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We are student of BBA at People’s Campus, Paknajole (Thamel).

The purpose of this study is to

examine the impact of different factors affecting student’s academic performance. We would be
really obligated if you could complete this questionnaire to assist us with the completion of our
research project. We assure you that the information you provided us will be kept confidential
and only used for research purpose. Your consent and cooperation are highly appreciated.



People’s Campus

General Background

1. Gender: a. Male b. Female

2. Age group: a.17- 20 b. 20-25
3. Semester: a. 1/2 b. 3/4 c. 5/6 d. 7/8

Basic and variables related information Questions Responses

Yes No
4. Do you feel bored, tired and sleepy when you study?
5. Do you only read when you like?
6. Are you satisfied with your study habits?
7. Are you satisfied with your academic performance?

8. What factors motivates you to achieve better academic performance? (Multiple choices)
 Your friends helps you to study and prepare for exam
 Exam pressurize you to study more hard and better preparing
 Notes, books, e documents etc energizes you to study
 GPA and Grade motivates to study better
9. Why do you want better grades in academic performance? Please rank them in order of
importance where 1 is the most important and 4 is the least important.
For better knowledge
For job
Status in society
Self satisfaction

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