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 The never-ending world’s hunger issue.

 Hunger issue in Indonesia[ CITATION Foo18 \l 1033 ]


Problem: The lack of public knowledge about the hunger issue that exists in Indonesia
Solution: Increase awareness through campaign, social media, and public influencer.


Problem: Technology usage for food security in some areas in Indonesia is still inadequate 
Solution: Collaborating with companies that are developing technologies for food security to
ensure the equality of food safety in Indonesia.


Problem: Undernourishment among certain groups of people
Solution: Collaborate with companies to educate the farmers to plant more varied crops and
improve food distribution for people in need.

Zero hunger program can be realized if all problems are resolved

Problem 1
Claim : The society still lacks knowledge about the hunger issue, especially
that exists in Indonesia.

Reason : 1.Lack of socialization

2. Get sidetracked by another issue

Backing : 1. There are only a few movements from the government that gives
real solution about  the hunger problem in Indonesia
2. Nutritional problems in Indonesia are often seconded, news rarely
covers or discusses dietary issues that occur.
3. Inadequate knowledge distribution about hunger problem in

Solution 1  
Claim :Increase awareness through campaigns, social media, and public influencer.
Reason: Social media has a great impact on how people perceive problems and to
take action on it. 
Backing: 1.  Based on the 2019 data, the amount of people using social media keeps
increasing based on the number of users and the amount of time using it, it also
disseminates people to see problems act on the problem itself.
    2. Research conducted on Semarang and make a conclusion that 80% of
people in Semarang agree if social media affects how they perceive news

    3. The ease of social media can make it easy for people to help, in    just a
tap of a finger. It is also supported by the research that was conducted, 40% of people prefer
to give donations through social media instead of offline action.
Solution 2
Claim : Effective strategy from government related to hunger problem in
Reason : Government is the authority who decides the policy for the country,
including hunger problems, certainly by hearing aspiration from the citizens
Backing : In Jakarta, September 2, Bulog and Kemensos launched a rice social
assistance program for 10 million families throughout Indonesia

Sentence :

Indonesian people still lack knowledge regarding the hunger issue that exists in
Indonesia. The core reason is the lack of socialization and public’s ignorance towards
the problem. This is shown from least social movements related to the hunger
problem. There are only a few government movements that are able to solve the
hunger issue in Indonesia, it is reflected even in 2019, there are still over 22 million of
Indonesians enduring chronic hunger [CITATION The19 \l 1033 ]. This problem has
become more ruled out since the news in Indonesia is mostly concerned about topics
that attract more viewers and are controversial, almost like forgetting the value of the
news itself. Furthermore, these two problems give Indonesia’s citizens the lack of
understanding regarding the hunger issue that exists in Indonesia. Although there are
still only a few people who are aware of the problem, the awareness slowly grows
exponentially since the socialization and social movements keep increasing. There
surely still a lot of interpretation that the government only focus about the
development of technology, especially in the era of Jokowi, but in these past 3 years
surely seen a lot of government act towards fighting the hunger issue in Indonesia,
such as giving compensation to labor, reduction in gasoline price, et cetera. 

Problem 2
Claim: Technology usage for food security in some areas in Indonesia is still inadequate

 Most of the Indonesian farmers still use conventional farming method
 Indonesia’s infrastructure needs are not distributed equally across the country
 Low education quality received resulting in lack of technological knowledge

 According to WFP, the access to food in Indonesia is uneven, influenced by factors
like lack of technology and infrastructure resulting in high food prices.
 Based on research from Unnes, about 46% of farmers in a village in Kendal, Central
Java didn’t finish elementary school, and only used knowledge in farming that was
taught by their parents which is conventional

Refutation: Although there are several farming technologies that have already entered
Indonesia, the majority of farmers in Indonesia still use traditional ways of farming because
of the lack of knowledge.

