Javadalmazasi Politika 210101 EN.98c

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The Remuneration Policy of Corvinus University of Budapest was
adopted under Resolution 57/2020 (12. 17.) by the Board of Trustees at
their meeting on 17 December 2020.
Remuneration Policy

1. Purpose and Scope of this Regulation 3

Section 4 Responsibility of managers 4

Section 5 Responsibility of employees 4

Section 6 Responsibility of HR 4

Section 8 Job structure 5

Section 9 Full-scale financial remuneration system: annual income 6

5. Establishing the remuneration level 7

Section 11 Establishing wages within bands 9

Section 12 Wage Increase Policy 10

Section 13 Establishing base salaries 11

Section 14 Wage adjustment, wage correction during the year 11

Section 15 Employees receiving annual salary increase 12

6. Compensation for management type of extra tasks 12

7. Compensation for extraordinary lesson load (ROK) 13

8. Compensation for overtime 13

9. Compensation for substitution 13

10. Compensation for work done in addition to a full-time job 13

11. Performance bonuses 14

12. Performance Bonus Payment Rules 15

13. Recognizing mid-year outstanding performance: reward 16

14. International research grant application premium 17

15. Corvinus Research Excellence 17

16. Closing provisions 17

Remuneration Policy


The maintainer of Corvinus University of Budapest (hereinafter: CORVINUS or university) will establish
the Remuneration Policy of the university as follows.

The Remuneration Policy defines the principles of income distribution, as well as the system of financial
recognition (connected to an assessment of the fulfilment of requirements and performance
expectations), according to basic requirements and differentiated performance expectations specified
for job categories in accordance with Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code (hereinafter: Mt.), the
Employment Regulations and the Academic Career Model.

I. General Provisions
1. Purpose and Scope of this Regulation
Section 1 (1) The purpose of formulating the Remuneration Policy is to provide clear and unambiguous
guidelines to leaders and staff of the University regarding the principles applied for remuneration, and
to ensure the consistent application of such principles and the transparency of remuneration decisions.

(2) A consistent enforcement of the Remuneration Policy will ensure the acquisition and retention of
competent and committed employees who are able and ready to offer high-standard performance as
necessary for the implementation of the university's strategic goals.

Section 2 (1) With the exception of those specified in paragraphs (2) and (3), the scope of the
Remuneration Policy covers all university employees (whether employed for an indefinite or a fixed
period, full-time or part-time) and all employments where an employee enters into an agreement with
the employer for some task not belonging to his/her job (e.g., income supplement agreement,
assignment contract, usage contract).

(2) The scope of the Remuneration Policy does not cover the remuneration of the president, the rector
and chancellor.

(3) The scope of the Remuneration Policy does not cover those employed exclusively under an
assignment relationship, such as external lecturers, and those employed under atypical employment
contracts (e.g., student employment contract, doctoral student employment contract, voluntary work).

(4) Employees employed for a fixed period in a project paid from grant funds under a grant programme
will not be covered by the Remuneration Policy in this legal relationship of theirs, regardless of their

2. Basic Principles of Remuneration

Section 3 (1) The remuneration system of the University applies a strategic, performance-oriented and
differentiated approach, strives for external and internal equity and is built on transparency and trust.
a) Strategic approach: employee remuneration is related to the strategic goals and
organizational values of the University and it supports the implementation of them.
b) Performance principle: good and outstanding performance and employee contribution to
university goals is encouraged, recognised and rewarded according to merit under the
remuneration system.

Remuneration Policy

c) Differentiation: employees’ knowledge, experience, development and performance will

influence where their individual wages are placed within income bands.
d) External equity: the University strives to achieve external equity of wages and to gradually
catch up with targeted remuneration levels, depending on its financial capacities.
e) Internal equity: it ensures the internal proportionality of wages and that wages are provided
according to income bands developed based on targeted reference wage levels.
f) Transparency: remuneration processes and managerial decisions are based on clear
principles, and they are consistent and predictable.
g) Confidential handling of personal data: the confidential handling of information on
employee salaries is ensured.

3. Responsibility in remuneration
Section 4 Responsibility of managers
(1) Managers are responsible for properly operating remuneration- and performance improvement
processes and for making fair and consistent remuneration decisions according to agreed principles, by
using the “one over one” principle when determining the base salaries and bonuses of their employees.

