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Quiz 3

Q#1: Which was the source language for world knowledge in Renaissance period?

• French
• German
• English
• Latin

Q#2: Who refused to accept inkhorn terms in English language?

• John Milton
• Alexander Pope
• George Puttenham
• John Dryden

(Confirmed from handouts topic 111)

Q#3: Which of the following is a modern word?

• Kith
• Noteth
• Maketh
• Leadeth

(Confirmed from handouts topic 119)

Q#4: Who was the publisher of the book ‘The New World of English Words'?

• Geoffrey Chaucer
• Philip Sydney
• Edward Philips
• John Milton

(Confirmed from handouts topic 108)

Q#5: Which of the following best defines the term ‘idiom’?

• All of the given options

• The peculiar character of a language
• A style of speaking peculiar to a people
• Not predictable from the usual meanings

Q#6: What is the meaning of the word ‘fastidious’ in the present age?

• Fussy
• Distasteful
• Disgusting
• Proud

(Confirmed from handouts topic 113)

Q#7: In the course of development of English language, the change in sound that ‘u’ underwent is
known as _____.
• Unrounding
• Rounding
• Omitting
• Deletion

(Confirmed from handouts topic 101)

Q#8: What is the one word solution for “all manner of learning” for Sir Thomas Elyot? Choose
the best option.

• Encyclopedia
• Dictionary
• Circle of doctrine
• Science

(Confirmed from handouts topic 112)

Q#9: In the sixteenth and early seventeenth century, _____ standard was accepted and people
were sticking to it.

• Liverpool
• Leeds
• Manchester
• London

(Confirmed from handouts topic 117)

Q#10: What is non-literary language? Choose the correct option.

• Poetic language
• Language of novels
• Language of prose
• Business language

Q#11: Mark Antony's “This was the most unkindest cut of all" is an instance of _____. Choose the
correct option.

• Article problem
• Double comparative
• Wrong adjective
• Dangling modifier

(Confirmed from handouts topic 118)

Q#12: “I trade both with the living and the dead, for thr enrichment of our native tongue.”Who gave
this statement?

• William Shakespeare
• John Dryder
• Alexander Pope
• John Milton

Confirmed from handouts topic 111)

Q#13: Choose the correct option.

Renaissance is a period of ______.

• Willingness
• Eagerness
• Enthusiasm
• All of the given options

(Confirmed from handouts lesson 25)

Q#14: Some verb forms like _____ perdominate by the end of the sixteenth century.

• All of the given options

• Tellls,gives,says

(Confirmed from handouts topic 119)

Q#15: What is orthography?

• All of the given options

• Punctuation
• Emphasis
• Spelling

Q#16: Choose the author of the following statement from the given options.

“Speke none englisshe but that which is cleane, polite, perfectly and articulately pronounced,
omittinge no lettre or sillabl.”

• Sir Thomas Elyot

• John Dryden
• Geoffrey Chaucer
• Ben Jonson

(Confirmed from handouts topic 122)

Q#17: Which language did become famous for philosophy in the Renaissance period?

• English
• German
• French
• Greek

(Confirmed from handouts topic 109)

Q#18: The invention of _____ about the middle of the fifteenth century exercised a far reaching
influence on all the vernacular languages of Europe.

• Laser
• Computers
• Printing
• Internet

(Confirmed from handouts topic 104)

Q#19: In recent times, even when the vowel has been restored in standard speech, the weakened
form is generally apparent in _____ speech and in the dialects.

• All of the given options

• Semiformal
• Formal
• Informal

(Confirmed from handouts topic 103)

Q#20: Self-conciousness about language in Renaissance had two aspects: individual & ______.

• Private
• Public
• Commercial
• Institutional

(Confirmed from handouts topic 105)

Q#21: Which of the following periods had connection with the Great Vowel Shift?

• Chaucer’s age
• Modern age
• Renaissance age
• Victorian age

Q#22: In the 15th century, all the long vowels of English language gradually came to be pronounced
with a greater ______ of the tongue and closing of the mouth.

• Opening
• Closing
• Elevation
• Vibration

(Confirmed from handouts topic 102)

Q#23: Which of the following shires does Shakespeare belong to?

• Warwickshire
• Buckinghamshire
• Bedfordshire
• Berkshire

(Confirmed from handouts topic 121)

Q#24: Write the source language/s of the words, “alligator, apricot, corral, hammock, and maize.”

Choose the correct option.

• French
• Spanish & Portuguese
• Italian
• Latin
(Confirmed from handouts topic 115)

Q#25: When was the book “The New World of English Words” published?

• 1550
• 1700
• 1658
• 1600

(Confirmed from handouts topic 108) ____________

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