic dimensions/unit: multiplying and or dividing.
▪ E.g., volume = L3 (m3, ft3) ; density = M.L-3 (kg/m3)

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Basic Dimensions and Units
Base Quantity Base Dimensions Base Units (SI)
Length L m meter
Mass M kg kilogram
Time T s second
Temperature Θ K Kelvin
Amount of substance N mol mole
Electric current I A ampere
Luminous intensity J cd candela

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Some Common Units & Derived Units

Units Symbol Metric System English System

Length L m ft
Mass M kg lbm
Volume V = L3 m3 ft3
Force F = M.a N = kg. m.s-2 lbf
Pressure P = F/A N.m-2 = Pascal lbf/inch2 (psi)
Energy E = F.L N.m = Joule btu
Time t second second
Temperature T 0C /K 0F /R
Concentration C kmol/m3 lbmol/ft3
Density ρ = M/V kg/m3 lbm/ft3
Mass flowrate kg/s lbm/s

CE1201 Intro to ChE 12

Dimensional Consistency & Homogeneity
▪ An equation is called dimensionally homogeneous if the dimension on both sides of the equation is
▪ Consequently, the units of each term in the equation must be the same as the units of other terms
it is added to or subtract from.
▪ You can identify an invalid equation based on dimensional homogeneity arguments

▪ Addition or Subtraction of two quantities can only be done if the dimensions and units are the same

▪ Numerical values and their corresponding units may always be combined by multiplication or division.
During, you may cancel and merge units if they are identical.

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Exceptions of Units
▪ Coefficient in physical laws do not have units
▪ E.g., Ek = ½ m.v2 [=0 kg.m2/s2 in SI, thus the coefficient ½ is unitless

▪ Exponents are unitless

▪ E.g., v2 [=] m2/s2 in SI, the exponent 2 is unitless

▪ Arguments are unitless

▪ E.g., sin (x), while x can be in degrees or radians, sin(x) is unitless

▪ Dimensionless Numbers
▪ E.g., Reynolds Numbers is a measure of inertial force to viscous force of a flow system.
NRe =
μ 14
CE1201 Intro to ChE
Example 1 – Dimensional Consistency
Suppose that the composition c varies with time, t, in the following manner:

c = a.e(-bt)
Where c has the unit kg/L, and t has the unit of seconds.

What are the units associated with constants a and b to make the equation
dimensionally homogeneous and consistent?

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Exercise 1
Consider below equation

S = 7t + 8t2
Where S [=] m and t [=] s.

What are the dimensions and unit of 7 and 8 ?

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Units Conversion
3 cm – 1 mm = ?
Different units are available to
Can it be calculated? describe physical parameters
(a dimension or its combination)
▪ Dimensions
• mass => kg - gram - lb
▪ Units • length => inch - meter - yard

Convert mm to cm or cm to mm ! • time => sec - minute - hour

• volume => m3 - lliter - barrel - cuft
using Conversion Factor • force => Newton - lbf
• energy => joule - cal.

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Units Conversion Disasters
▪ AIR CANADA Flight 143 - July 23, 1983
The jet ran out of fuel after metric conversion error

▪ NASA MARS Climate Orbiter - Sept 23, 1999

Designed to orbit Mars as the first interplanetary
weather satellites, the Mars Oribiter was lost in 1999
because NASA team used metric units while a contractor use British Unit

CE1201 Intro to ChE 18

Conversion Factor
Commonly place in front/back end of a textbook. A complete table of conversion
is given on pp. I-2 to pp.I-18 of Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook 8ed.


Given conversion factor

Which can be arrange to:

Then use it to perform conversion as:

CE1201 Intro to ChE 19

Conversion Factor

CE1201 Intro to ChE 21

Exercise 2

1 2

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Scientific Notation
Both very large and very small numbers are commonly encountered in process
calculations. A convenient way to represent such numbers is to use scientific notation.

➢ In which numbers are expressed as the product of another number (usually

between 0.1 – 10) and a power of 10

➢ E.g.,

CE1201 Intro to ChE 23

Significant Figures
the digits from the first nonzero digit on the left to either:

a) The last digit (zero and nonzero) on the right if there is a decimal point, or

b) The last nonzero digit of the number if there is no decimal point.

E.g., 2300 or 2.3 x 103 has two significant figures The number of significant figures
is easily shown and seen if
2300. or 2.300 x 103 has four significant figures scientific notation is used

2300.0 or 2.3000 x 103 has five significant figures The more significant figures, the
more precise the value =
23,040 or 2.304 x 104 has four significant figures measurement/calculation value
0.035 or 3.5 x 10-2 has two significant figures 8.3 gr → 8.25 – 8.35 gr
8.300 gr → 8.2995 – 8.3005 gr
0.03500 or 3.500 x 10-2 has four significant figures
CE1201 Intro to ChE 24
Significant Figures – Addition/Subtraction
▪ The positions of the last
significant figures of each
number relative to the decimal
point should be compared.

▪ Of these position, the one

farthest to the left is the position
of the persmissible significant
figure of the sum or difference

CE1201 Intro to ChE 26

Significant Figures – Multiplication/Division

When multiplication/division is performed, the number of significant figures in the

results should equal to the lowest number of significant figures of any of the
multiplicands or divisors.

CE1201 Intro to ChE 27

Rounding off Numbers
A rule of thumb for rounding off numbers in which the digit to be dropped is a 5 is
always to make the last digit of the rounded-off number even:

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Exercise 3

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Assignment#2 – Due 18 Feb 2021
1. The thermal conductivity k of a liquid metal is predicted via the empirical equation k=A.e (B/T), where
k is in J/(s.m.K) and A dan B are constants, T is in absolute temperature K. What are the units of A
and B?

2. Exercise#1 No. 1 (b), (c), dan (e)

3. Exercise#1 No.2

4. Exercise#2 No.1

5. Exercise#2 No.2

6. Exercise#2 No.3 (a) dan (c)

7. Exercise#2 No.4

8. Exercise#2 No.5 (a) dan (c)

CE1201 Intro to ChE 30

Thank You..


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