Section 5 Responsibility of employees

(1) Each staff member is responsible for his/her own individual performance and professional
development and he/she may expect the university to create the right conditions and circumstances for

Section 6 Responsibility of HR
(1) HR is responsible for making proposals for the University's system of job types, job classifications
and remuneration; for operating the system in accordance with management decisions; and, if
necessary, adapting it to external environmental and internal organizational and operational changes.
HR is responsible for making proposals for principles concerning annual base salary increases; and for
providing professional support to managers in the process of increasing salaries and setting bonuses.

(2) With the involvement of HR, if necessary, the line manager will establish salary offers for recruiting
new employees and amounts of extraordinary mid-year salary increases, according to the remuneration

4. The system of Remuneration

Section 7 The remuneration system consists of a job classification structure (academic and service
provider jobs) set up in accordance with job requirements specified in the Employment Regulations and
the salary bands established for job levels.

Remuneration Policy

Section 8 Job structure

(1) Structure of academic jobs according to job categories defined in the Academic
Career Model:

a) Academic management jobs (under Mt.):

vice-rector, director general of Corvinus doctoral schools, dean, head of institute, head of
competence centre, head of research centre

b) Non-management academic jobs:

Lecturer-researcher jobs:
University professor
University associate professor
Senior lecturer
Assistant professor
Assistant lecturer

Researcher jobs:
Research professor, Research consultant
Senior research fellow
Research fellow
Research assistant
Teaching assistant

(2) Teacher jobs:

Language teacher, Physical education teacher

(3) Structure of jobs supporting core activities (hereinafter: service jobs):

a) Service management jobs (under Mt.):
Heads of organisational units (directors) according to the Rules of Organisation and
Organisations (SZMR)
b) Non-management service jobs:
Head of units not part of the organisation (not as per the SZMR) (deputies, office managers)
Head of organisational sub-units: heads of groups
Managing expert - in professional supervisor jobs
Managing expert – II.
Managing expert - I.

Administrative staff

Professional service provider

Technical service provider

Remuneration Policy

Section 9 Full-scale financial remuneration system: annual income

The full-scale remuneration approach takes into account, as a coherent whole, all salary and benefit
options that ensure the financial recognition of employees' knowledge, competences, performance and
contribution to strategic goals.

The full-scale financial remuneration approach, i.e. organising the components of the available annual
income into a system, makes it possible for individual remuneration elements and incentives to have a
greater and more lasting effect on the commitment of employees and on the possibility to retain and
attract those who provide lasting outstanding performance.

Elements of the available annual income:

Elements of Basis for Purpose of incentive Regulatory

remuneration determining background
Base salary Base salary band according Recognition of knowledge, Presidential
to job classification responsibility, competence, Committee regulation
structure contribution annually on base
salary bands
Compensation for Extent, time requirement Compensation for extra Presidential
management tasks and complexity of management responsibilities Committee regulation
(for employees other management tasks additional to basic job annually
than senior performed periodically responsibilities
Work done in Base salary bands for the Joint recognition of tasks Individual decision
addition to full time two part-time jobs undertaken in dual roles
job performed
Compensation for Extra lecturing performed Recognition of extra Presidential
extraordinary lesson in addition to minimum performance Committee regulation
load requirement by academic
job types
Compensation for Overtime ordered in writing Recognition of extra work The relevant
overtime by the manager, in hours performed in addition to provisions of Mt.
compulsory working hours or
working time frame
Substitution Salary established for the Compensation for temporary The relevant
job of the individual absent extra liability in addition to provisions of Mt.
for a continued period of basic job
over one month
Performance bonus Bonus rates related to the Contributing to strategy, Performance
results of the evaluation of recognizing the results of improvement
annual objectives performance and competence regulation
Special The time requirement, Encourage participation in the Individual decision of
research/grant professional complexity and successful implementation of the Grant Application
application project reputation value of the international/domestic Project Committee
bonus work undertaken in research project within the framework
research/innovation project of regulations of the
Research/innovation Successful grant application Encourage international Presidential
grant application / professional content of research activities under grant Committee regulation
premium application programmes annually

Remuneration Policy

Corvinus Research Evaluation system Encourage achievement of Presidential

Excellence described in CKK international research Committee regulation
(hereinafter: CKK) excellence annually
Reward One-time rewarding of interim Individual decision of
outstanding performance the Presidential
during the year Committee
Cafeteria benefit Employer and Trade Union Employee benefits where Collective Agreement
entitlement is connected to regulation; payment
employment relationship under special
Cafeteria regulation

II. The Base Salary

5. Establishing the remuneration level
Section 10 (1) The goal of the remuneration strategy is to achieve that, by 2030, the income of
employees in academic positions should reach a competitive level, also in international comparison,
and that the salary level of employees in the service area in adjusted to the median value of reference
wages in the domestic private sector.