Solution 2
Claim: Collaborating with companies that are developing technologies for food security to
educate farmers in using food production technology and to help in ensuring the equality of
food safety in Indonesia.
 Proper usage of technology can boost the quality of food security in Indonesia which
includes the efficiency and effectiveness of food-production and productivity. Drones
and machines will make the farmers work faster and less human errors. Farmers
should be educated to use these technologies.
 There are many innovative technologies in farming provided by companies, but the
economic factor obstructs the farmers from having it, so the government has to make
a collaboration with companies. 

 The Journal of Development and Agriculture Economics states that technologies play
a significant role in a country’s development and the strategic application of
technologies to the agricultural sector. It also plays an important role in fostering
national food security by enhancing production and productivity, lowering operating
costs, and facilitating access to markets. The Ministry of Agriculture made a program
for a village in South Sumatera to use drone for farming in 2019. The seed spreading
activity speeded up to 1 hour per hectare, a quite significant change of duration if
compared with the manual method which takes 4 hours for a hectare.
 There are many startups in farming technologies that can help farmers in furthering
agricultural productivity by lending their facility and funding the food production.


Problem 3
Claim: Undernourishment among certain groups of people
Reason :
 Crops that farmers plant are not varied
 Inadequate caloric intake to meet the minimum energy requirement per individual
 Poor nutritional intake during pregnancy, resulting an undernourished, stunted child
 Poverty, climate change, lack of access to food

 According to the United Nation. Asia still has most of the world’s approximately 381
million malnourished people and the number of undernourished people is growing
faster than anywhere else in the world.
 According to WFP, In rural areas of Indonesia, 14.3% of the population lives below
the poverty line.

Sentence :
The undernourishment among certain groups of people is caused by the demand of
food that has been increasing from year to year. Especially in Asia, there are approximately
381 million malnourished people and it is still growing faster than anywhere in the world.
Thus, farmers are only focused on producing certain kinds of crops, such as rice, potato, and
corn to meet the high demand of food. This results in malnutrition. Malnutrition is a
condition where one’s caloric intake is inadequate to meet the minimum energy requirement
per individual.
Stunting is the indication of severe malnutrition. Poor nutritional intake during
pregnancy is one of the reason of stunted child. Children with this stunted condition height’s
is extremely low when compared with the median child height based on World Health
Organization’s Child Height Standard. Apart from that, poverty, climate change and lack of
access to food are the factors of undernourishment. Poverty makes people hard to afford food,
in fact, 14.3% of population in rural areas in Indonesia lives below the poverty line. Climate
change makes an uncertain condition in producing food and lack of access to food such as the
uneven distributed of food and lack of transportation makes peoplehard to access food.

Solution 3

Claim: Collaborate with companies to educate the farmers to plant more varied crops and
improve food distribution for people in need.  

 Globally, there are many people who are still food insecure, which means they are
struggling to access a healthy, nutritious balanced diet.
 The increasing demand of food resulting in a decreased number of diverse crops,
making consequences of malnutrition.

 On June 6, 2018, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World
Food Programme (WFP) signed a five-year memorandum of understanding. The
purpose of this new memorandum of understanding is to strengthen cooperation and
coordination at the global, regional and national levels in order to provide better
support to member states.
 More than half of those living with severe food insecurity were in Asia; nearly 40%
were in Africa. The remaining 10% were split between the Americas, Europe and
 The drastic increase of the world's population in the last two centuries has driven up
the need for food and increased food demand. This pressure initiated the distinct
intensification in agriculture and horticulture practices and accelerated the loss in crop
diversity. More recently, it has become clear that lack of diversity due to
concentrating on fewer crops can have negative consequences for the human diet,
which may cause malnutrition and diet-related diseases (Nakhauka, 2009).