(2) In order to achieve this goal, the maintainer decides on the annual levels of remuneration and the
scheduling of the adjustment to labour market reference wage levels, separately for academic and
service areas, on the basis of Presidential Committee proposals, by adopting the Annual Wage Increase

The decision takes into account the results of the analysis of the internal wage data belonging to job
levels of the university; labour market benchmarks that can be assigned to each job profile;
comparative wage information; and wage increase opportunities specified in the financial plan.

(3) Based on the above, the university determines the mean values of income bands (base salary +
performance bonus) for each job level, as well as the scope of each band. From 2021, the range of the
wage band compared to the mean values will be +/- 20%. The wage setting practice is illustrated in the
figure below:

Remuneration Policy

Hungarian English
Éves bér Ft/év Annual wage HUF/year
Bérsáv Wage band
Kiemelkedő tudás, teljesítmény, kompetencia Outstanding knowledge, performance,
Elvárás szerinti tudás teljesítmény, kompetencia Knowledge, performance, competence as
Bértrend: középérték Wage trend: mean value
Erősen fejlesztendő tudás, teljesítmény, Knowledge, performance, competence to be
kompetencia strongly developed
Bes.szint 1, Bes.szint 2 Classif. level 1, Classif. level 2,
Besorolási szint Classification level

(4) The annual wage trend and the mean values of wage bands belonging to job classification levels will
be determined differently for the academic and the service areas.
a) In order to bring salaries up to the international level, when determining the base salary trend
for academic positions, the Presidential Committee will determine the mean value of the salary
band belonging to the university professor job annually, depending on the available financial
resources, and then set the salary bands for academic positions, taking into account the
following rates.

Remuneration Policy

Academic jobs Mean value of

the salary band
for university
(MTA doctors)

university professor (Doctor of the Hungarian 110%

Academy of Sciences (MTA doctor) / professor
providing internationally outstanding research
performance), research professor, scientific

university professor 100%

habilitated university associate professor, or 85%

university associate professor having an
experience in international higher education
that is equivalent to habilitation, senior research
fellow with a title of MTA doctor, senior research
fellow having an experience in international
research that is equivalent to habilitation

university associate professor, senior research 75%

fellow, senior lecturer

assistant professor, research fellow, lecturer 60%

assistant lecturer, research assistant 50%

Teaching assistant 35%

b) For all senior management positions, as well as language teacher, physical education teacher
and service area positions, the wage trend will be determined by comparing the internal wage
data typical of the standard jobs in each functional area
with the relevant median wage market information from Korn Ferry's Hungarian wage survey.
Market comparability will be ensured by classifying jobs into Hay classification levels based on
the Hay job evaluation method.

Section 11 Establishing wages within bands

(1) In order to achieve an internal fairness of wages, the university strives to ensure that, as a trend, most
individual annual employee income – annual base salary and bonus – is within the wage band
corresponding to the job level.

(2) The basis for a differentiation in base salaries for employees is the degree of responsibility, work
done according to job requirements, and differences in individual performance, competences and
experience, according to the following characteristics:

Remuneration Policy

Wage position Characteristics

Continuously outstanding performance,

Between the maximum and continuous development. The quality and
the mean values of the wage efficiency of work is regularly above expectations.
band Great expertise, commitment. High level of
individual skills and competences.

Reliable performance demonstrated regularly,

Around the mean value of the efforts made for continuous development and
wage band improvement. Confident, productive work
according to the job requirements.

Work that lags behind job requirements in terms

of quality and effectiveness, with little usable
Between the minimum and the
experience. Performance, skills and competences
mean values of the wage band
need to be developed, restrained efforts are shown
to develop them.

Section 12 Wage Increase Policy

(1) HR will develop a proposal, to support management decision, for the distribution of the institutional
annual salary increase based on the financial plan and the results of individual performance evaluations
by the end of February of the current year.

(2) The annual performance of each employee is evaluated by managers according to relevant
guidelines/regulations, and the result thereof will have a direct impact on the development of the total
annual income of the employee concerned through the salary increase and the amount of the annual
bonus determined.

(3) When determining the annual base salary increase for employees, we always take into account the
employee's position within the salary band (individual salary in relation to the mean value of the salary
band) and the annual performance. Management decision along these two dimensions ensures that
wages are predominantly located in the wage band, that no employees are placed below the band for a
continued period, and that employees are placed above the upper limit of the band only in particularly
justified cases.

(4) New base salaries are determined by using the average extent of wage increase, on the basis of the
following principles:

Remuneration Policy

For wage positioning (position before wage increase in the

Result of
annual Wage is Wage is Wage is Wage is
comprehensive above the between the between the below the
performance upper limit upper limit lower limit lower limit of
evaluation of the wage and the mean and the mean the wage
band value of the value of the band
wage band wage band

Outstanding Extent of wage Average Above average Significantly

performance increase is above average
below average

Good Significantly Below average Average Above average

performance below average wage increase

Performance 0 0 Significantly Below average

requiring below average wage increase

Performance 0 0 0 0

Section 13 Establishing base salaries

(1) Newly recruited employee: his/her base salary must reach at least the lower limit of the salary
band for the job. When determining the base salary, internal proportions, the base salaries of employees
working in similar positions, as well as information available on the new colleague’s experience,
qualifications and competences must be taken into account.

(2) Promotion related base salary increase means that at least the lower limit of the salary band
belonging to the new, higher job level must be reached, but the salary increase must not be less than

(3) For those returning to work from permanent absence (as defined in Articles 127-133 of the
Mt.), the university makes an offer to modify the salary in accordance with Article 59 of the Mt. The offer
is based on the average annual salary increase achieved in the meantime for other employees with the
same job as the employee, and in the absence thereof, the actual average annual salary increase
implemented at the university.

Section 14 Wage adjustment, wage correction during the year

(1) The employer may decide to increase the base salary during the year, if funds are available for it.
Reasons may include an increase in responsibilities within a given job, or when the job itself does not
change, but a salary adjustment may be justified to retain the workforce. The rate of salary adjustment
may in no case exceed 15%.

Remuneration Policy

Section 15 Employees receiving annual salary increase

(1) Annual salary increase will affect employees whose probationary period had ended before 1 January
and are in active employment at the time of the salary increase.

(2) No salary increase will be provided to employees who are on probation on 1 January; to staff who are
on long-term leave (baby-care allowance (CSED), childcare benefit (GYED), childcare allowance
(GYES), sabbatical leave, unpaid holiday, or sick leave of over 30 days); and to staff who are spending
their notice period at the time of the salary increase.

(3) After returning from a long-term absence, the salary must be adjusted according to the extent of the
salary increase carried out in the given job, and the new base salary must be determined from the day of

(4) The new base salaries will apply to employees participating in the salary increase effective from 1
January. As decisions on salary increases are made later (February-March), the salary increase will be
paid in a lump sum for the period up to the decision, in the month following the decision.

III. Wage elements which may be paid in addition to the base salary
6. Compensation for management type of extra tasks
Article 16 (1) The employer may establish a salary supplement (payable on an ad hoc or a monthly basis
for a specified period), as compensation, for such employee who, in addition to performing his/her job
duties, carries out professional management tasks within his/her own organization or in another
organizational unit for a certain part of his/her working time regularly month by month.

(2) The detailed conditions of the salary supplement will be established by the competent manager in a
salary supplement agreement with the involvement of HR, based on a regulation by the Presidential
Committee. In the event of a reduced level of delivery or non-delivery of the expected performance, the
amount of the supplement may be reduced or withdrawn by documenting it.