Even though undernourishment is still a big concern in Indonesia, since the year 2000 until
2017 the undernourishment problem has improved by seeing the percentage from 18.50% to
8.20%.According to data from UNICEF, proper nutrition has been stagnant since 2007, and
the national stunting rate has reached 37%. But The Indonesian government is well aware of
the health issues related to stunting. The Vice President of the country formulated the
National Accelerated Stunting Prevention Strategy in 2017. The strategy will invest US$14.6
billion to integrate priority nutrition interventions, including measures against food
insecurity, dietary diversity and basic immunity.
Sentence :
Collaborate with companies to educate the farmers to plant more varied crops and improve
food distribution for people in need was kinda solution here because Globally, there are many
people who are still food insecure, which means they are struggling to access a healthy,
nutritious balanced diet. On June 6, 2018, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the
World Food Programme (WFP) signed a five-year memorandum of understanding. The
purpose of this new memorandum of understanding is to strengthen cooperation and
coordination at the global, regional and national levels in order to provide better support to
member states.and also more than half of those living with severe food insecurity were in
Asia; nearly 40% were in Africa. The remaining 10% were split between the Americas,
Europe and Oceania.

The drastic increase of the world's population in the last two centuries has driven up the need
for food and increased food demand. This pressure initiated the distinct intensification in
agriculture and horticulture practices and accelerated the loss in crop diversity. More
recently, it has become clear that lack of diversity due to concentrating on fewer crops can
have negative consequences for the human diet, which may cause malnutrition and diet-
related diseases (Nakhauka, 2009).

Even though undernourishment is still a big concern in Indonesia, since the year 2000 until
2017 the undernourishment problem has improved by seeing the percentage from 18.50% to
8.20%.According to data from UNICEF, proper nutrition has been stagnant since 2007, and
the national stunting rate has reached 37%. But The Indonesian government is well aware of
the health issues related to stunting. The Vice President of the country formulated the
National Accelerated Stunting Prevention Strategy in 2017. The strategy will invest US$14.6
billion to integrate priority nutrition interventions, including measures against food
insecurity, dietary diversity and basic immunity.


Technology can improve food security, but the technology usage for food security in
Indonesia is still inadequate. This issue persists because Indonesia's infrastructure needs are
not distributed equally. Although there are several farming technologies that already exist in
Indonesia, there are still some factors that inhibit this technology's usage. The reality that
most Indonesian farmers (46%) didn’t receive proper education causes a lack of technological
knowledge in farming, resulting in prolonged conventional method usage that is ineffective
(Prasetya, 2019). According to WFP, these problems are causing food insecurity which
includes a lack of access to nutritious food at affordable prices and lack of motivation or
knowledge about a nutritious diet.
Therefore, the government should collaborate with companies that are developing
technologies in the food production sector to improve the quality of food security in
Indonesia by lending their facility, educating farmers in using food production technology,
and funding the food production. The Journal of Development and Agriculture Economics
stated that technologies play a significant role in a country’s development in the agricultural
sector. The proper usage of this kind of technology can boost food security by increasing
efficiency and effectivity of food-production. According to The Ministry of Agriculture in
2019, drone usage can speed up the seed spreading from 4 hours to 1 hour per hectare.


Food and Agriculture Organization. (2018). News:Food and Agriculture Organization. Retrieved
November 16, 2020, from

ITU NEWS. (2018). Sustainable agriculture: How tech can help tackle hunger. Retrieved from ITU

KEMENTERIAN PERTANIAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA. (2019). Kementan Tanam Padi Gunakan Drone di

Post, The Jakarta. (2019). 22 million Indonesians endured chronic hunger in Jokowi's first term: ADB
report. Retrieved 2020, from The Jakarta Post:

Kesimpulan , 110.

Ritchie, Roser, Mispy, & Ortiz-Ospina. (2018). "Measuring progress towards the Sustainable
Development Goals.". Retrieved from SDG-Tracker:

S, B., L, B., K, F., R, K., S, N., Neumann, A., . . . M , S. (2016). re Neglected Plants the Food for the
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