(3) In the academic area, the university will provide compensation for the performance of the following
management type of tasks by providing a salary supplement or, in some cases, reducing the lesson load.
When determining the amount of the salary supplement, the complexity of the task and the need for
resources for its performance must be taken into account.
a. tasks of programme leader
b. tasks of head of department
c. tasks of chairperson of EDT
d. tasks of head of doctoral school
e. tasks of track director of doctoral school
f. tasks of doctoral supervisor (success-fee only)
g. editing university journal
h. tasks of chairperson of EDTD
i. tasks of director of College for Advanced Studies
j. tasks of project manager under grant programme

(4) In the non-academic field, the management-type roles for which a salary supplement may be

are defined annually in the framework of the Annual Wage Increase Policy under a regulation of the

Remuneration Policy

Presidential Committee based on the joint proposal of managers and HR.

7. Compensation for extraordinary lesson load (ROK)

Section 17 (1) The Vice-Rector for Faculty, with the involvement of the Vice-Rector for Education, draws
up a detailed plan for the lesson load of lecturers and researchers (per institute) during the academic
year, which ensures compliance with the obligation of lecturing by lecturers according their job
classifications and by researchers as mandatory for them.

(2) If an organizational unit needs some unplanned extra capacity, then any extraordinary extra teaching
performance (ROK) that is more than 10% above the required lesson load in any lecturer or researcher
job may be compensated financially up to 50% of the expected lesson load associated with the
individual’s own job type classification, or researcher job. In the education-focused type, the teaching
workload must not exceed 20 lessons (1 lesson if of 45 minutes).

(3) As a compensation for the extraordinary lesson load, lecturers and researchers are entitled to a fee
(in addition to the basic salary) in accordance with a relevant agreement made within the framework of
the ROK regulations in force.

8. Compensation for overtime

Section 18 (1) Employees working under a fixed work schedule may only be ordered, in writing and in
advance, by the person exercising the employer’s rights to work, be on duty or be on standby.
Employees are entitled to remuneration for their work performed on the basis of such order. The rules
of the Mt. must be applied to extraordinary work and its compensation.

9. Compensation for substitution

Section 19 (1) If, in the case of a long-term absence of an individual for more than 1 month, an employee
temporarily performs substitution duties (in addition to performing his/her job) on the basis of a written
order issued by the employer, and thus performs significant additional work, then, in addition to his/her
basic salary, he/she will be entitled to extra compensation in an amount determined as a ratio (according
to the proportion of work performed) of a base salary corresponding to the mean value of the salary band
established for the job substituted.

10. Compensation for work done in addition to a full-time job

Section 20 (1) The University provides an opportunity primarily for staff employed in academic positions
to fill another part-time position in another organization of the University, in addition to their basic
employment, which must be discussed in advance by the employers concerned (employer according to
full-time job and employer according to future additional part-time job).

(2) In the case of a position that may be filled within the framework of an additional legal relationship
other than the existing full-time employment, an employment contract will be concluded for a definite
or indefinite period. The monthly amount of the base salary is adjusted to the salary band determined
for the position held.

Remuneration Policy

11. Performance bonuses

Section 21 (1) In addition to the annual base salary increase, a differentiated recognition of employees’
annual performance is ensured by providing a bonus subject to an individual’s performance, which is
planned in the university’s annual budget.

(2) The maximum allowable level of a bonus is proportional to the possibility opened up by an
employee’s job to contribute to university goals. Based on individual performance evaluation result, the
employer will determine individual bonuses according to the table below.

Bonus amount as a % of the annual base salary

Result of annual
administrative Managers, all academic
employee, professional, staff, administrative
technical service experts
provider categories

Outstanding maximum 15% maximum: 20%


Good performance 10% 15%

Performance requiring 5- 8 % 7 - 14 %

Performance requiring 0% 0%

(4) The university provides the opportunity each year, according to the results of the performance
evaluation, for employees with outstanding performance to receive an additional bonus payment of up
to + 5% compared to the amount of the bonus related to good performance. The award of this additional
financial recognition is decided by the Presidential Committee on the basis of the proposal of the
manager related to the performance evaluation of employees.

Section 22 (1) During the implementation of externally funded research/innovation assignments and
projects (hereinafter: project), it is possible to provide a research/grant project bonus in order to
recognize the outstanding achievements of the university employees, payable at the same time when the
annual performance bonus is paid or, in justified cases, as a mid-year project bonus.

The special research/grant project bonus may be awarded for the activities listed below on the basis of
results undertaken in the given project and achieved in compliance with the required quality criteria and
deadlines, as approved by the Professional Monitoring Committee. The amount of project bonus will be
determined, based on a proposal of the professional leader and manager of the project, by the Grant
Programmes Coordination Committee1. The decision must take into account the specific funding

The establishment of the Grant Programmes Coordination Committee must be provided for in the Organisational
and Operational Procedures within 60 days from the entry into force of this Regulation.
Remuneration Policy

conditions of the given project, the time requirement of the implemented task, the requirements
undertaken by the evaluated employee in his/her basic bonus, the professional complexity of the task
performed, and the impact on the research and innovation reputation of the university.

A special research/grant project bonus may be awarded for the project tasks listed below:
• Outstanding publication in one of the journals defined by the university
• Publication award related to the article created in the project, outstanding citation
• Organizing and leading a research team during the project period
• Establishing an outstanding international research and cooperation relationship within the
framework of the project
• Organizing a high-quality international conference at the university as part of the project
• Building outstanding external/corporate relationships within the project
• Submission of innovation
• Development of a policy in employee’s field of expertise
• Invited editorial assignment in a renowned journal as part of the project, developing an
education- or training material, organization and delivery of training
• Development of some other intellectual product specified in the grant programme
• Publication in an independent volume
• University developments: e.g. development of talent nurturing systems, development of a
research laboratory
• Successful completion of project laying the foundation for additional significant collaboration

12. Performance Bonus Payment Rules

Section 23 Entitlement to bonus payment
(1) Bonuses may be paid to employees – other than students/doctoral students – employed under a full-
time or part-time, indefinite or fixed-term employment contract, when all of the following conditions
are fulfilled:
a) in the current year, lecturer declaration is submitted to the university;
b) being in active employment for at least three months after the probationary period;
c) bonus target has been set up;
d) having an active employment relationship with the university at the time of the individual
performance evaluation and the payment of the individual bonus.

(3) If the employee has been employed part-time or for some part of the year, then his/her bonus shall
be determined as the ratio of the part-time to the full-time working hours, or as the ratio of the eligible
months to the full calendar year, with the proviso that a whole month is a month in which the number
of days in active employment exceeds 15 days, or otherwise the month is not considered an active month.

(4) A new employee with an employment relationship established in the current year may become
eligible after the end of the probationary period, if there are at least 3 months left in the current year.
For the employee, performance improvement goals must be set within 15 days after the end of the
probationary period.

(5) If the employee is absent for more than 30 days on any title (unpaid holiday, sabbatical leave, CSED,
GYED, GYES, sick-leave), then this period cannot be taken into account when calculating the bonus.

(6) After the expiry of the leave referred to in paragraph 5, entitlement to bonus will take effect from the
first day of starting work after taking out compulsory holidays. Performance improvement targets must
be set within 15 days of the day when work is re-started.

Remuneration Policy

(7) If the employee's employment is terminated by mutual agreement between the employee and the
employer prior to the annual performance evaluation and the payment of the bonus, then the parties
may agree to pay the pro rata temporis bonus at maximum, provided the conditions in (1) (a) - (c) above
are met. If the parties want to agree on the payment of a bonus, a performance evaluation must be carried
out and, on the basis of the evaluation, a pro rata temporis bonus must be established, the full or partial
payment of which may be agreed between the parties.

(8) If the employment relationship is not terminated by mutual agreement before the date of payment
of the bonus, the employee will not be entitled to the bonus.

Section 24 Calculation of individual bonuses

(1) The employee's bonus is determined by taking into account his/her classification established based
on his/her annual performance evaluation, the annual performance bonus rate for his/her job level,
and the period spent as active labour force, provided his/her basic job duties are performed as
Section 25 Bonus payment date
(1) Bonus payment is made together with the payment of the salary in the month of March in the year
after the subject year.

(2) When an employee who is in the status described in Section 23 (5) had acquired a right to bonus
under the conditions of Section 23 (1) (a) - (c) during the period ending the last working day prior to
joining the staff of active status, then his/her performance will be evaluated after the day when he/she
starts working in accordance with Section 23 (6) and his/her bonus will be determined based on the
result of such evaluation. Bonus is paid together with the next salary payment.

(3) Unlike paragraph (2), the pro rata temporis bonus may be paid during the period referred to in
paragraph (1) if it is initiated by the employee and he/she agrees to undergo the performance evaluation
under the regular annual schedule and to appear at the performance evaluation at a time agreed with
the head of the organisational unit.

(4) In the case of Section 23 (7), in the event of mutually agreed termination, the pro rata temporis bonus
shall be paid on the last day of employment.

13. Recognizing mid-year outstanding performance: reward

Section 26 (1) When, due to an extraordinary circumstance arising in the operation of the University or
otherwise, there is an additional task in which the employee provides a significant additional work
performance in addition to the performance of the job duties, he/she may receive reward as a subsequent
recognition of such performance.
(2) During the year, in the case of performance under paragraph (1), the line manager may propose to
the senior manager the payment of a reward. They agreed upon the justification for the payment of the
reward and the proposed amount of the reward, for which they may seek HR’s opinion.
(3) Subject to the division of employer's rights, the Presidential Committee will an individual decision
by taking into account the proposal of the rector, the president or the chancellor prepared in accordance
with paragraph (2). Reward may be paid from the envelope provided for in the annual financial plan for
the purpose of rewarding.

Remuneration Policy

14. International research grant application premium

Section 27 (1) The University wants to encourage its lecturer and researcher employees to actively
participate in calls for international research grant applications and to increase the professional quality
of their applications. To this end, it pays a grant application premium to staff who are involved in
preparing international grant applications by carrying out tasks of
a) consortium leader,
b) work package (WP) leader, or
c) task leader.

(2) The amount of the grant application premium is determined by being differentiated according to the
above roles and by taking into account the time spent on the preparation of applications and the extent
of the professional contribution.

(3) A grant application premium may be paid for the preparation of winning or non-winning
applications and, depending on the proportion of the budget allocated to the university in connection
with the successful professional and financial closure of the applications, as follows:

Consortium Work Task leader

leader package

In case of winning HUF 700,000 – HUF 250,000 HUF 100,000 –

applications 1,000,000 – 500,000 250,000
• after the decision on the

• after the successful closure HUF 700,000 – HUF 250,000

of the grant application 1,000,000 – 500,000

In case of non-winning HUF 250,000- HUF 100,000 – HUF 50,000 –

applications 500,000 250,000 100,000
• after the decision on the

15. Corvinus Research Excellence

Section 28 (1) The university’s maintainer and leaders have set a clear goal of advancing in international
rankings. This is possible by creating and increasing a more significant international research
"footprint". The goal is achieved through the optional and selective Corvinus [International] Research
Excellence (CKK) recognition, which provides an additional incentive to produce internationally
significant research results, rewarding research excellence. Thus, the CKK is an instrument for the
promotion and recognition of research results that are globally visible, outstanding even by international
standards, and relevant to the university. The CKK Regulation can be found in Annex 1.

16. Closing provisions

Section 29 (1) This Remuneration Policy must already be applied to performance evaluations and bonus
amount setting for the calendar year 2020.

Remuneration Policy

(2) Agreements on salary supplements concluded before 31 December 2020 are valid and remain in
force with the content and duration agreed upon.

(3) This Remuneration Policy was adopted by the Board of Trustees of the maintainer at their meeting
on 17 December 2020 and it enters into force effective from 1 January 2021, by concurrently repealing
the following regulations:
a) the Corporate Professor Regulations adopted under Resolution no. 2.b/2/2001/02 by the
University Council at its meeting held on 5 November 2001,
b) the Corporate Research Programme Regulations adopted by the Senate under Resolution no.
49/2004/05 at its meeting held on 11 April 2005, and
c) instructions/provisions issued for the implementation of the regulations named in points a)-

(4) The Performance Bonus Payment Regulation adopted under Resolution no. 28/2020 (06. 24.) by
the Board of Trustees at its meeting held on 24 June 2020 will expire on the date when the bonus for
year 2020 is determined and paid.

(5) From the entry into force of this Policy, any provisions of the Employment Regulation or its
implementing instructions/provisions that may be in conflict with this Policy shall not apply.

1. annex: Corvinus Research Excellence 2021

Prepared by: Zsuzsanna


Legal revision by: Andrea Skaliczky

Edited by:

Approved by: Maintainer 17 December 2020

Released by: Marica Sárközi- 12 January 2020

Kerezsi Marica


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